Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 46 The secret of the elves

Knowledge is power. This is very intuitive in a world where magic can be performed, especially when the person who acquires the knowledge has a strong learning ability. Chengying not only has a strong memory through physical transformation . He also inexplicably possesses insane and inhuman learning abilities.

After receiving magic books sent by many fans, he also learned many forbidden-level spells. Many of these spells are secret techniques passed down by the family and are almost impossible for outsiders to learn. However, some fans are easily fooled and want to see Cheng Ying at a loss when faced with a magic book that he has never read. , or maybe they are too enthusiastic about the players they support, and they come up with something that they shouldn't come up with when their brain gets hot.

Cheng Ying naturally accepted them all, and after learning the special spells passed down by his family, he gained his own understanding. In this world, a lot of knowledge cannot be taught. Heaven restricts the spread of technology and limits technological breakthroughs, but also limits magic to a certain extent.

Some magic can only be researched by oneself. Once it is researched, it can only be used by oneself and cannot be taught to others.

The biggest improvement to Cheng Ying's own strength is the magic that he inexplicably perceives. They often reach the power of the rules.

Just like flames, it seems that what is released is flames, but the damage caused is not high temperature damage at all. The damage caused to the enemy is not the damage caused by the deterioration of body tissue under high temperature, but an inexplicable burning effect, giving the enemy The opponent's body was immediately burned away.

Moreover, this kind of burning disappears, not turning into other substances. If you have a balance, you will find that in a closed space, the mass decreases, which can be said to be very strange.

This is relatively less outrageous among the many fire-type magics. Cheng Ying has realized that there are even more outrageous flames, the most powerful of which is an invisible fire that burns the soul. This kind of flame is completely invisible. There is almost no detection method that can detect his presence, and the person hit by him will not be harmed if he is in a calm state.

But once there are emotional fluctuations, the flames will attach to the bones, usually burning the other person's body and tormenting the other person's soul. This kind of suffering is extremely painful. Pain can also be regarded as emotional fluctuations, so that The more painful it is, the more intense the flame will burn. The more you hate the enemy who releases the flame, the more inextinguishable the flame will be.

At first, Cheng Ying didn't remember what the flame with this kind of characteristic was, until Bo Luo Ge reminded him: "How did you do it? You actually understood the use of Samadhi True Fire, and I haven't tortured it out yet." With this move, many saints want to understand this move. After all, this move is one of the few skills that even the saints are not immune to. No matter how powerful they are, their souls will be burned by this skill. Feel the pain.

Damn it, it would be great if it could be taught, but it's a pity that this ability can only be obtained through one's own perception. "

At this time, Cheng Ying also realized that this ability to burn the soul was actually Samadhi True Fire, different from what was shown in the TV series "Journey to the West". The true fire of Samadhi is not a flame that burns the body, otherwise the monkey would not be able to withstand the burning of this flame. It can be seen from myths and legends that this flame actually burns the soul, and the more emotional it is. The more intense and violent the flame, the more intense the burning effect.

"Have I actually realized this outrageous ability?" Although Cheng Ying was happy that he had become stronger,

But he also felt extremely worried, because even his clone couldn't learn this ability, even his thinking mode was exactly the same as his own. There is no way to learn it through teaching methods.

However, if the way of thinking is exactly the same, in theory, you can still let other selves learn this trick. That is to remember every detail of the process of developing this trick, and then guide other selves through insinuations. They themselves thought of some possibility, and in this way, they might realize this trick.

But this method can only be used on yourself, because only you have an absolute understanding of your own thinking mode, and can you control other people's thinking through guidance.

You can't even teach it directly to yourself. You can imagine how serious the blockade of technology by Heaven is. This is not scientific and technological knowledge, but magical knowledge. In order to limit the rise of mankind, Heaven can be said to be shameless.

In addition to the Samadhi True Fire, Cheng Ying has also acquired some other abilities that cannot be taught through his own learning and understanding, such as a blockable strong wind that seems to be only as powerful as an ordinary typhoon, but almost no one can stop it. Being blown away by him seems to be an attack specifically targeted at intelligent creatures, and has a very general effect on dead objects.

In addition, he also transformed a drop of his own blood. The blood can leave his body and be controlled by him remotely. If it can only be controlled remotely, then it is nothing. What is really powerful is that the drop of blood has spatial attributes and can move instantly at will. , can also easily cut people, this kind of cutting is on the spatial level, and almost no normal physical defense can resist the cutting.

He has gone in a completely different direction from others on the road to becoming stronger. After most strong people reach his level, they accumulate energy in their bodies, and then continue to fight, improving through flashes of inspiration during the battle. own strength.

Basically, after reaching the legendary level, there is no orthodox way to improve, either by continuously accumulating energy to the point where quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, or by constantly experiencing a death struggle in battle, facing a situation where it is either a breakthrough or death. , pushing yourself into a desperate situation to improve your strength.

As for someone like him who can improve himself by constantly understanding the power of the law, it is theoretically possible, but in fact no one can do it. Even a strong spiritual person cannot often have such a flash of enlightenment. Even if it happens once or twice in a lifetime, it is already good.

Among the powerful people who have achieved the holy status, there are even many who have never had such a realization at all. All the power of the law only comes after achieving the holy status. given to them by heaven and earth.

Cheng Ying doesn't know how strong he is now. Perhaps he has reached a level of strength that he himself cannot believe. At least ordinary spiritual powerhouses may find it difficult to be his opponent.

Not to mention the players who participated in the competition. They are still students at best and cannot be regarded as truly strong. Perhaps most of them have legendary level combat capabilities, and some are even considered strong at the legendary level. But in the final analysis, their own strength is only at the third level.

What's really strong about them is their future potential. There is a high probability that they will be able to break through to the demigod level in the future. Nine times out of ten, he will be able to break through to the legendary level. Such a person is already worthy of being attracted by all the major forces.

As for Cheng Ying, there is no doubt that he is also within the scope of wooing. His fame has gradually built up. At present, many forces within the Elf Empire have begun to woo him, hoping that he can join their forces.

Among them, the party with the strongest desire to win over is the Outer Plane Expeditionary Force, which is a regular military unit used by the Elf Empire to explore the outside world. They are responsible for expanding the territory of the Elf Empire in the outer plane. They will travel to various worlds to obtain those world's resources.

It can be regarded as the most enterprising force in the Elf Empire. From another perspective, it is also the most ambitious force, but their ambition can only be buried deep in their hearts.

Within the empire, their military strength is already the strongest, even stronger than the imperial royal family, but this is useless, because there is no saint among them, and there is more than one saint among the elves, even if There are three high-level saints, which is also an important reason why this race can be so powerful.

This is also the reason why this dynasty can rule so stably. No force can replace the royal family, because above their heads are holy thrones, even high-level holy thrones. Mortals are like ants in front of these powerful men.

Polo Song probably describes the gap between mortals and saints like this: "What I attach to you is just my projection, and this projection cannot be defeated by a thousand spiritual beings combined. And such a projection , Even if there are ten thousand, they can’t hurt a single finger of my body.”

This gap is simply despairing. Chengying can't even think of any way to bridge this gap. From the spiritual level to the holy level, there is no practical way to continuously improve, because the holy level The strength is given by heaven and earth, not cultivated at all.

If it were him, he would be able to rely on his heaven-defying learning ability and understanding to continuously understand the ability at the rule level, and understand those abilities that even those who do not have the holy title would envy, and continue to become stronger and stronger enough. Confront the holy throne head-on, but others obviously can't do it.

As for becoming a saint through faith, this is theoretically possible, and it is also the orthodox path to the holy throne. That is the luck of those who sacrifice themselves and believe in them. It seems that this kind of sacrifice will not cause any harm. No one can even feel the change at all, but secretly the talents and talents of these people have been sacrificed. Sacrificed.

If you are a talented scientist, you can probably more intuitively reflect the effect of losing your luck. Before being sacrificed, he may often be able to discover some important natural laws, but after being sacrificed, he may invent any , any discovery can no longer be made.

It is not unacceptable if human beings can possess their own holy status in this way, but this road is obviously unworkable, because even if the destiny of the race is sacrificed, heaven will never allow human beings to become holy. Otherwise, after mankind has suffered for so many years, countless people would have voluntarily sacrificed their luck.

Chengying could not find a complete solution to the human predicament for the time being, so he could only continue to practice. As time went by, the time for the next game came.

This time their game occupied the entire stadium. There were almost no empty seats in the 10,000 square kilometers stadium. Perhaps many people did not have a clear concept of 10,000 square kilometers. So if the stadium is a square, one Ten thousand square kilometers is equivalent to one hundred kilometers long and one hundred kilometers wide.

Even if a legendary level strong person fights, the impact area will basically not exceed this area. Maybe their charged ultimate move can destroy a larger area than this, but in theory, during the battle with a strong person of the same level, this kind of It is impossible to use the ultimate move of this level.

This time, the competition venue is a ruined city. It is a huge ruined city specially built. If the scale of the city were placed on the earth in the real world, it would probably be called the largest city in the world, but in the competition venue This is a ruin, a ruin built specifically for the competition.

It can also be seen that after the magic civilization develops to a certain height, the productivity is terrible, and a huge city of this size is actually built for a playful competition.

However, it cannot be said to be a waste. This ruined city will be used as a venue for competitions between all players before entering the finals.

After all, the city itself is a ruin, and it suffered a certain amount of damage during the battle, uu Reading; it is still a ruin, and can still be used as a battlefield for the next battle.

The opponent Cheng Ying faced this time was a dark elf with silver hair. The dark elf in the prehistoric world is different from the one in the fantasy world. It is not the elf with black skin, but a different body shape. Petite, even after becoming an adult, she is still an elf in the form of a lolita.

This aspect involves some ancient secrets of the elves. Even if outsiders know it, they dare not say it casually, but Cheng Ying knows what is going on. The elves in ancient times were not a powerful race. The only advantage they had was their beauty. The light elves were the type of Yujie, and the dark elves were the type of loli. Their strategy for becoming stronger was to constantly rely on them. To the strong.

Because the elf's body itself is not particularly advantageous. They can only become stronger by constantly learning magic and building a magic civilization. At the same time, it continues to improve through blood exchange with other species. The magical talent of one’s own race.

In this process of improvement, the women of the elves have also been manually screened by them in terms of appearance, becoming more and more refined. This exquisite appearance is actually a shame for the elves. But many current elves don't know these ancient secrets at all.



After the two sides informed each other of their names, another focus match officially began.

[To be continued]

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