This is not the first time Cheng Ying has faced a dark elf. The Moro he met before was a dark elf, and the one in front of him seems to be the same. According to intelligence, this is the strong man who is good at summoning abilities, especially the ice element. Ability.

Even powerful ice elemental creatures can be summoned from other worlds. Many of them come from the outer plane developed by the elves. Although most of the creatures in the outer plane are not as powerful as those in the prehistoric world, there are also a few. There are powerful creatures in the strange outer planes, which are even more powerful than those in the prehistoric plane.

The most important thing is that most of them have no masters. Compared with the powerful monsters in the prehistoric world, it is easier to sign a contract and summon them to fight for themselves.

Just as the game started, two ice elements were summoned by Xifu. The two ice elements were in a relatively typical form, similar to the shape of snowflakes. They did not have eyes, ears, mouth and nose, they were just two suspended snowflakes, but They can release the magic of ice elements, and a large number of ice cones fall down like rain, like machine gun fire.

Cheng Ying followed the same tactics as in the previous battle, summoning the same snowflake-like ice element, and easily used the same ice pick to offset the attack.

Moreover, the ice element he summoned seems to be even more powerful. In the process of controlling the ice element, his talent seems to be stronger than controlling other elements, just like he has used the ice element and fought countless times. , or there used to be someone around him who was extremely good at using ice elements.

Because of the strong ability to control the ice element, it puts huge pressure on the opponent at the beginning of the battle. The number of ice picks is not only more than that of the opponent, but also can be accurately guided. It can accurately crush the opponent's attack and then move towards the opponent. body attack.

A shield made of ice crystals stood in front of him. Although Xifu was no match for spells, his reaction speed was still very fast.

And he has already thought of a way to deal with the enemy, which is to constantly build defenses around him. Although the opponent's ability is by no means limited to imitation, as long as the opponent does not break the principle of imitation, he can also delay a lot of time by constantly building defenses. of.

If the opponent does not intend to break his personality, but just uses the same power as him to build defense. Then she can build her own defense first,

Then slowly hold in the big move inside.

This is actually a very shrewd strategy. After trying to summon creatures, the other party could also summon the same type of creatures, and then decisively gave up. Take the initiative to attack first. Instead, choose to build a defense and then use spells inside the defense that require a long preparation time.

It is true that if the opponent goes all out, this tactic will definitely fail. After all, the opponent has already copied thousands of abilities. If you are serious about fighting, you don't necessarily need to use the same moves as yourself.

But if the opponent does not use other skills in order to maintain his personality, in theory the battle can at least be made more beautiful.

"Smart choice. The defense you built is very strong, and there is almost no room for modification to offensive capabilities, but this is not a problem for me."

Around Cheng Ying, like his opponent, circles of ice appeared. Layers of ice enveloped him, enveloping him in a huge ice ball.

The expansion speed of his ice ball is obviously faster than that of his opponent. The most important thing is that the ice ball created by his opponent is a hemisphere, while the ice ball he creates is a complete sphere. As the ice ball continues to grow bigger, it still remains It's so smooth and right in the center of the puck.

It is not easy to do this. The ice must be frozen evenly under the feet without causing the land to be frozen in it. The larger the ice ball is, the stronger the ability to control the ice elements is required.

And the hockey puck enlarges very quickly. It seems that he is constantly adding defense to himself. But as the ice ball grows to a certain extent, it has more than just defensive capabilities. The initial ice ball was only a few dozen meters in diameter. This is already an exaggeration. If anyone is watching nearby, it's like looking up. It looks like a huge spherical building.

But as time goes by, the ice ball continues to grow, and gradually becomes like a skyscraper, several hundred meters high. At this point, his ice ball is already many times the size of his opponent. In this way, the battle It has also entered a stage with a completely different painting style. A huge ice ball hundreds of meters high is slowly rolling. For the ice ball itself, its rolling speed may be very slow.

But for the observers nearby, the rolling speed is simply too fast. One rotation of the ice ball is a distance of thousands of meters. The speed of its own rotation may be very slow. But for people on the surface, this speed is already hundreds of meters per second.

The defense Xifu built was only a few dozen meters thick. If the ice ball rolls over, it can be said that there is no resistance at all.

Only then did he realize how huge the gap between himself and his opponent was.

"It's impossible to withstand it. If the ice ball rolls over, it will be crushed." Xifu decisively gave up the ice fortress he had finally built.

Originally, he wanted to use powerful spells to fight against the opponent in this ice fortress. When she thought about it, if she used defensive spells, the opponent would also use defensive spells. At worst, both sides would stack up to defend the opponent, and the opponent would only have defense power at most. Stronger than him, in the final ultimate move he unleashed, with luck, they could both end up dying together.

I really didn't expect that the defensive spell would be magnified to a certain extent. There will also be a qualitative change in attack power.

As he quickly broke away from his ice fortress, the huge ice ball rolled over and crushed it. The ice fortress was directly crushed into slag. The high-rise buildings around the ruined city were like bowling in front of the ice ball. It was easily crushed by the rolling ice puck. The difference in size between the two sides was really too big.

Cheng Ying controls the ice ball and chases the opponent. This move is more effective for enemies who are stationary, but it is less interesting for enemies who are constantly running away.

Although the speed of the ice ball is very fast, compared to an individual who is constantly escaping, this level of speed is still not enough. The biggest problem is that the size of the ice ball is too large, making it difficult to turn flexibly. Such a large mass carries With the inertia coming, it is easy to judge the movement trajectory. As long as the straight-line speed exceeds the ice ball, it is easy to avoid his pursuit.

"My strategy doesn't seem to be completely useless. Although he has strengthened his defense to the point that I can't break it at all, and his attack has also been strengthened to the point where he can crush all my defenses, his huge size has turned into The opponent is a burden. In this case, as long as I am flexible enough, I should be able to try to counterattack, which seems to give me time to prepare powerful spells."

Xifu found that the situation was different from her plan, but it seemed that she had also achieved her planned goal. She could still have enough time to build her own powerful spell model. The only problem was in the process of building the spell model. , she had to run around to avoid being crushed by the huge ice ball, which made the preparation process for the spell she cast even longer and more difficult.

Cheng Ying was also quite surprised this time. He did not know how to use the spell prepared by his opponent, and had even heard of it. In this case, he did not imitate the spell, but carefully observed the opponent's spell casting process through his own mental power, and tried his best to Learn and record this spell.

He does not have the exaggerated ability of the Sharingan. It is impossible to completely copy the opponent's spells after just one look. However, after the battle is over, based on the flow of magic power in the opponent's body and the constructed spell structure, he can also work backwards. Counterattack the opponent's spells.

Xifu also discovered that his opponent did not copy the move he used, and he couldn't help but feel happy. He naturally had information about his opponent, and he also learned that the opponent could copy the skills of various powerful people, not because Does he have any special talent for copying? It's because he is well-read and can use most of his abilities.

Even if you don't know how to use it, you can still understand the meaning of the other party's spells and use abilities with similar effects.

The trick she is using now can be regarded as one of her secrets. It is indeed beyond the scope of what the opponent can use. The spell she uses is a skill that even she herself cannot understand. Since learning it, she has just I know how to use it, but I can't understand the principle at all. This type of spell is undoubtedly extremely powerful, and it basically involves law-level power.

If that's the case, Cheng Ying wouldn't be able to understand it at all. This move involves more than just laws. I'm afraid it also involves some more profound and mysterious powers. Even if Cheng Ying tries hard to analyze it, he can't understand it. Find out what exactly this skill is about.

As the battle progressed, he gradually had a strange premonition, not a premonition of danger, but a feeling of something he could not predict. It seemed that what happened next was extremely important to him, but he couldn't predict what would happen next.

As the opponent's spells continued to operate, his premonition became stronger and more instinctive. What happened next to his health was not a bad thing, but it didn't seem to be a good thing.

This feeling made him hesitate whether he should prevent his opponent from casting spells. This seemed to be a very important decision for him. He was now fully capable of preventing Sifu from casting spells, and could even win the game instantly.

But this weird feeling made him hesitate for a moment, and finally decided to let his opponent use this move. Although he was not sure what would happen when faced with this move, at least he now had a holy projection in his body. , most of the troubles can be settled. Judging from the records of the Elf Empire, the current time should be a period of peace in the prehistoric continent. The two emperors have achieved their own status and established laws that are common to the entire prehistoric continent. .

All saint-level beings are not allowed to take action or interfere in the war between various races. In this case, theoretically there will be no trouble that Cheng Ying cannot control.

Even if the spell is cast, theoretically there will be no irreversible consequences.

Cheng Ying thought so, but some things were not troubles that could be solved by being strong enough. He also did not expect that the summoning technique used by the opponent's player was more mysterious than he imagined.

As the opponent's spell was gradually completed, the extremely familiar ice air surged out from a space crack, apparently completing the summoning of an extremely powerful existence.

He had occasionally summoned the other party in the past, but he had never successfully summoned it. Usually he could only summon an attack from the other party, which was already extremely powerful.

She didn't expect that this time he would be able to summon that powerful being to this world. Originally, she had no hope of winning this game, but thinking that this time he could summon that powerful being completely, Maybe he can really defeat that powerful enemy.

Among the cracks in space, a woman wearing a sci-fi-style armor walked out. His body was covered with a layer of silver tights, and the tights were wrapped in metal armor. It looked like the armor was A set of powered armor, but there is a pair of wings on the back and floating cannons suspended on the shoulders. In addition to the function of flying, the wings seem to be used to gather energy. It is a very advanced design that even Cheng Ying cannot see now. Understand.

The face of the mysterious powerhouse was blocked by a layer of silver, one-way light-transmitting glass. The only easily distinguishable feature was probably the light green twin ponytails on the back of her head.

Cheng Ying could feel that his opponent was extremely powerful, and even if he tried his best, he might not be his opponent, but an inexplicable feeling prevented him from taking action immediately, and even the huge ice ball that had been condensed for protection was at this moment. It was broken. Although I couldn’t remember anything, I still had a strange feeling of familiarity lingering in my heart.

As the ice ball shattered, the two sides faced each other head-on for the first time. The powerful existence that walked out of the crack in space seemed to have fallen into a brief doubt, blooming with extremely powerful mental power, shrouding it like Cheng Ying.

"You... Cheng Ying? Is that you? Are you still alive?" The opaque visor suddenly opened, revealing a loli face with a little baby fat on her face, but she quickly covered her face Head: "Um...what's going on? Why is my memory disappearing? You...who are you! No, I don't care! You must be very important to me!" Powerful ice power burst out from the girl's body When she came out, although her power was declining rapidly, the power displayed at this time was almost beyond the point of mortals.

[To be continued]

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