In this world, Samadhi True Fire can be regarded as a magical power in a certain sense. The completely sourceless flame begins to burn in the opponent's heart. Then it started to burn from the spirit to the body. The burning of the flame brought intense pain, and the more painful it was, the more intense the mood swings were.

Regardless of whether they were greed, obsession, or anger, the flames would burn even more intensely. These three spiritual masters who arrived at short notice did not even realize what kind of attack they were suffering? He thought it was an ordinary mental attack and used normal means to resist.

As a result, I found that the more I resisted, the more intense the flames burned. I immediately didn’t dare to move. I realized that this tool was probably based on my emotions. The more intense my emotions fluctuated, the more intense the flames burned. ferocious.

But in a battle where both sides may kill each other, how can there be no emotional fluctuations? Only dead people could do this. Before the battle even started, the three of them were given extremely unfavorable buffs.

Well, all three of them are powerful and can be regarded as the strongest first-class experts among mortals. Otherwise, by this time, it would have been burned out by the fire that came from the heart.

"This guy is not simple. He is definitely not an ordinary student. Let's all come together and don't let him escape." One of the older elves immediately released a cage spell, a stream of invisible energy. He released it and woven it into a cage.

Even a strong man of the same level would not be able to break through in the face of such control ability in an instant. However, Cheng Ying completely ignored the cage that touched him, but continued to push the ice ball forward, in the absolute zero temperature. Destroyed, this defense could not stop him at all.

Sure enough, the cage was easily frozen and became extremely fragile, unable to prevent him from quickly leaving the capital of the Elf Empire.

The three spiritual masters will naturally not let him go. They are already the strongest beings in this world. Standing at the pinnacle of this world, how can they be afraid of the masters of the same level? As long as they are not sanctified, their theoretical strength is They are all on the same level as them.

Cheng Ying also felt that it was extremely troublesome. Samadhi True Fire was considered the most practical among all the gods he had learned. However, the three of them could withstand the tomb-burning attack of this move and continue to pursue him. If it came If there are more strong people, they may not be able to escape even if they have wings.

"How long will it take for the Ice Emperor to release all the power in his body? In this situation, although I have an indestructible weapon, I am also completely unable to hide my trajectory.

And if I control the space ball to fly, I won't be able to use some flying magical powers. I'm afraid I won't be able to outpace the pursuer. If I can't hide, I will eventually be caught. "Cheng Ying really can't understand why there is such a huge amount of energy in the Ice Emperor's body?

As the three leading masters caught up, there were already two more spiritual masters blocking the way, and they were even more ready to resist Cheng Ying's spells.

That is a space barrier. Other things may be frozen and become fragile, but space will not, at least until it reaches true absolute zero, space will not become fragile due to low temperature.

"Although we don't know exactly what kind of space ability you are using, and you can actually move the space directly, but in front of the space barrier, this ability of yours will definitely be restrained. Put down the woman in your hands, and look back now If it’s still too late, the Elf Empire will definitely give you satisfactory treatment.”

The strong man who spoke was very sincere in his words. She was an old woman with a very kind appearance. In fact, what she said was not false. The Elf Empire is a very open and open empire, and it also has extremely powerful powers for strong men of different races. tolerance ability.

If you have strong strength or talent and are willing to join the Elf Empire, the Elf Empire welcomes them.

"It's a pity. She is very important to me. If it were any other treasure, I could give it to you decisively, but she can't. I will not allow her to become your experimental subject." Cheng Ying did not When trying to deceive, he knows very well that there are some devices on the ancient continent that can test lies. Those things are artifacts left by the Holy Throne. He currently does not have the ability to lie in front of these things. There is no point in lying in front of them.

"Stubborn, do you think you can escape? At your point, after reading so many magic books, don't you still understand how powerful the Elf Empire is? You are going against the entire empire, it is impossible. Escape." The old woman was still trying to persuade her.

"Whether I can escape depends on my own ability. I know how strong the Elf Empire is, but you may not be able to really catch me." Although Cheng Ying said this, the space barrier in front of him also made him It felt quite tricky.

His mastery of space ability is already considered the best in the world. At least few mortals can surpass him. But what he has to do now is to carefully logic a space, while the other party just simply and roughly blocks the space. The difficulty of the matter is completely different. Even if his control ability is stronger, it will be difficult to break through the spatial barrier.

"I'm offended!" Cheng Ying once again released the Samadhi True Fire. The fuel of the flame was the enemy's emotions, which meant that this move consumed very little of himself. Can be used on enemies in a wide range.

The two new strong men were also hit immediately. This ability that can be controlled with thoughts cannot be avoided at all. As long as it is sensed, it will be hit.

The two of them felt a raging fire burning from deep within their hearts, the light burning their spirits and souls, and destroying their bodies.

Compared to the younger of the two strong men, the old woman suffered much less damage. Her mood swings were much smaller, and she did not have too much hatred and hostility. On the contrary, the Samadhi True Fire was unable to deal with her. It caused too much damage, but the space barrier was controlled by her.

"Trouble, you can only do it hard." Circles of spell models appeared around Cheng Ying, and extremely complex spell structures were built around him. Not all problems must be solved with magical powers. The power of rules that can only be understood but cannot be expressed is indeed powerful, but in the face of strong defense, sometimes simpler and more crude attacks are more effective.

Huge power gathers together and operates repeatedly in extremely complex formations. It becomes more and more powerful and terrifying as it is strengthened time and time again. Elements with the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth gather in the formation, creating and interfering with each other. fusion.

The old woman couldn't help but be stunned when she saw this scene. This is already the limit of a mortal! To cast such an exquisite spell requires extremely profound knowledge of magic.

This scene not only saw the old woman, but even the netizens of the entire Elf Empire. Yes, Cheng Ying started a live broadcast and broadcast it to the whole country while he was escaping. It can be said to be extremely arrogant, but there is no doubt that , his live broadcast attracted a lot of attention.

With such a big incident happening in the capital of the Elf Empire, almost the whole country's attention has focused on him. In theory, this kind of attention can allow him to extract the power of faith and use it. Under certain circumstances, it can be used as Use his trump card.

As for the fact that the live broadcast process will reveal his location, it doesn't matter. He is still in the capital of the Elf Empire. No matter where he flies, his location will definitely be locked.

Carrying an ice ball that continuously spreads ultra-low temperatures at the speed of light, no matter where you go, you can't hide it. If you can't hide it, then you won't hide it. By the way, let the whole world know where you are and what you are doing.

In fact, although his actions have received a lot of criticism, he has also received more fans than the critics. This kind of thing of being the enemy of the whole world for someone, in the eyes of many emotional elves It's so cool that it can even be described as romantic. Although what he did was against the interests of the empire, as a citizen of a country, he doesn't necessarily value the interests of his own country. More He values ​​his own emotions more, so much so that there are actually many people supporting Cheng Ying in the barrage.

And this support is actually a trump card. Although it is only spiritual support, according to the rules of the prehistoric world, this support is equivalent to contributing the power of one's faith. Although this faith is not firm, contribution The power that comes out is not much, but there is a huge amount accumulated, so that even with a small amount of power of faith, you can do a lot of things based on a huge fan base.

After all, faith is almost omnipotent, just like a limited wishing machine. If the amount of faith is infinite, almost all wishes can be realized.

The courage to fight against the whole world for someone, and the strength Cheng Ying has shown that far exceeds the level of contestants, have been recognized by too many people, and at this moment he showed the power of the peak level of a mage. It is the ultimate level of power for mortals, and it has made countless people in the live broadcast room give up their faith.

Attacks of one color gather together and turn into a five-color divine light. This also contains magical power, which adds a powerful crushing ability to the attack. It is not a particularly strong regular power, but for the old woman It is enough for people who are not skilled enough in using space barriers.

One of the rules of the wild world is that bricks fly with great force. As long as the force is strong enough, space can be broken. Under the bombardment of the torrent of five colors, the space barrier is shattered inch by inch.

The old woman also spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the young man next to him finally couldn't bear it any longer: "You are so ungrateful, die!" His angry emotions triggered the Samadhi True Fire in his body, and he was burning all over. Green smoke came out, but he still resisted the damage and took out a spear. Compared to his petite figure of the dark elf, this spear seemed too huge, but in his hand, it was like a tiger wielding. The tiger gives birth to the wind.

It seemed that she had used some kind of force-generating technique, even involving rules. She was in front of Cheng Ying in an instant. The huge power was so huge that even Cheng Ying couldn't resist it, and she was slammed to the ground. .

It is surrounded by a park in the Elf Empire, but the people here have been evacuated, and it has turned into a land of ice and snow under the strong cold.

Chengying fell and hit the lake. The huge impact exploded on the lake, as if it was bombed by a missile. The entire ice lake was shattered, and the park was even more severely impacted. Force moves to flat ground.

However, in the broken ice, Cheng Ying stood up unscathed. Although the clothes on his body were broken, his body hit by the spear did not suffer any damage. Otherwise, his body should have been penetrated instead of being smashed down. to cause so much damage.

"Are you using the power of the rules to exert great strength? But choose melee combat, are you serious?"

"What do you mean?" The dark elf girl felt something was wrong. Suddenly she felt a strong cold air behind her. She barely escaped, but half of her body was still numb from the cold. She also saw the ice ball wrapped in space moving very fast. surround. Cheng Ying rotated until the ice ball was still splitting, splitting into a small ball surrounding his body. uu Reading As long as he gets close, he will be hit by these small ice balls. What will happen if he is hit by these attacks? The previous one was broken. The spiritual powerhouse has made it very clear.

"Damn it, how is this possible? Why are you not affected by the ice?" The dark elf girl gritted her silver teeth. Before, she felt her body was frozen even when the cold air passed by her. As a result, the other party was in such a cold environment. It's so unscientific that he was unscathed and could even move at high speed.

"Is it also the power of rules?" The girl obviously guessed it, but this cannot be solved by guessing. Whether it is the rules of high-speed activities when the molecular motion is almost stationary, or the rules of isolating the spread of temperature, she has None, including the few strong men who caught up, also didn't.

Close combat is simply impossible. In close combat, as long as you are hit by these ice balls, you will end up being frozen into ice slag.

Cheng Ying did not dare to waste time. If he wanted to, he could kill all the five strong men in front of him who were entangled by the Samadhi True Fire. Although both sides were strong men of the same level, their combat power was very different. However, even if they could If you kill them, more strong men will come during this period. If you are surrounded, you will not be able to escape at all.

In the process of Cheng Ying leaving at high speed, the Ice Emperor who was in the space ball opened her eyes in confusion. A large number of memories have been sealed. Now all she remembers is the instinct of survival, and even she is No one remembers it anymore.

Looking at Cheng Ying with a solemn expression, curiosity appeared in his eyes.

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