Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 50: 1 versus 0

Cheng Ying has always paid attention to the people in the ice hockey team. After seeing the Ice Emperor regain his consciousness, he immediately tried to communicate with him.

"Can you contain the energy released in your body? As it is now, none of us can escape."

In the absolute zero-degree ice ball, the girl with green twin tails bit her fingers and blinked her eyes innocently, as if she didn't understand what Cheng Ying said at all.

In this almost absolute zero-degree ice ball, all the thermal motion of molecules has fallen into a state of near standstill. She is the only one who can move freely, which can be said to be quite outrageous. However, in response to what Cheng Ying said, the girl remained silent. No response was given at all.

"What's going on? Don't you understand what I'm saying at all?" Cheng Ying thought back to the time when he had just traveled through time, and only the memories of his previous life were left. In this way, if a normal person had traveled through time, All memories in the mind must be erased until only instincts remain. This means that Hyokui is now equivalent to a newborn baby and cannot understand language at all.

He had a headache. Although the other party had woken up, if he couldn't understand what he was saying, it would be difficult for him to restrain himself and release the huge ice power.

However, he still gave it a try, releasing his mental power and connecting with the Ice Emperor's mental power. Although the other party may not understand the language, he can try to convey his thoughts through his mental power. It can be conveyed, not the idea of ​​language. Many races often use this method to communicate when they do not understand the language.

Disease has no language, and living beings can theoretically communicate using mental power.

Ice Emperor only felt a strange thought appear in his mind. The other party made him feel extremely friendly, and his request was to stop him from releasing the power of extreme cold. Although it was not in words, this thought The girl felt it. She blinked in the ice ball, and then began to work hard to control the energy in her body.

She has lost almost all her memory, leaving only her own instincts, so her ability to control the energy in her body has weakened to a very low level. She can only slowly restrain the ice she releases. Cheng Ying can feel it. The surrounding low temperature has decreased.

She immediately realized that the persuasion she had used her mental power had actually worked, and the other party was so obedient that she chose to obey without even thinking about what exactly was connected to her.

Under the influence of the shadow force, the mental power continued to ask: "How long will it take for you to take back all the power of the ice element that you released?"

This question may be a bit complicated. The girl seemed to have gone through some thinking before giving the answer. She remembers the same as a newborn baby and has no intuitive concept of time. However, as an intelligent creature, she has no understanding of time. Time still has its own feelings and experiences, and she passed on this feeling of experience.

With the guidance of this feeling, Cheng Ying can probably judge that it will take about an hour for the Ice Emperor to recover all the energy he has released. During this time, he will always be chased, and At most, this time is enough for him to fly out of the capital of the Elf Empire. It is impossible to escape the pursuit.

"If I keep running away, I will be in greater danger. Since I can hide my body in two hours, it is better to find a suitable battlefield and start fighting directly."

If you keep escaping, you will only keep falling into passivity. The strong men who are chasing you can choose various methods to try to attack you. But if you find a suitable place to fight, you can arrange the battle by yourself. As for the venue, it is much less difficult to support it for an hour.

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the map of the capital of the Elf Empire in his mind.

Although his access to the Internet was soon cut off due to his live broadcast, he had already forcibly recorded the capital of the Elf Empire, including the map of the entire Elf Empire. At this time, he could make judgments based on the comparison of the scenery around him. where you are.

"I need a suitable battlefield, where there should be plenty of magic power for me to use." Cheng Ying searched on the map and quickly found a place that met his requirements. It was an ore refinery from a different world. Ore from all over the prehistoric continent was transported here, and a considerable part of it was magic material. They were refined and processed in this factory into finished products and sold in the market.

The resources here are quite rich, and there are various materials for casting spells. Fighting here, Cheng Ying can almost exert all his strength. He immediately flew towards here at high speed, and then controlled the ice ball in the sky, floating above his head.

The Hyokui in this state is almost always surrounded by absolute zero. No one can hurt her at all, so there is no need to worry about putting her on top of his head, and there is no need to distract and protect her. .

The number of pursuers at this time has reached fifteen people, all of whom are spiritually powerful, which is the highest state that mortals can achieve. However, these people are not feeling well now, because each of them has been possessed by Samadhi. The real fire was entangled. Although their current strength would not be directly burned by the flames, their strength was also greatly limited.

The flame is only as powerful as it is now. To a certain extent, it is also because of Cheng Ying's strength limit. If he had the legendary level of hard power instead of the current third level, if he uses this move, there may be many among the pursuers. Shao Hui would be directly burned to death by him.

It's a pity that the path of cultivation he chose does not have the possibility of breaking through and becoming stronger in battle. His strength is obtained by accumulating over time, constantly adjusting the meridians in his body, and carving spells one after another on the meridians. In order to break through to the legendary level, he must at least fill up all his fourth-level spell slots. Only then can he achieve a natural breakthrough. And he is far from reaching that level yet.

But now with the help of this ore refinery, he can make himself stronger in combat. Mastering many magics and prehistoric black technologies, his strongest skill is not in one-on-one combat, but in positional warfare. Especially when he has enough resources, he can become stronger as he fights.

I saw that after arriving at the ore refinery, Cheng Ying directly released the demigod-level robot he had captured before. A demigod-level robot would still be crushed when facing a spiritually powerful person. Even these A strong person in the spiritual position is weakened by the Samadhi True Fire, and at most he can be tied with his opponent. This kind of strength is far from enough for fighting.

Cheng Ying's purpose of releasing it was not to use it for fighting. After releasing it, he saw that his mental power penetrated into the inside of the robot and began to directly issue detailed instructions to the machine. The giant robot instantly split into Thousands of robots smaller than the size, and an endless stream of brand-new robots were created by them, occupied the ore refinery, and began to build magic positions.

In just a blink of an eye, there were tens of thousands of people working in the magic formation, quickly building magic formations on the ground, and using the equipment in the factory to manufacture machinery and equipment to build equipment such as mechas.

"Oh no, this guy wants to set up his own magic position. Let's stop him quickly." Among the spiritual powerhouses, the strongest one is a male elf wearing golden armor. He is one of the few male elves with a very tough temperament. Not only does he have a square face with Chinese characters, but he also has a scar on his face. If it weren't for his slender figure, and his face was dyed green, some people would believe him if he was an orc.

His strength is also the strongest among these strong men. He is also a spiritual powerhouse, but his strength is about three times the average strength of other people. Even under the weakness of Samadhi True Fire, he is stronger than ordinary spiritual beings. The one is more powerful.

I saw him raising the giant sword in his hand high above his head. The giant sword was pointing in the direction of the sun. There was a beam of light here, connecting the sun and the sword in his hand. Huge power was injected into the blade. The next blow was absolutely earth-shattering.

In the prehistoric world, the sun is not a simple star. It is that simple. You must know that this is a world with a round sky and a square place. The prehistoric continent is vast and boundless. In many cases, a mountain peak is as big as a planet, and the entire continent is even larger. It is much larger than the galactic center black hole in nature. It can illuminate such a huge world. One can imagine how powerful the sun in this world is.

That is not a planet, but a conceptual existence. The power borrowed from communicating with the sun is definitely extremely huge. This move is enough to instantly kill most of the spiritual powerhouses in the Elf Empire.

Cheng Ying also felt that his opponent was starting to get serious. He immediately used his hidden power and saw a large number of machines being released around him. Many of them could be seen at a glance as energy-providing machines. Another acquisition is the huge gun barrel.

Chengying connected his body to these machines, and then injected huge energy into the output end of the machines. The giant equipment covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters gathered energy and released a terrifying plasma cannon. This electric plasma cannon It turned out to be cyan, and it contained a trace of the power of the law. Cheng Ying didn't know what the power of this law was, but he only knew that it was extremely powerful.

Boluoge didn't tell him that this power was a trace of the Heavenly Punishment Qinglei's charm. It was extremely powerful. Even if there was only a trace of the charm, it had reached an incredible level. As for why he didn't tell him, it was because of jealousy. Even Polo Ge's own body doesn't have such a good thing. Just thinking about it will make you shut down, let alone tell Cheng Ying what the thunder he created is?

Cyan lightning was released and collided with the golden beam of light falling from the sky. A terrifying explosion bloomed. The weak spiritual powerhouses around him were even blown away by the damage caused by the explosion collision. They were also spiritual bodies and had huge combat power. The gap between the top experts and the newcomers who have just entered this level can even be hundreds of times.

In the horrific explosion, a layer of shield withstood the impact of the explosion and protected the ore refinery. The many machines around Chengying could not only release plasma cannon attacks, but also release powerful shields. Resist the aftermath of the explosion.

Kelvin looked solemn. He was the tough guy elf who had just borrowed the power of the sun to use a powerful attack. The powerful attack he had just used was almost the ultimate attack he could make. Even so, it did not harm the ore refining field protected by the opponent. , and even because of the inevitable mood swings in the process of performing skills, the damage he suffered from the Samadhi True Fire became more and more serious.

If it were a one-on-one fight, Kelvin probably wouldn't be able to hold on for more than a minute.

This kind of brilliant genius does not exist even in the Elf Empire. It is not that the Elf Empire has such a large population and a large number of strong men, but there is no way to give birth to such a strong man, but This era does not allow the birth of such a strong man.

The number of saints is limited. Although the elves do not have only one saint, at this time, the saints are not willing to have powerful people with amazing talents and reach the same height as themselves, so In the Elf Empire, such strong men often die young due to various accidents.

This is a secret that only the highest level among the elves mortals can know. If Cheng Ying shows his true strength and talent, he will be exposed to the human camp sooner or later in the elven empire. The Holy Throne of the Elf Empire arranged something to get rid of unexpectedly.

The holy throne of the Elf Empire does not want to have another existence that can be equal to itself.

The battle is still going on, and other spiritual masters are constantly using their strongest attacks to try to break the shield. It has to be said that various attacks have different focuses. Even if Chengying's shield is extremely powerful, it will not be able to break the shield in various ways. It was also crumbling under the baptism of attributes, but through the translucent shield, more and more strong men who were besieging it also felt that something was not good.

Inside the translucent shield, a large number of robots, mechanical spiders, and nanomachines are being produced rapidly. Magic arrays are also being quickly arranged in the original factory, and it is extremely difficult. Even now, they are still theorizing. A three-dimensional magic circle that only existed during research.

A large number of mechanical puppets have been produced. Although it is not known what kind of combat effectiveness these mechanical puppets have, the huge power released by the energy core in their bodies can be felt even through shields. These puppets are in the formation. With the blessing, I am afraid that it will be able to explode with combat power that is difficult for them to fight against. The guy in front of him actually plans to use his own power to fight against all the strong men in the capital of the Elf Empire.

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