Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 51: False Absolute Adaptation

A large number of equipment are operating in the translucent shield. The strong men besieging outside have realized that if these equipment continue to operate, it is likely to produce powerful war weapons that they will find difficult to fight against.

So they are going all out to launch an attack. Each of these strong men are once well-known geniuses, and they all have their own attack backing. If they are allowed to use their own abilities, they will not be able to hold on.

I saw one of the strong men gathering his energy in the palm of his hand, constantly accumulating and compressing it. This is the skill he is best at creating, compressing huge amounts of energy in the palm of his hand, and even directly collapsing space after releasing it.

In the ancient world, pure kinetic energy can reach extremely terrifying levels, because among the avenues of this world is the avenue of power. That is, if the power is strong enough, you can do anything.

This kind of thing is obviously unscientific in the normal universe, but because someone in this universe has become the strongest existence in this world with great power, even if this person has not been born yet, he will only exist in the future. This has already added such a law to this world.

When the force reaches a certain level, it can break the space. You can even reverse time, attack everything that exists and does not exist, and smash everything that exists and does not exist. Therefore, many strong people in this world will choose the path of overwhelming strength when they find that they have no way to go.

Many strong men at the scene have the ability to charge up attacks like this, constantly accumulating their own strength, then compressing it together and releasing it all at once, unleashing great power.

It is precisely because Cheng Ying knows this that he understands that passive defense will not have any chance. The opponent has enough time to prepare a powerful attack outside, whether it is to continue to compress the power or to use a complete set of martial arts to Raising each of your attributes to the extreme, concentrating your energy and energy to launch the strongest attack, or setting up a powerful magic circle and using powerful magic attacks cannot be resisted by simple defense.

His shield is already shaky now and may break at any time. However, the position he had set up within the shield was basically completed.

The most basic layout of the magic array is based on the formation within the management empire that occupies the entire territory, that is, the thirty-three-day Miluo Heavenly Network array that occupies the entire territory of the Elf Empire. This formation is the future heaven. The formation he mastered was one of the top ten formations in the world. Theoretically, the Elf Empire was not qualified to possess such a formation, let alone deploy it.

However, such a formation does exist, and has protected the Elf Empire for many years. I'm afraid most of the top elf clan members don't know what this secret is. After all, things like the top ten formations are so precious that even the high-level holy positions have to be fought over. The strongest existence in the elf clan is also It's just a high-level saint.

They are absolutely not qualified to master such a powerful formation. It has to be said that the gap between various races in the prehistoric world is really too big. The elves are so powerful and control such a huge empire, but in the wild world, they are nothing compared to the truly top races. Even if the strongest ones take action, the elves will be like ants.

From this we can also see how difficult it is for humans to rise in such a prehistoric world. To be able to reach the level of the elves, they no longer know how much effort and sacrifice it takes. As for truly catching up, It is almost impossible for the strongest ones among all races to do so.

Cheng Ying relied on the detailed map of the Elf Empire and reverse deduction to find out part of the layout of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Miluo Heavenly Network Formation. He could lay out an extremely weakened version of the formation. After all, he was only looking at the finished formation. The layout was done by looking at the map instead of visiting the scene in person, so the content of the formation that could be learned was still too little.

This kind of arrangement can only be said to be extremely superficial, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is only in appearance. However, even if this powerful formation is only in appearance, it can still display extremely terrifying power.

In the formation. Cheng Ying is like a creator, he can control all physical quantities, and he can also control law-level power. As the shield was shattered, the power of the formation was finally revealed. After the shield was shattered, various powerful attacks continued to hit the direction of the ore refinery.

However, these attacks seemed to have entered a viscous liquid, and their flying speed began to slow down rapidly, and finally condensed in the air.

Cheng Ying was suspended in the middle of the front and back, his whole body emitting golden light. Then as his powerful power was released, politics and law began to be driven by him, and the attacks that were frozen in mid-air began to fly back in the opposite direction. Whoever releases it will fly back toward whomever it releases.

As long as Chengying can parse the spells in this formation, he can rely on huge energy to decipher them, and then feed them back into spells under his control.

The scope of politics and law is constantly expanding, and it has already covered all the powerful people who besieged him.

At the same time, the machinery produced from a large amount of precious ores in the factory also started its own battle.

They are mechas ranging from three meters to ten meters, and all of them have extremely powerful combat effectiveness. Not only that, with the blessing of the formation, they can also devour and absorb the power of other strong men.

On the battlefield, an elf who was good at using bows and arrows was seen. He fired a magic-breaking arrow and hit a white mechanical puppet, knocking off half of the puppet's body.

However, his power remained in the body in his mouth. A large number of spider robots crawled out, and nanomachines helped to repair the robot's body. The broken body was repaired in the blink of an eye.

Then a light green light was released from the robot's body. It was the power contained in the magic-breaking attack just now. At this time, he was actually absorbed and mastered by him, and the strength he showed was much stronger than when he was just born. At the beginning, he was at most close to the legendary level. Even the most ordinary legendary strongman can crush him.

But after absorbing a kind of power, its strength began to expand rapidly. The spiritual strongman who had just released the attack couldn't help but frowned. When he launched the attack again, he found that his same type of attack could no longer cause too much deterrence to the opponent, and the third attack could hardly cause any damage.

Not only that, the opponent's attack also contained the attribute of breaking magic. After being hit by a long-range bullet, a hole was broken on the archer's exquisite armor, and blood splattered. Although it was not a big injury for the strong men of this level, they could be injured by these mechanical puppets, which meant that they had to destroy these mechanical puppets in order to fight Chengying safely.

Others also discovered the specialness of these mechanical puppets. As long as the attack could not destroy them instantly, they could make them stronger. The only thing to be thankful for was that after these machines adapted to a certain attack, they would not share it with other machines at the first time. These machines that adapted to different attacks must contact each other and exchange important core data before this adaptability can be synchronized.

But this was already terrible. Several strong men did not know what the ability of this machine was at the beginning. They used tentative attacks to strengthen the mechanical puppets, which were not strong to the point of being difficult to destroy. They quickly shared their core data, causing the mechanical army that could have been easily destroyed to become quite difficult to fight against in the rapid evolution.

Chengying was suspended in the air, seemingly not participating in the war at all, but in fact, all his energy had been invested in this battle. How could an ordinary mechanical creation have the powerful ability of infinite adaptation? This adaptability was actually obtained by Chengying's meticulous control of each machine. Through his meticulous control of these machines, he controlled them to absorb various energies, analyzed the properties of these energies, changed the internal core code, and produced nanomachines to resist this energy and absorb this energy. Special structure.

This is very consuming for a person's mind, and only Chengying, who has experienced countless spiritual speed baptisms, can have such a strong spirit.

At present, under the attack of many strong men, his mechanical army has been strengthened to the extent that it is enough to fight against more and more strong men. The most important thing is that this characteristic similar to infinite adaptation he showed made the strong men of the elves dare not use stronger attacks.

In fact, there are simpler means to deal with this situation. Chengying can theoretically make these mechanical units stronger from the beginning. He did not choose to do so, naturally for tactical factors.

If these machines were made very strong at the beginning, or even stronger than they are now, then these machines would have no room to become stronger during the attack. After all, this ability to constantly adapt to attacks is not a characteristic or a rule. It relies on Chengying's strong thinking ability and ability to adapt to changes. His current body is limited, and the ability he can exert is also limited.

In this way, after testing the limit of the attack, the besieged strongmen will attack with all their strength to break the defense of these robots. Completely end this battle, and Chengying's real strategic goal is not to defeat these people.

Hundreds of strong men of the same level, no matter how strong and talented he is, it is impossible to defeat them. If he can really win, it is estimated that he will almost become a strong man at the level of a saint.

In order to achieve his goal of delaying time, he did not immediately upgrade the machines he made to the strongest level, but pretended that these machines have the ability to constantly adapt to other people's attacks. The same attack will lose its effect if used on the machine many times, and this immunity can be shared, so that the besieged strongmen will fall into hesitation again.

This kind of attack that cannot destroy the enemy will make the enemy stronger, so each person can only use each type of attack once, and it is best to kill the target instantly, otherwise the opponent is likely to become stronger and stronger, becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

This makes many range abilities unusable. The best way to deal with the sea of ​​​​miscellaneous soldiers is to use range skills, but now everyone is worried about range attacks. If all enemies cannot be killed at once, the remaining enemies will become stronger and stronger, and the newly produced robots will have the same resistance. In this case, isn't it giving the enemy a boost?

However, they don't know that this is actually their own misunderstanding, and they have no absolute ability to adapt. This is just like Chengying defined his personality as a copying mage in the previous game. Therefore, all enemies will subconsciously consider and formulate battle strategies based on his ability to copy.

Now he uses the redundant part of his ability to disguise the mechanical army he created as having absolute adaptability. This makes the opponent must take this ability into consideration during the battle, and cannot let the enemy be vulnerable to his attacks. Instead, it was infinitely strengthened, limiting the use of a large number of abilities.

Cheng Ying didn't know how long this move could deceive the enemy, but now it seemed that the effect was quite good. The opponent who was deceived by this move still didn't realize that he was actually just using certain skills to show powerful adaptation. force. uuread a book

Because they were afraid that they would adapt to all their attack abilities, many strong men actually stopped attacking, and even began to prevent other new strong men from launching attacks, and discussed to prepare everyone to launch a one-time powerful attack.

However, it is naturally impossible for the mechanical army to let them get what they want. At this time, the shield has been lost, how can Chengying allow them to carry out a charged attack? The mechanical army will also take the initiative to attack. Even if it only uses the part of the ability it absorbed before, it is enough to cause considerable trouble to these dozens of spiritual powerhouses.

In a desperate situation, they did not dare to use powerful attacks to fight against these robots. For a time, dozens of strong men of the same level were beaten by one person and fell into a disadvantage.

As time goes by, the cold air released by the ice ball in the sky is also weakening.

The strong men who came to besiege him at first did not realize this, but the surrounding temperature began to gradually return, and after all, it was impossible to hide it.

"No! If the cold air released by the summoned object completely disappears, we may not be able to lock on this guy. He is stalling for time. We must not let the summoned object restrain all its aura. Quick! We have already There is no time to hesitate, whoever has super powerful attacks, use them all now! Otherwise, I am afraid there will be no chance to use them." The strong man who discovered this immediately called out.

[To be continued]

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