After noticing that the summoned object had begun to condense its energy and possibly hide itself, all the strong men could no longer sit still. It was impossible for them to let a being who caused a big mess in the capital of the empire leave so easily. What was more important was the huge power released by the Ice Emperor, which might be the ability of the holy throne of the relationship.

After all, it has exceeded the limit of mortals. Even if it is not a saint, such a huge energy is probably at the level of a saint, this kind of existence. As long as she can stay alive, there is no doubt that a lot of good things can be learned from her.

This is fatally attractive to the Elf Empire, especially in a world where strength means everything and the strong can decide the life and death of the weak. In the fanatical pursuit of power, the Ice Emperor became even more important to them.

Chengying, you know this. Seeing that the strong men in the air are about to gather their strongest attack, he is also ready to escape after withstanding this attack.

He had stalled long enough for now. The mechanical soldiers he created have basically been strengthened to the strongest level by him. If these strong men continue to slowly test, they will soon find that the soldiers who could adapt to almost all attacks seem to have lost their strength at this time. The ability to absolutely adapt is average, and the speed of adapting to various attacks begins to slow down significantly.

This is precisely because Chengying's own ability has reached its limit. However, in this process of constant testing, many powerful people also waste a lot of time. They do not dare to use their strongest attack as soon as they come up, nor do they dare to continue using the same type of attack after using one attack. In this way, Chengying can secretly weaken the defense against certain attacks during the battle, thus freeing up more space to load the characteristics of resisting other types of attacks.

After confirming that their opponents have infinite adaptability, strong people will naturally not waste their energy and try repeatedly using the same type of attacks. Beings who can become so strong are rarely so stubborn. of.

This caused these mechanical soldiers to show that they were much stronger than their own abilities. It had been delayed for a long time. The temperature on the Ice Emperor's body was no longer as untouchable as it was at the beginning. Others came within a few meters of her. The inside will still be frozen instantly, but Chengying can already rely on his ability to control the cold and some magical powers to directly contact the Ice Emperor.

This also means that he can use other methods other than space distortion to accelerate. Although the technology of space movement can theoretically exceed the speed of light, before the strength is strong enough, the speed of space movement cannot be normal flight. The speed is faster. After all, it requires strong control over space, wastes a lot of computing power for calculations, and also requires huge energy.

These cannot be provided without strong enough strength. Although the theoretical upper limit is high, it cannot be used to that extent. It is better to fly in a conventional way. What Chengying is preparing for himself now is a plane that can be used to escape. With the aircraft, he can now contact the Ice Empress. In this way, he can physically take her away, and even impose a seal on her body surface to reduce the impact of the cold breath released on other beings.

In this case, a powerful enough aircraft can help Cheng Ying escape as quickly as possible.

The flying speed of an aircraft must exceed the flying speed of most powerful people, and the technology for manufacturing aircraft is rarely found in the entire Elf Empire that exceeds Chengying.

After all, he had learned a lot of ancient scientific and technological knowledge in the ruins of the Earth Spirit Tribe before, and he also had a lot of mathematical knowledge that had not been erased by the prehistoric world. The technology he could use was much better than the Elf Empire's simple use of magic aircraft. There are more manufacturers, and the aircraft produced by combining various fields of technology have performance far beyond ordinary types.

One of the most important reasons why Chengying chose this factory is that he can create a relatively stable space for himself here.

Come and build yourself a high-speed aircraft.

To be precise, he transformed a high-speed aircraft. His space equipment contained the finished aircraft that he had built before. After all, he was in the Elf Empire and was in danger of exposing his identity at any time. Chengying was ready to run away at any time. Prepare.

In this case, an aircraft suitable for running away is indispensable. During the course of the game, this aircraft has been continuously built and upgraded. It is just because it was obtained from fans in the capital of the Elf Empire. A lot of knowledge, this aircraft has never been upgraded to the limit of its capabilities, and the aircraft was originally designed based on the template of a single-person aircraft.

Now there are two people to ride. Even if one of them is petite, he still needs to make certain modifications. After all, the acceleration during flight is very large. The Ice King will gradually lose his powerful extraordinary power and eventually become as weak as a mortal. , if there are no corresponding protective measures, it may be crushed in mid-air if it withstands such a large acceleration.

The aircraft are all built underground and protected by a very tight shielding formation. The besieging experts will not immediately realize its true purpose.

In the underground factory, a large number of nanomachines and spider robots are being completed. The final assembly of the fighter jet is not so much a plane as it is a rocket. The overall fighter plane is very long and narrow, extremely slender, like a stick. generally.

The head is extremely sharp, and the tail has numerous propellers. As for the wings, they are very narrow and look like they are dispensable.

The design image is a bit like the rocket used in the former Soviet Union's moon landing program. Because the fuel thrust-to-weight ratio of the rocket is insufficient, the entire rocket uses densely packed propellers, which leads to insufficient reliability of the rocket itself and many problems. Accidents often occur during the process.

The aircraft in front of me looks similar, but its reliability is definitely not a problem, because before the transformation, Chengying designed sixteen propellers for the tail of the aircraft.

People's scalps would tingle as they pushed forward densely to see. Almost 90% of the entire aircraft was made up of thrusters. As for the fuel used by the thrusters, it was all stored in space equipment. In other words, the fuel itself does not occupy mass.

The acceleration this thing can achieve in an instant is extremely insane. Theoretically, if the Saint didn't use space-type abilities, he might not even be able to catch up with this guy.

As for the propeller, the most important aspect of this aircraft is to evacuate the flying area.

The idea of ​​Chengying's design is actually the idea of ​​designing an aerospace vehicle, that is, the design idea of ​​an aircraft in space. If it flies inside the atmosphere, the air resistance will increase geometrically as the speed increases, and the speed will increase to a certain level. After a certain degree, air resistance will become the largest source of limiting speed.

In this case, if you want to get faster speed, all you have to do is to vacuum up the air blocking the road. The core formation on the head of the aircraft has this effect. It can force the air in front towards it. He squeezed around to create an almost vacuum passage.

In addition, the aircraft itself has also undergone certain treatments, and the surface has been coated to greatly reduce the friction between it and the air. In this case, the effect of air resistance has been reduced. 90%, allowing him to maintain a very high cruising speed with low consumption.

Just talking about how to transform him into a two-person ride seems a bit hasty. Chengying just made a set of protective clothing for Ice Queen to wear. During the flight, he held her in the cockpit. Flying. After all, the structure of the aircraft was finally arrived at after very complex calculations. It is the theoretical optimal solution. If the cockpit is modified, the entire aircraft will have to be modified, and the amount of engineering will be too large. No The little time he delayed can be done.

To be on the safe side, Chengying's redesign of the cockpit seemed a bit makeshift. In theory, there is no problem in flying while holding the cockpit. The inertial damping array inside the cockpit can directly take effect on all objects in the cabin, so neither of them can It will be crushed due to excessive acceleration.

At the same time, eighty-three spiritual powerhouses have gathered in the sky. This is all the spiritual powerhouses that can be reached in the capital of the Elf Empire.

This power is powerful enough to destroy many kingdoms. Even in the entire prehistoric continent, it is already a terrifying force just thinking about annoying people.

They were already tired of being entangled with soldiers who were constantly adapting to them. Seeing that the temperature around them was still rising, and the mysterious summoned object was about to seal their ice power, they finally couldn't bear it anymore. Everyone gathered their huge power into an elf who wielded a hammer.

There are really not many people among the elves who choose such heavy weapons, but at present, the only thing that these mechanical soldiers on the ground have not fully adapted to is the extremely powerful physical strikes.

Especially under the rules of the prehistoric world, if this kind of pure kinetic energy strikes are superimposed to a certain extent, almost all effects can be achieved. In this way, even if the opponent can adapt, in theory, it can be absolutely absolute with stronger power. break in.

The face of the elf using the hammer was flushed. Too much energy had been poured into his body, and a large number of amplification spells had fallen on him. In addition to increasing his various attributes, it was also enhancing his physical fitness. Let him be able to withstand the explosion of this huge force.

They saw him flying in mid-air, with the hammer in his hand enlarged to a hundred meters long, spinning around him in circles. At first, everyone could barely see the shape of the hammer, but as it rotated faster and faster, Quickly, even with their powerful dynamic vision as strong men, they could no longer see the appearance of the hammer clearly, and could only see a blurry shadow.

The rotation speed is getting faster and faster, until the strong man using the hammer can no longer bear the strength of his arms, and finally completes the charge. At this time, no one can see the appearance of the hammer clearly, and can only see it in mid-air. A fiery red halo.

It was the high temperature generated during the high-speed friction between the hammer and the air that released the light.

The hammer itself is made of extremely strong materials. In theory, even a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees is not enough to make it red hot. You can imagine what kind of terrifying speed the high-speed rotation in front of you has reached?

At the moment when the energy accumulation reached its peak, the hammer suddenly enlarged again. The diameter of the hammer head expanded to the kilometer level, falling from the sky and almost covering the entire ore refinery.

The speed of that instant was impossible to capture, and no one even noticed when he launched the attack. In an instant, all the machines on the ground were wiped out and disappeared by this terrifying attack.

A bottomless pit appeared on the ground. The pit almost led straight into the abyss. Many strong men could not even find the elf who used the hammer just now. uu read a book; he had already fallen into the unknown with the hammer and the ground. How many meters deep is the pit?

The entire ore refinery has been completely leveled, and there is no longer any resistance. Only the Ice Emperor is still safely suspended in mid-air.

This is the target they want to catch this time, and naturally they will not harm them. Just when they thought they had successfully eliminated the enemy, a dark crack suddenly opened in the space, and an aircraft like a dart suddenly opened. It flew out from inside. The aircraft was not particularly large in size. It was only over fifty meters long. It looked like a rocket that had been laid sideways.

Cheng Ying wiped a cold sweat while driving the aircraft. Although he had already anticipated the type of attack used by his opponent in the final blow, he still underestimated the prehistoric world's recognition of power building. In this world, absolute kinetic energy can achieve almost anything. After all, even if he hid the finished aircraft in the space gap, it was almost beaten out of the space gap by the powerful attack just now.

It's good that the enemy doesn't know that he is hiding in the space crack. Otherwise, if this blow is aimed at him, he will definitely be able to shatter the space.

The moment the strong men of the elves saw the flying machine, they realized that something was wrong. The other party must be running away, but they had just lent their power. At this time, in the process of going back, the surprise in their bodies caused them to The Samadhi True Fire was in chaos, and for a while he could only send out sparse and powerful attacks.

The shield released by Cheng Ying successfully resisted these attacks, and at the same time he fished Ice Emperor into the cockpit. The protective suit was automatically put on her body as if it were alive. Then the cockpit closed and acceleration began!

[To be continued]

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