Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 56: Outer Plane

Jason was completely frightened. The two alien monsters he created at random turned out to be beyond his own masterpiece after being transformed by the other party. The scene in front of him could not even be described as transcendent. It was simply crushing.

If the fight continues, let alone the chance of victory, there may not even be a chance to escape. He didn't understand why such a powerful being would target him, a Sky Snake tribesman who had just become a demigod and was not a big deal in his own clan.

"Could it be that they did it because of that key... Damn it! Could it be that they are tribesmen sent by the empire to hunt me down." Jason couldn't help but start to think about whether he had left any clues when he escaped from the empire.

But when he gave up and resisted, the space around him became invisible and fluctuated. Two figures, one old and one small, appeared next to him. Cheng Ying now used the appearance of an old man, and his appearance was that of an orc. , in order to match his disguise, the Ice Emperor also has a pair of small elk antlers on his forehead.

"I just seemed to hear you mention the key. It seems that in addition to the genetic data of the Tian Serpent clan, I came to get one more thing this time." Cheng Ying suddenly appeared next to him. Not expected. Previous opponents have demonstrated a variety of abilities, especially in biotechnology. Already far beyond him.

He thought that the other party's ability should be good at transforming creatures through magic. This can also explain that the other party came to him to ask for the genetic data of the Serpent clan, probably to further enhance his biological abilities.

Who could have imagined that the other party's mastery of space abilities was far beyond my imagination, and that teleportation was almost used at will. Who knows how long he had been by his side just now, but he just hid in the cracks of space and did not show up.

"You are right. Although I am fighting with you on the surface, I have been in the space gap next to you for a long time, just to see if you will talk to yourself when you are alone in the laboratory. language.

According to my research, people who live alone for a long time often develop the habit of talking to themselves, which can alleviate the loneliness caused by living alone for a long time to a certain extent.

It seems that you are a sample that matches my statistics. Now tell me, what is your so-called key? Actually, you don’t say it. I should be able to find it. There aren't too many special things in your castle. As long as you can identify the most special one among them, it will be enough to make you hunted by the Sky Serpents. You can be sure that he is the key, right? "Cheng Ying's words made the other party's hair stand on end.

"Don't think you can find him so easily. No one can find him without me." Jason pretended to be calm. He had realized that his opponent was definitely not as simple as a demigod, which meant that his opponent could at least stabilize him to a large level. In the eyes of normal extraordinary people, there is basically no possibility of resistance if there is a huge gap.

"Really not? Then I'll give it a try. Let me think about what is the most special thing about you? The muscles on the monster you created before are very special. I have never seen that kind of metal-like The same muscles have not been recorded in the ancient books of the Elf Empire. Do you think it is possible that they come from the tissue of a creature outside the ancient continent?"

As Cheng Ying spoke, he quietly let out his mental power. Sometimes people can't control what they think, especially when they don't want to think about something. They obviously want to think about him or not. But the more he thought about it, the clearer it became in his mind.

Cheng Ying also took advantage of this,

Use language to constantly induce the other party to think about what the so-called key is. If the direction of the induction is correct, then the other party will think about how the other party guessed that the key is so-and-so. If the direction of the induction is wrong, then Jason would probably also involuntarily think in his mind that this idiot's guess was completely wrong, if it was actually someone.

And with a certain amount of mental reading ability, you can easily find out what the so-called key is?

For ordinary people, Chengying can easily read all their memories, even add and modify them at will, and even change their feelings towards themselves. But for demigod-level experts, it is impossible to achieve such easy mental modification. Although few of them can really light up the light of the soul, they still rely on tricky methods such as divine fire. With a little power of spiritual light, it is quite difficult to read their memories.

But if you just read the surface level of thinking and what they are thinking, then the difficulty is greatly reduced.

With basically being enveloped by you, Lan Nuo also read the thoughts in the other person's mind, which were horrifying thoughts, which showed that Lan Nuo's speculation just now was correct.

"With the technical and financial conditions you have here, it is simply impossible to open the way to another world. In this case, how did you get the genes of the creatures in the other world? With your technology, you want to Achieving this level cannot be achieved with just one or two drops of blood.

You need at least several creatures from other worlds, or even living beings, to provide you with dissection to achieve this level. So, the thing you hold in your hand that is enough to alarm the Sky Snake Clan should be a key to the outer plane. "

Seeing the shocked expression on Jason's face and reading the thoughts in his surface thinking, Cheng Ying was sure that he had guessed correctly.

"Looking at your expression, my guess is correct. It's no wonder that the key to the outer plane is relatively precious, but if it is said to be particularly precious, it's not that bad. Otherwise, you would have been killed long ago. The Snake Clan has captured him, so he won't be able to live freely here for the rest of his life.

But looking at you hiding it like this and not saying anything to let me know, he is a creature in that other world or something else that has much more value than the key itself, right? I must have guessed correctly. Otherwise, why didn't you choose to spend money to eliminate the disaster?

The normal outer plane is basically useless for a single strong person. To develop the outer plane requires a huge team and quite a lot of people. But here you only have biochemical weapons and bugs. You have to rely on yourself. Don't even think about developing an entire outer plane.

In this case, I guess there are actually indigenous creatures in that outer plane, and they are probably intelligent creatures. However, your empire did not carefully detect them during the previous inspection.

And this kind of creature should be a relatively valuable existence. It seems that I guessed it right again. Judging from your performance, there should be more than one high-value creature in that world. "

Cheng Ying easily obtained a large amount of information by reading the other party's expressed thoughts, and then continued to learn more about it and asked more detailed questions: "Tell me where you hid the key?"

This time you can ask directly. When a person knows the answer to something, after being asked, it is difficult not to think about the answer. Unless the answer is complicated and cannot be thought of in a short time, otherwise, the mind will Zhongdu subconsciously came up with the answer.

It was the same way just now. As soon as Cheng Ying mentioned the key, he read the information about the location from the other party's mind.

"It turns out you hid the key hundreds of miles away. No wonder you said I couldn't find it. If I really just dug around here, I really wouldn't be able to find the key.

Let me see the specific location. It shouldn't be too far away from you. With your current strength, it will be difficult to move long distances or fly at high speed. If the distance is too far, it will be inconvenient for you to go there.

This question does not have to be asked to you, it is enough to ask this land. Lan Nuo squatted down and pressed the ground with one hand. What he used was not a special ability, but a skill that had already been recorded in magic. It was just that because it was too complicated, almost no one could use it.

This trick is to search for the general historical direction of a certain area by reading the geological information in the lower layers. Because the search range is too vague, few people can get detailed and meaningful details, so it is It is called the magic of failure. Since its creation in Zhengzhou, almost no one has successfully used it. However, Chengying's control over his abilities has reached an extremely detailed level, and he can barely peek into the past with this trick.

In fact, his observation was able to observe that in the dead of night, the guy around him always secretly leaves alone and flies towards the distance at high speed.

The image recovery in this area is very blurry. The eyebrows are a flaw in the technology itself. He is a passive actor and is affected by the creatures on the surface. Therefore, for some characters who do not walk on two legs or use flying as their main mode of action, the effect will be much worse. A slight deviation, magnified by endless history, will make the past extremely blurry.

Fortunately, with relative directions, observation and calculation become easier. After locking the target, as long as you continue to track the person's figure, you can find out his trajectory more clearly. Although he is flying forward, it will still have a certain impact on the ground to a greater or lesser extent. Especially when landing. You should be able to find an obvious point of influence.

Just like what Cheng Ying encountered, he found the location where the opponent landed a hundred miles away. And spread his spiritual power over. With his mental power, he can directly observe the location where the other party hides his secrets from here.

"How is this possible with your mental power? Is this a power that mortal things can have?" Jason felt the terrifying mental power and couldn't help but tremble. He was born into a rich family and has a deep understanding of the strong. of understanding. He has seen strong people in the spiritual position before, but he has never seen self-improvement and spiritual power. This made him even think that the other party had transcended the limitations of mortal things.

Cheng Ying ignored the other party's surprise and continued his spiritual exploration. After discovering the target's location, it couldn't be easier to find him. The key as a space node cannot be chosen more conspicuously. And there can also be extracted samples of various creatures from outside the prehistoric world.

"It seems that we have determined what your secret is, so there is no point in keeping you." Under Jason's horrified gaze, Cheng Ying said extremely cruel words.

Then... he knocked him unconscious and threw him into the space equipment he carried with him that could store living things. In the presence of the Ice Emperor, he will still create as little content as possible that is inappropriate for children. As for the previous part, it is something that must be learned to survive in the ancient continent.

The two quickly arrived at the secret stronghold a hundred miles away. The space node was placed underground in the secret stronghold and attached to a book. As long as the book was opened, a space crack would emerge, and the crack would lead to Go to another world, and a book like this will appear in another world.

After arriving in another world, as long as you close the book, the book in the flower world will also be closed. In this way, the space passage will be closed. You can carry the book with you. When you need to come back, just open the space crack. Can return.

But there is obviously a problem with this. If you choose to return when the enemy is chasing you, although you can escape the enemy's pursuit instantly, it also means losing the coordinate point in another world.

Unless the enemy is a fool and reads a book when he sees you disappearing; otherwise he will definitely realize that there is something wrong with that book. No matter whether he can study it or not, and use the book to cross the world, he can at least send heavy troops to guard it. This book is being guarded by the Yan family, so that if you travel through the past through this book, you will appear directly in the enemy camp. It can be said that the difficulty has increased geometrically. Of course, if more than one person travels through time, this feature can also be used as a Trojan horse trick.

Pretend the battle is lost and throw the book to the enemy. Then the other party takes it as a trophy. Brought to the inside of his fortress. Then the real army came out of the book. Just remove the fortress from the inside. It is also feasible in theory.

However, Jason is obviously the only one, and his own strength is not very strong. I am afraid that losing this book will interrupt the time travel, so he is very cautious in using this book. Each time he collects some after traveling through the past. materials, immediately find a safe place to hide the book, and then return.

Cheng Ying judged this from his experiment log. Serious people don't keep diaries, but serious people do write experiment diaries, and they remember them in very detail.

"It seems that it is not only a different world with strange creatures, but also a conscious world with intelligent creatures. The intelligent creatures in that world seem to be one of the ten thousand races. They look a bit like a mixture of giants and a certain race. No wonder they are not Dare to go deep. This clan may produce strong men that even he can’t deal with.”

[To be continued]

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