Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 57 Hybrid Orc

According to the description in Jason's experimental records, in this outer plane. Inhabited by giant-like creatures. In the prehistoric continent, the giant group can be regarded as a relatively powerful race, but few people know that the giant race is actually the same as the earth spirit race. All evolved from humans.

It's just that the Earth Spirit Tribe's attitude towards humans is relatively neutral. Although due to the limitations of heaven, he has to be cruel to humans and treat humans as tools and livestock, he will not take the initiative to capture and kill humans.

This is also the attitude of most races towards humans. They just regard humans as a resource no different from most mineral resources. They collect and use them when they are needed, and put them aside when they are not needed.

But the attitude of the giants is completely different. They are extremely cruel to humans. It seems that through such behavior, they can get rid of the fact that they once had human blood.

Compared to other races in the prehistoric world, the giants were the most brutal in their slaughter of humans. They would even take the initiative to look for people living outside, and then capture and massacre them, which was extremely bloody and cruel.

Lan Nuo had some guesses after seeing that there were many mixed-race giants living in this outer plane.

Perhaps this is related to the most important secret of the giant. As for what is the secret specifically? Then you need to investigate it yourself to find out. Cheng Ying thought about it and found a forest. He found the largest tree among them and placed one hand on the tree.

I saw many magic runes appearing on this tree. The whole tree is being transformed. The interior of the tree undergoes spatial expansion. You can open a door on the surface of the tree and enter the tree house.

This is one of the spells that the elves are best at. It is also a must-have spell for home travel. Not only used by elves, but also welcomed by other races. Using this spell, you can borrow the power of numbers to create a warm and dry room inside.

The size of the opened room varies from person to person according to the strength of the user. Of course, the degree of legality used by users is different, and the rooms produced are also different.

Cheng Ying made some improvements to this move. The resulting room is not particularly large. It is the size of an ordinary two-bedroom apartment, and more energy is spent on camouflage and defense.

When the door is closed, there is almost nothing special about the tree. According to his tests, even if a powerful person at the critical level comes to investigate nearby, it will be difficult to see anything abnormal about the tree.

In this case, it would be almost impossible for a mortal to notice that something was wrong here. And even though they found something unusual about the tree, there was someone hiding inside. It is not easy to break the defense.

Originally the main purpose of this spell was to create a house. The defensive effect is not very strong. At most it can withstand the attacks of ordinary beasts, but after improvements, the defensive ability will take at least three days and three nights to break even if a demigod goes all out.

This level of concealment and defense capabilities is considered safe enough in the mortal world. Cheng Ying left a large number of spell books in the room. They were all written in a font that Ice Emperor could understand: "You stay here for the time being and wait for me to come back. If you are bored, just read these books I left for you. The TV over there has some entertainment works built into it. If you feel that If you’re bored with reading, you can also watch TV. I should be back soon, be good!”

The Ice Emperor pouted but nodded: "Go back soon!"


Cheng Ying turned around and left the room. After closing the door, the entire tree house disappeared. The door gap and the trees merged into one, as if a whole body was born like this. It looked no different from other numbers.

The jungle here is located in remote mountainous areas. There will be almost no pedestrians, and no one will cut down the forest here for development. As long as Chengying doesn't come back, almost no one will find the hut hidden here.

After all, he was going to a dangerous outer plane. Chengying could not guarantee absolute safety, so he could not bring the Ice Emperor with him. It did not mean that the giants living there could threaten him. According to Jason's description, among the giants Although there are strong people, they are only at the level, which does not pose any danger to him.

What is really troublesome is the unpredictable and hidden existence in the outer plane. Unlike the prehistoric world, the space there is not particularly stable. In other words, it is relatively close to low latitudes, exists secretly, and can penetrate its power there.

Hidden existences have been mentioned before, which are evil god-like existences similar to Cthulhu. They usually have powerful abilities, but they are also affected by the various contaminations they carry. And let those who borrow their power gradually go crazy.

Although Cheng Ying has resisted erosion once, that is, the one attached to his body. But it is not certain that his will is special and can resist the erosion of all hidden existences. Although this kind of thing does not appear often, once it is blocked once, the consequences are not something that ordinary people can bear.

After Cheng Ying was fully prepared, he opened the book that led to another world. A space crack appeared above the book, and then the scene on the other side appeared in the space crack. It was also the same place. The jungle, full of birds and flowers, seemed to have a very strong primitive atmosphere. Chengying even had the illusion that this was just a special effect, and the world on the other side was still the world he was in now.

However, it can still be seen from the plant types on both sides that this is not actually the same world.

Without hesitation, he stepped through the space door. Cheng Ying quickly put it away while teaching on the other side. The book was placed in a relatively safe place, but when going out for adventure, it is best to take this book with you. You can also escape directly when you encounter danger.

If you are in danger, throwing away the book and losing the ability to teleport to this world is at least better than throwing away your life.

Although Cheng Ying does not necessarily need to use the ability of books to cross the world to escape. His own spatial ability is very good at teleportation, but he still needs to be prepared. If he encounters an enemy who is good at space blockade, it may come in handy.

After arriving in another world, Cheng Ying noticed where he was. Jason had the same idea as him. They both hid the books in relatively ordinary grass, and then cast a spell like a stone hat on the books. A being who has been cast this kind of spell will subconsciously make people ignore him and become something that is difficult to pay attention to. In this way, you can avoid all kinds of detection. While avoiding wild beasts, you can also avoid intelligent creatures entering the forest.

Cheng Ying also uses this method, but his spells are much more advanced. The books are integrated into nature. Even if there are strong people who are very close, they will subconsciously ignore them when they see them.

Taking the book into his personal space, Chengying observed his surrounding environment. He was in a primitive jungle. It's just that in addition to the primitive plants, this jungle also has some strange pillars, which are not like those that can be formed in the primitive jungle.

During the mental exploration, these pillars revealed their material, which was actually a mixture of certain metals and rocks. In short, this thing looks like reinforced concrete, and it looks like the remains of a building built by some intelligent creature.

At this time, the original appearance of the building is no longer visible, and the remaining pillars are covered with moss and plants. At first glance, you might think it is a tree with less lush branches and leaves.

"It seems that intelligent creatures once lived here, and a relatively developed civilization was established. However, according to Jason's records, the giants he encountered here lived a relatively primitive life, similar to the life in a tribe. From this point of view Look, the civilization here must have declined."

It's a pity that Jason has never really come into contact with the giants. He only observed them from a distance and cannot determine their living conditions. According to the records in his experimental log, he came to this world more to capture other giants. biology.

The ecosystem of this world is very special. A large number of organisms are rich in metal elements. The body's use of energy is different from ordinary organisms. It is simpler and more direct, and the utilization efficiency is also higher.

This is like the use of chemical energy by muscles and the use of electrical energy by motors. There is a huge gap in efficiency between the two, not to mention the ultimate power affected by their own strength.

Cheng Ying has discovered the differences in the creatures here. What he was observing was a mouse-like animal. Although the cells and muscles of these creatures were very different from the flesh-and-blood creatures in the prehistoric world, their appearances were similar.

This is the convergence of biological evolution. Paleontologists on Earth have actually discovered this. Many completely different types of life often evolve into similar forms after occupying the same ecological niche.

Now this is the embodiment of this situation, two organisms with huge differences in cell structure. The same image evolved in the same ecological niche, occupying the ecological niche of the narcodonts living underground, and their appearance will be similar to that of mice, with claws good at digging and a streamlined and narrow body, allowing them to Traveling swiftly and dexterously underground.

Through mental scanning, the car looked a bit like a mouse-like creature. Chengying quickly sensed the difference between him and normal creatures. The most intuitive thing is that the metal content in the body is extremely high. Although the body is still made of bones and flesh. But the bones are almost all made of metal elements, and there are also elastic metals in the flesh and blood. They are connected between the muscle cells, forming strong chains, and the activity of the muscles relies on With a series of electromagnetic coils, in addition to blood and nerves, their body's circulatory system also has an electrical energy circulation system.

There is a center for storing electrical energy in the body near the heart. The active chemical elements decomposed from the digestive system will be stored in this location and act as a battery. When they need to use electricity, this organ A chemical reaction will begin to produce high-intensity electrical energy. The electrical energy will be rapidly distributed throughout the body along the hormone circuits in the body, and then drive the muscles to operate, releasing huge power.

This mouse looks small, about the size of a palm, but it has huge strength. A pair of small claws can easily break rocks. This is also an important reason why it can easily dig holes in the ground. .

The various organs on this mouse don't look like they were born naturally in nature, but more like they were man-made. A similar situation can be seen from the previous alien corpses.

In addition, the ruins and ruins scattered all over the place at this time probably mean that there was a powerful civilization here a long time ago and a biological research institute was established. A variety of creatures have been created, and a unique ecosystem in this world has evolved.

The natural creatures that originally lived in this world were completely crushed under the same size because their abilities could not compete with these modified creatures. In the end, it had to gradually withdraw from the ecosystem, and one species of extinction was buried among the wreckage of history.

This is not that Cheng Ying is talking nonsense, but that he has penetrated the underground with his mental power and conducted a relatively large-scale scan. He can find the layer of fossil deposits underground, where an extinct species in this ecosystem is recorded. An ancient creature, although it is difficult to tell what the cells of these creatures looked like. But it is not difficult to see from the fossils that there were not many metal elements in the organisms at that time.

"Another race with powerful biotechnology, but what is their purpose of conducting such biological experiments?" Cheng Ying transformed himself into the appearance of a beast discovered by his own mental power, which was a silver-looking beast. Creatures like wolves usually move in groups. Only the males with a large number of metal manes on their necks will move alone. The one who transformed in the shadow is one such one.

If you act like an animal, even if you are discovered, you will not be regarded as an intruder. At most, you will be hunted as prey. It is still easy to run away.

He gradually became interested in this ruins. There are superb biotechnology left by the time civilization, and there are also giant races that look like hybrids. Is there a possibility that this is actually where ancient humans were changed into The place of giants.

He didn't know whether his guess was correct; there might have been a group of ancient people. They secretly gathered together and developed a very advanced civilization, and then hid in a different world, developed silently, and raised biotechnology to an extremely high level, hoping to improve the genes of their own race so that their race could be possessed by other races. The extraordinary power became stronger, so a race of giants was created here.

[To be continued]

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