Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 59 The Enormity of Humanity

Finding fossils is a hassle. The planet has been modified by humans. Including the earth's crust has been transformed, and various geological movements are much slower than on a normal planet. There are rarely volcanic eruptions, which can bury a large number of creatures in an instant and form a large number of fossils.

Even if fossils can be found to determine the age of fossils, it is not an easy task. Paleontologists on the earth can determine the age of fossils relatively easily because countless people have accumulated and researched the ancient creatures on earth. Numerous data have been used to deduce the climate conditions of various time periods in ancient times on Earth.

With these prerequisites, it is easier to judge the age of fossils. If not, we can only use the degree of isotope decay to make a rough judgment. Although Chengying has technology in this regard, the age error will be relatively large. The error may be tens of thousands of years. After all, after this planet has undergone artificial transformation, carbon 14 detection may not be reliable.

Fortunately, since his mental power is quite strong, he saves a lot of time in the process of searching for fossils. Although the formation of fossils in this world is relatively difficult, you can still find quite a few by searching the whole world.

The diameter of this planet is about the same as that of the Earth. It can be considered a habitable planet for humans. Its gravity is slightly lower than that of the Earth, but the difference is not too big. This can also be seen from the fact that the height of humans in this world is slightly higher than that of humans in the prehistoric continent.

Cheng Ying found a rock formation where a large number of fossils were buried, and then scanned it with his mental power. In fact, more of them were fossils left by other creatures that had been modified by humans. They were very competitive in nature, and one after another Many species have become extinct, occupying a huge advantage in the process of evolution, continuing to grow, and occupying more and more ecological niches.

And because their bones contain high-strength metal elements, they are easier to preserve. Even after experiencing oxidation and corrosion in the rock formations, the bones have become fragile, but it is easier to preserve them. Distinguished among the rock formations.

Even if metals are oxidized and turn into oxides, they are very different from the ordinary soil around them, and their images can be distinguished very intuitively.

Among the many skeletons of modified creatures, there are a few human and giant skeletons. Judging from these human skeletons, the wild humans who just came to this world were not as tall as they are now.

They are generally under 1.7 meters.

Human beings in the prehistoric era lacked nutrition, so it was good to be able to find this height. However, after coming to this planet and experiencing a slightly lower gravity, even if the supplies were not extremely rich, the individual size of human beings has also increased slightly. The average height increased by about five centimeters.

Continuing to rummage forward, Cheng Ying's mental power entered the deeper strata, which is an older area, and in that area, human bones are getting fewer and fewer, and they are getting closer and closer. The original appearance of human beings on the prehistoric continent.

Just in the deeper strata. The human skeletons that are equivalent to those in the prehistoric world have disappeared, but the giant skeletons are still there. Judging from the year, it was probably around 500,000 years ago. Judging the time through the stratigraphy is still somewhat inaccurate, and we can only estimate an approximate time. year to come.

However, before that, the bones of the giants could still be found. The bones of these giants looked about the same size as they are now, and seemed to be smaller, but the average difference should be less than one centimeter.

For the huge size of the giant, this shouldn't be a big gap.

However, as you continue to search downwards, the appearance of the giants has changed more obviously. If you continue to search down about 50,000 years of history, you can see that the size of the giants has become smaller. The average height of the current giants is ten meters, which is less than The giants in the prehistoric continent were much smaller, but they were already too huge for humans in this world.

And continue to search 50,000 years of history. The giant was probably thirty centimeters shorter than he is now.

The degree of dwarfing is not obvious. It may be an error caused by statistical errors. The person buried here may be a tribe of giants who were originally relatively short. After all, there are differences among the populations. So we can’t draw conclusions so easily.

Continuing to search forward, the height of the giants has not changed much. It seems that the record of shortening just discovered should be a statistical error. It just happened that the giants who became fossils during that time were a relatively small group. Short people.

But another important historical event was discovered in the strata. That is the emergence of creatures with metal in their bodies.

This thing did not exist from the beginning. The artificial parts of the body of this creature are too obvious. It is obviously not a naturally born creature in this biosphere, and their large-scale appearance is a sign.

It is very obvious in the strata. Starting from a certain stage, which lasted for a very short period of probably ten thousand years, the number of metal-containing organisms in the formation suddenly decreased, and was replaced by a large number of skeletons left by normal carbon-based organisms.

On the other hand, a large number of carbon-based organisms became extinct during this period and were replaced by organisms containing metals in their bodies. From this perspective, the situation seems relatively clear.

At this stage, which is about 1.5 million years ago, perhaps someone took the initiative to release them, or perhaps there was an accident. The creatures that were originally well kept in the laboratory escaped, and they had something in nature. organisms come into contact with each other. Soon they gained a huge advantage, and large-scale reproduction led to a mass extinction.

A large number of carbon-machine creatures became extinct at that time, and the remaining small number barely reached a dynamic balance with these creatures containing metals in their bodies. However, they were still in the process of extinction, but it was just much slower.

"It should be that the possibility of leakage is relatively high, and what was leaked should be that some modified drugs accidentally contaminated native organisms, rather than biological samples that were directly leaked." Chengyinghui made this judgment because of the metal here The life span of organisms is no longer than that of normal carbon-based organisms, and some even have shorter life spans.

If it is a living organism in the laboratory, it is difficult to preserve it for a long time. If it is a small ecological circle built in the laboratory, it will be easily destroyed over a long period of time, maybe not even for hundreds of years. There is no way to preserve it, either the creatures inside are extinct, or there are accidents caused by some of these creatures, causing a mistake in the isolation of the laboratory.

As for cryopreservation, it is even more impossible. Maintaining ultra-low temperature for a long time is more difficult than cultivating organisms in a small closed ecosystem. The highest probability is still their genetic medicine or bacteria or viruses. If things leak, these things can be stored in airtight containers for a long time and will not be damaged for thousands of years. However, if they are leaked, they may cause large-scale mutations in native organisms in a short period of time.

Putting this question aside, Cheng Ying continued to observe the giant skeletons before this, and then he discovered that the size of the giant began to shrink significantly. It took less than 10,000 years for the giant to be only half of its current height. about.

"Tsk! I understand, I made a huge mistake." Cheng Ying patted his head and realized that he had made a major mistake. There was basically no need to watch the previous 1.5 million years. During this period, the giant race It is unlikely that there will be much change in body size, because giants did not occupy a dominant position in the biosphere during this period.

Maybe there are extraordinary beings among them who have strong fighting power. All other species on the planet together cannot defeat them, but this does not mean that they dominate the biological rights. This thing cannot be solved by strong fighting power. of.

They have strong fighting power, but they cannot solve the problem of food shortage, because the carbon machine organisms have been greatly squeezed out of the living space on this planet. Because of this, the giant race has always been a kind of race that has been difficult to maintain during this period. A state of food and clothing.

In this state of not having enough to eat, even if there are no natural enemies, the body size may not increase significantly with continuous evolution.

Because of this, the rapid growth of the giants should have occurred before the planet was contaminated by man-made organisms. This is exactly the case. Before the mass extinction of carbon machine organisms, that is, before the genetic drugs manufactured by humans were leaked, this The body shape of the giants walking on this planet has indeed undergone drastic changes. The whole process occurred within 20,000 years, which is a very short period of time in the strata, and their body shape changes at this stage can barely be distinguished.

Twenty thousand years ago, the size of the giants was basically the same as that of humans. If you continued to dig forward, it would be difficult to find bones. Instead, you would find the remains of some man-made objects, such as those buried deep underground. Ancient buildings, or some things similar to vehicles, were buried in the soil. Although they have been oxidized and corroded, they have completely changed their appearance and become fragile, but they can still be made through the difference in the content of various elements in the surrounding soil. It can be seen that this is a means of transportation built by ancient technological civilization.

This thing should be a flying device in the atmosphere, because it has wings and no wheels. This can be judged from the shape of the fossils. As for the principle of flight, we can only speculate. Ying speculated that his flight relied on magnetic levitation. After all, the wings of this thing were too small, and it didn't look like it had too many propellers.

In addition, similar evidence can be found, that is, there is a huge coil structure buried in the strata of that era. How huge is it? It is about ten kilometers in diameter. Even if such a magnificent building has experienced The erosion of time can still leave indelible traces in the strata. This thing seems to be ubiquitous in the strata of this era, and it should be a public facility in many cities.

Cheng Ying estimated that this thing was used to provide a magnetic field so that a large number of maglev aircraft could fly freely in the city.

So far, the birth of the giants in this world has been basically understood. There are no giants at all. These guys are human beings. They have just experienced tens of thousands of years and no natural enemies can eat and drink enough. Growth, and because of the loss of civilization, this growth was only interfered by nature, so it only took a short period of ten thousand years for the body to begin to expand rapidly.

Until they lived in a wild state for more than 10,000 years. It turned out that a leak occurred in one of their laboratories, causing an ecological disaster that swept the world, turning a large number of natural creatures into symbiotic types with metals, while humans or the giants happened to be uncontaminated.

To describe it as just right, it is not appropriate to obtain it. If it is a chemical substance made by humans themselves, perhaps humans are inherently resistant to this kind of transformation, so it is not an accident to survive in this process. At this stage, they basically have no chance. After eating enough, the body shape will be stuck at this stage. Even if we have to compare, this group has actually shrunk by 10% or 20% compared to their peak height. In the case of insufficient food, they were forced to evolve and adapt. A body that consumes relatively less energy.

"It's a pity that there are too few ancient secrets that can be discovered by observing fossils. How did human civilization in this world decline? If it was 1.5 million years ago, it is very likely that the God Emperor led mankind to establish a technological empire. That rise.

However, according to the historical records of the elves, it seems that the God-Emperor had already fallen in that era, and he fell within a short period of time. Is it because I made a mistake in calculating the year, or is it that this place continued to develop for a period of time after the fall of the God-Emperor.

If it is the former, it is easier to understand the tribes of human civilization. In the process of counterattack and reckoning by all tribes, the civilization here was directly destroyed. The reason is simple and crude, and there is nothing controversial. But if it's the latter, the situation is a bit more complicated.

It stands to reason that the outer plane is still relatively hidden, especially since it has not been discovered by any race until now. It should be a fairly hidden space. If you continue to develop here, as long as you don't commit suicide, your own technology will not collapse in theory. There is no shortage of resources on this planet. Why is this happening?

Another important doubt is, how did the giants end up on the ancient continent? Or should we say that the giants in this small world and the giants outside are not the same kind at all, uu read books; they have no blood relationship with each other. "When Cheng Ying searched for ancient secrets and speculated, he could no longer speculate because there was no evidence at all in the strata.

The sudden collapse of human technology can only happen within a few decades at most, and such a short time in the strata is just an instant, leaving no record at all.

[To be continued]

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