Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 60 Abyss Invasion

After Cheng Ying searched the world, he found no other clues about ancient existence. The only clue that could barely be regarded as a clue was the records of the fossil distribution of ancient humans. From the approximate location of the fossils left by these ancient humans, It can be determined which areas pass through human settlements on the planet, and important relics may be found there.

It's just that millions of years have passed. Even if you can find things left over from ancient times, I'm afraid they have been weathered to the point of being out of shape. Even the basic structures may be difficult to find. The ruins on the ground are already the original ones. It is the strongest part of the building, and the erosion buried underground may be even more serious.

Cheng Ying plans to use the remaining time to collect biological samples on this planet. Although these creatures are only transformed from some of the materials leaked by ancient human civilization, it has to be said that just the transformation of these leaked materials has The mature creatures are already very powerful, and their genetic samples are very precious.

Cheng Ying prepared to record as much as possible, but the situation was slightly different from what he imagined. He thought that the subsequent recording activities would be smooth sailing. According to the previous mental scan, there were no creatures on this planet that could threaten him. , the most powerful extraordinary creature among the giants, barely reached the spiritual level, but it was not enough to pose any threat to Cheng Ying.

Just because the strong ones in the group can't pose a threat doesn't mean they can sit back and relax. The most dangerous thing in the outer plane is the evil gods from the lower latitudes. They are nightmare-like existences for any creature in the real world.

Boluo Ge is very keen on the aura of this kind of existence. After all, she is the same type of thing. It was also at this time that she reminded Cheng Ying: "I feel that there is an abyssal existence that is invading. This outer plane seems to be often affected by I suggest you be careful when being visited by abyssal creatures. I rarely meet people with such potential as you. In the future, if you can become a strong person at the spiritual level, you will probably be able to win consecutive battles. I still count on you in reality. It builds my faith and pulls me out of the lower latitudes.”

"Haha, why didn't I see you helping me when I was being chased by the elves?" Cheng Ying sneered.

"I'll help you then. If the elves know that you are connected to the existence of lower latitudes, the intensity of hunting you will only be stronger. And in that case,

If you leave that girl behind, you can run away by yourself. Even if it is the most dangerous situation, it will still be the same at that time. Why should I help?

These guys from the abyss who appear now may not be something you can deal with on your own, so you can take care of yourself. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. It doesn't matter even if the book that can travel through time is exposed. "

"It's just an abyss, it's not a low latitude. The problem is not as serious as you said." Cheng Ying shook his head. You can believe Boluo Ge's words, but you can't believe them all.

There is still a big difference between the abyss and low latitudes. The abyss can still be regarded as an outer plane at a certain level, but because these outer planes are too close to low latitudes, they will be affected by various indescribable rules. , living conditions are average but extremely bad. Creatures such as demons and devils born in such a world, because they are born in such an area with chaotic rules, will have very low IQs and their behavior will become chaotic and evil.

Because of this, the reputation of the Abyss has never been very good in the prehistoric world. There are always legends about the invasion of the Abyss. In fact, they are just abyssal creatures who want to survive in a world with normal rules. However, the world with distorted rules has already Madness and chaos are engraved in their bones. This makes it almost impossible for them to coexist peacefully with creatures in the normal world.

Although they are chaotic and twisted, most of them are in the category of biological beings, and there will be no twisted rules appearing on them to erode other existences. In terms of danger, they are completely different from the concept of low latitudes.

"The world I am talking about now has all kinds of physical rules that are quite stable. This means that it should be a world that is extremely far away from the world and can be connected to the abyss of this world. The rules should also be relatively stable and can be teleported over. It is basically impossible for a devil to have twisted rules."

Pologe nodded in agreement: "You are right, the abyss creatures that can connect with this world. They may even have normal IQs, which are not chaotic and twisted existences, but they are actually more dangerous. You should know that the abyss creatures You exist like this.

Different eras and different regions have different names for the holy throne. The mainstream of normal sanctification in this era is called the holy throne. But in another era before the prehistoric calendar, that is, the chaotic calendar and the Hongmeng calendar, that There was no holy status in this era, and those who reached this level of strength were generally called innate demon gods.

But in our era, the world has been divided, and the powerful existences in low latitudes are called hidden existences, and the one who appears in the abyss is the Abyss King. Because they are often exposed to some twisted rules, they must become stronger if they want to survive.

Because of this, most of them are stronger than the current mainstream saints, or in other words, the current mainstream saints are actually the weakest type among the strong ones at this level.

A considerable part of the Lords of the Abyss are committed to restoring the chaotic business in the Abyss to normal, returning to the ancient continent, and owning an area sufficient to survive.

This is why the Abyss often invades prehistoric and other worlds. One of the reasons. What Abyss is doing is not just invading and occupying a world with stable rules, they are also trying to establish civilization in their own chaotic world.

Therefore, in the abyss, the rules are more normal in the world. It is even more dangerous for outsiders, because these worlds are rare sacred places for the abyss, places where a few tribesmen with normal IQs can be born and where civilization can develop and continue.

This also means that the Abyss Lord is most likely to exist in such a world. Ordinary Abyss Demons do not pose any threat to you, but if the Abyss Lord appears, even I cannot protect you. "

Upon hearing this, Cheng Ying couldn't help but look a little solemn. What Bo Luo Ge said was really not alarmist. It was indeed a situation that might happen, in the abyss. Those who have wisdom actually hope to have a land where they can live in peace.

The current world is probably very attractive to them. There is no powerful civilization and no powerful problems. The physical rules are quite stable. As long as they occupy it, they can thrive here.

"I have another question, that is, if this place is really frequently attacked by the abyss, why hasn't it fallen yet? With the power of the strong locals in this world, it is theoretically impossible to resist it. Invasion of the Abyss."

Cheng Ying has also found some demon fossils among the previous fossils, but the number is very small, and most of them are incomplete. But at least it can prove that Abyss discovered this world a long time ago. His previous conjecture was that Abyss only discovered There was no large-scale attack, but now that I think about it, it may not be that there was no large-scale attack, but that the attack failed.

"I don't know why this is? And this is why I think you should leave as soon as possible. There is likely to be big trouble in this world. There is some kind of force that resists the invasion of the abyss, and this force is also likely to target you.

You haven't even discovered the existence of this mysterious power. If you really become his target, you may not even be able to escape. "Bologe said it was very serious, but the actual situation is not optimistic either.

Cheng Ying's observation of this planet has been very in-depth. While he was traveling on the planet, his mental power had almost penetrated the entire planet. Even so, he did not find anything wrong.

"Wait a moment. It won't take long for me to collect biological samples from this world. After collecting them, I can leave. I can leave at any time now. The worst I can do is leave the book of time travel here. I will never come to this world again. ”

After Boluo Ge saw that Cheng Ying had the consciousness to give up the Book of Time Travel, he no longer stopped him from staying. He had the means to escape across the world. In most cases, he could escape smoothly.

Although his current strength is not that of a saint, he has mastered various rules and powers. It is impossible for the saint to deal with other spiritual positions like he can. A single thought can make the opponent unable to move much, as if solidified in amber. Like a bug, unable to resist, Cheng Ying is at least capable of escaping through the space door.

A large number of biological samples from this world. It is still very precious. Cheng Ying has already started to transform his body while collecting data. The genetic material of the creatures here itself contains some kind of micro-machines that can refine metal elements, but it is difficult to distinguish this. Is something biological or mechanical?

When the microscopic level reaches a certain level, the internal structures of many organisms are actually very similar to machines. For example, the flagella of some bacteria are not driven by a muscle-like structure during their rotation. Instead, they rely on a kind of Wheels and structures similar to engines drive the rotation of flagella. These creatures contain a large amount of metal elements in their bodies. The genetic material in cells is a similar existence. From the perspective of molecular arrangement, it looks like a mechanical structure, but it can replicate itself like a biological structure. It is not easy to determine what they are by conventional methods. type.

Moreover, the extraordinary power of this world is also very versatile, which contains some transformations related to extraordinary power. This part of the transformation has obviously reached the upper limit of technological blockade. Chengying can see what this structure is. It looks like this, but there is no way to understand it, and there is no way to copy this structure. The only way he can replicate is by replicating himself.

"Such incomprehensible characteristics are really troublesome. Why is something like the Way of Heaven so troublesome?" Although Cheng Ying feels extremely mysterious about the microstructure of these creatures and is constantly gaining new insights, what he has learned Most things are incompatible with biological microstructure. If it were in other civilizations, in other worlds, even if there is no way to immediately understand the principle and imitate it, at least it can be summarized through long-term research. Follow the rules and replicate the phenomenon in front of you.

In the process of his research, he finally felt the breath from the abyss. The abyss closest to here opened the way to here and opened the door to the abyss, and they didn't care whether the people living here were humans or giants, crazy The bloodthirsty abyssal creatures immediately started killing. Although the shallower abyss world environment is relatively normal and can breed abyssal creatures with normal intelligence, the madness in their bones has been difficult to change. Even if they have intelligence, they have no respect for other creatures. The attitude also seems quite cruel.

The demons that come out of the gate of the abyss are all kinds of strange and come in various forms. One thing they have in common is their strong physical fitness. This aspect of physical fitness is somewhat different from the native creatures in this world. It is not material. It is not powerful at all levels, but has powerful power after being strengthened by extraordinary power.

The conflict between the two sides arose immediately. The giant tribe and the human tribe actually chose to join forces under such circumstances. Cheng Ying observed this scene from a distance and couldn't help showing a shocked look. The two regarded each other as It's really incredible that races that have lost food can actually join forces to attack when facing foreign enemies.

Not only that, Cheng Ying also noticed that as more powerful people from the abyss appeared, they caused destruction on the planet. An invisible force is connecting all living things on this planet. A certain extremely weak energy contained in the countless billions of living things on this planet began to gather.

After accumulating a little, they gathered together and transformed into a force that seemed much more powerful, and the level had reached an outrageous level. At least the level of Complete Polo Song was higher. Although the amount of these powers was It's extremely small, but qualitatively it's terrifyingly high.

Cheng Ying's expression was slightly strange: "I think we seemed to have made some errors in judgment before. The mutations of many creatures here may not be the leakage of simple dangerous biological weapons made by humans, but the leakage and contamination of something more terrifying. Regular creatures on this planet uu read books;”

Cheng Yinghui made this judgment because the extraordinary power released by all the living creatures on the planet gathered near the Devil's Gate, and finally converged into a drop of blood, a drop of bright red with a little bit of golden blood. As for this kind of blood with great power, Cheng Ying remembered that he seemed to have seen similar things in the novels of the prehistoric calendar before traveling through time.

[To be continued]

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