Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 61 Blood of the God Emperor

When Cheng Ying saw that drop of golden blood in the sky, he felt great pressure. The huge energy and powerful blood contained in it made him tremble with fear even now.

When this kind of thing appeared in the novels he read in his previous life, it appeared as a drop of blood obtained from a strange encounter when Pangu was still weak.

Cheng Ying didn't know whether what he saw now was what he imagined, but his power might not be much inferior to him, if not worse.

"Tsk, could it be a drop of blood left here by the God Emperor?" Cheng Ying looked solemn. In the process of the rise of mankind led by the God Emperor, although he followed a technological route, he possessed the same powerful power. , he carries a contract that can communicate with the hidden existences in lower latitudes and gain their power, but he has to endure extreme pain in the process. If the soul is destroyed, all this will disappear, and he seems to be the only special one among all The presence.

Others, after suffering such pain, die soon after. And it's the kind that will be wiped out in ashes, with no chance of reincarnation at all. But he is different. He can withstand this kind of power almost infinitely. Although the process is extremely painful, it is as if his blood is locked and he will never collapse.

It is also true that he, who is on the road of science and technology, still scares all the races that humans fight despite the fact that humans lack the most cutting-edge combat power. It is his extremely powerful power that blocks Wanzu's high-end powerhouses.

And even a drop of his remaining blood is extremely precious in today's deserted continent, and the power it contains may not even be able to be tolerated by ordinary saints.

"This kind of thing is left here. It seems that there may be something special about this outer plane? Otherwise, the God Emperor would not be able to attach so much importance to this place.

Maybe there was someone extremely important to him left in this world, and he left his blood here to protect that person, and after his death, the blood did not disappear with him, and even After the person he wanted to protect finally died, this drop of blood also polluted and changed the ecology of the entire planet.

When facing foreign enemies, blood will return from the entire ecological circle and release its due power. "Cheng Ying thought in his heart. This was just a guess. There were more possibilities than this. In fact, he had guessed wrong several times before. It was easy to be slapped in the face by just guessing about things in ancient times. of.

"Whether this thing is the blood of the God Emperor or not, I can't handle it." Cheng Ying was already preparing to withdraw. The main reason is that he is not a human body now, at least not a pure human. If he encounters this drop of blood, If he were a human, he might be able to fuse actively, but Cheng Ying was worried that the body he was currently using would be recognized as a member of the Ten Thousand Races. In that case, if he rashly came into contact with this drop of blood, the greatest possibility would be to be obliterated and assimilated by this drop of blood.

If something of this level really takes action, even if Pologe's true form is here, he probably won't be able to save him.

The abyss army died in large swaths just in front of the radiation released by the blood. The animals and plants on the planet also began to mutate rapidly in the face of the radiation released by the blood. The jungle seemed to come alive. Stretching out its trunks, the demons in the distance were dying of radiation. Then some plants grew their own thorns, piercing into the bodies of these creatures, absorbing the nutrients and energy in their bodies, and quickly growing into terrifying creatures. The monster jungle.

Animals change even more dramatically under this influence,

The original herbivore has grown sharp horns, and while possessing powerful attack power, its physical fitness has also been greatly enhanced.

The strengthening of the carnivores has become even more obvious. Their combined strength has increased countless times, their claws have grown harder and sharper nails, the hair on their bodies has become as tough as steel, and they have gained extremely powerful strength. Self-healing ability, the speed of body repair is almost like running water. The devil's ax hit their bodies and finally cut off a wound. As a result, the wound grew back in the blink of an eye, and even the hair on the surface of the defense was gone. Has been restored again.

Although these are just ordinary creatures in nature, under the transformation of radiation, each of them has mutated and become more powerful than ordinary extraordinary beings.

The abyss invading troops suffered heavy losses immediately. All abyssal creatures that were not extraordinary people had no resistance at all when faced with such an attack, and were wiped out almost in the blink of an eye.

Only the extraordinary ones could barely resist, and several of them, those with strong spiritual positions, used all their abilities to face the counterattack of such ferocious creatures.

Demonstrating more terrifying destructive power than a humanoid nuclear bomb, one of the demons wielding a big sword seemed to have great experience in using the power of space.

Moving instantaneously in the jungle at high speed, each attack can kill the life of a mutated creature, but his face does not look good.

"Damn it, these guys have become stronger again. When we came here last time, their body defenses were not so hard. It was the blood and the drop of blood that did the trick." It is obvious that this is not the first time that the abyss has invaded this world. , it is clear that the source of all these mutations comes from the blood.

Everyone can see that the blood in the sky is a treasure. In fact, some demons have tried to fuse the blood. If the blood can be fused, not only can they complete the attack on the world, but they can also gain powerful power from it. , the power contained in it is not even inferior to the innate spiritual treasure.

As the name suggests, innate spiritual treasures are things that existed before the creation of the world. Each one contains extremely powerful power and has special abilities at the rule level. To be precise, this kind of thing should be called the origin in this world. .

This involves the division of higher levels of power in the prehistoric world. After reaching the holy level, cultivation is no longer about the accumulation of energy, but about constantly improving one's authority in this world. The higher the authority one has, usually The stronger the strength.

Rules are only the most basic permissions. This kind of permissions is basic. The same permission can be held by many different people. Those who master the rules can only apply them within the scope of the rules. That is to say, they skip the technical means and master the rules. The rules of the world, and that's just the basics.

If you continue to go up, the level of authority is called authority. In fact, this is a rule with a wider scope. If it is just a rule, a rule may involve the temperature of the flame or the brightness of the flame. But if you master the authority of fire, you can You can master all the rules about fire, and at the same time you can make your own rules, so that the flames you control are completely different from the flames in nature, instead of adjusting within the scope of the flame attributes in nature.

This is the second level of power after gaining access to the world. However, this level is at most equivalent to a wage earner in this world, or a manager. Perhaps a manager can also work to the level of a wage earner, but that is only That's all. If you want to continue upward, you need to master the origin, and this thing is also the most precious type of existence in the world.

The so-called origin is a part of the entire world. If the previous ones can only be regarded as wage earners and experience, if you master the origin, you are equivalent to being a shareholder of the universe. The origins naturally come in big and small. The more origins you master, the more people you have in the universe. The greater the proportion of shares held.

In other words, strong people who have mastered the origin are actually part of the universe themselves and can formulate rules to a certain extent. The origin is contained in the innate spiritual treasures. They often have absolutely unrivaled power in a certain aspect. Power, at least within the scope of the prehistoric multiverse, the aspect of power they involve can be absolute.

If this part of the power is in the Tianling Bao, it will appear relatively gentle. When it meets a suitable master, it can even recognize the master and be controlled by the master.

But this kind of original power may also exist in less stable things. This kind of thing is called a meme in this world. In Chengying's opinion, a more accurate classification should be a contained object. After all, a meme must have Spreading properties, and although some special items with origins are dangerous, they do not necessarily have spreading properties.

Memes usually possess some kind of absolute power, such as one of the most famous memes on the ancient continent, antimeme.

Theoretically, he can reverse and exchange everything. As long as the attributes that can be extracted can be transferred by it, even some conceptual attributes. For example, switching reality and movies in a certain world.

Then there will be an extremely terrifying phenomenon, that is, people in this world originally went to the cinema to watch a movie, but after being changed by this meme, they did not realize it, but they became the characters in the movie. exist, and the people in the original movie will transform into existences in the real world, and some of them will go to the cinema in their world to watch movies made up of people who originally lived in the real world.

This level of power is not an exaggeration to say that it is insane. It can be said to be the fragments of the Creator left in the world. In theory, as long as all the fragments containing the origin are collected, one can become the Creator of this world and possess the power in the world. The ability to be omniscient and omnipotent within the world.

And it is the kind of true omniscience and omnipotence, that is, you can create and destroy the universe by just relying on your brain. All the rules in the world can be created at will. Even logically contradictory rules can appear. When these logical contradictions appear, For example, in a duel between the strongest spear and the strongest shield, the outcome at this time is completely determined by the thoughts of the person who created the universe.

However, no one has ever done this since ancient times. After all, doing this means that he has become the universe itself, which is equivalent to all living things becoming one with it.

Returning to the abyss battlefield in front of us, the blood of golden light was released in the sky. There is no doubt that it also contains part of the original power, but this power seems a bit messy. The power of the God Emperor is his contract from the lower latitudes. Borrowed from the hidden existences, some of those existences are indeed extremely powerful, and the borrowed power will be integrated into the body of the God Emperor to a certain extent.

But he was able to leave only a very small part of the origin. Essentially, he became extremely powerful because he acquired so many types of origins. Even those strong men at low latitudes, each of them only had Leave him a little bit. Over time, the amount of original power he possesses has reached an incredible level.

However, this also resulted in his original power being very complex and not extremely powerful and absolute for a certain special function. This naturally has good and bad qualities. The advantage is of course that the ability is comprehensive, various forces restrict each other, and there will be no catastrophic consequences caused by loss of control?

The disadvantage is naturally that it is difficult to gain an absolute advantage in any aspect, and there is no way to overcome all the opponent's abilities.

The demons of the abyss naturally knew how valuable such power was. After discovering it, they tried every means to fuse it. However, their fusion process obviously failed. Otherwise, they would have already occupied the world by now.

This blood is very repellent to them. Even the strongest in the group almost died when they tried to fuse. Even the Lord of the Abyss among them was almost wiped out by this drop of blood when he tried to fuse.

After that, their monarch never came close to this drop of blood, uu read books; and he remained silent about the contents of the blood, obviously knowing some inside story.

The God Emperor at that time was also a powerful human being who was the most powerful man in the world. For a long time, he was even a powerful man that no one could match. Of course, this was when the old yinbi hidden in the dark were not sold. Even so. , It is enough to shock all races. Only when the blood left by such a strong man has been worn down to a certain extent can he be qualified to try to fuse.

And once the fusion is successful, he may even break through from his current level to the level of a high-level saint.

This is why he sends his men to attack the world again and again, constantly consuming the power of this drop of blood until he can no longer maintain it, and then the blood belongs to him.

By then, his status in the abyss will undoubtedly be greatly improved, and he may be on an equal footing with several of them.

It's just that his plan didn't seem to be going very smoothly over the years. His blood didn't seem to be weakened, and his power even became stronger and stronger as time went by.

The Lord of the Abyss was very helpless about this, but he still sent troops to continuously harass him. He continued to consume the power of his blood, and he became stronger. If he did not consume it, wouldn't he become stronger faster? If it is really powerful to a certain extent, what should we do if it invades the abyss? Who knows if this blood will hold a grudge?

[To be continued]

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