Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 62 Fusion of Divine Blood

Chengying no longer wants to get involved in the direct battle between the abyss and the outer plane. Although the blood of the God Emperor is extremely precious, he is not a complete human body now. It is not suitable to be mixed into it. It is very likely that this drop of blood will be regarded as an enemy and attacked. That would be bad.

It's just that he wanted to leave, but it wasn't that easy. Just when he was about to leave, the drop of blood in the sky actually fell, but it didn't fall in his direction, but in the direction of an ordinary human being. The direction fell, and when it fell completely, it split into two halves, one half fell into the human body, and the other half fell into the giant's body.

Immediately, a human and a giant became extremely powerful under the stimulation of blood. These two people themselves were the strongest among humans and giants in the past.

The human was a demigod wizard, and the giant was also a demigod, but a giant berserker. Although both of them are not the strongest in each race, after the enhancement in front of them, their strength immediately broke through and surpassed the peak of their original spiritual level. Although they are not considered to be strong men at the level of saints, their strength is already the same as that of ordinary people. The spiritual position opened up a huge gap.

"Here comes the damn thing again. It's this kind of blood fusion again. Why can only humans and giants be able to fuse this kind of power? If only humans can fuse, I can understand why giants can do it but we can't." The abyss demon said The powerful ones in the spiritual position are very unwilling. Why can't they integrate the power of blood?

The giant race is also one of the ten thousand races, and they can theoretically say that this blood does not have the restriction of only allowing humans to fuse. However, this is the Abyss Demon who is more concerned about his own life safety at this time. He has merged with the blood of the God Emperor. The strength of the strong man has exceeded the range that he can resist, and he is running away quickly at this time.

As luck would have it, the direction he was escaping from was exactly the direction Cheng Ying was preparing to evacuate. Just as he was about to open the book containing the portal, he saw an abyss demon running towards him.

Cheng Ying had no intention of being merciful, and prepared to use his more powerful killing move to kill the abyss demon in an instant, and then restart the summoning of the space gate.

Theoretically, it only takes a moment for him to return, but if possible, he does not want his teleportation point to be exposed, so he needs to ensure that no one else sees him when he returns.

However, just as he was preparing to make his ultimate move, a powerful and powerful aura suddenly swept towards him. It turned out to be a giant clan, running towards this direction.

The blood vessels all over the giant's body seemed to be flowing with magma, releasing a red light, and its power reached an incredible level. Every time he stepped on the ground, he could create a large pit with a diameter of tens of meters.

Every time he ran forward, he could cover a terrifying distance of four to five hundred meters, and his speed had been exaggerated to an absurd level.

Cheng Ying chose to run away without thinking. The aura released by this giant was far beyond the ordinary spirit level. Cheng Ying did not want to confront this guy.

Especially when this guy still has the blood of the God Emperor in his body, with the blessing of blood, his strength is not just what he sees in front of him. A situation such as a sudden breakthrough may occur at any time. The more you fight, the stronger you get. This is really disappointing.

In terms of escaping, Cheng Ying's preparations were quite complete. Just like the spaceship he had brought with him before, he decisively chose to fly the spacecraft at this time.

Under the acceleration, he quickly left the two of them behind. When he was driving at full speed, it was impossible for anyone under the holy position to catch up with him. If he accelerated to the limit, he could go around this place in a short time. A circle of planets.

Theoretically, there is no way to catch up. You only need to run to an uninhabited area, take out the space door, and then return.

Cheng Ying originally thought so, but the development of the matter was beyond his expectation. After the giant failed to catch up with him, he indeed chose to give up attacking him, and instead launched an attack on the abyss demon he had just chased. Horrible attack.

It seemed like he was just waving his fist to hit him normally, but the power released was terrifying. This punch shook the mountains and the earth, and the terrain of the earth was changed by this punch. The original forest terrain was abruptly changed. He opened up a canyon, and this canyon was actually the result of the abyss demon's body being knocked out and crushed. At the end of the canyon, the soil was crushed into extremely hard rock by powerful force, and The abyss demon was embedded in the rock, with blood spurting out from his body. It looked like he would not survive.

At this moment, the strong man from the giant race suddenly felt that his body was weakening, and then all the blood in his body was withdrawn from his body. His whole body was aging rapidly as if time was accelerating. In the blink of an eye, he She fell to the ground and turned into withered bones.

Cheng Ying had left a backup plan before escaping. Even from a distance, he could observe everything that happened on the battlefield. After seeing the golden blood leaving the giant's body, the giant died of old age, and he immediately felt bad.

I am afraid that this power was not obtained for free, but through some special means to stimulate vitality, so that such a powerful power bloomed in a short period of time.

If this was really the case, he would not want this drop of blood. In the prehistoric world, Cheng Ying's greatest asset is his long life, and his life is not inferior to those who have lived the longest. People, he doesn't want to be burdened with the curse of losing blood at any time, causing him to age and end his life.

However, contrary to expectations, the drop of blood quickly chased towards him after leaving the giant's body.

"Damn it! No! I have no grudge against you, why are you chasing me?" Cheng Ying felt bad. He couldn't understand himself at all. He was obviously a newcomer to this world. Why was this drop of blood chasing him?

In fact, the reason is very simple. The target of the color's blood attack is always the strongest among the outsiders. Killing the strongest first is the basic rule of this blood. It is obvious that Chengying's strength is a bit exaggerated and not shown. , hiding as much as possible while not being discovered. After being smashed, he was discovered immediately and was confirmed to be the strongest person below the holy level encountered so far.

So Cheng Ying was chosen as the target to attack first. As for why the blood broke away from its host, it was because the blood judged the speed. It was impossible to catch up with the fleeing Cheng Ying. Only in the form of blood could the speed be better. May catch up.

In fact, his judgment was not wrong. In most cases, no existence could surpass Cheng Ying's speed by normal means.

In the atmosphere, Cheng Ying has basically reached the ultimate speed that technological means can achieve. Of course, he uses not only technological means, but also some indescribable knowledge. There is still a huge gap between him and the pinnacle of technological means. It's just that it relies on some trickery to achieve this speed.

But it is impossible to surpass him through conventional methods, and the energy consumed by unconventional methods is extremely huge. Unless the mass of the individual chasing him is very small, it can catch up to close to one percent of the speed of light by consuming huge amounts of energy. The image of sailing in the atmosphere.

The golden blood relied on a strange ability to increase its speed to a level similar to that of the spaceship. Chengying looked at the golden blood outside the window with a very ugly expression on his face. He immediately took out the book in his hand. This time, even if It was discovered by the golden blood that he was regarded as some special existence, which led to the books being discovered and controlled by others, and they were completely ignored.

However, just when he opened the book and was about to leave, he discovered a scene that made him feel chilled. The space door did not appear. The world was blocked. It was difficult to tell when it was blocked.

Perhaps the space had been blocked the moment the golden blood appeared. After all, the army from the abyss had no reinforcements at all, and only the previous vanguard was isolated from this world.

"This is trouble. I should have guessed the problem a long time ago, but there is no other way. Even if I don't get curious, I'm afraid it will be difficult to avoid this time.

Hmm... And this drop of blood seems to have nothing to do with me. In the atmosphere, it is almost impossible to fly faster than me. " Cheng Ying looked at the scene outside the window and basically confirmed this. He was flying too fast, and saw that the golden blood had temporarily chosen a host, which was a monkey with fiery red hair.

As the blood invaded the monkey's body, he immediately transformed into the size of an orangutan, and his size continued to expand. He soon became as big as a mountain, trying to catch up with the spacecraft and intercept and attack him.

However, it was obvious that his interception failed. Big Star's reaction speed could not keep up with the speed of the spacecraft. After a quick search, he was left behind.

The golden blood soon changed its target again. This time he controlled the eagle with cyan wings. And they chose the type that is relatively small and flies fast.

This time the cyan eagle was mainly strengthened by its own flying speed, but it was almost the same as the previous time. Even though he was flying at full strength, he was not thrown away any later than the orangutan.

Although his speed is much faster than that gorilla, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is even a hundred times faster. The problem is that even though it is a hundred times faster, it is still different from the spaceship by an unknown number of orders of magnitude, which makes him completely useless. Possibility of catching up.

The spaceship is also very strange. It flies in an area with a thin atmosphere in the sky, but it does not enter space. Therefore, if you want to catch up with him, you must overcome air resistance, and at the same time, you must ensure that you are not thrown away after exceeding the first cosmic speed. Out of the planet, Cheng Ying's insane mind made it impossible for Golden Blood to catch up with him using normal means.

After controlling the animals on this planet several times in a row, Golden Blood had to choose to give up. Even if he controlled the creatures in front of the spacecraft in advance, the speed gap between the two sides was still too large, and almost no interception was successful. possible.

The only thing on this planet that can catch up with Cheng Ying's spaceship in terms of speed is the golden blood itself. No matter what it is attached to, its speed will drop too much compared to itself, and it will be thrown away in an instant.

Such an opponent is no less troublesome than the Holy One, and Blood seems to be sparing no effort in driving away foreign invaders, or all races. It is no wonder that there are no races in this world, and there are no giant races. Be cleaned up. To a large extent, this is because their bloodline comes from humans, so they are not affected and will not be eliminated.

Cheng Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the various creatures transformed by the golden blood were unable to do anything to him. As long as he maintained this high speed and continued to sail in the atmosphere, the golden blood could basically defeat him. Nothing can be done.

He can still fly like this for a long time, he can slowly delay and slowly think of a solution.

Just when he was thinking this, the golden blood did not choose another host, but flew directly towards him. The blood itself does contain a certain amount of radiation, which can transform living things, and can also cause some damage to living things and destroy their genetic material. However, for those who are powerful enough, the effect is not very good.

Theoretically, his own attack power is not particularly strong, but for some particularly strong opponents, or opponents that are particularly difficult to deal with, Golden Blood has a final preparation plan.

When he saw the golden blood rushing towards him, Cheng Ying had roughly guessed what the so-called preliminary plan was, that is, what the golden blood was about to do. He immediately piloted his spaceship and tried his best. To avoid.

The golden blood must have come after him to fuse with him. Although Cheng Ying didn't know what would happen to the other races who had fused the golden blood, he thought that something like this, which could transform a strong human being a hundred times more powerful, would be destroyed if it entered the body. If so, how powerful the effect would be.

I'm afraid that even a true saint-level powerhouse would have a hard time fighting against him, let alone him. If this drop of golden blood were fused, theoretically he would probably die.

However, he is now driving a spaceship instead of flying by himself. Although the speed is fast, his own inertia is also too great and his flexibility is far insufficient. In comparison, it takes a drop of blood to change direction in the air. The energy is much smaller, uu Kanshu Chengying can't dodge even if he tries his best to avoid it.

The defense of the spaceship was completely unable to block this drop of blood. The explosion-proof window, which could withstand the explosion of hundreds of tons of bombs, was easily penetrated by the golden blood. This drop of blood blended into Cheng Ying's eyebrows, and at the same time, his consciousness was also drawn into it. In the spiritual world.

[To be continued]

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