Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 66: Divine Blood Inheritance

The God-Emperor did not dare to let this test continue. So far, nearly ten thousand years have passed, and the other party has no idea of ​​giving up. If he is allowed to continue, it may take millions of years. It is really possible to succeed, but when he succeeds he finds that everything has only been realized in his dream, and in reality everything has not started yet. In this case, can he continue to face the cruel reality?

The God-Emperor did not dare to gamble, because the existence in front of him might be more likely to successfully save mankind than him. You must know that even the God-Emperor himself relied on plug-ins to get to where he is today. In his opinion, In fact, he was almost successful, and the guy in front of him actually planned to save mankind without relying on any plug-ins, just relying on step-by-step accumulation and down-to-earth progress step by step.

And he seems to have borrowed the power of everyone, and then used infinite time and infinite patience to create this almost impossible miracle. If such a person loses his fighting spirit because of his own operations, God The emperor will never forgive himself.

Therefore, when more than fifty saints were about to wake up, the dream finally stopped completely.

"Stop, don't continue. Your assessment is over. I admit that you are my qualified successor." The words of the God Emperor made Cheng Ying confused for a moment. After all, in his subjective time In other words, he has spent tens of thousands of years, which is a longer time than the longest time in his memory. In comparison, the time he has experienced in reality is just a snap of his fingers.

Fortunately, after returning to his real body, his thinking speed recovered again, and all the blocked memories were recovered. After being confused for a while, it took me a while to finally figure out what happened.

"I see. Did everything that happened before just happen in a dream? No wonder in the dream, after I raised myself to a certain level, my thinking speed couldn't be further improved. It turned out to be limited by the material in my reality. My body, so if my thinking speed is raised to the limit, there is no way to surpass my thinking ability in reality." Cheng Ying seemed to have regained his form very quickly.

This scene surprised the God Emperor. In theory, after experiencing such a long time, even if it was not a real experience but in a dream, his own spirit would definitely be affected.

In this case, people in reality will also become numb, indifferent, or even overwhelmed, unable to accept reality, and want to return to their dreams.

However, the person he was facing seemed to have completed a seamless switch, and after an instant adaptation, everything became coherent.

"How did you do it? I mean how did you manage to do it for a long time without affecting your character." The God Emperor asked curiously for the first time.

"Are you talking about my personality? In fact, it is still affected, but in the time I have experienced, my personality fluctuates within a limited area. Even if there is a change, it will not be better than what I have created now. How different are my personalities? In fact, in the dream you weaved for me, I have changed many times, but after each change, I am actually the same as I am now.

If I have to explain it, my current mental state seems to be the most stable state that has been refined and finally determined. Even if I receive various stimulations, I will maintain that expected state. , and it will not cause too much mental and emotional fluctuations.

It should be because of this that I can continue to pursue my goals in the dreams you created, and keep exploring. In fact, I feel tired in the dreams. The biggest reason is that I use my own strength. After improving to a certain level, I found that my thinking speed could not continue to improve, and my thinking ability fell into a bottleneck. I have been worried about this matter for ten thousand years.

Now I have found his reason, so although it is difficult for you to find it, my current state is actually a relatively pleasant state. "After Cheng Ying said this, he didn't continue to explain too much. After all, even he himself didn't know very well what was going on in this state?

The God-Emperor thought for a while, and did not continue to ask. Instead, he transformed into a pale golden figure, and then took out a contract from his chest.

"This is the secret of my becoming stronger. Actually, it can't be regarded as a secret. There are many people who know this matter, but there is no one who can replace me. This is a contract, called the Great Lord Contract. There are people in low latitudes. All kinds of powerful beings.

Each of them is no weaker than the Holy One, but in a position where all kinds of laws are extremely chaotic, even such a existence is extremely difficult to survive, and each of them is eager to return to the ancient continent and transform themselves back to normal. status.

These beings in low latitudes are usually called lords, because their powerful power can maintain the rules of an area relatively stable, so that normal life can survive in this area, and they are the masters of this area. As long as they are alive, this area with relatively stable rules can continue to exist. Therefore he is called a lord.

And if they want to leave from the low latitudes, they need someone who can bear the contract of all of them and pull them up from the low latitudes.

And this person is called the Great Lord by them, which is also the origin of the name of this contract, the Great Lord Contract. Ordinary beings simply cannot bear this kind of contract. It will not only bring pain to people's souls, but also erase people's memories and personality. Before that, the lords of low latitudes not only Once I tried to choose my own contractor.

However, they all failed without exception. Until this time when they met me, they were barely successful. Perhaps because of my identity, there is something special about my soul. After I bear this kind of contract, although I will also be hurt and feel extremely intense pain, my spirit will not collapse.

At first they thought my symptoms were temporary. Just because I am special and can carry more people, but as time goes by, I carry more contracts again and again, but I still don’t have a mental breakdown, which finally makes those low-dimensional beings believe it. I'm the one who might actually pull them out, and I'm willing to help.

But as you can see, I failed in the end, but judging from the current world structure, only low latitudes exist. It is still possible to fight against the Holy Order and the Innate Demon God's group, but maybe I was wrong from the beginning.

After I learned that the technology in this world has its limits, I subconsciously chose to seek help from forces other than humans. Perhaps as you often say, people have to rely on themselves, and the path you choose is the right one.

However, it shouldn’t be a bad thing to come into contact with some other people’s power occasionally. Zhang Contract may be helpful to you, so I will give him to you. If you need enough power at a certain moment, you can borrow the low contract contract. The power that exists in Latitude, even if your spirit is not as strong as mine, should be able to carry quite a lot of contracts. This is not a weak force. For example, the one that is possessing you now, I think he has already I know too many things that I shouldn’t know. If that’s the case, let’s sign a contract! But this is not a big lord contract, but another type. "

The scene of the conversation returned from the mental space to reality. At the same time, a group of female black shadows was extracted from Chengying's arm. Facing the golden figure, Boluo Ge expressed a very special expression. The bitterness. Although he had guessed that Cheng Ying's identity was not simple, he did not expect that he would be connected to the God Emperor.

Of course he knew about this super strong man among humans. He had a share in the Great Lord's contract at the time. However, because of the fall of the God Emperor, this contract also disappeared. Now it seems that he may have to choose again. There is a new contractor, and this time in addition to the big lord contract, I am afraid that I will have to sign an allegiance contract. Otherwise, even if there is only a drop of blood left by the God Emperor, I am afraid he will be able to kill him in the lower latitudes. His true nature.

Fortunately, he is not particularly repelled by this contract. It doesn't matter that the big lord belongs to the human camp. The existence of low latitudes has no principles. As long as it can help them get out of their current situation, no matter who provides the help, it is acceptable. Yes, even the most humble human beings in the world can accept and agree with it.

The contractor last time was a human being. Although this time it was not a human body, there was nothing unacceptable in the human camp.

As a bloody light flashed, Boluo Ge's incarnation and body completed the signing of the contract, and then turned into a small black tattoo and appeared on Cheng Ying's wrist. If you didn't look carefully, you would think that It's a painted watch, but it's actually a strange symbol that looks like an octopus.

"My most precious contract has been handed over to you. When you meet other low-dimensional beings in the future, you can also make contracts with them and borrow their power. Human beings still need their own power after all. Although your plan is grand and far-reaching , but the time required is too long, and it is difficult to guarantee that no accidents will occur during this long time.

All I have left is this drop of my blood, which contains part of my power essence and a considerable part of powerful life factors. I will help you absorb and fuse it. If you can meet others who belong to me in the future, Relics or my other blood, you can directly gain their approval and become his master.

Get ready to accept the legacy! Your body is very powerful, which will be very beneficial for the next thing. In addition, I also left some treasures. If you think the time is ripe, you can try to find them. There are more than one innate spiritual treasures among them. If you can get it, you should be able to resist to a certain extent even if you face the holy throne alone. "

It is said that this golden blood has been integrated into Cheng Ying's body. Before it was integrated into his body, the God Emperor only knew that this body was very powerful. There was almost no body more powerful than this under the Holy Throne. Wait. After he merged in, he realized that he still underestimated the potential of this body. Which one is more powerful? It's simply ridiculously strong.

The most important thing is that everything composed of this body is in order. It is something that the user of this body can understand and change.

Most people actually don’t understand their own bodies. Don’t know your body structure, don’t know why your body works like this? Even though he gained great strength, he still doesn't know why his strength increased. At most, you can control this power more flexibly through constant training and familiarity. This is also the norm for most strong people.

However, the person in front of him is obviously not like this. His body is like a sophisticated machine, and every part of the machine is hand-made by its owner. The meridians running extraordinary power in the body are extremely delicate, containing almost There are endless details, and one interface after another has been reserved for further refinement.

This body's ability can be changed independently by adjusting these interfaces, and it can gain whatever power it wants.

This also means that the transformation of the God Emperor cannot be carried out easily, which may not even be a help to Cheng Ying, but a harm to him. Because this will make Cheng Ying, who originally had complete control over his body, lose this delicate ability to control. His combat effectiveness may be greatly improved in a short period of time. But in the long run, it may be detrimental to him. It is possible to reduce its potential.

"It doesn't matter, let's start strengthening. You strengthen my body according to my guidance. My body has reserved some technical black box interfaces.

That is, those powers that I cannot yet understand. I had already considered it when designing my power system. In this world, there is an upper limit to the knowledge that can be imparted by technology or magic. Beyond this part, you can only inherit the power or understand it on your own. Therefore, many incomprehensible technical black boxes will be born. After the strength reaches the limit of technology, if you want to continue to improve, you must make use of these technical black boxes.

So I have reserved interfaces for these black boxes in my own body design process. uu看书 ; Even if I cannot understand these areas, they will not affect the upgrading of the meridians in my body. And after I can understand it in the future, I can naturally incorporate it into my meridian system.

As long as you inject your power into these reserved interface locations according to my guidance, it will not affect my absolute control over your body. "Cheng Ying actually had already made a plan for the situation in front of him.

[To be continued]

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