Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 67 Lord of the Abyss

[See you soon Douluo] []

The God Emperor himself also possesses a lot of extraordinary knowledge. After observing the interface marked by Cheng Ying, he understood how to operate it. He couldn't help but sigh that the other party had already considered too much when designing this set of extraordinary volumes. Case. This situation was completely within the opponent's expectation. After his own power is grafted into his body, it will not affect the potential of his sophisticated system at all. The extraordinary power that cannot be taught can also be learned in the future in this form. Grafted into this extraordinary system.

The current extraordinary system is relatively mature. Although it is far from reaching its peak, it can be seen. Even if you don't realize a kind of extraordinary power that cannot be taught from beginning to end, and you don't have a rule-level power, if you follow this extraordinary road to the end, you can theoretically reach the level of the pinnacle of mortals.

And the extraordinary system that can achieve this level is already considered the top level in the ancient continent, and there is no extraordinary system. It is guaranteed that one can become a saint. Luck and strength are absolutely indispensable for this kind of thing, and a large amount of racial luck must be sacrificed to achieve it. There is no extraordinary system that can guarantee that one can reach the level of sainthood.

In other words, if the extraordinary path that Cheng Ying is currently using is leaked, it will definitely cause competition across the continent like a peerless skill, leading to a terrible bloody storm, and even the Holy Throne may end. Snatch, after all, if your race possesses this kind of skill, then your race's potential will undoubtedly be greatly improved, and a new holy position may be born in the future. In that case, your race's ranking among all races will be will be higher.

The enemies of all major races are not just humans. In other words, almost no races regard humans as enemies. In their eyes, humans who have not yet risen have no potential at all, and they are not even qualified to be called enemies. They may not even be qualified to be livestock.

In this case, Wanzu still regards other races as their enemies and wants to occupy a higher position among the various races. Although they are called Wanzu and they are a whole, in the final analysis The contradictions between different races are also quite great. There once broke out a fierce war of all races, which almost shattered the entire continent. Later, if the two emperors had not ascended the throne, After the war is calmed down, I am afraid that the supercontinent of the Great Desolate Continent will really be broken into pieces.

And this is not even a big deal in the face of a war between real strong men. If it is as powerful as the thirteen innate saints, in theory, it can really smash the prehistoric continent with all its strength, even if they are Everyone has the ability to destroy this continent, and the worst is the ability to destroy all mortal life on this continent.

You can imagine how powerful these strong men are, and the God Emperor in his strongest state can almost defeat them with their bel canto support. You can imagine how precious the inheritance contained in this drop of blood is.

Although Cheng Ying only placed the power of this drop of blood on the interface of extraordinary power reserved by himself, the increased power still allowed him to completely break through and reach the level of Linsheng. To be precise, this is not A level is an honorary title for a strong person who has not become a saint but has holy-level combat power. In essence, this level of strength is still equivalent to a spiritual level, but it is just a spiritual level with extremely exaggerated strength.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

Chengying's strength is actually about the same as that of Linsheng. His combat power has far exceeded that of ordinary mortals. He just needs an opportunity and some bottom-breaking abilities to reach the real Linsheng. If he gets If you encounter certain adventures or master the power of the innate spiritual treasure in your mind, you can naturally enter this level.

So far, he has not been able to actively use the power of the innate spirit treasure in his mind. The only function of this innate spirit treasure is to maintain the memories of some powerful people summoned from the world where Douluo originally lived. He will not be erased from this world and bring people from Douluo to the primitive continent.

Although the ability in this area is powerful, for an innate spiritual treasure, it is obviously far from exerting its full ability. Cheng Ying does not know whether the innate spiritual treasure he currently holds is powerful?

After all, these are not the top ten innate spiritual treasures that appeared in the original work. Theoretically, the strength should not be very high, but it can breed a being with outstanding spiritual will like him. If you want to say that he is weak, it is definitely considered weak. Not weak.

It can even be said to be very heaven-defying. Unfortunately, even after obtaining the inheritance of the God Emperor, he still has no way to use the power of his innate spiritual treasure. Otherwise, he can hang up and fight against ordinary saints.

The inheritance of divine blood did not last long. All that is left here is just a drop of blood from the God Emperor. Apart from this drop of blood, everything here has decayed and disappeared. Before the complete integration, the God Emperor told Cheng Ying everything that happened here.

"This is the first alien world that I led the human expeditionary force to conquer. It is also where I work hard to develop technology so that humans can prosper and grow in this world. Although as time goes by, more and more rich worlds are being destroyed. It was discovered that the importance of this world continued to decline, but when facing counterattacks from all races, this place was still regarded as a key target.

But because of the important meaning here. I once stayed here and shed a drop of blood. This is the drop you are absorbing now. The human fleet commander responsible for guarding this place chose to fuse my blood when he was about to be defeated, and temporarily gained powerful power. After killing the strong men of all races, he completely Blocked the world.

The remaining humans stayed here and continued to thrive, but it was a pity that they were not able to pass on their civilization. When the saint died, he cursed the entire world, and the genetic material in almost all adult individuals was irreversibly damaged. destroy.

I think you know what this means. Human adults will die one after another in the next few years, leaving only children under ten years old.

If you hand a world to them, even if there are some wonderful new generations among them, the decline and regression of civilization will be almost inevitable.

In this way, civilization ushered in a great decline. Children had no restraint and adults accumulated a large amount of supplies before they died. On the contrary, this made those children start spending money carelessly. It was too late to realize the problem when supplies were in short supply.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

However, humans are humans after all, and they have stood up again after disasters. However, civilization has extremely declined, almost returning to the primitive era. And because of the curse of all races, the physical rules of this world have been extremely extreme for quite some time. It is unstable and difficult to develop technology, but the extraordinary power of individuals is extremely easy to obtain.

So this world has been in the era of swords and magic for quite some time, and it was during this era that human beings began to grow in size, eventually becoming the giants you see now.

What happened next was that the blood I left here leaked from the body of the commander who died in the battle. At that time, my mind had not yet awakened, eroding the life on this planet, leading to great biological mutation, and human civilization. After a major setback, it became what it is now.

And as my self-awareness gradually awakened, the seal of this world was not as strong as before, and humans from the outside began to be able to come in. Some of the giants inside also strayed into the ancient continent. As for what happened after they arrived in the deserted continent, I don't know.

In my opinion, these giants can barely be regarded as human beings, but it seems that humans themselves do not think so. As for how to decide, that is a problem for you and the other remaining humans.

I don't have much time. The rest you probably need to know. It's all stored in your body. I have to say that your body is indeed quite delicate. "

"In fact, you can store your spiritual will in my body. I can completely free up a computing module in my body to store a person's wisdom."

"There is no need for that. After all, I am not a real personality. I am just a backup of a thinking model. At most, it can be regarded as an artificial intelligence. My mission has been completed, and there is no need to continue to exist." He said as he spoke. The emperor's thinking module has gradually fallen into collapse.

Cheng Ying has actually recorded all the data. It can be completely reshaped. But after thinking about it, he gave up. The God-Emperor was right. Now he is just an artificial intelligence program. It's just that the intelligence is relatively high and it looks like a real person. But in fact, his soul has been dead for an unknown number of years. All the power contained in the blood has been passed on to Cheng Ying.

This actually saved him a lot of trouble. Originally, he was going to find the members of the Sky Snake clan who were alone outside, and search as much as possible of the Sky Snake clan's racial gene database on them.

After all, angels are the most advanced race in biotechnology. They have the most advanced biotechnology and the largest biological database in the continent. It is most efficient to collect information from them.

But now there is no need to search for these biological data. The blood of the God Emperor contains this information. Human beings back then were not just machines, they were technologically advanced, and biotechnology also reached the pinnacle of the world. And he has already begun to try to transform his body. Transform yourself into other life forms that can be sanctified. As long as you have your own holy status, you can be ranked among all races.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

The Earth Spirit Tribe was probably born in this way, and it seems to have been successful, even completing the artificial holy throne. The Goddess of Wealth of the Earth Spirit Tribe is almost an artificial holy throne, but because of this, she has many flaws. , there is also a huge gap between him and other saints in terms of strength.

Now that there is a large amount of genetic data accumulated by humans, Cheng Ying can carry out his own human genetic modification plan.

But the most urgent task now is to bring this huge data and knowledge back to the cluster, so that the main body and other clones can quickly inherit this part of the knowledge and memory and add it to the inherited knowledge of mankind.

What he gained this time was not only the transformation given to him by the God Emperor, but more importantly, the tens of thousands of years of memories he had experienced. Although those memories are false, they are memories in the dream world.

But in fact, many of them are worthy of reference. Many of them were made up by his subconscious mind. Just like the technologies of how to survive in the primitive era, although these technologies are built in the virtual world, they are built in a highly realistic virtual world. Most of them can be used in reality. Especially the technology in the prehistoric continent has an upper limit. This means that more technologies in the simulated world can be applied in reality.

In Cheng Ying's long memory, the technology he achieved was not very advanced. It was not as advanced as the technology he mastered in reality. However, one thing was extremely important and that was how to build a country. Although Cheng Ying had already established The Glacier City only manages one city and one place, with only a few million people. However, the cities, provinces, countries, and even empires he established and managed in the dream have far more people than this order of magnitude. At its most, it controlled as many as one hundred billion people at the same time, approaching the level of the Elf Empire.

Although the land area is only about one percent of the Elf Empire, it is enough to be called an empire. From this, we can also see that there is a huge gap between empires. If the population can exceed one trillion, it can basically be called an empire, but the true strength and foundation will depend on the number and accumulation time of strong people within the race.

Chengying sat in the large crater created by the explosion he caused, adapting to the newly gained energy in his body. He was ready to return to the ancient continent after he fully adapted.

However, he didn't practice much, so he opened his eyes after a while, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes: "I actually chose this time to come here. It seems that this guy has realized that the divine blood has disappeared, but he really thought that it would be so simple to get rid of me. Did you get the divine blood from your body?"

Cheng Ying stood up, standing on top of the magma created by his explosion, and looked into the distance. As the space blockade receded, the door from the abyss gradually opened, and a huge giant emerged from the door. A big black hand made of twisted flesh and blood stretched out from inside, and the mountain-like palm hit the ground hard, triggering a terrible earthquake. The palm turned into claws, forcefully pulling the huge body on the other side of the abyss. Come up, the Lord of the Abyss will personally invade this plane this time and come to fight.

[To be continued]

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