Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 68 The first battle with the Holy Throne

Although Lord Abyss does not have his own holy way and is not favored by heaven, and does not have the privilege of infinite resurrection, his strength level is definitely on the same level as the holy one, and even exceeds it in terms of combat power.

So far, the holy throne is actually the weakest among the high-ranking classes under the existing system in terms of combat effectiveness. This is how the strength of the prehistoric continent is arranged. It is also the highest level, but the lower limit after entering is different.

The earliest innate demon gods have the highest lower limit. These innate demon gods all have their own origins, the origin of rules, authority, and normal strong people need to gradually possess the first two in the process of cultivation before they can finally try to possess the origin. But these Innate Demon Gods are born with them, so all Innate Demon Gods are much more powerful than the weakest Holy One.

In the same way, immortals were born after the holy system. They also have the same level of strength, but the lower limit is lower than that of saints. However, one advantage of immortals is that they can be cultivated in batches and there is no limit on quantity. , the number of holy paths is limited, so the number of holy places is also limited, but it is different for immortals. They usually only have combat power reaching this level, but they do not have the various permissions given by the universe.

Therefore, although the lower limit is lower, it is still a very excellent extraordinary cultivation system. In the same way, the strongest people in the next era are called supreme people. They rely on the merits distributed by the Wheel of Merit to become strong people at this level. , the lower limit of strength is even lower. The weakest Perfect Man is only about one-third of the strength of the weakest Saint.

This law is not necessarily completely correct, but at least most of the time, the strong men in the prehistoric world conform to this law. Many of the Abyss Lords are fallen innate demon gods, so in terms of level, they are actually higher than those of the holy ones. Much stronger.

It is not easy to confirm the composition of the Chengying in front of him. After all, this is the first time he has faced the essence of this existence. Although he knows that there is a gulf-like gap between the holy status and the mortal things, there is no one. Intuitive understanding.

Although he had seen Polo Ge before, all he saw was a projection. Now he can be sure that he is stronger than that projection, but compared with the ontology of this existence, how far there is, he must go through a battle to know clearly.

The visitor from the abyss who appeared this time had an extremely large size. After crawling out of the gate of the abyss, he publicized his name to the world.

"My name is Saya! Dedicate all your blood to me, and I will transform you into my dependent and enjoy eternal life." The loud voice almost resounded throughout the world. Cheng Ying felt the voice go deep into his heart, making him involuntarily want to do what the voice said.

Fortunately, his mental resistance is almost at full value. Even the God Emperor cannot directly invade his mind. This kind of tentative attack with mental hints will only make him have some impulses at most, and will not affect his sanity at all. .

"So it turns out that a being like you can also use such shameful tricks?" Cheng Ying flew up from the big pit caused by his own violence, and at the same time began to prepare his own spells. His main strength now is still in spells. God Although the power given to him by the Emperor is extremely powerful, he is still far from being able to display this part of his power, so he still uses his traditional talents more when fighting.

Danshou is a Samadhi True Fire, which can be regarded as the most practical magical power he has learned. It consumes very little, and can be released by sensing the enemy. The attack appears out of thin air deep in the enemy's heart, although it can cause damage. It's not very powerful, but it's hard to guard against.

Saya was hit by a sudden attack. The expression on his huge, dark face was distorted. He was using a humanoid form, but it looked even weirder. He was tens of thousands of meters tall, but his figure was close to that of a humanoid. He has a square figure, shoulders that are almost as broad as his height, his hands are extremely slender, hanging on the ground, and his lower body also looks very slender. His weird body shape gives people a chilling feeling, and his dark face His expression was even more strange.

"Mortal, you dare to attack me. It has been too many years since any mortal has dared to go against my will. Do you really think that you are invincible after gaining the power of that drop of blood?"

The dark palm was photographed from the sky. At the same time, time and space were frozen at the same time. Cheng Ying was like an insect in amber. The magic circles surrounding his body were even frozen. Only there was The blow captured by the screenwriter, who was blocking the sky, kept dilating in his pupils.

It seemed that the giant in front of him was made of flesh and blood, but his body was as hard as the material of a neutron star. If this slap were taken, it would be enough to shatter Cheng Ying into pieces in an instant.

In an environment where time and space are frozen, there is almost no way to avoid it. Usually, when faced with this situation, the powerful Linsheng rely on their own innate spiritual treasures for body protection, or they rely on the ones they obtain. Opportunity, using strength to defeat luck, forcibly breaks away from the shackles of this power of time and space.

However, Cheng Ying's choice is obviously different from theirs. Although he also has an innate spiritual treasure, he can't use it actively, not even passively. He also has adventures, such as the inheritance of the God Emperor he just met, or the There are secret beings possessing him, but these powers have obviously not yet developed and cannot help him resist the crisis in front of him. Seeing the palm that covers the sky comes down, Cheng Ying activates the only spirit he can still move now, He began to mobilize his extraordinary power and used the spells he mastered to continuously break the space blockade in front of him.

If it were in the past, this kind of cracking would be almost impossible, because it is not only space but also time that is locked. His body will seem to be in a state of absolute zero, unable to move at all. However, now He has the blood of the God Emperor in his body.

This makes the opponent's time blockade unable to completely lock the movement of extraordinary power in his body. It is like leaving a gap under a 10,000-ton boulder. Although the gap is small, it is enough for Cheng Ying to insert a stick into the gap. crowbar.

If a crowbar is not enough, he can also insert a jack into the gap. With this method, it can break the opponent's time and space blockade bit by bit, and it does not use any power that exceeds the specifications. , but he has mastered the spell of the laws of space and time. With his own operation, he broke the lock before the attack hit him. Then he moved out of the palm of his hand in an instant, and at the same time, he was surrounded by the halo around him. , there is an extra golden and silver halo. The color halo is perpendicular to the vertical direction of his body, and the golden halo emerges parallel to the plane above, below, left, and right of him on his back. There are also The hands and scales are like a clock.

"Forbidden spell of time and space? The magic of mortal objects can actually achieve this level." Saya did not expect that the prey that had been locked by him could escape. What surprised him most was the escape method used by his prey. This kind of The way to escape the time and space blockade was completely unheard of for him.

All the powers used are powers that mortals can use. The only thing that mortals can't do is to weakly control the extraordinary power in his body under his time and space blockade.

But now that the Wheel of Time and Space has been formed, Cheng Ying is being protected quite closely. It will not be easy for him to continue to use the time and space blockade to trap the other party.

"That's interesting, but after all, you are still using the power of a mortal. If you cannot master the power of divine blood, you can only survive for a little longer in front of me." Although Saya was surprised by his opponent's escape, he was still surprised. He doesn’t think he can’t control the other party.

Cheng Ying nodded and said, "Should I thank you for pointing out the way to defeat yourself?"

As he spoke, he moved away in an instant. He was not the only one who could control time and space. For the Saint, controlling time and space was like instinct. The huge Lord of the Abyss used the power of time and space to use the method of using the power of time and space with relatively small humanoid units. It's different. He usually doesn't move his huge body instantly, which doesn't improve his flexibility very much. More often, he will directly modify the spatial distance between himself and his opponent to let the opponent appear directly. In front of him, directly in front of his attack.

This is much more convenient than teleporting in front of the opponent to launch an attack.

Cheng Ying could only dodge the opponent's attack with extremely extreme maneuvers, and the strength of the opponent's attack could be seen from the planet that was penetrated by a palm.

The moment the battle between the two broke out, it had already brought a devastating blow to the planet and even the life on the planet. One of the most powerful characteristics of a saint-level strongman is that he has infinite energy. Although It is not truly infinite energy. After using the energy, you need to recover briefly. The output power also has an upper limit, but this upper limit is already so high that ordinary things cannot reach it. In theory, it can easily tear a planet-level existence into pieces.

This is not the kind of planet destruction where nuclear bombing only destroys the surface of the planet, nor is it the kind of destruction that takes advantage of the fragility of the planet's structure to create ecological extinction that sweeps the entire planet, but relies entirely on huge energy and brute force to destroy the planet. To crush an existence of this size into pieces, the difference in energy required is extremely huge, not an order of magnitude at all.

Although Cheng Ying can release attacks of the same level, the preparation time required is probably measured in years. Therefore, he can never be hit by the opponent's attack, even though he can now almost achieve rebirth with blood, using the opponent's The attack strength is also good, destroying him in an instant without leaving a drop of blood.

Even if the attack against him misses, if he hits the planet, it will be enough to cause a devastating blow to the creatures on the surface of the planet. Ecocide is already in progress, and Chengying is powerless to prevent the disaster. Now It was just that a hole was punched through the planet by a powerful attack, and the result was only volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

If the battle continues to escalate, the next disaster will not be so simple. Cheng Ying still does not want the life on this planet to become extinct. If he has the ability, he would like to end this battle quickly, but his opponent's attack It was really much stronger than him, but even the counterattack he tried couldn't break the opponent's protective energy.

"You can't win if you continue like this. I'm still using the power I had before I obtained the divine blood. I have to find a way to use the power of the divine blood."

It has to be said that Cheng Ying was already strong enough before he met the God Emperor. The strength he shows now is not much stronger than before, and being able to entangle with the holy throne for a relatively long time is barely enough. Zuo is a saint, but only to this extent, it is obviously not enough.

Cheng Ying began to stimulate the power contained in the reserved interfaces in his body. What he needed now was not more functional abilities, but a powerful attack ability. As long as he could break through the opponent's defense, this battle would be There is hope of winning.

For some reason, Cheng Ying felt that the big guy in front of him seemed to be completely inferior to himself in terms of operation. It was like a professional e-sports player holding a relatively ordinary account and fighting with an ordinary player who earns money. The battle is average, but the premise is that this is not a game where you can be absolutely invincible with krypton gold. Although Cheng Ying will die if he is touched, he relies on his own operation to make his opponent unable to touch him.

If the opponent's combat consciousness could reach Cheng Ying's level, then he might not be able to sustain it for a minute. He didn't know whether his operation was too strong or the opponent was too weak. In short, he felt that as long as he could break through If you guard against the opponent's attack ability, you will be sure to defeat the opponent.

Even he himself could not be sure what the effect of using the power stored in the redundant modules he had reserved would be. At the moment, he could only randomly select the power contained in a module and use it.

In order to create an opportunity for this attack, Cheng Ying teleported thirty times in a row, seizing the opportunity of his opponent's misjudgment, teleporting and appearing behind the opponent, and at the same time released the energy he had gathered in his palms.

The energy of unknown attributes turned into a golden torrent and hit the opponent. In an instant, a golden light enveloped Saya's whole body. Then Saya's speed suddenly increased by a notch, and he punched He hit Cheng Ying, and the stiffness of his attack almost prevented him from dodging the attack. The opponent's speed suddenly exceeded the limit he had calculated before.

"Did this guy hide his strength before and deliberately mislead me? That shouldn't be the case. Although he does have hidden strength, logically speaking, with his combat IQ, my prediction of his ultimate speed should not be wrong. ." Just as he was thinking this, he heard Saya roaring in a confused voice:

"What the hell are you doing, little bug? Are you actually strengthening me? Do you look down on me, or do you have some conspiracy?"

Cheng Ying: "..."

Okay, now you know what this trick does.

[To be continued]

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