Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 69 The power of divine blood

The power of the God-Emperor is indeed very powerful, but no matter how powerful the power is, it still needs a specific form of expression. The God-Emperor is obviously not the kind of strong man who can defeat all laws with one force. On the contrary, it belongs to that type of ability. There are many strong men. This kind of thing is actually very consistent with Chengying, but because it is really impossible to spread it directly, he is now like facing a catalog written in an incomprehensible language. Every skill is related to him. The introduction is unclear, and you must use it before you can roughly understand each of the same effects left to him by the God Emperor.

Now it seems that the power he just used is an enhanced type of power. Perhaps the powers in this category are all enhanced types. While Cheng Ying narrowly avoided the opponent's attack, he also applied this power to On his own body, he felt as if he had entered a bullet time-like state, and everything around him slowed down. The only thing that did not slow down was his own speed, not only the speed of his thinking, but also the speed of his body's actions. in this way.

This is a very wonderful state, because the speed of his interaction with the material world has not changed. To give the simplest example, if he falls with a stone at the same time, at the same height, he will fall faster than the stone. It falls first, because the stone bears gravity under the normal flow rate of time. Instead, it is attracted by gravity, and its falling speed is accelerated by time.

Yes, it allows his speed not to be affected by the physical environment, so he can be more flexible and not affected by his huge inertia.

"This move seems to be of limited help." Cheng Ying once again dodged the enemy's attack, and his mountain-like palm fell on the ground. The explosion hit a basin, and the blown rocks were blasted out of the planet's atmosphere. Magma flowed directly from the bottom of the pit.

Viewed from space, it looks like a soft candy wrapped in a hard shell, with one corner smashed into pieces. Spider-web-like cracks can be seen for thousands of miles around.

"My movement relies more on teleportation. If I just increase my subjective speed, the effect is not very obvious. Fortunately, this is not just a simple increase in movement speed, but also an equal proportion of increase in my reaction speed." Thinking of this, he had disappeared instantly, and the location where he was just now was attacked by a torrent of energy.

This level of attack is still quite dangerous for him. A strong saint can compress huge energy into a very small range.

It seems that the coverage range of the attack is not very large, but the destructive power within this relatively small range is devastating.

As for the hit rate, Saya directly modified Cheng Ying's position and changed the distance between him and his attack to zero. In this way, he would instantly arrive at the position of his attack, with almost no room to escape.

If Cheng Ying had not blessed himself with the magic of thinking acceleration and achieved almost zero time difference in operation, it would have been absolutely impossible to escape when the distance between himself and the enemy's attack was zero.

In fact, his escape still caused him to suffer certain losses. No matter how fast he ran, he still had to stay in place for at least one Planck time.

This caused him to still have to endure a certain amount of damage. Fortunately, in such a short period of time, the attack could only destroy an extremely small part of his body, and he could completely make up for this part of the damage with the self-repair bar.

"He was interfered by my spell, and there is currently no way to move me directly into his attack. However, with the almost unlimited energy of the holy position, it is only a matter of time before I can violently break through my interference. I still need to experiment with more abilities. . This guy showed up at the wrong time.

The risk of experimenting with unknown capabilities is too great at this time. If I had enough time to verify my newly acquired abilities, the situation would definitely be much clearer than it is now. "

Cheng Ying had no time to complain until now, so he immediately chose to activate a brand new ability. This time it was also applied to the opponent. After all, it was not certain that this ability was an enhancement.

The God Emperor has given Cheng Ying so many abilities that he can hardly count them. Among them, there are more than 3,000 unique skills for the powerful saints alone, not to mention those without the power of the saint level.

In this world, the total number of powerful men at the holy level will not exceed three thousand. After all, the authority of the universe is limited. Unlike the later immortals, their power is gained by their own learning and cultivation, and there is almost no limit to the number.

After the new ability was displayed, a blue light was shrouded in Saya's body, and then he saw a flash of blue light all over his body, as if nothing happened.

"! What are you doing to me?" Saya let out a confusing roar. Even though Cheng Ying was thinking very fast, it took him a while to realize what was happening?

There are really too many types of power left to him by the God Emperor. There are relatively normal types among them, and naturally there are also more unreliable types like the one in front of him. The move just now has no lethality, and the effect it caused seems to be Even if the opponent is forced to speak backwards, I don't know how long it will last. Judging from the speed at which the blue light fades, it shouldn't last too long.

"Hiss...who is so boring? He developed this ability." Cheng Ying thought for a moment and roughly thought of the possible effects of this move.

"It's possible that this is a skill that assists in casting spells. Judging from some of the elf spells I'm learning now, the way to remove many spells is to recite the spell backwards.

That being said, this move cannot be said to be completely useless, but it does not seem to have improved the current battle situation. "Cheng Ying dodged the attack again, and this time almost half of his body was wiped out.

After the opponent discovered that he could operate with almost zero time difference, he chose to change the type of his attack. Previously, I had always used extraordinary energy to bomb, because this attack was the most powerful, and if I missed, I would almost certainly die.

But judging from the results, the probability of such an attack hitting is very slim. In this case, it is necessary to change to an attack method that is easier to hit. Even if this attack method is not so fatal, he can hurt the opponent unilaterally. Under such circumstances, it is definitely enough to win the battle.

What he chose was to switch his attack method to light. Even on the ancient continent, it is usually impossible to exceed the speed of light. Of course, if the speed of light cannot be exceeded at all, then the entire ancient continent may not be able to exceed the speed of light until now. Exposed to sunlight.

After all, the continent here is too big. If the light wants to spread from one end of the continent to the other, it may take tens of thousands of years. This is why the sun, moon and other things in this world have special powers. .

There is no special ability or meaning. It is impossible for them to behave like the celestial bodies seen on normal planets.

Cheng Ying does not have this special ability. His spatial movement is not a magical level. The fastest speed can only reach the speed of light. Most of the speeds that can be applied instantaneously can only reach the speed of light. This is already an extremely high speed. , in most battles it is impossible to go faster than this. But such instant movement speed is obviously unable to avoid light speed attacks.

A light speed strike means that it has hit when you see it. Unless you rely on something like intuition to avoid it, it is absolutely impossible to avoid it by observation.

Although most of Cheng Ying's body was destroyed, he still had time to move instantly and escape the range of the attack. Although the light speed attack could hit him, he also faced a problem that attacks with extraordinary power did not have. That is, even if such an attack Even if he could hit him, he would not be able to kill him with one hit even though he had countless ways to save his life, and his recovery speed was too fast.

It was like going back in time, returning to his original healthy state almost instantly. Immediately afterwards, another white light brushed on Saya's body.

Chengying used it as a target to test his own skills, using this powerful existence to test the effects of his various abilities.

A white light flashed, and this time there was finally a significant change. The extremely huge Saya pair quickly shrank in size after being hit. In an instant, they changed from a giant to a palm-sized one. The body proportions have actually been reversed.

And the attack that was so fierce just now was easily resisted by Cheng Ying.

"This time... the ability to shrink the opponent? It's not just as simple as shrinking, but also the power of various powers has been reduced. I finally encountered a more practical ability."

"Damn it! This is the power that drop of blood gives you! You can use it without fully grasping it. It is a waste to keep this kind of treasure in your hands." Although his body size has become smaller, Saya did not panic at all. . His attack power was weakened just now, just because he did not output to his upper limit.

In the current battle, he does not need to fully exert his power, he only needs to exert enough power to kill his opponent. After all, he still hopes to invade this planet. Invade the world.

The environment here is always better than that in the abyss. If you use your full strength, the planet under your feet will fly and be destroyed. Other surrounding planets that have been transformed and suitable for habitation may also be destroyed. That way If he did, even if he got the divine blood, he would still have to give up this world he had finally explored.

Therefore, in the previous battle, he did not use his full strength. Now he has shown his upper limit of output again. Although due to the reduction in size, the upper limit of this output is also proportionally smaller than the original state, but it is more effective. Even with more strength, the combat effectiveness displayed is still no weaker than at the beginning.

Relatively, after his size became smaller, he became more flexible in fighting. Cheng Ying suddenly felt that the pressure was increasing. He had become a giant, but his movements were not as flexible as his opponent's.

But it is impossible for him to compress his power. He is at a disadvantage in terms of absolute power. If he continues to compress it, wouldn't he be seeking death?

"Will you continue to use power randomly? No, even the power left to me by the God Emperor will consume a lot of money to use now. I can't continue to gamble. I need to find a way to identify the type of power. This method must exist."

During the battle, Cheng Ying immersed his mind in his own body: "If I simply use my own strength and develop the power of this body through the most traditional means, I should be able to obtain the power of God." It's the emperor's bonus! This should be the normal usage by other powerful people after they obtain the divine blood.

If that's the case, I should be able to do the same thing. The opponent has been weakened. In theory, it is not just his output that has been weakened. More importantly, protection is weakened.

Although the defense of a powerful saint is almost invincible to mortals. But that is actually just too strong. Under normal circumstances, mortal attacks cannot cause even the slightest damage.

But the physical ability of the guy in front of him has been weakened tens of thousands of times. If he can directly hit his body with a powerful attack, he might be able to break through the defense. If it can be done, I still have some confidence in this battle. "

Cheng Ying started his own counterattack at the beginning of the battle, targeting those who were far above his own level. If you want to be effective, you must accumulate enough power.

Therefore, a giant white magic circle enveloped the sky, and Cheng Ying became serious about it. He began to try to use super powerful spells that required a long preparation time even for himself. At the same time, during the battle with his opponents, he became more dangerous. In order to prevent his opponent from destroying his spell preparations, he chose to fight in close combat. The power of the God Emperor was channeled by him and turned into a layer of golden armor, protecting his body from being killed instantly.

A fist-to-fist battle unfolded between the two sides. Violent explosions exploded on the battlefield again and again. At the same time, the huge white magic circle that covered the entire sky also began to change. Red, black, white, and cyan lights appeared in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and then yellow light condensed in the center of the white formation. It is the power of the Four Symbols and Five Elements. Although the Human Emperor has not yet been born, this power has not yet been fully realized. But Cheng Ying developed and used it himself, and it still has great power.

Not only that, the stars in the sky also began to become brighter. The light of stars fell from the sky one after another, shining in the huge magic circle, turning into star points one after another, uu read a book; Each star point is an eye of the magic circle, and there are more and more stars, with a total of 365. As the magic circle moves, a layer of purple energy appears faintly in the sky, with some Thunder was conceived in that layer of purple mist, and just looking at it made one's scalp numb.

Saya, who had been shrunk in size, finally realized that the situation was not good, and the attack in front of him was no longer something he could ignore casually.

[To be continued]

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