Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 70 4 images and 5 lines

In the huge formation in the sky, more and more energy is gathered. Almost the entire planet was enveloped by the formation. On the side of the planet facing the sun, a thick beam of light shone directly from the sun.

Although this process took a total of eight minutes to guide the light to the formation, the sunlight guided was also extremely strong, and the energy released was like a flare explosion. The energy torrent converged in the formation, The power of this attack was enhanced to the most exaggerated level.

This is basically the upper limit of what Chengying can achieve under normal conditions, or the upper limit of power that a magician can achieve before becoming a saint.

Attacks launched by borrowing the power of stars are no longer weaker than ordinary saints in terms of energy output. Although the energy contained in the body of saints is endless, their output also has an upper limit. Most of them The upper limit of the output power of a saint is roughly equivalent to the power of a sun. This is already an exaggerated figure, enough to cause a devastating blow to any earth-like planet.

However, the instantaneous output of Chengying's attack has exceeded the power of radiation naturally released by the star. Instead, it has inspired the star to gather its own energy and burst out. The upper limit of the output in a short period of time is compared to the normal situation of the holy position. Even higher.

Not only that, Saya was also weakened in the process. His body was reduced tens of thousands of times. After the proportion of the volume in his body was reduced, it was only one trillionth of the original size. Even if all the energy was exploded, The output power is now far from enough to counteract this terrible attack.

"How on earth did this guy do it? He only used ordinary magic." Although the training systems of the two sides are different, most systems of magic will involve it more or less, even if Even though I don’t know how to use it, I have a certain level of understanding of it, and I am very clear about the basic knowledge.

He could absolutely confirm that this move was a pure and crisp spell and did not use any power related to divine blood. However, the power of this move had to be taken seriously even in his heyday.

Of course, if he were in his prime, he would not have given Cheng Ying enough time to concentrate and release this move.

Now that he feels the majestic power gathered in the formation in the sky, Saya is a little scared. He is not a true saint. He may have exceeded it in terms of combat power, but he is not an existence that relies on the holy way. If he is If the body is destroyed, it is very likely that he will not be able to resurrect. Even if the backhand he left behind can help him resurrect, he will be in a weak period for a long time after his resurrection. At that time, he does not have the strength to be a saint. If If you are found by your enemies or exposed to the eyes of other powerful people, you may die for the last time.

In contrast, although the holy position is the weakest in frontal combat among today's top powerhouses, their survivability is indeed very strong because they rely on the way of heaven. Unless eternal night falls, the way of heaven is blocked, and the saints The Tao returns to themselves, otherwise, they are immortal. At most, they will be destroyed and their bodies will fall into a long sleep. After resurrection, they will still be holy, unless someone can break the Tao of Heaven and reshape a new world rule. .

Of course, a few powerful people who use innate spiritual treasures can theoretically kill the Holy One completely by relying on some special abilities. However, this kind of thing has never happened in history. On the one hand, it is very costly, and on the other hand, it is very expensive. On the one hand, it is really extraordinary to do such a thing.

Killing the Holy Throne completely can indeed scare a group of people and let the Holy Throne know that they are not invincible, but the problem is that this will also encounter the hostility of the Holy Throne Group. After all, the number of Holy Thrones among the top powerhouses is currently The most, and apparently the strongest, in terms of power. In this case, when encountering someone who may threaten one's existence, the first thing that comes to mind should not be to give in, but to eliminate the potential threat. Therefore, so far, there has been no When someone kills the real Holy One, it is the Innate Demon God, the Lord of the Abyss, these powerful people who exist in secret, and there are a few records of being completely killed.

Right now, Saya already regretted the fight. His opponent's strength was beyond imagination, and the time he chose to take action was actually right. Cheng Ying didn't have time to adapt to the power of the divine blood. If he was given time to adapt, he would quickly become stronger. By then, he would have no chance to grab the treasure. With the assistance of the divine blood, Cheng Ying would be almost 100% confident. Bai Neng can become a powerful person at the level of Linsheng.

After reaching this level, the vast majority of saints cannot defeat Linsheng in a head-on battle. After all, when they gain their own powerful strength, they are actually somewhat watery. What they sacrifice is the luck of the race. .

In fact, there is an animation work that can vividly describe this process of sanctification, and that is Neon Genesis Evangelion. In this work, the human completion plan implemented at the end is actually an attempt to create a saint. If this plan If the execution is successful, a saint can theoretically be born.

The existence created in this way cannot be more powerful than Linsheng who truly lit up the sea of ​​his soul.

Saya's biggest mistake was that he underestimated Cheng Ying's own strength. In his eyes, he was just a mortal, and in front of him he was like an ant. After all, the Holy Spirit is so rare that it may not be possible even for thousands of years. If one person can come out, in this case, who would subconsciously think that the mortal strongman they meet is Linsheng?

In fact, Cheng Ying's combat effectiveness has not yet reached the level of Linsheng. If I have to say it, it is still worse. However, this difference can be measured quantitatively. That is, before he obtained the divine blood, his combat effectiveness was probably two points. One or two-thirds of the saints would definitely not be able to defeat the saint in this case, but they would be enough to intervene in the battle at this level.

Because of this, even if he had just obtained the divine blood, Cheng Ying was definitely not that easy to kill. In addition, one of Saya's biggest misunderstandings is that Chengying is not a spiritual person. He has not even lit up the light of his soul. He is not even a demigod. He is just a third-level person who is about to touch the threshold of the legendary level.

The only good thing is that it is difficult for Cheng Ying to break through in the face of battle. His strength is improved bit by bit by editing the meridians in his body. Every step is down-to-earth, and he can see his own footprints and ensure that He is completely able to repeat this process of improvement. Although this situation has an extremely solid foundation and almost no one can stop his improvement, it also means that it becomes almost impossible to break through the realm with a flash of inspiration in battle.

Otherwise, if Chengying suddenly breaks the situation, Saya's situation will be even worse than now.

Saya, who had already realized that the situation was not good, finally gave up on his dignity as the world's top powerhouse. He admitted that Chengying had just obtained the divine blood and already had the strength of Linsheng. He lost to Linsheng... In fact It is not particularly shameful, because he believes that an existence like Linsheng will defeat more saints in the future, which makes his failure not so embarrassing.

Moreover, the title of Linsheng is not about the holy position, but the high-level holy position. If someone breaks through, he can directly surpass the restrictions of the holy position and become a high-level holy position.

It has to be said that it is indeed easier to escape after becoming smaller. During the battle, he was turned into a humanoid creature only the size of a palm. In this case, his agility was greatly improved, but after compressing his specific size as much as possible, he became only the size of a thumb, and his speed improved quickly.

Cheng Ying didn't expect that his opponent would run away in the blink of an eye. In his impression, an existence like the Holy Throne should be extremely arrogant. Even if there is no Holy Dao, facing an opponent under the Holy Throne, if The opponent has not shown a crushing level of strength and will never back down.

He just had a slight upper hand in the battle, and when he had a chance to win, his opponent actually chose to run away. This was completely beyond Cheng Ying's expectations and caused him a lot of trouble.

The formation in the sky is too huge, and it can be said to be quite difficult to target an enemy that is only the size of a thumb and is still moving at high speed.

And if this attack misses, it won't take long for the opponent to recover his own size, and the suppressed energy in his body will be restored, and Cheng Ying will not be able to use the power of shrinking people again in a short time. If he misses this period, his opponent may make a comeback.

So the situation became very strange. Cheng Ying, a mortal, actually started to hunt down a saint-level being.

Saya also had his own reasons for choosing to escape. Compared to other strong men of his level, the Abyss Lords generally have their own mission, which is to fight for a promised land for their race.

The harsh environment in the abyss has generally caused the abyssal races to become chaotic, and their living conditions are also very poor. It is very difficult to give birth to an abyssal king, and if they want to come to the surface, they want to come to relative safety. world, but has always been resisted by every world, and has never stably occupied a world that is relatively mild and undisturbed by low latitudes.

And the Lords of the Abyss each carry their own mission, to fight for a land for their race to survive under the sun. To other races, the Lords of the Abyss are terrifying, evil invaders, and thugs who do all kinds of evil. If they are killed and their war of aggression fails, then people will cheer for it.

But in contrast, for the creatures in the abyss, the Lord of the Abyss is their hero, their hope for the future, and the dawn of their race's escape from chaos and evil.

Therefore, the Lord of the Abyss had to give up his pride at some point, lower his head, and choose to survive as much as possible, retaining his useful strength and continuing to fight for the land where his tribe could live in peace.

Cheng Ying has gradually realized this during the battle. During the battle, he was actually trying to protect the planet as much as possible, but he also noticed that the Lord of the Abyss also had this aspect. Consciousness, he had not thought of anything before. He just felt that the other party just wanted to kill him and there was no need to use extra strength. Now that he thought about it, it might be a completely different situation, and this was probably the weakness of the Abyss Lords.

However, the top priority now is not to exploit their weaknesses, but to use the special effects to reduce the size and catch the opponent before it ends. After catching, whether it is killing, sealing, or other disposal methods, we can talk about it after that. Once If he fails to catch his opponent before the shrinking spell ends, Cheng Ying will have to think about how to escape.

His Shenzhou has been destroyed. If he relied on flying alone, he would probably not be able to fly.

The magic circle in the sky has stored too much energy and may burst out at any time. However, the energy beam has not yet successfully focused on its enemy. The power of the five elements has begun to gradually gather, and the four elephant totems in the southeast, northwest and northwest have also begun to gather. They began to converge towards the Qilin Totem in the center. Once the convergence was completed, it was time to launch the attack.

Cheng Ying is also proficient in various spells. Seeing that it is difficult to catch the opponent and he will miss the opportunity, Cheng Ying completely mobilizes his own defense and throws away the wheel of time and space on his body, which is to protect him from the power of time and space. The two spells that force invasion.

Two golden and silver roulette wheels flew out, and almost at the same time, he was stopped in place by the opponent's power of time and space, and fell into the stasis of time and space.

But all this was too late to stop the halo of gold and silver from covering Saya's body. In addition to resisting the time and space blockade, the two halos can also be used to block the enemy.

Even though the holy throne has a strong ability to control the rules of time and space, facing the power of these two moves is close to the peak of magic. It was impossible to break away immediately.

The magic circle in the sky was automatically aimed according to the established procedure. The moment Saya was locked and difficult to move, the aiming and energy gathering were completed. The huge energy was focused like a magnifying glass roasting ants, bombing in a Only within the size of a thumb.

With such a huge amount of energy gathered in such a small space, one can imagine the terrible consequences. In the violent explosion, Saya, who was only as big as a thumb, was evaporated almost instantly. The only thing he had time to do was to choose to self-destruct.

In the process of self-exposure, he can break through the time and space blockade to a certain extent. Even if only a drop of blood can escape, he can regenerate his own body. He will be weakened to a certain extent, but at least he will not be beaten here. Destroy the body.

I have to say that his last operation was correct. Chengying is controlled in place by the time and space blockade, and his own time flow rate is almost fixed. There is no way to issue complex commands to the array in the sky. Although the intelligent system of the array is very strong, it is impossible to operate it like Chengying himself. By adapting to circumstances like that, there is a chance that one or two body fragments could escape from his self-destruction.

[To be continued]

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