Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 71 Conquering the Holy Throne

Facing an opponent that self-destructs, the magic circle in the sky automatically captures its exploding body and the direction of its flight. When presetting an attack, it has already been preset to destroy every piece of the enemy's body. Not even a drop of blood, the kind that's left.

After all, when using this magic circle, the enemy's strength is usually already predictable. If there is no strong person at the holy level, using such a powerful attack will definitely be an excessive attack. No mortal-level strongman can withstand a blow from this magic circle. Even if it is used to deal with thousands of troops, it would be a waste.

It's just that the effect of automatically calculated attacks is still much worse than if Cheng Ying personally controls it. Cheng Ying has surpassed almost all artificial intelligence systems in terms of operation. Not only has he reached the upper level, he has basically Can outperform the operation of artificial intelligence systems.

If their adaptability during battle is not as good as artificial intelligence, with their powerful energy, they might as well just choose hosting during battle.

Cheng Ying also knew that this situation might occur after his body was trapped, so when the attack fell, he took over the control of the formation the moment the space blockade on his side was lifted.

But it was still a little late. The attack had already been launched, and his opponent had already completed self-destruction. His body turned into countless fragments and shot in all directions. Some of the extremely small fragments had already deviated quite far from the center of the attack. Even though Even if Cheng Ying were to control it himself, it would be difficult to guarantee that all these fragments would be hit and obliterated.

However, if he were to control it, the room for maneuver would be much larger than that of the system. The system could only operate within the system's framework, but he could make changes from the system's structure itself.

He retained 1% of the energy that was originally outputted 100%. This is something that the system itself can never do. Although it is only 1% of the energy, it is still extremely huge, and the upper limit of the output is even higher than what it is now. The holy position is higher.

In this way, even if any fragments can escape, he still has one shot in his hand that can instantly kill the opponent's attack.

Sure enough, there were too many fragments in the explosion. Even if Chengying tried his best to destroy, a drop of blood finally escaped. After shrinking in size, this drop of blood was like a drop of water sprayed from an atomizer. small.

This tiny presence is almost impossible to detect with the naked eye.

Cheng Ying also relied on the magic he had blessed on his body to detect the existence of this tiny drop of blood. This drop of blood was still desperately extracting energy and repairing itself.

As long as you give him enough time, he can repair himself to his finished state.

However, this time he did not have enough time. Cheng Ying teleported to the area around this drop of blood. Now that he was so weak, Saya could no longer completely suppress Cheng Ying through the operation of his temporal power. The new Wheel of Time and Space Appeared on Cheng Ying's body, isolating the time and space restrictions imposed on him by the enemy. At the same time, the already extremely dim magic circle in the sky once again condensed an energy, which turned into a spear and hung over Cheng Ying. Although it was a long spear, it appeared on Cheng Ying's body. shape, but the length is almost the same as the diameter of the planet. If this blow is released in the form of an explosion, it may be able to blow the planet in half.

And this is enough power to kill the last remaining drop of blood in Saya. Perhaps the backhand he left behind can be resurrected in other places, but being beaten to ashes and resurrected will inevitably lead to long-term weakness and survival. I am afraid that the rate will not be much higher than it is now. After all, he is also an abyss creature. Before becoming a saint, he had more or less chaotic and evil attributes. In the process of becoming stronger along the way, he offended countless people.

Although he has tried his best to eliminate future troubles for himself, there must be some people who hide their hostile and murderous intentions, and some who are jealous of his status. After learning that he has temporarily lost his powerful power, he will also try his best to plot against himself.

In this case, it is really a narrow escape situation.

After Cheng Ying concentrated his attack, he threw down the spear in the sky without saying a word. He didn't want to leave any trouble for himself. As for taking advantage of his current advantage to intimidate the opponent, Cheng Ying didn't have the confidence to delay it now. Time is against him. After all, the duration of the shrinking spell is about to end. If the holy position returns to its original size, the energy in the body will also be magnified trillions of times. Even if there is only a drop of blood left, Cheng Ying's current state is still in the same bad state. I'm afraid it can't be suppressed.

The attack from the sky hit him all over his face, and Saya suddenly felt fear from the bottom of his heart. He did not expect that his opponent could be so decisive and kill him without hesitation. He completely ignored it. If he could be coerced, The huge benefits you can get.

Before being killed instantly, he quickly begged for mercy: "Wait! I can swear to Styx that I will never do anything that may threaten you in the future! I can even promise to help you with at least three favors. Don't kill me!"

In the sky, the attack that could destroy the planet stopped at the last moment when it was about to hit, but it still annihilated 99% of the last drop of blood of the holy throne. To be precise, only this last drop of blood was left. One ten thousandth share.

In this case, even if the shrinking spell ends, it will be difficult for the opponent to threaten him again. Cheng Ying is not sure that he can kill the opponent so accurately that 9999% of the ten thousandths will be killed, so he tried It is either to beat the opponent to his last breath, or to completely kill the opponent in an instant.

In short, his choice was one where the enemy would never pose a threat to him. If Saya could survive, it can only be said that he was lucky enough.

"Three things are not enough. I need you to be loyal to me."

"That's impossible." Saya said with the last trace of blood in a firm tone: "You can't completely kill me. Even if you destroy my body now, it will cause a lot of trouble for me. But I am still quite sure. Ability to survive and return to peak strength.

In this case, it is impossible for me to exchange all the freedom for the rest of my life for my current life. You are also helping yourself. If you kill me completely, then when I regain my strength, there is no doubt that I will become Your secret enemy.

You should be able to understand that an enemy hidden in the dark is far more terrifying than an enemy in the open. "

Cheng Ying fell into a brief thought and found that what the other party said was correct. Indeed, after missing this opportunity, he could quickly absorb the power in the divine blood and become stronger, whether it was learning the abilities left to him by the divine points, or absorbing The divine power in the divine blood strengthens oneself, which is enough to make oneself a true saint. At that time, he was absolutely not afraid of Saya in a head-on battle, but the same Saya would definitely not show up if he completed his resurrection. Came here for revenge, he was well aware of his potential.

As an enemy who hides in the dark and has a deep hatred against him, he is far more troublesome than the enemy in the open. He can reveal his information and tell other powerful beings that he has the blood of the God Emperor. , then countless enemies will come to cause trouble for him. He only needs to hide among them and launch a sneak attack when it is deadly enough, and it is possible to really kill Cheng Ying.

What's more important is that an enemy hiding in the dark is constantly paying attention to him, and is likely to discover the relationship between him and humans. In that case, if he specifically attacks those humans who are protected by Chengying. There is no doubt that Cheng Ying's plan to lead the rise of mankind is a huge trouble.

After thinking of this, he also knew that the other party's proposal was more feasible: "Ten times, at least help me ten times. In addition, you are not allowed to disclose any information about me to other people, and you are not allowed to make any mistakes." Anything that’s harmful to me so I can let you go.”

"Impossible, I can only promise not to do anything harmful to you before you attack me. Otherwise, you will have the same power as me in the future. If I make such an oath, wouldn't it mean that I am not doing anything harmful to you? I have absolutely no power to fight back. If I get caught by you again, won’t I have to sign a contract under your coercion?”

Cheng Ying frowned, then seemed to be trying something, and saw that all the meridians in his body appeared, and a light like a circuit board appeared on his body, and golden grids appeared densely on his body surface. It is a manifestation of the blood boiling in the body.

As he concentrated on guiding the divine blood, he finally borrowed enough power from this drop of blood. After all, this drop of blood already recognized him as the master. Unlike others who still need to constantly refine their blood, in theory he could do it as soon as it came up. Using all the power of blood, just sacrificing the blood directly for attack will cause damage to the divine blood, which is a very wasteful behavior.

But at this time, in order to strive for more favorable conditions for himself, he still extracted this drop of blood.

As a drop of golden blood condenses in his palm, the terrifying pressure is released from the blood. In this state, he can control this drop of blood to fight like a magic weapon, and I can release this drop of blood. The power is not inferior to that of an innate spiritual treasure. The only drawback is that using the blood in this way will cause him to be depleted in battles and eventually lose all special abilities, so it is impossible to use it until the critical moment.

"If I use it to attack you, what do you think is the probability of killing you completely?" The computing system composed of the meridians in Chengying's body is calculating rapidly. The huge computing power and analytical power are very useful for innate spiritual treasures. The application of powerful magical weapons has huge bonuses, and there is a huge difference between innate spiritual treasures falling into the hands of others and those falling into the hands of cultivators. Although Cheng Ying is not a cultivator yet, his powerful calculation ability is already similar to that of a cultivator.

It also possesses divine blood, and the power it can exert is greater than others.

"How is it possible? Why can you directly use the power of divine blood?" Saya felt a chill in his heart. This kind of innate spiritual treasure-level attack is enough to directly hurt his origin. In that case, he may not even be able to resurrect. If he did it, he would probably be killed by the other party here. For a moment, he chose to commit suicide without hesitation and ended his life by self-destruction.

At this time, you must not be contaminated by the golden blood. If you commit suicide, you may make a comeback when you are resurrected. If you are killed by this drop of blood, you will be completely dead.

It's a pity that his movements were not as fast as Cheng Ying's. Thin golden chains spread out from his blood, imprisoning his opponent in an instant, making him unable to do anything, not even suicide.

"I will give you one last grace. You can change the agreement to say that before I launch a life-threatening attack on you, you will not do anything that may harm me. This is my last concession. If you still If you don’t agree, then go to hell!”

Cheng Ying still has some confidence in the power of the divine blood in his hand. There is more than 90% chance of directly killing the opponent, which is enough to take a gamble.

Even if you fail to kill the opponent, you can definitely injure the opponent severely and cause the opponent to suffer more setbacks during the resurrection process. It may be impossible to return to the level of the holy throne. In that case, even if there is an enemy hiding in the dark, it is not a big problem. The enemies in Chengdu are no longer enough to threaten him.

"Okay! If you let go a little bit and make progress, I will swear to the Styx now." Ordinary contracts have very limited binding force for strong men of this level, and only the Styx Oath can bind the strong men of this level. .

However, the Styx Oath is not omnipotent. Although in theory it can restrain even high-level saints, in practice, it is still possible to bypass the oath.

Cheng Ying took a deep breath and slowly lowered the strength of the seal, allowing the opponent to forcefully swear the Styx Oath, and finally managed to resolve the immediate crisis.

As Saya swore by his real name, Chengying finally gave up the restraint on him. As the restraint was lifted, this drop of blood regenerated rapidly. At the same time, the shrinking spell also lost its effect. It originally looked like a drop the size of dust. After Xue returned to his original size, he was already the size of a thumb. He was growing rapidly at this time, and in just a few breaths, he had grown to the size of a human.

However, a pair of devilish curly goat horns on his head prove his race. At this time, he looked at Cheng Ying with mixed eyes, and seemed quite regretful. uuread a book

He really didn't expect that the battle that he thought was foolproof would actually reach this level. Not only was he seriously injured, but he even made such a troublesome oath. He really underestimated Cheng Ying himself. I never thought that this mortal with no innate spiritual treasures and no special powers could be so powerful with pure magic.

[To be continued]

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