Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 73 The first request

Saya had never thought before that the person who defeated him was actually from the human camp. Anything that involves humans will become very troublesome, after all, the whole world is targeting humans.

And now that he has actually agreed to ten requirements for the existence of a human camp, it is conceivable that he will face huge troubles next.

"You never told me before that your request may involve humans."

"What's the point?" Cheng Ying shrugged. It won't threaten your life anyway, so what difference does it make if it concerns humans?

Saya: "..."

He wants to hit people now. Although it is a task that does not threaten his life, the difference is too big. Once it involves humans, even if it does not threaten his life, it will reduce his luck and Qi. Luck means being on Heaven's blacklist.

By then, all the other races will know that it is a good idea to kill a being like yourself. This is almost equivalent to being on the wanted list of Heaven. In this case, you may not die, but in the face of The situation is probably more miserable than death.

"You can't blame me, I can only blame you for not asking clearly when you signed the agreement. Don't worry, I need you to complete ten things. This means that before all the time is completed, you are important to me. All are very valuable.

In other words, the first nine things are very safe for you. After all, if you are in trouble or encounter any danger, then I can't count on you to help me complete the rest of the things, right? "

Saya felt that she had suffered a big loss. Just now, she was begging the other party to complete the agreement as soon as possible. Now she realized that the closer to the complete completion of the task, the greater the trouble she would face. Instead, she asked the other party not to use it as much as possible. What are these ten opportunities?

After Cheng Ying completed the repair of the planet, he was ready to leave here. Before leaving, he thought about it and said to Saya: "I'll let you help me complete the first thing first. It's not too troublesome. This The world is left to you to take care of. Without the divine blood, the existence of this world can no longer resist your invasion. But you have to help me accomplish one thing, which is to protect 50 billion human beings and let them be free. To survive in this world, just protect yourself for a thousand years.

This little time should be nothing compared to the long lifespan of an existence like you, right? "

Saya is going crazy. These days are really nothing to him. If he is asked to protect other races, even if they protect a trillion-level population, he will have no pressure at all.

However, humans are not good at it. Protecting humans will lead to a decrease in the luck of the entire race. This is something everyone in the world knows. Protecting 50 billion humans for a thousand years will probably be a disaster for his own race. , luck will drop to an extremely terrible level.

The only thing to be thankful for is that these beings living in the abyss will be slightly less affected by the law of heaven. The closer to the lower latitudes, the more chaotic the rules of the world are, and the less the law of heaven can interfere. Abyssal beings The impact is much smaller than that of the normal Ten Thousand Clans. Even if a large number of contracts are lost, it can barely be tolerated.

At least he has obtained the right to use this world. If Cheng Ying hands this world to him, he can let the abyss race develop in this world and develop a more reliable civilization in this world with relatively normal rules.

Although it is necessary to shelter 50 billion humans here so that they can develop freely, it does not mean that there is no other place in this universe where demons can survive.

As mentioned before, there is not only one galaxy in this universe, nor is there only one planet suitable for habitation. If you truly explore the starry sky, you will find that there are almost countless planets in this universe suitable for the survival of intelligent creatures.

The previous invasion of the Abyss could not succeed because the entrance to their invasion was blocked by the divine blood. If they did not break through the defense brought by the divine blood, they could not reach other planets in this world. As a result, the abyss existed and they could only die with the divine blood. knock.

Now these abyssal creatures are fully capable of interstellar travel to other planets suitable for survival, leaving this place and several nearby planets for human survival and development.

In this outer plane, protecting humans is not a troublesome matter. After all, there are no other races here. As long as they restrain their own race and do not massacre humans, humans can develop stably.

All he needs to do now is to go to the ancient continent and other places to collect enough humans and throw them into this world.

Chengying planned to let the humans here develop on their own for a period of time. When they reached the feudal era, Lan Nuo would come and develop this world into his own base.

The industrial system built by the joint efforts of many people still needs to exist. Technology has a locked upper limit in terms of quality, but not in terms of quantity.

In terms of industrial mass production, technological products have a huge advantage over extraordinary people. It can be said that the difference between the two is not just one order of magnitude, but countless orders of magnitude.

Theoretically, if the technology of this world is developed to the limit of development, relying solely on the power of a universe is enough to defeat all the mortal creatures of all races in the ancient continent.

You know, even a saint-level existence is almost invincible in front of mortal things. It is almost impossible to suppress the mortals in the entire world by oneself.

Sufficiently powerful technology is the foundation and foundation of human development. There is no doubt that it is of great significance. Chengying will naturally not give up completely just because the technology in this world has an upper limit.

After he left the outer plane this time, he was ready to return to the Glacier City as soon as possible and pass back all the knowledge he had collected.

At the same time, in the Glacier City, Cheng Ying didn't know that some of the individuals he sent had grown to Lin Sheng's level, and they were even ready for the individuals they sent to die outside.

After all, if the distance is too far, the connection between them will be cut off. In this case, if they cannot contact each other, anything may happen.

After the first clone left, Chengying sent several more clones one after another. Compared to the first one, they returned much faster. The clones sent usually went to the Blue River Alliance, but maybe it was luck. For reasons, their growth path is not as good as the first one. Although they have a higher starting point than the previous individuals with the extraordinary knowledge accumulated before, but because of their origins, they suffer more rejection. Most of them are He can only reach the middle level, but it is enough to pass on a lot of precious extraordinary knowledge.

The Blue River Alliance has developed rapidly due to the participation of Cheng Ying. Originally, they were almost at the bottom among the major surrounding alliances. However, with the development of this period, they have gradually become one of the surrounding alliances. One of the most powerful existences.

The increase in the strength of the alliance has given them more opportunities to obtain extraordinary power. With the cover of the shadows, the development of Glacier City has been relatively smooth.

The humans in the Glacier City have also gradually improved their technological level. The most important thing is that as the new generation grows up, humans with normal IQs begin to make up the majority.

Let the development of human society be greatly accelerated. Human beings who have just crossed over will have all their memories erased. Most of them are adults. After losing their memory, their learning ability will be greatly reduced. With the hands and feet of Tiandao, They will become very spineless and submissive, and it is almost impossible to cultivate talents. However, the children they have will not be affected by this. As long as they receive a good education, they will be exactly the same as the children in the future period of human prosperity.

What's more important is that some of these children were brought out by Cheng Ying from the original Douluo. These children are the most talented among all the people. Di Tian and Rui Wenwen of the Blue River Alliance can name them. After roughly judging the identities of these people, even if they can't judge the powerful talents of children like you, Chengying will definitely choose to freeze them and seal them until human beings prosper.

Today's Glacier City has developed into the age of internal combustion engines, and has begun to gradually try to conduct nuclear tests. The relevant technical masters all have it. If they were allowed to make a nuclear bomb by themselves, it would not be very difficult. However, they do not know what process it takes for ordinary humans to develop such a weapon. What kind of technical details need to be paid attention to, so this process of promoting technological development needs to be carried out by humans themselves.

It is impossible for Chengying to collect technology from the outside, the top technology. Although the technology in this world has its peak, no race has developed technology to this level. The reason is very simple. After knowing a path to power, there is After reaching its peak, naturally no race will devote all its efforts to research in this area. Although technology has been designed to have an upper limit, it is still broad and profound, requiring vast knowledge and countless manpower. Only material resources can push technology to its peak. Since most races have not focused their energy on this aspect, it is understandable that no one has developed technology to its peak for so many years.

Therefore, if human beings do not have the ability to independently develop technology and rely solely on collecting technology from the outside to make copies, it is impossible to push technology to the peak level. And even technology, a power with an upper limit, cannot push it to the top. How can we talk about renaissance? human civilization.

The development speed of First Glacier City far exceeded the expectations of the Chengyings, but this also made them feel a little uncomfortable. After all, this city is destined to be destroyed. If it continues to develop, the scale of human beings will be too large. , when the time comes to be exposed, it may be possible to achieve a certain victory when it is first exposed, but in the face of endless races and the almost invincible saintly powerhouse, it will eventually usher in destruction.

The more you develop into a prosperous era, the more you can see the glory of humanity, and watch these people die. That is even more depressing.

However, Cheng Ying still resolutely implemented his choice. Secondly, the Third Glacier City has been established, and the truly genius children have also been sent there. It is an area extremely far away from the First Glacier City, about a considerable distance. The ultra-long distance between the orbit of Mars and the orbit of the Earth can only be reached through teleportation. Otherwise, at the speed of ordinary people, they may not be able to cover 1% of the distance in a lifetime.

Without transportation, the distance a person can travel in his lifetime is probably only the distance between the earth and the moon. It is conceivable that at such a long distance, few people can imagine that there is another human being there. The seeds of civilization.

Dugu Bo and the others live in this distant city, but what they don't know is that the Glacier City is already in trouble.

As the city's population gradually reaches tens of millions, it has become impossible to keep secrets from the outside world. Whether it is the materials they need to collect or the climate change caused by their production process, it is no longer possible to hide it. Among them, some sensitive people have felt that something is wrong in the atmosphere, and some people have discovered huge human cities.

Although the residents of Glacier City tried their best to silence those who discovered them, the news inevitably got out.

In the beginning, it was only some individuals from all races who took great risks to come to Glacier City and try to trade. After all, the technology of Glacier City has become quite advanced, and in some aspects it has even surpassed the Blue River Alliance. Trading can bring great benefits.

For this benefit, many races would even risk their lives to go to the Glacier City.

However, this is only the thought of individuals of all races. In the view of their rulers, the sudden rise of a human city with tens of millions of people next to them is definitely premeditated, and the rise of humans is definitely not a good thing.

It often means disaster for them. They know very well what they have done to humans, and how they treat humans as livestock and food, and use them to conduct cruel experiments like white mice.

The rise of human beings in history has proven that human beings are not a tolerant race. Just like all races, the violence they inflict on themselves will definitely be inflicted back if they are able.

And they themselves know how cruelly the Wanzu persecutes humans. If humans have the ability to retaliate, the Wanzu can't imagine what kind of terrible future they will face.

"We need to send troops, and all alliances must join forces! We must definitely kill these human beings in the bud. Perhaps if they are allowed to develop, the saints in our race can easily solve the problem, but before that, we must have already We paid a heavy price, so if we want to survive, we must not force the Holy Throne to take action!"

The heads of the seven alliances gathered together to start a crusade against human cities.

[To be continued]

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