Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 74: Battle of Extermination

Among the seven alliances that attended the meeting, there were three types of alliances led by the Earth Spirits, Blood Clan, and Orc Clan. These were also the three types of alliances with the largest number of races in this area.

Three of them were Earth Spirit Alliances, two were Orc Alliances, and two were Blood Clan Alliances. Blood Clan, like Orcs, were of the same race, but the individuals within the race were very different.

Because Blood Clan is one of the undead races, most flesh and blood races can be transformed into Blood Clan, provided that they die. In this way, there will be various types of Blood Clan, some are elves, orcs, some are dog-headed people, and even dragons. In theory, there is the possibility of dragons becoming Blood Clan. In addition, there are humans, and the number of humans among them is not particularly small.

Humans who have been transformed into Blood Clan will no longer be discriminated against. Although it is impossible to treat them equally, the degree of discrimination is at most equivalent to that of black people in the real world, which is considered the same species.

As for the self-cognition of these transformed humans, most of them think that they are Blood Clan, because in this transformation process, most individuals do not retain their own memories.

Among the few who have retained their memories, a considerable number of them will choose to be more inclined to their current racial identity. It is not just a matter of the buttocks determining the head, but also because the treatment of humans in this world is too miserable. If you insist that your identity is human, you must bring in the feelings of humans in this world and work hard for the rise of humans. This is almost impossible for everyone.

However, there are also very few blood clans who have retained the will of humans and are unwilling to give up their camps because of the change of their identities. Among them, there is a representative figure who once set off a huge wave and almost triggered a war of all races.

This is Zi Ya in the blood clan, and when he was still alive, his tribe was named Jiang...

In the prehistoric world, there are indeed some powerful ancients in the myths circulating in the human world. The existence of these people's names usually has powerful strength or extraordinary power.

And Zi Ya is obviously one of them. He does not have a strong strength. Even among the blood clan, his strength can only be regarded as average. What is really powerful is his mind.

Unlike Chengying, he is better at planning through strategies. Compared with scientists, he is more like a counselor. Although his useful brain can also be used to do the work of scientists, compared with Chengying, he is much weaker in this field.

At this time, Ziya was in the meeting of the blood clan camp, but he was not in a good mood. After all, this meeting was discussing how to destroy mankind.

Humans have finally developed a relatively strong city and have finally developed to the electric age. At this time, they are besieged by so many alliances. There is simply no possibility of winning.

Ziya is thinking about his strategy: "These people are exposed too early. If they can be patient for a while and develop technology to a higher level, even if they have the most basic nuclear bombs, I can help these humans plan."

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Ziya's eyes. Normal means can no longer save the humans in this city, but the fire of humans can be preserved. As long as the fire in this city can be preserved, there are humans on the prehistoric continent who can build civilization.

The type of strategy that Ziya is best at is to sacrifice one's head before achieving something. If you want to do something big, you need to use a token of surrender first. So Ziya, who has rarely spoken in the blood clan, surprisingly spoke this time.

"I will lead the army in this annihilation war. Who agrees and who opposes?" As soon as he said this, everyone in the meeting couldn't help but look in his direction. Everyone fell silent.

Many people have experienced how powerful Ziya is. He is not only good at making strange plans, but also very powerful in leading troops to fight. He can completely rely on one-tenth of the troops of others to complete an annihilation war. It can be said that he has the power to turn decay into magic.

But no one expects him to take action in the war against humans. After all, this person is truly devoted to humans. This is not only known by the blood clan, but also by other races that know this powerful existence. If he is asked to lead the army to fight, he may deliberately defeat the army.

It's not just the problem of the whole army being annihilated. The most troublesome thing is that if he is allowed to lead the army, will he command the army to fight back at the critical moment? Although in theory, after handing over the command, each tribe still has the power to command its own soldiers, but they are really afraid of Ziya's ability. If he is allowed to be the commander-in-chief, even if they hold the command of their own army, they are likely to kill each other under his command. This is not without precedent.

He has done this kind of thing in the war against humans before, and even used various means to provoke a war between the two kingdoms. Under his instigation, the war further expanded, and almost caused the empire to participate in it, setting off a war of all races. How can these strong men not be afraid?

But they are reluctant to kill such a being. Wise men are extremely important to all races in the wild. The value of any wise man in a large-scale war will not be inferior to that of the holy status or even the high-level holy status. This kind of Being able to strategize and win thousands of miles away, there is one person in his own race who cannot bear to kill no matter what. Even if he does not help most of the time, it is enough to be able to help when the race is in crisis. As a trump card for a comeback.

"Why, don't you dare?"

There was a sneer at the conference table: "You really don't dare to deal with us. We already know that your heart is for humanity. How can we hand over the command of the army to you?"

"Is that so? That's up to you! Believe me, without my participation, you will lose this war." Ziya narrowed his eyes slightly. He calmly returned to his seat.

The representative of the vampire clan didn't know what to do for a while. You can only ask in private and in a low voice.

"Ziya, what are you doing?" The elf vampire with burgundy hair frowned.

"As you see, become the commander of the legion."

"That's impossible. Everyone knows what you have done? Making you the commander of the legion is tantamount to letting our army die."

Ziya closed his eyes slightly and said indifferently: "Since Mr. Christie thinks that I am not suitable to be the commander-in-chief, then forget it! But it is a pity that this opportunity is in front of me. If this opportunity is missed, there will no longer be trust between us. possible."

"What do you mean by this?" Christie knew that the other party might have said this as a trap, but she still couldn't help but ask further.

"It's very simple. If you want to trust me, you must do something that is completely contrary to my identity as a human being. It is obviously the best to lead the armies of major alliances to completely eradicate this human city with tens of millions of people." There is a chance to prove me, but you will not trust me and let me lead the army. In this case, there will be no possibility of establishing trust between us in the future. It doesn’t matter to me. Even if my talents are not used. What does it matter if you come out? But if you think about it, why are you supporting me?"

After Ziya finished speaking, he began to close his eyes and rest. He had already thought about all the next words, and believed that he would be enough to convince the elders of the vampire clan. If he could be made the commander of the legion, then in the next war against humans, the vampire clan would There is no doubt that the alliance you belong to can gain great advantages, and even occupy a dominant position in the war, but can reduce the strength of other alliances.

Only Ziya could do this kind of thing quietly, and only in this way could the vampires take the lion's share in the redistribution of interests after the war.

Whether it is greed for real interests or greed for loyalty to a wise man, Christie will eventually make a choice that is in Ziya's interests.

As for the price paid in this process, it is the human beings in the Glacier City. This time, he will really do his best to command the armies of all races and completely annihilate the Glacier City.

As for the human souls who died under his sword, he vowed to seek justice for them. If he personally directed a large-scale battle, it would be possible to help mankind leave the spark of civilization.

In this way, these fires can fall in other places like dandelion seeds, and a new human civilization can grow. If the endless cycle can continue like this, it may really change the role of human beings in this world to a certain extent. Even if this improvement may be extremely limited, this is the limit that an imprisoned wise man like him can do.

After all, he couldn't see the hope of mankind. All humans who kill all races will be cursed by heaven. These people are like experience packs. As long as they can be killed, all races will be favored by luck, and then they will be blessed by fate. When you come down, you will have good luck, your cultivation level will improve, and you will be able to gain enlightenment casually.

The more people are killed, the deeper the curse of heaven will be on such people, which makes it more and more difficult for the strong human beings to survive. If they are entangled in the resentment of heaven, they will become An extremely eye-catching target will definitely be hunted down before it can grow up.

Countless heroes among human beings are all because of this reason. As for dying unexpectedly, in this case, humans simply cannot give birth to a super strong person, and without the protection of such a strong person, mortals will not be able to catch up with all races no matter how much they develop.

As for not killing all races, but just cultivating and growing honestly, this is theoretically feasible, but there must be an environment that is stable enough for people to practice for a long time, and there must be a large number of people to provide him with a huge amount of training resource.

In this way, it may be possible to create a strong person comparable to the holy level by relying on theoretical accumulation, but if you want to have a safe environment and a large amount of training resources, you must have the protection of a strong person of this level.

This forms an endless cycle, and people will never be able to give birth to such a top powerhouse.

In fact, Ziya has been thinking about a question, which is why human beings are constantly reborn in ancient times. As a wise man, he has a strong ability to collect intelligence. So I already have some understanding of the truth of this prehistoric world. He even discovered a human refresh that was ignored by almost everyone.

This kind of neglect is the shield of heaven. Even a very powerful existence will get used to it after seeing human beings refreshed. Even if they are bounced, they will emphasize the several human refreshments. After the conversation is over, this part of the memory will be quickly ignored, not forgotten. Instead, he treats them as unimportant things and throws them into the corner of his memory.

Ziya relied on some special means to bypass this shielding rule, discovered and studied human refreshment, and he couldn't help but have a guess.

Human beings in the prehistoric world are constantly being massacred. If it were not refreshed, they would have been extinct long ago, and human beings are constantly being massacred. It will continue to accumulate bloody luck. Any race, when it is on the verge of extinction and encounters extremely miserable treatment, will accumulate the luck of its own race, and the explosion of these luck can often reverse the desperate situation. Let the race rise again.

It’s just that human beings have been suppressed so miserably by this world. Bloody Luck, even if it is vast, cannot change the current destiny of mankind, but it can pose a great threat to all races. Once Bloody Luck cannot be suppressed, If it breaks out, it may not be able to bring about the rise of mankind, but it will definitely be enough to bring destruction to Satisfaction.

If human beings were massacred to extinction like that, a lot of blood luck would be accumulated, but it would only be the same for all races. With so many races, sharing this luck would not count at all. ?

But now humans are constantly being refreshed, and they seem to be humans from the future. It has to make people have some unusual associations. Could it be that these humans were refreshed to accumulate bloody luck? And this is actually what a human being does in the future. It is to use this method to make human beings' luck explode. Finally complete the rise.

It is precisely because of such a bug that humans are targeted by heaven. Living in this world is so miserable. It's all just karma. It's just that the cause of this cause and effect is in the future instead of the present.

Of course, this is just a conjecture. Ziya is not willing to believe the authenticity of this conjecture. He also does not hope that humans will complete their revenge through the outbreak of bloody luck. What he hopes to see more is that humans rely on their own strength. Success lives and rises.

What he doesn't know is that all his guesses about the renewal of human beings are actually wrong. Human beings will continue to be refreshed. In fact, they are used to kill human luck. And the entire continent that currently knows about this matter I'm afraid there is only Chengying.

[To be continued]

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