Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 75 Coincidence

The problem of human refreshment has actually been plaguing many powerful people in this world. Although most people will subconsciously ignore such unreasonable things under the restrictions of the laws of heaven, if they are strong enough to a certain extent, they will still pay attention to it in the end. , and found this question, and those who knew the inside story of this kind of thing were also very distressed by this phenomenon.

The continuous renewal of human beings means the continuous death of human beings. If all races do not treat human beings cruelly or massacre human beings, their own luck will also decline. In this case, human beings will be treated miserably no matter what. Such treatment will lead to the accumulation of bloody luck for this race.

When a race is in a miserable situation or is about to perish, it will always burst out with powerful luck, and human beings have almost always been in such a state, with bloody luck, no place to vent, and continuous accumulation. In the end, if If it breaks out, the resulting disaster will definitely be of apocalyptic proportions.

And those who know the truth have no choice but to make decisions. They only know one thing, that is, humans have lived from the previous era to this era. In their mouths, humans are the virus of this world, so they Being targeted in this way, human beings will continue to refresh themselves, which is also a major manifestation of human beings breaking the rules of the world.

However, the actual situation is obviously something they don't know, or they deliberately conceal it. All top powerhouses, whether they are saints or not, have actually signed or contracted with Tiandao, and have had some memories erased.

Therefore, they do not know the truth of some things. Human beings are indeed survivors from the previous era. Originally, the world in the previous era was a normal prehistoric world, that is, there was not so much technology and magic, and the structure was similar to the ordinary prehistoric world. . There is the way of heaven, there are saints, there are powerful races from ancient times, and there are powerful creatures similar to those in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

If it develops normally, this world can theoretically develop like the normal prehistoric world to a future era of prosperity for mankind. However, in addition to problems in this world, the problem lies in the step of creating humans. Originally, there were six saints in this world. Position, that is, the six great saints in the normal prehistoric world. In this era, saints are the so-called ultimate, and they are much more powerful beings than the saints in this era.

But in that era, after three saints appeared, problems arose. Humans had to be created to give birth to the other three saints, because humans were the protagonists of heaven in that era, and they themselves were born into being.

Under normal circumstances, if they really create human beings and develop according to the normal rules of heaven, then human beings will gradually prosper and complete the last three saints. In this way, after the six saints are gathered together, the fighting power will be enough. Fight against the apocalypse.

Every universe needs to face such a disaster. If it cannot survive it, it will eventually end in destruction.

However, the first three saints were not willing to create humans. Originally, all races in the world lived well. Why create a protagonist race? Create a race that will be superior to itself in the future.

So the matter of creating humans was delayed again and again. In the end, it failed completely under a conspiracy. Humanity no longer exists in this world. But the consequence of this is that half of the saints are missing. Far from enough to fight the doomsday disaster.

To make up for this mistake. In order to delay the demise of the world, the powerful people in this world had to choose to restart the world and then give birth to humans in the new world. Although this is still a desperate struggle, there is at least a glimmer of hope. For this purpose, the artifact list of gods was created.

It's just that there are people behind the scenes involved in this process. This led to various difficulties that humans encountered after restarting the world, although these were caused by the mastermind behind the scenes. But among them are actually the powerful men of all races who do not want to lose their status and have signed a contract with the way of heaven. Be cruel to humans.

Human beings will be constantly refreshed, but in fact they are used to consume human luck. Human beings are the protagonist race. This leads to the fact that their rise is the general trend.

But this trend is actually not irreversible. No matter how powerful luck is, it has its limit. If it is consumed endlessly, sooner or later it will be exhausted.

In this case, we only need to keep human beings in an endangered situation all the time, and then continue to summon humans from the future. Humanity is on the verge of rising again and again, only to have its back completely broken again and again. It can continuously consume human beings' luck.

In this process, many of the humans who were summoned to ancient times were actually cheating. This can be seen from the Han Empire. They all have various subsequent advantages to a greater or lesser extent. And pulling this kind of existence from the future requires a huge amount of luck.

And if things like this are repeated again and again, sooner or later, the protagonist contract of mankind will be consumed, and in that case, mankind will be completely unable to rise.

All races originally restarted the world in order to create humans so that the world could survive the apocalypse. However, although humans were created by them, they were still unwilling to give up their position. In the end, under the instigation of the mastermind behind the scenes, they chose to use this method to suppress mankind, so that mankind could not rise in the end.

According to the development of the original work, mankind ultimately relies not on the rise of its own protagonist and destiny, but on the sacrifices of countless people. In the end, he created the world and changed the way of heaven towards mankind.

It is precisely because Chengying knows this that he chooses to rely on the human beings of this world for development as much as possible, instead of using plug-ins brought by himself, because its existence itself is probably the mastermind behind the scenes controlling the way of heaven in order to consume human luck. I just summoned him here. If he seemed to be afraid of cheating, he relied on his ability to foresee things. The final outcome may be the same as that of the Han Empire and the Divine Emperor. They were brilliant for a while, but eventually fell into despair.

Because of this, some sacrifices have to be made. Even if he can avoid these sacrifices for a while, relying on his own characteristics and strong strength to temporarily reverse a certain defeat, he will eventually discover his cheats. It is not enough to do everything. The rise of mankind can still only rely on mankind itself.

After seeing the continuous renewal of mankind, Ziya also thought about similar issues, and finally came to the conclusion that the rise of mankind must rely on mankind itself, and the sacrifices made in this process also require mankind themselves to do it. .

So he has already thought about what he will do in this war. In addition to retaining the fire of mankind, he really wants to completely destroy this city of mankind like a commander of all races. Yes, in the future, the fire of mankind will lead mankind to rise again and again, and he will still suppress it like this, and then retain the fire again and release it.

Knowing that the fire he retained burned brightly enough. After human beings rely on their own strength to establish a strong enough force, that will be the opportunity for human beings to truly rise.

In a sense, Ziya's overall thinking coincides with Chengying's, but the specific operation is much more troublesome.

Christie finally chose to believe in him, but it was useless for him to believe. The rulers of other alliances would not believe in a commander who was once a human being.

"If you want me to succeed as commander-in-chief, then you have to make the coalition forces encounter troubles that no one but me can solve.

There is no need to worry. I have seen the information you collected about the humans in that city. They may be more powerful than you think.

If the coalition forces encounter a big setback when fighting against humans, there will be an opportunity for me to appear. "Ziya didn't panic, he already had his own plan, and he didn't even need to do much to get the plan going.

"Then if they are not in trouble, I don't think this city with only tens of millions of people can cause us much trouble, and we don't need you to take action at all. Even if it is for me to let you become What's the benefit of being a commander?" Christie snorted.

"If I become the commander-in-chief, I can naturally mobilize the army's deployment secretly and quietly weaken the power of other alliances. In the future, we can annex them more easily. Even if we do not weaken their power openly, we will force them out. After knowing their trump card, it will be much easier to target them in the future.

As for if you don't encounter trouble in the war, then just create trouble for them. We are just allies, not anyone's subordinates. In this case, we can secretly add chaos to this war and cause them to encounter some trouble. Isn't it a matter of course? "

Christie couldn't help but frowned. She always felt that there was something wrong with Ziya's statement? But all this can only be decided after fighting humans. Maybe the humans this time are indeed quite powerful, and Ziya must take action to be able to deal with them.

At the same time, Glacier City also discovered the tense atmosphere among the major alliances of all races around it, and discovered that all races were gathering troops to prepare for an attack.

The atmosphere in the entire city has become solemn. If a battle breaks out, human beings will be at an absolute disadvantage. Not only in terms of the number of extraordinary people, but also in terms of total population, there is a huge difference. They have barely reached the level of tens of millions of people. , after all, there are only so many people in one city, which is an exaggeration enough.

But the population of Wanzu is not that small. Any alliance has more than 300 million people. You can imagine how many people there will be in the seven alliances.

Even if their technology is relatively backward and it takes more resources to train a warrior, the number of troops that can come out directly may already exceed the total population of Glacier City.

This is not a war of an order of magnitude at all. But humans have no way out. There is no second human city on such a vast continent, and no one can come to help them. Humans themselves must be responsible for all battles.

All races regard them as ants-like existences. Negotiations and alliances are impossible, and it is even impossible to attract foreign aid. This war has been impossible to avoid from the beginning.

However, human beings are not without the power to fight back. They have developed into the age of electricity and have gained considerable experience in the manufacture of war weapons, especially in terms of how to target the extraordinary beings of all races. Kung fu.

Precise machinery is very fragile to extraordinary people. Strong people who have reached the level of legendary demigods can control microscopic substances at the molecular and atomic level. Tanks, armored vehicles, etc. are riddled with holes in their eyes and can be easily penetrated and destroyed.

In this case, the best way to restrain the microscopic manipulation abilities of these extraordinary experts is to speed up oneself and compress the time period during which the battle occurs as much as possible. Manipulating microscopic substances at the molecular level consumes one's own energy. Very big. The reaction speed of an extraordinary strong person can indeed be very fast, but there is no doubt that this reaction speed is not unlimited.

A tank with heavy armor, a legendary transcendent, may only take a second to destroy, while it may take more than ten minutes for a tank to enter the attack range of a transcendent and rush to him. In this case, Thousands of main battle tanks may not be able to defeat a legendary transcendent.

But if the speed of war weapons is accelerated, and it only takes less than a minute to enter the enemy's attack range and launch a devastating strike, then perhaps hundreds of the same war weapons can successfully attack or even destroy the enemy. .

As long as the time between the two sides is short enough, in such a short period of time, it will be difficult for a powerful transcendent to use minimal force to destroy a large number of war weapons.

This is the idea that the humans in the Glacier City came up with to target the extraordinary beings among all races. In addition, there are also a large number of extraordinary beings among humans. After learning to use special materials to build an energy circulation system in the body, humans The probability of giving birth to an extraordinary person is actually higher than that of all races. However, the cultivation of such an extraordinary person is extremely difficult and requires learning a lot of knowledge and possessing strong perseverance.

This limits the number of human extraordinary beings, but in terms of the proportion of extraordinary beings, it is actually slightly higher than many races among all races.

If a war really breaks out, human extraordinary beings will use the power of technology to fight. Even at the same level, there will even be a certain degree of advantage.

At present, the development trend of mankind is that weapons take priority over extraordinary beings. Extraordinary people rely on their more powerful control capabilities and use weapons as their own ability amplifiers to exert a more powerful destructive effect on the battlefield.

In battles between demigods and below, this kind of fighting idea will have an absolute advantage. The seven alliances have obviously underestimated the power of the humans they face.

[To be continued]

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