Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 76 A war that makes people feel helpless


The war broke out at an unexpected moment. While the armies of all races were still gathering, they encountered a surprise attack from humans. No one expected that humans would dare to attack in this situation.

In fact, everyone believes that human beings are on the verge of death. Resistance at this time will not make any sense, and will only bring more devastating blows to themselves.

But if you think about it from a human perspective, it is impossible to fight against countless races with one city. It is better to devote all your strength from the beginning and give as much power as possible to the surrounding races that come to attack. Cause enough damage. In this way, there will still be room for strategic maneuvering in the future.

So far, there is still a certain amount of time before a nuclear bomb can be easily used on the battlefield, so cloud bombs are used during the raid, and the raid uses a combination of fighter jets and missiles.

Although nuclear bombs have not yet been fully developed, the development of jet fighters has been relatively mature. With the magic of this world and some special materials, the flight speed of fighter jets is far beyond that of contemporaneous products on earth, and can reach five or six times the speed of sound. This The speed is already so fast that it is indistinguishable for the legendary level experts.

If there are more than a dozen fighter jets forming a formation, flying in a not particularly dense formation, and passing over the head of a legendary strongman, the opponent will have time to shoot down two or three of them at most.

This raid took place under such circumstances. The fighter plane released the missile after approaching the target, and then flew over the enemy's head with the missile at high speed.

Because of the unique space power of the extraordinary world, the inside of a fighter jet can carry weapons far exceeding its own mass, and a large number of explosives are dropped. In terms of bombing effect, it is not inferior to nuclear bombs.

The armies of all races had just assembled, or even just arrived at the border of their own country, and they suffered a heavy blow before they could merge with the armies of other alliances.

Nearly continuous explosions hit the center of the legion. Ordinary soldiers had almost no chance of survival under such bombings. Even the strong ones suffered a large number of casualties when faced with this level of attack.

People always tend to ignore the lethality of thermal weapons. However, on the real battlefield, the weakness of these war weapons does not lie in their lethality, but in their own fragility and inflexible control. In terms of lethality, they carry A fighter with enough ammunition would not even be inferior to a legendary level warrior.

This attack on the armies of seven alliances at the same time vividly demonstrated this destructive power.

The fighter jets did suffer fierce attacks as they flew by. More than half of the pilots and their fighters were unable to return successfully, but these pilots had already had the consciousness of sacrifice when they attacked.

They are also extraordinary beings themselves. Although none of them have reached the legendary level, their reaction speed and extraordinary abilities are very suitable for piloting fighter jets, especially their reaction speed. Almost all their spell slots are reserved for increasing their own The reaction speed spell can be like bullet time when flying a fighter jet, greatly slowing down one's subjective time.

This makes the enemy's legendary-level strongman's attacks difficult to cause any substantial damage, although they are powerful. They usually get entangled with one of the pilots after the attack is issued.

The driver's powerful skills and dodge ability mean that a single legendary level expert can usually only target one driver, and in the brief moment when the two sides intersect, they may not even be able to shoot down the fighter jet they are driving.

The damage caused by a simple bombing without follow-up troops on the ground will be limited after all, but for all races, it is undoubtedly a shock and makes them realize the power of mankind, even if the number of armies and the number of extraordinary beings are reduced In these two aspects, both have an absolute disadvantage. Human beings are still capable of causing huge damage to all races.

A few of the armies of the Ten Thousand Tribes use technological weapons. For example, the Earth Spirit Tribe uses technological weapons on a large scale. However, due to the large-scale loss of technology, not all the powerful ancient technologies have been left behind. Human beings do not have much advantages, or in other words, they have advantages in some technologies, but they have disadvantages in other technologies.

After the war broke out, it was they who caused the greatest losses to the human air force. It was not that they had more extraordinary beings, but that the war weapons they used were more capable of attacking the air. They had more individuals and could attack beings in the air. Launch an attack.

They also use artillery and missiles to carry out blanket bombing of the sky. Even if the time between the two sides is short, they can rely on the density of firepower to defeat the opponent in this short period of time.

Many missiles controlled autonomously by extraordinary beings can even continue to track the fighter jets after they have moved away, eventually forcibly shooting down the opponent.

In comparison, other armies among the Ten Thousand Clans are in a much worse situation. There are actually a lot of second-level and third-level strong men among them, but these strong men are actually limited in their long-range attack capabilities. , after reaching the kilometer level, the accuracy and power of their attacks will be greatly reduced, and the distance between fighter jets and them is at least more than one kilometer, which makes it difficult for them to display their strong strength in battle.

However, subsequent raids after being prepared will cause much less damage. It may be difficult for these extraordinary beings to use long-range attack capabilities to attack the fighter jets attacking from the sky. But they can use their protective abilities to add shields to the soldiers on their side to withstand the bombings falling from the sky.

After realizing that humans had such powerful weapons, the mages in the legion also began to prepare defensive spells. The casualties from fighter raids began to increase, and the results achieved continued to decrease.

However, during this process, human tactics are also constantly changing. As the battle gets closer and closer to the human homeland, whether it is the earth or transportation, the human legions have gradually begun to take advantage, transporting and maneuvering through railways, or building small teleportation arrays so that the army can quickly shuttle between the battlefields. , greatly increasing the flexibility of human tactics.

The high-speed fighter planes in the sky are no longer responsible for bombing, but also for guiding the coordinates of the enemy.

After discovering the main force of Wanzu, heavy firepower will come to the front line through various methods, and then launch long-range firepower bombing against the enemy. For artillery later, it is not difficult to bomb targets dozens of kilometers away. , especially in this world with the blessing of various extraordinary powers.

The firepower of artillery is far greater than the damage that bombers can cause. This means that the defenses prepared by the extraordinary beings of all races are not enough to protect all ordinary soldiers. At best, they can only protect themselves.

And when they discovered the human artillery positions and wanted to launch an attack, the positions had often been evacuated. Unless the extraordinary ones chose to go deep alone and break away from the large army to carry out destruction, it would be difficult to catch up with these escaping armies.

In fact, powerful extraordinary beings often play the role of infiltration and destruction. They rely on their tyrannical strength to act alone without worrying about being surrounded and killed by enemies.

So after discovering this way of fighting of humans, Satisfaction decisively chose to send out his own powerful extraordinary beings to conduct raids on human airports, artillery, positions, factories and other places.

Such tactics did achieve quite brilliant results. A large number of human war weapons were destroyed in the battle, but the powerful men of all races who launched the attack also suffered heavy losses in the process.

Human beings also have extraordinary strong people. In this case, it's okay. Counter-ambush via decoy tactics.

It seems that what the human army is doing now is to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers of all races. But in fact, their real purpose is still to reduce the number of extraordinary people of all races. It is still the extraordinary people on both sides who can really determine the outcome of the war. The commanders on the human side knew this before the war began.

And their attacks on ordinary soldiers of all races were just to stimulate the strong men of all races to attack.

There is more than one position for each attack. There is no unified command and dispatch for all races, so they often attack different positions. This is a taboo for military strategists.

The strategic goal of human commanders is to kill the strong men of all races. To achieve this strategic goal, the simplest way is to defeat the few with more. The core strategy of war has remained unchanged since ancient times, which is to create local products. Take advantage of your own strength and bully the weak.

The human commanders are obviously based on this idea. Even if they sacrifice their own positions, they must let the strong men of all races spread out to attack. In this way, the strong human beings can concentrate in one position to ambush. As long as the enemy's scattered forces are , the extraordinary person who enters the ambush circle will face several times the number of powerful people.

War is not a game of addition and subtraction. When two people fight one person, the final outcome is obviously very different from that of two people fighting one another.

If two people fight alone, the final outcome may be to die together, but if it is two against one, it is almost impossible for the party with only one person to die together with one of the two.

If the ratio of numbers is more exaggerated, the side with more people is likely to win without any injuries.

Because of this, although mankind has lost a large number of war weapons and ordinary people's legions, it has achieved a very good exchange ratio in the battle between extraordinary people. The powerful people of all races do not have unified command and dispatch, so they have not yet realized what happened. What happened was that occasionally, all the extraordinary beings sent by him would be wiped out, but he didn't particularly care about this situation.

After all, this kind of loss is shared equally among the major alliances. The losses suffered by each alliance alone have not reached the point where they cannot bear it, so they are not aware of it. The losses suffered by the seven major alliances as a whole were heavy.

The war entered a stalemate at this stage. Human soldiers suffered a large number of casualties in the battle with the extraordinary beings of all races. The ordinary soldiers of all races were not much better. As the extraordinary ones chose to attack alone, they directly attacked The opponent's position has greatly reduced the defense of its own legion, and the long-range and ferocious bombing has caused extremely heavy losses to these ordinary people.

However, the major alliances obviously do not regard ordinary people as human beings. In this world where strength is respected, extraordinary people can dominate almost everything, and ordinary soldiers are like cannon fodder and can be sacrificed at will.

As time went by, Wanzu finally realized that something was wrong. Although the damage suffered each time they launched a raid was not very large, and many times it was the strong men of other alliances who suffered losses, but as time after time the damage was not very serious, The losses were added up, and all races gradually became aware of human tactics, and their extraordinary beings were being rapidly consumed by humans.

It seems that every extraordinary person from all races has a brilliant record, annihilating one human heavy firepower legion after another, but in the process, most people have almost no gains as human extraordinary people.

This is not surprising at first. Without an energy circulation system in the body, it is almost impossible for humans to practice. Only by mutating and becoming a stranger who cannot reproduce with humans can they have normal extraordinary powers. In this case, humans It is considered normal that there are no extraordinary people in the army.

But from the words of some extraordinary people of all races who escaped from the siege, the commanders of all races finally learned the true situation of mankind. Their extraordinary people were not large in number, and they were concentrated and used.

After one of the corpses was brought back, magicians and scientists from all races analyzed the human corpse and came to a conclusion that shocked them.

"Although this result is astonishing, we must face reality. The human extraordinary beings who launched an ambush against us are not aliens. They are ordinary people who possess extraordinary powers through special means.

The human opponents we face are extremely cunning. They use our inherent impression of human beings to hide a large number of extraordinary beings. During this period, they caused huge losses to us in the successive exchanges of fire.

Now we must face the problem squarely. The number of extraordinary beings in human beings far exceeds our estimate. In the next battle, we must act together and use the extraordinary ones together. "

Although some people have made such suggestions, it is not a good idea for all races. It is indeed possible to concentrate the extraordinary ones, but this may not have a good effect. Concentrating the extraordinary people means that The strike efficiency of many human positions has been greatly reduced, which will cause human positions to be bombed for a longer period of time. This will cause a devastating blow to the ordinary soldiers and logistics troops of Wanzu, and Wanzu is determined to fight. It is far from being comparable to humans. Faced with the predicament at hand, they had to bring up the motion that they had pressed before, which was to let Ziya, the only wise man among the seven major alliances, be the leader of this war. command.

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