Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 77 Secret Rescue


Although the armies of all races have suffered serious setbacks, they are still quite resistant to changing their commanders and letting Ziya, who was once a human, command the army.

In the blood clan alliance, Christie looked at Ziya who was sitting firmly in the tent and couldn't help but ask: "Those people still don't agree to hand over the command to you, what should I do now?"

"You don't need to do anything, just wait." Ziya looked at the battle report in front of him, then shook his head and said: "They didn't realize that the commander they were fighting was a master. Look at the battle report. Just look at the loss ratio and you will know that their statistics on human war ratios are wrong.

Come with me, I will take you to see the human corpses we obtained. For a long time, all races have looked down on humans so much that they did not check them carefully when cleaning up the corpses. "

While talking, the two of them had already walked out of the camp, and then saw a corpse lying on the lawn. The back of the corpse's neck had been cut open. Ziya used gloves to open the back of the neck and could see There was a small sarcoma there.

"What is this? Is it a disease of those lower races?" Christie frowned. The picture in front of him made him feel a little uncomfortable. The vampires have basically said goodbye to diseases. Most literature and art have no regard for their existence, which claims to be a higher race. It's all meaningless, and conventional diseases that are fatal to humans don't exist at all for them.

"No, if you look closely at the neural structure inside, it is actually a very complex structure. Although I can't completely figure out what it is? But if I guessed correctly, this should be a biochip that can be used to control humans.

To be precise, it should be a clone. This body looks no different from ordinary humans, but if you cut them open and observe the cross-section of the bones, you can realize that this body is much older than him. It looks much smaller, probably no older than three months.

In other words, this is likely to be a mass-produced unit of human beings. It has no consciousness of its own and only obeys commands on the battlefield and is used as a tool.

I doubt that any of the artillery positions we destroyed contained more than fifty actual humans in each one.

What they do is rely on their own extraordinary power that is not even at the first level. Control these clones and let them perform tasks on your behalf.

It is estimated that human technology is not yet mature enough to allow these clone soldiers to act alone, so there are still some real humans in the positions we destroyed.

Our estimates of the battle loss ratio have always been too optimistic. The number of real humans we have killed now is far less than imagined, and there are more human corpses. They were directly used as livestock feed, or burned on the spot, and no one thought to examine them carefully.

The opposing commander can always use these clones to trick us into attacking, and the main force of the real attack, those positions with the highest firepower accuracy, can often be evacuated in time.

Among those positions, the proportion of real humans will be relatively high, but now these commanders of Wan Tou cannot identify these positions at all, and don't even know about their existence. We don't need to do anything. It won't be long before , they will realize the problem. "

Christie didn't expect that humans in such a small city could be so difficult to deal with. They actually mastered cloning technology and did it so secretly that even the strong men of all races didn't notice it.

However, they did not discover that there were more things that Ziya did not say. The other strong men of the Wanzu did not carefully examine the human corpses. But this does not mean that Ziya has not checked. The war has continued until now, and he has dissected thousands of human corpses, but he did not find any of them. Transcendents of the third level and above.

This is not something that a simple command post can do. Even if humans gather the extraordinary people for use, there should not be almost no casualties like now. Even ordinary artillery positions will inevitably be equipped with a small number of extraordinary people. , Humanity's current technology is not enough to reach the level of the future world, so in the process of real-time remote communication, there must be a transcendent as a relay and intuitive control of the battlefield.

Such people should be extremely easy to die in battle, but there are almost no corpses of these existences on the battlefield. If they are just running fast, they have not participated in the bloody battle. Once the battlefield is attacked, they will evacuate as soon as possible. In theory, It seems possible, but in fact it is not the case.

Because their blood can be detected on the battlefield, and even their stumps and broken arms can be found. Some of the severed hands still hold weapons, but only these stumps and broken arms can be seen, without any Complete body.

Listed individually, these clues are actually trivial. Even if they see it, no one will pay attention to this problem. However, if they are summed up, an incredible inference can be drawn.

"There is a powerful person among humans who is constantly active on the battlefield to rescue those extraordinary people among humans. As for the final outcome of those rescued extraordinary people..." Ziya had some guesses, but he didn't know. I'm sure, maybe the other person really has the same idea as him.

At the same time, the war is still going on, and the battle between humans and all races has become more and more anxious. In the artillery positions, on average, every ordinary soldier will bring ten clones, saying that they are just ordinary soldiers. , and some are not strict. After implanting the simplest meridians in the body, these people actually have a certain amount of extraordinary power. It's just that the extraordinary power is too weak, not even the most basic first level, and can only be used to control one's own remote control chip to control these clone soldiers that have been implanted with many established programs.

The controls they can perform are much more detailed than those in real-time strategy games. After all, the input operations are no longer just the keyboard and mouse, but their own nerves.

After a considerable degree of training, many soldiers can actually be distracted and multi-purpose, and control several clones to perform detailed operations at the same time. Coupled with the preset program in the clone's body, the combat effectiveness will not be much weaker than that of ordinary soldiers.

As a position to attract firepower, it is enough. In case of danger, real soldiers as commanders can choose to evacuate as appropriate, but this is still an extremely dangerous job. Under a sneak attack, their survival rate is very low.

In such an army, there is often an inconspicuous individual hidden. His identity may be just an ordinary soldier, or even just a clone soldier, but when the battle breaks out at its most intense, he often They will all show strength far beyond that of ordinary warriors.

It's just that they won't participate in the battle. They will only take action when the extraordinary ones with the most potential are about to die, and then take them away as quickly as possible.

These are not Chengying, but biochemical robots they created. The robots themselves are not very powerful. Even the enhanced types are only second-level at most. However, they have many escape functions preset on them. of spells.

On the battlefield...another decoy position was ambushed. The magician of the Earth Spirit Tribe summoned a huge fireball bombardment and detonated the artillery shells on the artillery position, resulting in a tragic explosion.

One after another, the extraordinary knights drove their mounts and quickly bypassed the artillery position, cutting off their retreat, while the mages bombarded the interior of the position.

The soldiers knew that it was impossible for them to successfully evacuate, so they all chose to control their own clones, raised their weapons, and launched attacks on the extraordinary beings.

Weapons such as assault rifles pose a certain threat to extraordinary people. It is possible to cause damage if it hits.

But Chaofan has more or less the ability to defend himself. Whether it is spell shield or fighting spirit, it can provide himself with quite strong defense. A few bullets hitting them are not enough to cause damage.

And it is very difficult to hit this kind of long-range attack, and such a counterattack is nothing more than a desperate struggle. The extraordinary person who takes charge of the overall situation. Seeing his comrades rushing towards the enemy regardless of their own safety, his mind went blank. He gave up his original retreat plan and rushed to the front line with the soldiers. With the help of extraordinary power on his body, his marksmanship was better than Ordinary soldiers are much stronger.

They used large-caliber firearms with greater recoil and more power. The extraordinary people of all races did not expect that there were still a few masters hidden among humans. Under a sneak attack. Suddenly someone was shot off his horse.

But this human transcendent's counterattack ended there. The huge fireball originally used to bomb the position flew towards him under the control of the mage.

The violent explosion was so far away from neutralizing the opponent that he had no chance of surviving.

Just when he thought he was going to be torn apart in the explosion, a layer of water suddenly enveloped him. Although the explosion still seriously injured him, it did not kill him completely. Then he saw a pair of big hands hugging him tightly. Come on, that was a clone soldier. He didn't expect that this kind of ordinary clone soldier had the ability to act independently. Before he could struggle, he felt his feet sink. In the smoke of the explosion, the ground seemed to turn into It was like liquid, and the two people sank into it.

They didn't sink deeply, and the top of their heads was only about one meter above the ground. This was just the simplest spell, probably only one level, because this spell couldn't maintain breathing underground, and it didn't have the ability to move at high speed, so it didn't Not very practical.

But it was very suitable to use it to save lives at this time. The clone took out an oxygen mask and put it on the face of the extraordinary person underground. Then he released several spells to conceal his breath. Then he seemed to run out of energy and fell into silence. .

The extraordinary person trapped underground still wanted to struggle and continue to join the battle. However, he found that the soil around him was as hard as cement, forming a strong shell that enveloped him. , not only was his struggle useless, but even the sound he made could not be conveyed.

Syringes were pierced into his body, injecting liquid that could sustain his life, and then the small underground space fell into silence.

As a cheap clone, he can only carry so many spells. Not all extraordinary beings are as lucky as him to be saved at a critical moment of their own survival. Many cannot survive the fatal crisis. He was seriously injured and died completely not long after being sealed underground.

But many more survived. They waited for the follow-up rescue, and this rescue was secret. Only Cheng Ying and some of his specially trained direct troops knew about it.

After the battle is over, they will quietly come to the battlefield and dig out these extraordinary beings from the ground. If they are still alive, they will quickly rescue them. After recovering from their injuries, they will rescue those who have been "dead in battle". The people were sent to a secret underground base for freezing.

Although the vast majority of human extraordinary people want to return to the battlefield and continue to contribute their own strength. However, their resistance is meaningless. During the freezing process, they will definitely ensure that there are extraordinary beings stronger than them to guard them. It is their duty to protect their current hometown in the freezing process for the rise of mankind. What awaits them is their greater responsibility.

There is no doubt that these people have sacrificed a lot. They have already sacrificed their lives once, but they will have to sacrifice their lives again for the rise of mankind in the future. When they wake up, all their relatives and friends are no longer here, but they have to Practice silently in a strange and unknown environment. Improve yourself silently, and then maybe face death in battle again.

Things like this happen all over the battlefield. And this is actually the biggest source of attrition for human extraordinary beings. The extraordinary beings of all races have almost never actually killed strong human beings. The vast majority of these powerful individuals have been sealed in this way.

Of course, this level of means cannot be concealed from the extraordinary beings of the third level and above, so for the extraordinary beings of this level of human beings, Chengying personally protects them in secret. With their clones around, most of the desperate moments They were all able to save people in time.

What's more, now human beings gather their own extraordinary beings and use them in battles, often against all races. On the contrary, human extraordinary beings have the advantage in quantity and quality. When "killed" occur, they usually also They are all on the battlefield, under the control of their own side, and the difficulty of hiding, protecting and transferring is much smaller than on the battlefield where the enemy has the upper hand. Now humans have accumulated the first batch of extraordinary seeds, and in the future More and more people will join the plan to support the future.

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