Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 79: Sweeping Country 0

Ziya actually didn't expect that humans could grow to this point. He originally planned to help humans train soldiers. As a result, as the war progressed, he found that he was somewhat powerless. Although the commanders on the human side could be considered He is a wise man, but he is obviously not good at battlefield command. In terms of command ability, in his opinion, he can only be considered average, roughly equivalent to the peak level of a conventional commander.

However, the command system he organized gave full play to the subjective initiative of every member of the army. In the course of the war, their cooperation became more and more closely, and they constantly summed up experience in the process of supporting war with war.

Even ordinary soldiers have summarized how to use their own clones to deal with various types of extraordinary beings. They can set up ambush traps, collect intelligence first, and obtain information about the various abilities of extraordinary beings, and then Make a targeted plan.

Theoretically, it is possible for a third-level transcendent to be tricked to death when faced with a trap laid out by dozens of ordinary people with careful plans. Although it was not so exaggerated on the battlefield, the extraordinary people of the seven major alliances still suffered heavy losses due to such calculations.

In the final analysis, these people are still the rulers of this society and have vested interests. No matter how authoritative Ziya is, he cannot restrain them 100%.

For example, when extraordinary people want to drink and have fun or indulge themselves, there is no way to manage them. These private lives that belong to ordinary people cannot be locked up in military camps like ordinary soldiers, and this becomes Opportunities for humans to gather intelligence and develop traps.

In the beginning, the extraordinary beings of all races suffered huge losses, and it was only after they suffered losses that they learned to obey orders, stay in the military camp honestly when necessary, and do not go out wandering.

At present, these extraordinary beings have become very obedient, because if they are not obedient, they may be killed by those insidious and all-pervasive humans. They have learned to rely on the strength of the collective. Although their number has become smaller, they can still exert their best performance on the battlefield. On the contrary, their strength was stronger, which allowed them to withstand the main force of mankind with the strength of seven alliances.

The dozens of surrounding alliances and countries were unable to resist under the systematic raids of the human army.

Such raids are still going on. While humans are fighting to support themselves, they are also constantly rescuing their compatriots. Most of these people are mentally retarded and refreshed humans, but the number of humans on the prehistoric continent and the In fact, there are many. The number of humans in any alliance will not be less than 10 million. The number of humans in a slightly larger alliance will exceed 100 million. Even if only a very small number of humans are second-generation humans with normal IQs, it will be enough in a short time. Cultivate relatively qualified soldiers.

Although they are far inferior to the regular soldiers carefully trained by humans, under the magic of the battlefield and Ziya's deliberate training, they can soon be polished into veterans. While having firm beliefs, It can also be embedded into the command structure.

These new soldiers who joined the army are still lacking in tactical literacy, but they are not bad at all in terms of fighting will. The second generation of humans is not like the first generation of humans who lost their wisdom and lacked backbone, although there are still many People fear all races like tigers, but those who have been bullied have nothing to lose. Now they are integrated into the army, and they will even take the initiative to accept some tasks that may involve sacrifice.

The human legions marched all the way south, marching straight into the southern plains. In order to reduce their losses, the seven major alliances would regularly choose to let some humans pass through their blockades.

Other outside alliances need to be responsible for intercepting these humans, but this is really too difficult. Even under the ferocious attacks of humans, the extraordinary people have learned to unite and fight together, and the effect they can achieve on the battlefield is still the same. Very little.

As the roaring drones flew by in the sky, the ordinary soldiers of Wanzu fled in all directions. It was an integrated surveillance drone that carried a camera to detect the target. After discovering the target, it began to dive and self-destruct.

The number of such drones is overwhelming, but they do not fly in a dense formation, making it difficult to clear them with large-scale attacks.

Extraordinaries can also use shields or protective gas to resist the impact of such explosions. Ordinary people don't have this ability at all, and the armor and weapons they wear are completely insufficient to withstand the impact of the explosion.

At this time, other than running away, there is no other option to stay on the battlefield and just wait to be bombarded by these drones!

And these things are basically human cannon fodder, and they are of the type that you can get as much as you want. Even if the strong men of all races can arrange formations and destroy these drones in advance, the loss to the human side will not be great. On the contrary, their own intelligence will be exposed, and what humans are best at is targeting individual founders based on intelligence. The person carries out this specific attack.

Exposing all their intelligence and abilities on the battlefield at this time means that humans will use weapons specifically targeted at them to attack these extraordinary beings.

This makes all transcendent beings unwilling to use their trump cards when facing this kind of probing attack. However, this is precisely the worst choice.

Extraordinaries who are truly united enough to cooperate well with each other. When facing this situation, a strong person who is good at group attacks should be selected and let him clean up these drones. The rest were responsible for protecting him.

Yet no one wanted to take on the role. Will others protect him with all their strength? It is an unknown quantity in itself. There is someone to protect you. They will also become a thorn in the flesh of the human legion. Under deliberate targeting, the mortality rate will definitely be greatly increased.

This kind of thing is not just a matter of Legion rules. It is also a question of the Legion’s beliefs. Even if tactical rules in this area are formulated, there is no way to implement such rules in the face of an army without conviction.

Immediately following the integrated drones are the artillery fire of the human legions. The artillery positions will be exposed immediately after the fire bombing, but the extraordinary beings of all races are unwilling to attack these positions after such a long battle. They are more or less aware that many of the human beings are clones. There are only a few positions where extraordinary people gather.

If they focus on destruction, let the extraordinary people on their side act collectively. Of course it can ensure your own safety. But it also means that the artillery position will not be destroyed in a short period of time, and the ferocious firepower will cover the satisfactory front, even if necessary, this group of human warriors are desperate for their lives. Will notify other positions of its coordinates. Ask to bomb yourself when under attack.

Extraordinaries of all races have suffered such losses more than once. When they thought that collective action could avoid losses, dozens of positions turned their guns around to bomb them at the same time. The effect was simply terrible, and the entire artillery position was directly destroyed. Being razed to the ground, extraordinary beings below level three had no chance of surviving.

As for giving up group operations and sharing the risk on everyone's head, this is naturally the most efficient attack case. However, those people who have chosen the human ambush point will definitely die. Faced with this kind of inevitable The powerful men of all races were naturally unwilling to carry out a task with a high probability of death, which led to the fact that even though the enemy's artillery bombardment had begun, the extraordinary ones had not yet dispatched to sneak attack the enemy's position.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the real air force quickly arrived on the battlefield.

They will carry a large number of drones to fight with them, and ground troops will follow closely. Those wearing mechas are elite human warriors. They use mechas to fight not because humanoids can bring them advantages in close combat. What an advantage it is, but because this form is more flexible and easier to dodge on the battlefield.

This group of soldiers is very insidious and will hide behind remote-controlled tanks. Those tanks are unmanned. Even if they are eliminated, they will only eliminate a steel puppet.

If you want to completely destroy them, you must kill the soldiers hidden in the legion who remotely control these tanks. These soldiers wear extremely flexible mechas, shuttle behind the remote-controlled tanks, and rely on the thick armor of the tanks to resist the enemy's magical fighting spirit. , run away if you can't fight, and are filled with propellers. After using them, they throw them away and replace them with new ones.

And if you keep chasing them, no matter those remote-controlled tanks and their ferocious firepower. It will definitely make the extraordinary people of all races drink a pot.

Although legendary level experts can rely on their micro-level control capabilities to kill mechanized troops on a large scale, they must also consider the artillery shells with certain guidance capabilities and the air force in the sky.

The human legions all have a unified command, so all attacks will be almost superimposed on the same wave. This is a very simple truth, five thousand artillery shells an hour. It is probably not as effective as a thousand artillery shells per minute. The firepower density and offensive intensity must be compressed as much as possible and exploded in a short period of time in order to achieve the best effect on the battlefield.

Therefore, although these attacks are described in sequence, the time from the arrival of the integrated surveillance drone on the battlefield to the launch of the attack by ground troops and air forces will not exceed five minutes. The absolute atmosphere created in a short period of time will not exceed five minutes. The advantage in military strength means that even if the extraordinary person has the ability to clear out enemy troops on a large scale, he still has no time to use his ultimate moves continuously.

If you don't choose to evacuate quickly, you are likely to die amid indiscriminate bombing.

The extraordinary beings of all races usually cherish their lives very much. They have not experienced misery like humans, so they rarely have the determination to fight until death in a war.

And this has led to the fact that except for the powerful men of all races under the unified command of the seven major alliances, the legions of other countries and alliances usually collapse in the face of the tactics and tactics that humans have gradually matured, and then allow the human legions to destroy themselves. Important industrial or magic cities in the alliance rob a lot of resources.

If there were no seven major alliances at the front, they would probably have collapsed in the face of the increasingly powerful humans.

Even though the frontal pressure is now withstood by its Dalian Alliance, humans still spread the flames of war to hundreds of surrounding alliances, and expanded rapidly in the process, sending the humans in these alliances to relatively safe areas for rapid training. .

The war has gradually entered a tug-of-war mode, and time is actually quite unfavorable to all races. The new generation of humans will grow up quickly under the high-pressure education of the wartime system, and in the land of all races, The number of humans is almost endless, and as time goes by, the number of enemies they face will increase.

If no real masters join the battlefield, this storm of the rise of mankind may sweep away all countries except the empire in this region.

But the real strong men of all races cannot sit idly by after all. The strong men at the spiritual level have finally joined the battlefield on a large scale, and each of them is a humanoid strategic weapon. Compared with the legendary demigod level strong men, Or, their lethality is even more terrifying, and they can continuously release nuclear explosion-like attacks.

Among them, the type that is more capable of destruction can even release a terrifying explosion that will level dozens of miles around after accumulating power to a certain extent.

The number of strong men of this level among humans is still too small. Almost all spiritual levels among humans can only be temporarily raised to this level of strength through special means. It has not taken much time since the birth of Glacier City. It is still too difficult to give birth to a strong man of this level.

This is an irreparable strategic disadvantage. After the trump cards of these countries joined the battlefield, the losses on the human side began to become more and more heavy.

And this is not Cheng Ying's biggest headache. The direction of this war has far exceeded their expectations, at least it is more beautiful than they imagined.

But with the entry of these super strong men, it was too late for Chengying to save the human elites who died in the devastating attack. The scope of the devastating attack was too large, and some, even Chengying, could only choose to flee for the time being. , let alone saving people in this case, the loss of these talents will undoubtedly be a major blow to support future plans.

The Chengyings also helplessly realized that although their own strength was already very strong, there was still a huge gap compared to the Ten Thousand Clans. If they wanted to continue the plan to support the future, they must continue to increase their individual strength. .

Cheng Ying, No. 17, has learned magic and various extraordinary powers, and his individual combat power has reached the peak level of a demigod. However, facing the spiritual powerhouse in the sky, the devastating blow he can launch can only bring him enough power. There were several talented humans around him, but further away from him, the human geniuses who had been with him day and night had to choose to give up.

The destructive ball of light in the sky was about to fall. At this moment, two figures, one large and one small, suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

[To be continued]

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