When the destructive light in the sky fell, it was easily blocked by two people who suddenly appeared on the scene. To be precise, it was the man with a pair of antlers on his head.

He just stretched out his palm, as if time stopped. The terrifying energy in the sky paused, and then it was as if time had fast forwarded, and everyone's life was already hanging by a thread. The strong human beings who had reached the last moment of their lives were caught by him one by one and sent underground.

An indestructible sphere has been formed underground. No matter how terrifying the attack is on the ground, there is no way to penetrate the sphere and hurt the people inside. And all this takes almost only a moment, at least it only takes a moment from the outside world. time.

The powerful man from all races who used this powerful attack just felt that his eyes were blurry and his originally clear consciousness was slightly blurred. Then his attack landed on the ground, and a huge explosion was set off on the ground. Wherever it passed, everything turned into ashes.

He is the kind of strong man who is extremely good at large-scale attacks. The scope of the explosion covered almost a hundred miles in radius. Everything around him, including Wanzu's own village, was destroyed by this terrifying explosion, leaving only a big crater on the spot.

And no one knew that there were two strong defenses under that big pit, and all the strong human beings were hidden inside.

In this attack, it almost succeeded in killing some human mortals and their clones. Those talented human beings were all sent underground for protection.

The one who did these things was naturally Cheng Ying. He had just returned to Glacier City and had not yet interacted with the cluster. But I only understood what happened during this period of time through my own mental power.

The surrounding races have been forced into panic and have begun to use their strongest trump card level experts. At this time, humans will inevitably suffer a large number of casualties, which is obviously detrimental to supporting future plans.

Chengying naturally rushes to the front line as soon as possible. Relying on your own strength that has exceeded the limit of ordinary mortal strongmen, you use your own ability to save those strong human beings who may be saved.

As for those ordinary people who have no extraordinary power at all, he can only say that he is powerless. After all, even if he is powerful, he has to be responsible for rescues between different battlefields. Even if he can quickly transfer his power through means such as clones, Investing in different battlefields will also lead to the weakening of the power that one can invest, and at the same time, the number of people saved will decrease.

What's more, even if humans without extraordinary powers are saved to support future plans, there are not so many resources to maintain everyone's cryogenics. The main thing is not the resources consumed by freezing, but enough to last them for tens of millions of years. safe space.

Although there are wilderness areas on this continent that no one has visited for tens of millions of years, there are very few places that can guarantee that no one will visit them for thousands of years.

To give the simplest example, no one has been to a mountain for a thousand years, but this does not mean that it will be the same in the next thousand years. It is very likely that someone will go there the next day.

And such a place obviously cannot be used to implement future support plans. It must be the kind of place where you can be sure that no one will disturb you for a long time. And such a place is obviously extremely desolate and extremely remote. , if you want to carry out construction without alerting outsiders, the resources and manpower consumed are huge, which means that the number of people that can be carried at each stage of the volunteer future plan is also limited. This limit will increase as technology improves. The hidden ability continues to increase.

But it is obviously not enough for all humans to participate in this plan at the moment.

Even if everyone could not be saved, the sudden and powerful support allowed mankind to escape from the desperate situation, and the number of casualties among human extraordinary people began to decrease significantly.

Because the strong man who took action this time has reached an absurdly powerful level, and is no longer on the same level as the mortal strong man. Therefore, almost no one noticed the tricks made. All races thought that humans had suffered heavy casualties in their indiscriminate bombings, including humans themselves.

Those survivors who survived the attack thought that their former comrades were completely dead, but they did not know that many of them had actually been sent to secret underground cold storage for cryopreservation.

Perhaps when a thousand years pass, they will wake up in the next era that needs them.

Cheng Ying worked hard and finally made the group realize what happened. Their actions were quite confidential. If there is a chance that the secret will be leaked, they may even choose to give up the rescue operation.

Theoretically, it is almost impossible for outsiders to know about the future support plan, only their core members will know, and the current situation is obviously that the one who disappeared before is back.

It's just that the group didn't expect that the missing self would be so powerful after wandering around outside.

The strong men of all races were deceived by him silently. Even the strong men of all races have not discovered it until now. A frame was taken out of my consciousness, but something was actually missing.

"Well... you go back to Glacier City first! Bring this back to me there. Those are actually mine, but because we were separated for a while, some of the memories are different. Don't worry, they will definitely not be embarrassed. Yours." Cheng Ying sent Ice Emperor back to the police station for them to take care of.

On some level. If they regain their memories now, Hyokui may have achieved the feat of opening a harem, and now there are dozens of Chengying...

Cheng Ying also sent back a lot of knowledge he had acquired. Most of this is knowledge obtained from the Elf Empire. After entering the Elf Empire, Cheng Ying gradually lost contact with the group. After all, the distance between the two parties is too far. And they have not mastered the use of innate spiritual treasures yet. Communication can only be through conventional technical means.

Whether it is electromagnetic waves or various special spells, it is difficult to complete a smooth call at such a long distance without a relay station.

Therefore, the large amount of support he received in the later stage did not have time to be transferred to the clusters. The knowledge gained in the second half was the greatest and most valuable part of the knowledge he gained during this outing.

Even if something happens to him, these things will have to be sent back to the cluster. At present, the war in front of him is still very promising. Although it is far from enough for the complete rise of mankind, it is enough to take advantage of the opportunity. this opportunity. Large-scale cleansing of the surrounding races.

Even if it is destroyed in the end, there will eventually be very few races left on this land. In this environment, the probability of a new wave of human beings rising and growing up will be greatly increased.

Although there is a saying that rabbits do not eat grass near their nests. After encountering a tragic setback caused by humans, no matter how arrogant you are, you will definitely have a long memory. For a long period of time, there has been a certain taboo against humans in this area. Although they will be very wary of the development of humans here, they are also unwilling to allow their own races to develop here because of this. .

Cheng Ying has to explain so many things in order to intercept those more powerful people from all races. As long as he does not reveal his appearance, since he is not human in nature, it will be difficult for Wan Races to find out his true identity. of.

Intercept all the more powerful races, even those from the empire, so that humans and other races can have a fierce fight and treat it as military training.

If during this process, human beings can train a few more legendary demigod-level experts, they will also have a few more spiritual-level experts with more knowledge. That's definitely a profit.

Chengying didn't need to be ruthless in the interception process. As long as the original films sent by the big countries and the Knowledge Empire could not arrive, he would have completed his mission.

The empire closest to Glacier City is the Elf Empire. When they learned that humans were rising again, they felt quite scared. The larger the empire, the more aware it is of the true terror of mankind. Most of the time, humans are indeed as weak as they appear, without any potential, and can be wiped out easily.

But the glorious achievements of this race have been enough to scare all races. In the past, both the dragon race and the Phoenix race fell from the altar because of the war with humans. At that time, these two races were both powerful races that shocked the world. , it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the top ten races.

Not only that, but in the subsequent time, the rise of mankind relied on pure technology, building endless warships, almost crisscrossing the entire prehistoric continent, and the battle with the God Emperor almost shattered the continent, and even the Holy Throne No one knows how many people died in such a war.

The vast majority of all races have not learned their lessons. One of the important reasons is that time is too long. Hundreds of thousands of years are enough for them to forget most of their history, forget the painful lessons they have experienced, and use them again. The cruelest way to treat human beings.

The weaker the country, the weaker the race, the faster it forgets. In the same way, the more powerful the country, the more powerful the race, the clearer the memory of this aspect. Although the Elf Empire is not the most powerful Although they are a race, they are able to form an empire and can be considered to be in the upper reaches of all races, at least among the top 100.

In addition, they are one of the few powerful races with relatively strong reproductive capabilities. With a large number of individuals, they can be regarded as one of the most well-known races among the powerful races.

Although this kind of race does not have infinite life span, and will lose a considerable part of important historical records in the process of inheritance, and will gradually forget what happened in the past like humans, but as a powerful race, they have brought great influence to the rise of mankind several times. The terrible impact of the epidemic is still recorded in history to a considerable extent.

Ordinary elves may not know how terrifying human beings are, and they will still face humans with a superior attitude, but the real strong elves are those who have access to the righteous secrets of the upper class of society. But he clearly understands the seriousness of the problem.

After the turmoil caused by humans showed signs of getting worse, they immediately summoned the strong men in the clan to prepare for a devastating blow to humans.

The elves can be regarded as a race with strong people. Compared with those races with outstanding talents and strong power throughout their lives, they do have a certain gap. For example, the dragons are likely to be born stronger than them. As long as they live to adulthood, they will Can have close to legendary level strength.

Although the magical talent of elves is strong, it only refers to the part of them that became extraordinary. In fact, there are still quite a few elves who cannot practice, or have poor talent and have given up practicing.

Their large number of powerful people is actually based on their large population. A population of tens of trillions is considered a large clan even on the ancient continent. You must know that even the human population is not infinite. of.

In the process of refreshing and being killed, a dynamic balance is maintained, usually between five and six hundred billion. In comparison, the population of the elves can even reach nearly ten times that of a race like humans that is constantly refreshing. One percent shows what a prosperous empire this is.

With so many elves, there are naturally a lot of strong men that can be born. Among the strong men sent this time, there are more than a thousand in terms of spiritual status. You must know that strong men of this level can already be used as members of an alliance. The leader.

For a relatively weak alliance like the Blue River Alliance, even the strongest one may only be at the demigod level. The territory of such a small alliance usually has millions of square kilometers. The combined territory of more than a dozen alliances is as large as the Earth. The land area is almost the same.

In other words, the elves sent out a force that was enough to suppress hundreds of planets. Although the prehistoric continent was huge, it was still a terrifying force, especially since they followed the instructions left by their ancestors and did not disperse their actions. , but gathered together. Head towards where humans are. Prepare to eliminate mankind in one fell swoop and nip the possible rise of mankind in the bud.

For the surrounding alliances, the rise of mankind has been so vigorous that they all feel that the world is shattered. But for a behemoth like the Elf Empire, this can only be regarded as a sprout.

And they would not have imagined how powerful the people who were about to intercept them would be, nor would they have thought that the people who were going to intercept them next would have been chased by their strong men in the capital of the empire until they had nowhere to go. Door.

The world is so unpredictable. On the border of the Elf Empire, many elves are gathering here for a picnic. No one pays attention to the current human beings. After all, they have paid enough attention and sent ten times more people. The strong ones who push the limits of human resistance, but in such a harmonious atmosphere, there is one more person among them.

[To be continued]

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