Cheng Ying appeared silently. He chose to blend into the crowd. On the border, the strong men of the elves were still gathering for dinner. They just regarded this as a non-dangerous trip. Compared to annihilating human beings, Cheng Ying appeared silently. What is more important is to make friends with other strong people within the race.

This is a good opportunity for those strong people who are not strong enough and whose foundation is not strong enough. However, they do not realize that decisive strong people have actually been born among human beings.

Under normal circumstances, whenever this situation occurs, human beings will usher in a rise, quickly occupy a territory among all races, and then kill crazily to avenge the cruelty of all races to human beings.

Then came the final madness. A very small number of strong human beings may have outstanding talents and become top-notch strongmen among all races, but in the end they would still fall under the siege.

This time there was no such decisive strong person born, which was also an important reason why they relaxed their vigilance so much.

Lan Nuo still looks like the antlers on his head. Not all the strong men among the elves are elves. As a very tolerant race, there are a large number of other races living in the land of the elves, and some of these races have even become members of the elves. citizen.

After all, the Elf Tribe relied on the beautiful appearance of the women of its own race in the early days, and hooked up with the major powerful tribes, strengthened the bloodline of their own race through marriage and other means, and strengthened the power of their own race. In the end, they transformed from a person with not very good talents. race has reached this stage.

Now that he has an orc-headed face, it is not difficult to blend into the crowd. In fact, not everyone remembers who among them is.

Although you have a strong memory, it is very easy to remember the names, appearances and various characteristics of a thousand people. If you can remember them, it will be of great benefit to your cooperation.

But there is almost no cooperation between these extremely powerful people. Even if they fight, they fight independently. In this case, how can they go out of their way to remember it?

"Brother, you are a bit unfamiliar." A middle-aged elf man handed a skewer of barbecue in his hand to Cheng Ying.

"After all, we are not elves. Under normal circumstances, we live in a relatively low-key empire. Moreover, I became famous relatively late, so it is normal for the seniors not to know." Cheng Ying sat by the campfire as if nothing had happened, looking really good. Just like a member of the elven army.

He has cast some spells on him to reduce the sense of disobedience, which will make people who see him subconsciously think that his existence is reasonable. I will think of various reasonable reasons for his existence.

Cheng Ying has almost reached the pinnacle of the world in terms of regular spells, and he has made innovations in some spells that he needs to use frequently. At this time, his spell that was reduced to a sense of harmony did not attract anyone's attention.

"It doesn't matter. Since we have been selected this time to participate in the crusade, everyone will get to know each other well. When the battle breaks out, we can also take care of each other.

I heard from the front line that the humans this time were quite ferocious. I didn’t expect that this group of animals-like race could cause such a big mess, but fortunately, they didn’t have any extremely strong people.

I heard that there are only a dozen or so strong men who have reached the level of you and me. I really don’t know why those alliances of all races are so useless? He couldn't beat these dozen people. "The elf who spoke. Almost immediately ignored the existence of other human armies.

In their common sense, after reaching their level, the army will no longer play any role, and quantity cannot make up for the gap in quality.

"It can't be said that the human army is stronger in terms of coordination. This aspect is still worth learning." Another elf explained: "In fact, the scientific and technological civilization represented by humans has also brought me some inspiration. .

Think about it! As mages, as a civilization where magic is the most popular, we don't have any subdivisions of the profession of magicians. At most, we can separate elements with different attributes from alchemists, summoners, magicians and the like.

However, if you look at the workers in the technological civilization, they divide their professions very finely. Each person may only be proficient in a very small part of an industry, which allows those with poor talents to be proficient. We can actually do similar things in theory. We already have enough people with magical talents, but as long as they have a little bit of magical talent, they will hardly accept being a screw in the magical world.

In fact, I think this is the correct direction of development. In pursuing our own omnipotence, we have embarked on a wrong path. "

"Why do you think so?" Cheng Ying was originally ready to install it, but after hearing the other party's opinion, he still asked. This elf's thinking seemed a bit similar to his.

"Think about it, if the same thing is divided into ten steps, and each step is learned by one person, then he will definitely be faster than learning all the steps. If he is allowed to continuously learn and master this link , then he is definitely more proficient than the person who has mastered all the links.

In this case, if the manufacturing of a magic weapon is divided into thousands of steps, and then thousands of people are responsible for their own step, repeat it, and finally assemble it.

Whether it is the speed of production or the quality of the final product, it must exceed the effect of tens of thousands of people producing at the same time.

I feel that as a powerful mage, for many magic products, you only need to be able to use them, and you do not need to fully understand the entire production process. This is actually a waste of our time. We can use this time to explore other products. magical knowledge.

It's a pity that this kind of thing cannot be implemented even in the Elf Empire, which has the most prosperous magical civilization. "

Obviously this plan touches too many people's cakes. Even if many people have seen that this is indeed a possible plan, there is no chance to implement it.

Obviously this is not a technical problem, but a social problem, and the social structure of the elves is obviously deeply ingrained and cannot be changed so easily.

If there is a change, it will be the Magic Industrial Revolution. At that time, the national power of the elves will probably be greatly improved, and in a short period of time it will be comparable to the most powerful race among all races.

Of course, these are just the assumptions of a few people present. As they ate and drank, they unconsciously felt that the surroundings were getting quieter and quieter. A strange atmosphere enveloped them. The sounds around them became increasingly blurred, and the people around them seemed to Getting further and further away from them.

At this time, the most astute strong man finally noticed the problem. It was a white-haired elf. His lifespan may have been tens of thousands of years. He was an absolute veteran strong man. At this time, he suddenly stood up next to the fire. , looked around with an extremely solemn expression.

"Something's wrong, we're stuck in a certain barrier." As he spoke, the old elf with the white beard had already cast his magic, and a beam of light hit the distance, but the light did not fly out, but hit the first floor. Disappeared above the invisible barrier.

"What's going on? Why is this happening?" There were a total of five elves shrouded in the barrier, all of whom were strong at the spiritual level. After someone reminded them, they also felt something was wrong around them, and they all took out their weapons. Look around cautiously.

I have to say that their lineup is quite reasonable. There is a melee warrior holding a sword and shield, an archer, an old mage, and the remaining two are healers and assassins. It seems that they already have a tacit understanding of cooperation. team.

It's just that after each became a top powerhouse, there were few opportunities to cooperate.

Being familiar with each other, they looked at each other and immediately looked at Cheng Ying. First of all, the other person was not from the same clan as them. Secondly, this person was also quite unfamiliar. In this case, there was no doubt that they would be suspicious of this newcomer. The guy is up to no good.

"Who are you?" The sword and shield elf searched his memory at this time and finally discovered the problem. There was no such person among the thousand people in the team. Although he did not remember everyone's names and characteristics, as long as he If you recall your memories of the past few days, and then carefully look for all the faces you have seen, you will find that this person actually appears for the first time.

"Did you finally find out? To be honest, the reaction was unexpectedly slow!" Cheng Ying patted his pants and stood up. The orc form faded and gradually transformed into a human form.

"It's a human being! You're so brave, you actually dared to come here. Isn't the sky high and the earth high? Aren't you afraid of being wiped out?" the white-bearded elf said coldly.

"You don't know how high the sky is? You can think whatever you want. Anyway, you will understand soon. Those guys outside actually have no way to get in touch with you."

Chengying stood up. A strong aura gradually appeared on his body: "As for you guys? I don't care about it yet." After fighting a real holy level, Cheng Ying no longer worried about spiritual level opponents. Both sides have already They have completely distanced themselves and are no longer on the same level of strength.

"What a shame!" As he spoke, the two sides started to take action. The elf who used the sword and shield first used a unique skill, which was a combination of spells and combat skills. With a loud roar, Cheng Ying felt that he was against He developed an extremely strong revulsion and a strong desire to attack him.

However, there was just a flash of light on his body, and this effect was lifted. It was the passive spell on him that triggered it.

This is also one of the benefits of having spells engraved on your body. Many spells are in his meridians. After he receives some kind of attack, he will automatically start to counteract the attack even if he is not aware of it.

At the same time, the archer has already bent his bow and nocked an arrow. Compared to the mage, the archer is also a long-range profession, but his shots are obviously faster. The weapon in his hand is also a specially made magic weapon, which is far more powerful than ordinary bows and arrows. Much more.

Archers in the prehistoric world have a very special heritage, and they can use powerful attacks. For example, the two-arrow burst arrow shoots two arrows at the same time, and then the one behind hits the tail of the one in front. Shoot the one in front to explode, thereby unleashing greater power.

There are many similar techniques, and right now this archer is using the same kind of techniques. The more arrows used in the same move, the greater the power will be. And he has almost mastered this technique to the extreme, and at the same time, he uses Each of the nine arrows hit the tail of the one in front, and all the subsequent power was concentrated together.

This is an extremely powerful attack. Although the damage range is not large, the power is extremely concentrated and has incredible penetration power. Even a spiritual level expert who is good at defense is likely to be penetrated by this attack.

However, Cheng Ying stood still and did not move. The powerful arrow penetrated his body but did not cause any damage.

"No, that's a phantom!" The assassin in the team's eyes jumped. He also mastered this technique, leaving his own afterimage in place, while he became invisible and launched a surprise attack.

He could indeed do the same thing, but the shadow left behind could never be as lifelike as the guy in front of him. Even though he had judged that it was a shadow, he still couldn't see the flaw.

The most terrifying thing is that they still can't find the invisible body.

The assassin is the best at this technique, but he is helpless at this time.

At the same time, the mage who had been brewing a powerful spell took action. He did not attack the opponent, but chose to use the most powerful spell he had condensed in the direction of the barrier.

His thinking is also very clear. As long as he can break the barrier, he can immediately get a lot of support. There is no need to kill the opponent himself. Wouldn't it be stupid to not use it even though we have the numerical advantage?

What's more, the other party actively used the barrier to trap them. It means that there must be a certain degree of certainty, and in this case, we still have to fight him desperately. Obviously it's not rational.

The attack condensed by the mage is quite powerful, and other people in the team are extremely confident when they see such an attack.

"So what if your invisibility is very strong? So what if you have passively triggered spells that can counteract taunts? The human race is too weak after all. The occasional strong man born cannot reverse the huge gap between us. gap.

Just like the gulf-like numerical gap between us, no matter how hard you try and how you use strategies, it will be in vain in the end! "Just when they felt that they were sure to win, they felt that their thinking became very fast, as if they were running on a horse lantern, and they could think of many things in a flash.

When they came back to their senses, they discovered that the attack had indeed hit the barrier, and then there was no explosion, no sound and light effects, and it just disappeared on the barrier, making no sound, as if nothing happened.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

[To be continued]

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