Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 82 The Elf Empire Transformation Plan

The powerful attack just now was enough to completely shatter the mountains and rivers, but when it hit the barrier that enveloped them, it did not cause any damage at all, and did not even cause any waves caused by the explosion.

This means that the defensive power of the barrier has exceeded their imagination, and may even be higher than the normal zero-level strong men. This is undoubtedly a huge shock to them. If even this level of attack cannot If the barrier that surrounds them is destroyed, it will be almost impossible to notify people outside to support them.

"Now that you realize your situation, do you know what to do? Surrender or die, you have no other choice."

"Who are you?" These people, obviously led by the white-bearded elf among them, couldn't help but ask.

"Does it matter who I am? What matters is the choice you make. Whether I am a human, an ally of human beings, or just a hidden strongman, does it make any difference to you?"

"If you are a strong man beyond the mortal level, you cannot take action against us mortals. Otherwise, we can call out the Holy One!"

"Then you guys try to see if you can get in touch." Cheng Ying didn't seem to worry at all that he would be targeted by the Holy Throne. He inherited the blood of the God Emperor, and his current strength is no longer what it used to be. He has truly reached the level of At the level of Linsheng, ordinary saints are no match for him. Although the elves also have high-level saints that he cannot defeat, it is impossible for them to know what is happening in this barrier.

This is still an ability brought to him by the blood of the God Emperor, an extremely powerful space sealing ability. It is almost impossible for people outside to know what happens inside the barrier.

These powerful people are the top beings for a race and can theoretically communicate with their society. However, when they wanted to use this connection, they found that their communication was completely lost.

At this moment, they suddenly panicked. The existence they were facing now was probably something even more terrifying than the Holy One. And if they don't choose to surrender, they may face a situation more terrifying than death.

"What will happen if we choose to die?" The white-bearded elf asked directly without risking his life.

"You will die, and I will create a puppet to replace you. Don't worry, you don't have to think about suicide. You can't commit suicide in front of me. I can extract all your memories. In the process, I can create character memories and Your identical puppets may be inferior in strength, but if they are made directly from your corpses, the difference will not be too big. Most of the time, they will not be exposed. When you really need to show your combat power, you can also I will control these puppets myself.

It is as if you have not died at all and can still continue to live in this world, but in that case your identity is completely under my control. Including your relatives and friends.

So no matter what you choose, the impact on me is actually limited. By killing you, I can also achieve my goal. This is really an opportunity for you. "

At this moment, several elves suddenly felt that the situation was not good. They are likely to face a dead end next. Whether it is surrender or death, the ending they face next may not be what they want.

Judging from the timing of the opponent's attack, the opponent is probably from the human camp. Even if it is not a human, it must have a close relationship with humans. In this case, even if you choose to surrender to the opponent, you may face life and death in the future. Making a choice to help humans is something that no race can accept. Doing such a thing is likely to offend the higher-ups of your own race, and ultimately lead to an ending that is even more terrifying than death. Your loved ones around you may also suffer. His own fault.

But even if you choose to die, this fate may not be changed. The other party controls your body and uses it as a puppet. The various choices you make in the end may still involve your family, and at that time they even Not even a chance to choose.

People are always unwilling to die. In this choice, although they may still face many tragic endings while alive, in the end a few people still chose to surrender. Although surrender is extremely humiliating to humans, their strength has reached their level. , In fact, it has become very self-centered.

The binding power of national civilization on them is very low, and they still value their own interests more. In this case, being able to survive is more attractive to them than anything else.

"Now that we have signed a contract, what do we need to do next?" The old man named Yinyue asked helplessly.

"You don't need to do anything. Just do whatever you have to do next. If you need to fight against humans, go fight against humans. But I want you not to kill those who you don't want to kill. Don't kill them in the next battle. Yes, they Keep your breath when you attack, and fight the rest as you want. If you are fatally attacked by humans, I will try my best to save your lives. "

They were relieved by Cheng Ying's request, which was not a very difficult request. For them, all they need to do is pay a little attention. When attacking a strong human being, it doesn't seem to be difficult to not kill a strong human being. It doesn't seem to be difficult to save the opponent, and it can also be exchanged for their own safety during the human attack. , seems to be a good thing for them.

However, Silver Moon doesn't think so. When her opponents don't show enough desire, it probably means they have a bigger plot.

"What exactly do you want to do? After so much trouble, it is absolutely impossible for us to just do such a simple thing. If you really just want to protect some geniuses among humans, you even need to bring everyone here They all pull into this space like us and then force them.”

Silver Moon has obviously realized it. What Cheng Ying wants to do is definitely not as simple as what he said. With his ability, he can completely defeat every strong person here, trap every strong person here through such means, and then use force to force them. Threatening them with their lives to sign a contract is absolutely impossible just to retain the genius among humans this time.

"Since you are already our own, there is nothing to hide from you. In order to ensure your loyalty, I will naturally take the elves into consideration when making plans. What I will do next, It will definitely make the elves prosperous, but as for this process, it will inevitably take certain risks.

As you guessed, I can control everyone here, and although not all the powerful people in your race are here, they are close to half.

This means that in the Elf Empire, your words have a decisive effect. If the Holy Throne does not take action, you will be the actual ruler. In this case, it will not be so difficult for you to interfere with the elves' policies.

I need the elves to carry out a magical industrial revolution to make your race more powerful. Humanity's resistance is not destined to succeed in one go, but resistance again and again requires a powerful existence to back it up.

Humanity does not have a long enough safe development time, does not have a long enough time to accumulate the development of magic and technology, and it is difficult to accumulate various technologies and various cultivation techniques.

So I need a surface where I can conduct these studies and mine a lot of resources. A race that can develop freely and accumulate these technologies for mankind.

Obviously, the elves are the most suitable. You are almost the same size as humans, and you also have flexible hands. Apart from your ears, you only have powerful magical talents compared to humans.

Therefore, with the technology you have created, if you want to apply it to humans, the threshold must be much lower. In addition, you have one of the largest populations among many races, which is very suitable for such development.

I don’t need you to protect humans. I need you to stick to the bottom line of not actively persecuting humans now, and then continue to develop and become the most powerful mortal civilization among all races, pushing technology and magic to the limits of this world. , to accumulate technological foundation for the future of mankind.

As for you, you will become elves in the future and become real high-level people. In this way, I can rest assured that elves will not do anything cruel to humans.

If the elves in the future can become the most powerful among all races, with absolute strength, then the rise of human beings and the process of human beings meeting their tragic fate may not need to go through too fierce a war, but only need that time. It's enough for the elf to take action. This can be considered one of my backup plans, and it is also one of the best scenarios for the future in my plan. "

Several elves looked at each other. They did not expect that the plan of the super strong man in front of them would be like this. This is indeed a good thing for the elves. If they are not forced, they themselves hope that the elves can develop and grow. If they can Of course they can only dream of becoming the most powerful race among all races.

However, this obviously has a huge problem: "You need the elves to accumulate technology, why should you make the elves stronger? We haven't improved the ranking of our race in tens of thousands of years, how can you guarantee that you can To do such an incredible thing?”

"Of course I will lead you to carry out the magic industrial revolution. Didn't you mention it before? If magic is further subdivided into various professions, and each person is only responsible for a part of it, he will naturally be able to do it in that part. Specialization, and more people who specialize in this part of the field gather in this field, which can also push it to a higher level. In this way, social division of labor will be deepened, social cooperation will be enhanced, and finally created There is no doubt that magic and technology can reach a stronger level.

Not only that, I already have a considerable understanding of the magic among the elves. Your magic has no standards at all. The world of magic knowledge is too precious and will only be taught between masters and apprentices. This makes you The spells are divided into too many schools, and it is difficult for the spells of different schools to learn from each other. Whether it is the construction of spell models or spells, they are completely different systems.

This is equivalent to constant waste and repetition on the same project. How can we develop more complex and advanced spells?

Therefore, it is necessary to promote the unification of spell languages ​​and the standardization of spell models, so that all spells in the entire elven clan can be used universally, as long as all the schools are unified at once.

I know this kind of thing is difficult. You can come up with various reasons to say that this kind of thing can't be done, but now that all of you have signed a contract with me, then you masters, who account for almost half of the powerful people among the elves' mortals, at the same time Promote the popularity of all this in the Elf Empire. Is it even possible? "

Several elves were stunned. They did not expect this possibility. They had discussed this issue before. With the implementation of a new system, the elves can definitely become extremely powerful, but there will inevitably be huge resistance in the process. . So much so that there has been no way to promote such a policy for tens of thousands of years.

In fact, many of the obstacles to the implementation of these policies are themselves. As the strongest among the elves, they themselves are vested interests. Naturally, their interests are affected during the promotion of the new system, but the new system cannot be guaranteed. In the process of establishment, if they obtain the maximum benefit, they are naturally unwilling to change the existing distribution of benefits.

In the past, if they could reach an agreement and distribute the benefits before promoting the implementation of the plan, it would theoretically be possible to implement new policies.

But in this process, there is no way to avoid the struggle for power between them. It will definitely turn into a war in the end. There is no way to trust each other, which makes this cooperation impossible from the beginning.

But now this problem has been solved, and everyone no longer needs to be suspicious of each other, because now everyone has been adopted as a younger brother by the same person, and there is such a thing as profit distribution. Everyone can discuss it. During the implementation process, if anyone violates the rules, he should go directly to the boss. How to solve the problem according to how the rules were originally set. Should those who break the rules be killed directly, or should they be made into puppets? Give up your own interests and make decisions directly after establishing rules. Trust between each other can be established in this case.

Although they only account for half of the top powerhouses in the Elf Empire, this is enough. Naturally, some of the other top powerhouses will be willing to support the special plan, and more than half of them are quite united. There is almost no ability to resist the tide of the times.

[To be continued]

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