Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 83: Turn off the lights

The elves like Yiyue are obviously not the first wave of elves to be forced to sign a contract. Chengying has obviously done similar things many times before. There are already less than half of the masters in this camp. They have all been forcibly signed by him. There are also some diehards among them.

He showed no mercy towards these die-hard elements. He killed them on the spot and used their corpses to make puppets. With these Kui Lei as evidence, it became much easier to conquer others.

As long as you bring a puppet with you when you expand the barrier to prove to these powerful elves that their identities can still be used even after they die, that's enough.

Their death was in vain. In this case, who would choose death? Whether it was for the sake of living, trying to change the status quo, or knowing that their death would be in vain, so a good death would be worse than a bad life, most of the powerful elves chose to survive and signed contracts.

After all, their future sounds good. Humanity is prepared to use them as a shield in front of them. But if they want to become this shield, they must first become strong, strong enough to dominate among all races. This in itself This is what the elves long for. If we can really do this, there is nothing wrong with supporting human beings.

Those who have already experienced the enchantment try their best to act as if nothing has happened, while others do not know when they will be pulled into the enchantment.

For a while, these masters couldn't even figure out who had been controlled. In order not to expose themselves, they all acted cautiously.

This atmosphere lasted for a whole night. When it was dawn, the team was ready to set off. At this moment, there was suddenly an extra person in the sky. Those who had signed the contract all felt their hearts skip a beat, saying, "Big Brother" , what are you doing out of nowhere?

Everyone couldn't help but look at others secretly, and then they discovered a phenomenon that was difficult for them to accept for a while, that is, other people were also looking at them secretly. It was obvious that the number of people in the crowd who had signed the contract, Far beyond their imagination.

"You don't have to look around. All of you have signed a contract with me. There is no need to keep it secret between us. Next, I will tell you the overall action plan. There will be no missions that require death. Next Just execute.”

Cheng Ying's voice echoed in the sky, making these people a little overwhelmed for a while. Then you look at me, and I see a relaxed expression gradually showing on your face. It turns out that everyone is one of the same people, so naturally at this time There is no need to collapse anymore.

"What are we going to do next?" Some people have completely accepted the reality and their current identity, and begin to ask about the next tasks.

"I will break down the tasks for each of you and assign them to each of you. Next, I will just talk about the overall steps.

There is no doubt that this time human resistance is destined to be destroyed, and you need to follow the original plan. If we continue to carry out the extermination plan for mankind, the war can continue. I have never expected that mankind will rise in this round.

Try not to show any abnormality. Except for the geniuses who face humans, there is no need to show mercy to other humans. You are the elves, so just follow the elves' own form and method. "

Issuing such an order actually makes Cheng Ying very heartbroken. In this process, there is no doubt that a large number of heroic human soldiers will die. The Support for the Future plan does not have enough places for every soldier to participate, so someone will inevitably die.

The reason he chose the elves was largely because the elves had a relatively gentle attitude towards humans, even on the battlefield. They will not massacre humans unless necessary, and are one of the very few on this continent who will leave human prisoners behind during war.

If it were another race, I'm afraid they would have already tortured and killed humans, and might even regard this kind of killing as a form of entertainment.

In the battle with the powerful elves. The defeated humans may survive as slaves or captives. If certain operations are carried out, these people may continue to shine for humans within the Elf Empire.

"This is your next strategic plan. Follow this step to gradually destroy humanity's current resistance, and then completely destroy the Glacier City. In this process, your biggest task is to protect humanity's elite and strong men as much as possible. You have to defeat them without letting them get killed.

This is a very difficult task for you, because humans do not know your existence, and they do not know that you will not actually kill them. Therefore, humans will not show mercy to you. During the battle, if you are not vigilant enough, you may lose your life. "

Many elves felt the seriousness of the situation, but they felt a little relieved when they thought that they were numerous, powerful, and at the crushing level.

"Your mission is more than that. You must destroy all human beings before the strong men of other races arrive. You should understand what I mean."

Of course, the strong men of the elves understand what this means. If the strong men of other races destroy humanity, they will definitely destroy the strong human race together. If they go to perish, they will only destroy the framework of the Glacier City. , the strong ones among them will survive this catastrophe, and hide quietly in the dark as dead people.

Although this kind of thing sounds too dangerous for all races. But now that they have signed a contract, they have no other choice. The elves have a relatively good attitude towards humans. Even if humans really rise to become the masters of the world, they will definitely liquidate other races first. , it is very possible for the elves to be open-minded.

On the one hand, the elves have a relatively good attitude towards humans, and are likely to become humans' protective umbrella and general existence for quite some time in the future.

On the other hand, the elves are confident in their racial talents. The racial talents of the elves in this world are not their dexterous bodies, their ability to attack difficulties, or their powerful magical talents.

The true core racial talent of this race is actually their beautiful appearance in the eyes of most creatures in this world.

Although there are different races on the prehistoric continent, each with its own different aesthetics, for almost all races, the elves are extremely beautiful, and their initial strength also came from foreign marriages.

The strong men of the elves believe that in the future, even if humans rise, there will definitely be many strong men who will form bonds with the beauties among the elves. In the end, it will definitely be enough to preserve the survival of the elves.

As the final actions of the elves commanded by Cheng Ying began, the battle for the destruction of mankind also began.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Cheng Ying personally commanded the armies of all races to carry out a devastating blow to mankind. On the one hand, under his command, the elves could complete mankind's nirvana this time with as few casualties as possible. Pan, allowing this generation of human elites to move from the surface to the underground, take root and continue to develop in places where all races cannot see.

On the other hand, if they were allowed to attack on their own, Chengying would probably suffer heavy casualties without allowing the humans to let go.

Humanity's use of extraordinary beings has far surpassed that of all races. Even if it lags far behind in terms of the number of extraordinary beings, it may cause heavy casualties to the elves. If that happens, the development of the elves will be based on the elves and the development of human beings. As a protective umbrella in the process, there is no way for this plan to continue to be implemented.

This time mankind is really coming to an end, but there is no doubt that this is also a massive battle.

After the main force of the elves arrived on the battlefield, not only Chengying, but also all the soldiers on the front line felt the tremendous pressure. Behind the elves, there were other more powerful warriors from all races.

It was no longer possible for them to continue to win as before, and the demise of mankind was only a matter of time, so this time mankind gathered almost all its strength and launched the final attack.

A large number of armies gathered together, and under unified command, swept through the country of all races like a sweep.

In the process, they even directly destroyed the country. The originally powerful alliance could not resist such an army. Their country did not expect that they would be despised by the humans who lived in the wilderness that were not even as good as mountain villages. extinguished.

And they were so easily wiped out before the decisive battle. When they perished, they could only choose to curse. Curse that mankind would eventually decline again under the counterattack of all races and become slaves again.

This time the human resistance can be regarded as the most powerful wave in thousands of years. The number of countries of all races that perished during the war alone has exceeded ten, and the number of people of all races killed and injured in the process , it has reached the level of hundreds of billions, and I don’t know how many small races have perished.

Among all races, they are divided into different nations just like humans. However, humans are still too weak and have not even been unified, so there is no such division. Among all races, under this war, there are already Many such groups perished completely.

Although no race has been extinct due to human resistance, the current destruction is enough to scare all races.

They are all looking forward to the elves' strong men completely annihilating mankind. The strong men of the elves also arrived as promised, and they were ready to form a neat formation.

The most conservative and unsolvable method of warfare was adopted, with everyone gathering together to fight. Everyone's defensive attacks are all superimposed together, which will inevitably affect the movement speed, but with their strength reaching their level, even if thousands of people move together, the speed is still very fast.

They are like an invincible super fortress, no existence can resist them wherever they pass. Under such tactics, any human cooperation and tactics would have little effect, even if nuclear bombs as strategic weapons were thrown into the battlefield. It is also difficult for a strong person of this level to cause damage.

If you want to target such an opponent, you must use strong men of the same level. What humans just lack is strong men of this level. Even if all the strong men are used together, they will not be enough to defeat the strong men of the elves. Complete the ambush.

In this case, human beings can only do the opposite and start their own desperate counterattack, splitting up and using their top powerhouses, and sending attacks in all directions, as if the center is blooming or a bomb is being destroyed. The last brilliance before.

After the strong ones were dispersed and used, the lethality displayed by the human side increased dramatically. Of course, the casualties also increased dramatically. Without the advantage of teamwork, the difference between human extraordinary beings and the extraordinary beings of all races There was no decisive advantage. Under the disadvantage of numbers, heavy losses were suffered. However, the number of nations destroyed by strong humans also increased rapidly at this stage.

So much so that in the hundreds of nearby countries, all races fear humans just as humans once feared them. It can even stop children from crying at night. When they hear the arrival of humans, all races in the entire city will People are panicked.

But this is also the last glory of mankind. The elven army does not care about the life and death of other races. They are here to destroy mankind. No matter how heavy the damage to the surrounding races is, it will not have the effect of surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao.

The army marched straight in, almost walking in a straight line, heading straight to the industrial center of mankind, and the Glacier City killed them.

After finally realizing that it was impossible to stop the elves' attack by killing all races, all the surviving strong humans returned to the Glacier City, where the tragic final battle began.

In order to keep it secret, almost no one knows about the existence of the future support plan, so all humans standing here are ready to sacrifice and have the consciousness to fight until the last moment.

In the same way, only those with such awareness are qualified to survive and live into the future, sublimating to the fullest and burning brightly at that moment.

This is a battle of one against a hundred. Every strong human being has to fight against his own ever-changing number of races. They have no advantage in terms of weapons or the number of ordinary people's troops. This is a battle. There is no miraculous war. On the epic battlefield, powerful heroes fall one after another. In the future, these human heroes may be portrayed as terrifying demon kings by the surrounding countries. This battle to defend the last city of mankind may also It would be described as a war in which justice triumphed over evil, and almost no one noticed that in this war, too many powerful human beings quietly disappeared on the battlefield after being seriously injured and dying.

[To be continued]

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