Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 84 Destruction and Rebirth

This is the last battle between mankind and all races. No matter what, the Glacier City cannot survive this disaster, and this is also the most magnificent war in hundreds of years.

The number of strong men participating in the war can be regarded as the largest in the past thousand years.

Spells and heavy artillery streaked across the sky, so the powerful attacks that destroyed the city collided and were destroyed in the sky.

Many strong human beings, in order to protect the city behind them and the civilization they had finally built, began a life-burning attack.

A human commander at the legendary level, after all his warriors sacrificed, drove his mecha to kill a strong elf at the spiritual level. For any strong man at the legendary level, doing this It was no different from committing suicide. He had adjusted his mecha to the explosion mode, and the reactor began to gather majestic extraordinary energy. This was an attack that had never considered retreat. The mecha exploded with power beyond imagination. A terrifying power emerged.

Even a strong person at the spiritual level was stunned for a moment and was almost knocked away by a punch. However, in the end, this challenge that exceeded two major levels failed to create a miracle and only left a mark on the opponent's face. scars.

He was turned into ashes in a gorgeous explosion. Even the scar he left was because this strong man was controlled by Cheng Ying. Faced with this suicidal attack, he had to find a way to kill him. It left him a glimmer of hope before self-destruction. Otherwise, this scar would not have been left.

However, the spiritual powerhouse himself no longer dares to look down upon such a legendary-level human powerhouse. There is a penetrating wound on his chest. Although it has healed now, the terrifying scars can still be seen. Those are several human legendary-level powerhouses. Due to mutual cooperation, the real attack was not unleashed by them. All they did was use their lives to delay him and use their lives to disguise their true plan.

The attack that almost killed the spiritual powerhouse was not unleashed by them, but by the heavy artillery at the top of the city, an attack that could penetrate mountains and evaporate lakes at the first level.

One of the strong men attacked from the front, using his own body as a cover so that the two strong men could not see the launch of the heavy artillery. The last attack came from the human strong man who was desperately entangled with him from the front. The hair penetrated the chest.

When he realized that the attack was coming, it was too late to dodge the beam that penetrated the two of them at the same time. If Cheng Ying hadn't secretly rescued the two of them, this strong man from the Elf clan would have died on the battlefield.

The war has continued to this point, and the spiritual level experts of the elves have to face up to the power of humans. They do have the strength to completely annihilate humans, but if they were not controlled by Cheng Ying before, and did not fight steadily under his command, , I am afraid that this expedition will cause them heavy losses, and even the entire elves may be seriously injured.

Although their casualties are not large now, they can still clearly understand what kind of power human beings can unleash when they are truly united and desperate. They have also begun to gradually understand why the records left by their ancestors describe human beings as a kind of A terrifying existence. It is obvious that human beings today are just the lowest level of creatures, weak and incompetent, even worse than livestock.

This final war of destruction lasted for a full month. Several surrounding alliances were razed to the ground by the war. They were truly razed to the ground. Nothing was left. The land was completely turned into a scorched earth.

The City of Glaciers has also been completely wiped off this land. Not only this magnificent city, but also the giant glacier on which they built the city, which is more than 500,000 meters high. The giant mountain range was also completely blown to the ground during the war.

The climate of the surrounding areas has undergone drastic changes during this war. In the next few thousand years, the desert blocked by this mountain will become an oasis. Water vapor from the Great Lakes. It will re-nourish life in the oasis.

Correspondingly, in the alliance on the other side of the mountain range, the precipitation will decrease, and the rivers will lose their origins, and they will gradually dry up, and the world will change.

Within a radius of tens of millions of kilometers, all countries have deeply remembered the rise of mankind. For the entire prehistoric continent, this human counterattack is not so fierce, but for those living in this land For all the races on the earth, it is enough for them to remember it for hundreds of years.

It’s just that most people don’t know that human civilization is like dandelion seeds, which have already spread to farther places and spread their branches and leaves.

The prehistoric continent is so huge that its area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers is actually just a small area of ​​this land, and it is not even larger than the entire empire.

As long as you go to more distant areas, you will find that there has not been affected by the rise of humans. They still regard humans as a weak, incompetent and cowardly race, and are almost not wary of them.

The Second Glacier City and the Third Glacier City developed in such an area. They were established one after another, absorbing the experience and knowledge of their predecessors, becoming more and more powerful, and also accumulated more experience in the field. The hidden experience among all races has a longer period of peaceful development and develops to a more powerful stage.

In addition, they have the elves as their protective umbrella. In the process of development, they can be more hidden, and the trade with the elves empire will hardly be exposed by other countries.

Back to the Elf Empire, when thousands of spiritual level experts returned to the empire, only more than 900 people were left. Although it was considered a triumphant return, there was no doubt that it suffered heavy losses. Although the Elf Empire did not know that without someone's command, their losses would be even more severe, but they were also surprised by the power of humans.

And these powerful elves who returned from the battlefield. After returning, they seemed to have completely changed. Everyone advocated that the elves should implement reforms and completely change the existing system. Today's elves' system is no longer suitable for the technological development of the elves.

In the opinion of most people, these people should have woken up after experiencing the tragic war and realized that the elves cannot be immersed in the comfortable present, and cannot be content with the status quo just because they are stronger. Only in this way will they appear slightly radical. , which is not enough to arouse any suspicion.

There are some powerful people in the Elf Empire who support the change. In addition, nearly half of the powerful people are almost of the same caliber, which forced the Elf to put the reform on the agenda yesterday.

The gods of the elves, that is, the saints, will not care about this kind of thing. They have long and endless lifespans, so that they actually pay less and less attention to the secular world.

Give a very simple example. If a person has a child, there is a high probability that he will be very close to his child. If he has a grandchild, he may also like his grandchild very much.

But if once another generation goes on, he already has, I don’t know how many descendants, and the number of new descendants has reached millions or tens of millions, will he still have any special feelings for his descendants? Obviously not. Let's just say that when you meet someone face to face, it's probably no different from meeting a stranger. Without the fetters of family ties, as time goes by, these powerful men with endless lifespans will gradually decline in their concern for their own race.

They don't care about the changes in the elves. In this era, almost no one can become a strong man at their level. Although in theory, the holy position can be achieved by sacrificing the luck of the race. Yes, but after a certain ancient era, almost no one can become a saint. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, no strong person has become a saint. In fact, the existing saints are quietly obliterating themselves. Within the race, those strong men with special potential.

The reason is very simple. Holy status is not a level of power. The power they possess is actually incidental. What is truly powerful is that they have mastered the rules of the universe and the authority of the universe. There are only so many authority in total. Come and The more people they share, the less they can share. In this case, they naturally do not want anyone to share power with them.

Therefore, if there are some extremely talented and powerful people within the race, they are likely to encounter accidents when they are at their most glorious. This is something that the veteran powerful people of all major races know, so they often behave very low-key, and do not care about them. The saint of his own race showed great respect, saying that he would honestly surrender so that he could save his life.

The superiors of those powerful races also have extremely long lives. Even if they do not become saints, they can find various methods to continue to live longer. In fact, they can live almost infinitely.

If that's the case, why do we have to fight for that position?

Today's elves are on the verge of change, and their saint-level powerhouses don't care about this. It's just a change for mortals. This change will not allow more top powerhouses to be born, and the professional details will be changed. If divided, at most it can only make strong people of the same level stronger and develop them to the extreme in various aspects, but it will not actually be of much help to the breakthrough of individual strong people. At most, it allows them to have more time to concentrate on cultivation, and they need to spend their time on refining weapons, refining elixirs, or other things.

But this has a really great impact on worldly power. The number of talented and powerful people may not increase, but the number of powerful people standing in the first echelon of the world will usher in a surge.

Cheng Ying is observing the current state of the Elf Empire. And it constantly adjusts and changes its reform plan. At present, the change has not occurred, but has only triggered heated discussions in the network of the Ming Empire.

Some people are against it, and some people are in favor of it. Those who are against it are all the old and strong men of the elves. They are vested interests in the existing system and do not want anyone to touch their cake. Even if these people want to make the cake bigger, they are not willing.

Most of the people who support it are ordinary people from the elves. And those extraordinary people with mediocre talents have almost no way forward. Nowadays, working day after day can't exchange for any improvement. In that case, why not try a new way of life. A new path to transcendence.

After occupations are subdivided, more jobs will inevitably be created, and more value they create will be fed back to the society and then fed back into their own hands. Let everyone become richer than they were before.

As an ordinary person, he would not think about issues such as sanctification. During Cheng Ying's investigation, many elves' extraordinary beings even stopped fighting.

Not that this is a peaceful race. As an ordinary person, he knew that he might die if he went to the battlefield, and he might die if he fought with other strong men. They were unwilling to take this risk.

Therefore, a considerable number of extraordinary people are just forced to learn fighting skills. Used as a means of self-protection in the event of an attack. Many people have become accustomed to relying on society for protection.

Although the reform must have huge benefits for the entire Elf Empire. But the resistance here is also huge. It doesn't make sense for ordinary people to support them, because this is a world with extraordinary power. Powerful power is in the hands of a few strong people, and ordinary people have no such power in this world. Only when occupations are subdivided and they join the complex social structure system and become one of the largest producers of social resources can they have their own power.

The group of people supported by Cheng Ying now have to face assassinations and murders by their competitors. It is obviously much easier to kill someone than to prevent being killed. Cheng Ying's contracts were severed three times in a row within this year. It was not that three people broke away from the shackles of his contract, but that these three people were killed. Strong men at the spiritual level are kings of the country for the Elf Empire. It is theoretically impossible for heavy weapons and ordinary beings to die silently, but the deaths of these people were all suppressed.

"It seems that it is impossible to expect the elves to carry out changes within themselves. The person who can suppress the death of such a top powerhouse is probably the true ruler of this empire."

Cheng Ying felt that there was a little trouble. The king of the elves rarely left his palace. Because there is the protection of the holy barrier there, it means that almost no one can commit suicide against him. As long as he is in his own palace, almost no existence can threaten him.

If you really want to take action, you have to wait until you can trick him out of the palace where he lives.

Although Cheng Ying was very confident in his hidden formation, it was obviously impossible to say that he could hide it under the nose of the Holy One.

[To be continued]

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