Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 85: Changes in the Elf Tribe

Chengying is not in a hurry to control the elves. Although the reform faction has not yet gained a dominant position, it has successively implemented changes in its territory. This kind of thing cannot be stopped by the top leaders of the elves. As long as the changes are implemented and the performance is good enough, the elves will have to accept the changes.

Otherwise, he will start a war within his own race. Of course, in order to ensure that the race will not be divided, Chengying is still prepared to exercise some control over the current real ruler of the elves, but he must do it in a concealed manner so that the saints of the elves cannot be bit discovered.

If they discover that the changes to their own race are due to the interference of other races, they will definitely change all the changes back, and they may even go too far.

This thing must be done by the elves themselves, which requires a certain amount of skills. Cheng Ying needs an identity that is clear enough to be an elven clansman.

It even requires more than one such identity. Through such an identity, one can break into the elves. As for the remaining identities, they are also used as backup.

With the help of so many reformists, it is not difficult to obtain a legal identity. In order not to leave any clues, Chengying was adopted as an orphan in the northern part of the Elf Clan from birth. Domain, in an orphanage in the Tower Province.

The High Tower Province itself is one of the places under the jurisdiction of the Reformists. It is a province managed by one of the powerful men controlled by Cheng Ying. It is not a rich province. It is rich in minerals, and in a country like the Elf Clan, In a country that is already quite developed, if it only has minerals but not enough mages, it will be difficult to prosper. In the end, its status in the country can only be a resource producer.

In addition, this is a northern region with relatively slow development. It is also the province that has carried out the most thorough reforms among many reformers. After all, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Although the central government opposes the group of elves not to carry out drastic reforms, when they cross It is difficult to interfere at such a long distance.

If you want to intervene, you can only shoot strong men of the same level, and the reformists actually have an advantage at this time. If there is a falling out and a civil war, the conservatives will suffer a big loss.

Even if there are more people among the conservatives who are closely related to the Holy Order, in the end the Holy Order group will not necessarily choose to help them after seeing the situation in the world.

After all, the only way they can contact these saints is the family relationship between them, and as time goes by, the family relationship between them has actually become weaker and weaker. If the elves are superior, I think under their leadership If one's business is not developing well, and another group of people are doing well, it is very likely that they will immediately fall to another group of people.

It was under such a background that Chengying was born as a baby. The one he used was actually a clone of a baby, but there was a drop of divine blood in this body.

This can be regarded as a reflection of his own strength. The framework for meridian promotion he designed before has almost reached its limit. After he broke through the legendary level, his strength has steadily entered the realm of Linsheng, but he has almost reached the limit if he continues to break through. Come to the end.

The most minute parts of the meridians in the body have reached the nanometer level. Below this level, it is almost impossible to construct, just like the nanometer limit of the chip.

This also means that although the combat effectiveness has been very strong after breaking through to the legendary level through this method, this road has come to an end. It is necessary to rebuild a more reasonable structure from scratch, so that more reasonable structures can be built. Lots of spells to fill in.

This time, after absorbing the previous experience, Chengying decided to make his spells precise and professional. He no longer focused more on compatibility, but more on using his own body to make the meridians in his body more suitable for his body. The meridian system is more suitable for rapid cultivation.

It is not easy to do this. Cheng Ying spent a lot of energy to roughly build his own veins in the embryo he is currently using. The subsequent branching of the veins will follow the growth of the body. Continue and adjust at any time, and the eventually grown vein trunk will be consistent with the growth process of the body and the veins of life.

It is difficult to popularize this kind of practice after practicing. After all, other people are just young children when they are born, and their own minds cannot accept such a complicated and patient practice method. If they want to embark on the same path, practitioners must do Like Cheng Ying, he gave up all the power he once had and started from scratch to rebuild the veins of his body. Only in this way can an adult develop a strong enough spirit to complete the control.

While growing up, this child did not show anything special. His parents were ordinary craftsmen among the elves, responsible for making parts for magic props.

Although the elves do not develop technology, they do not reject it. They absorb foreign technology to a limited extent, so you can see equipment similar to lathes in their homes.

As a craftsman who makes magic props and parts, his family background is actually quite good. This industry is a customization service, so the income is generally very high.

It’s not that the elves don’t have unified weights and measures, or parts with unified specifications, but those are only used by low-level mages. When the level becomes higher, the mages often obtain many precious materials, and these precious materials are often It is obtained from a powerful enemy. You cannot expect that the materials on the enemy will also meet the specifications set by the elves. These materials are extremely precious. If they are processed according to the existing specifications of the elves, it will undoubtedly lead to great waste. .

Since then, the customization industry has gradually emerged. Many parts and magic props need to be processed by these professional craftsmen.

They are like workers who carve precious metals on earth. Each of them has excellent skills, ensuring that the materials in their hands will not suffer too much loss and can also fulfill the employer's requirements.

After Cheng Ying lived in this family for a period of time, the most precious material handled by his father who had seen this body was a pair of antlers.

Judging from his experience, those were a pair of legendary antlers. For an ordinary craftsman, this is already a very precious material. It can be said to be very careful when processing him. I'm afraid something is missing.

The leftover materials from processing and even the powder dropped during the grinding process must be collected. In the end the employer seemed generous. The powder was given to the father of this body. So much so that the family was overjoyed. In the following period, the quality of life directly improved to a higher level.

It is roughly equivalent to ordinary people moving from an apartment building to a small villa. Legendary level materials, even if they are just powders, are valuable to ordinary people. They are all extremely high.

Extraordinary beings and mortals almost live in two completely different worlds. The only way to completely upgrade your class is to become a mage. Become a transcendent one as well.

The currency of the mortal world is simply like waste paper among mages. And many mortals of the elves have worked hard all their lives just to reach the level of Chengying's current family. From a certain perspective, they have completely lost their lofty ideals.

Faced with this reality, it is not surprising at all that he would make such a choice. Chengying grew up like an ordinary child in this family, but in this process, his meridians were constantly being constructed. .

Although the lifespan of the elves is longer, and the growth time of children is also longer. It usually takes eighty to one hundred years to reach adulthood, but this does not mean that elves of this age will be treated as children. Usually more than two years old will be treated as children. A ten-year-old elf needs to think about his own job and support himself independently.

At this stage, their body shape seems to be equivalent to that of a human being aged thirteen or fourteen, but their minds have grown to a level similar to that of adult humans. After all, the elves are not stupider than humans. After living for a long enough time, It is natural for the mind to grow to this point.

The time that truly corresponds to childhood is actually very suitable for human beings in modern society, and during this time, parents are obliged to provide education for their children.

Cheng Ying was found to have the talent to become a mage when he was very young. This is a very lucky thing for an ordinary family. However, Cheng Ying feels a little sad. What he will do in the future may very well be... Break the peace of this family.

What he wants to do is to further subdivide the mage into other related professions, which is likely to cause his family to completely lose their current lucrative and stable job.

The skills that the father of this body has honed over the years may soon be divided into more simple steps by more ordinary people, who can quickly learn them and then achieve mass production and replace them.

Although the customization industry will still exist in the future, the treatment you will receive will definitely be far less than it is now.

For other races, this is not actually a problem. This kind of change often takes dozens or hundreds of years, and in such a long time, the older generation has long retired or died, but the elves have The lifespan is actually very short. Chengying's body is the couple's first child. In the future, they will personally feel the pain caused by change, and even become part of the tears of the times.

Cheng Ying shook his head and threw away the messy thoughts in his mind. Time passed unknowingly, and the changes on the tower line had begun to bear fruit, and it had not yet been affected at this time. These details in the customization industry have already had a huge impact on mages, especially the production of magic props.

Before this, mages usually made their own magic props. At most, some troublesome small parts would be customized.

But with the beginning of professional subdivision, professional prop magicians gradually appeared. They did not practice fighting at all. They studied how to create better magic props from the beginning of their education.

As their research in this field deepened, prop magicians began to subdivide themselves into weapons and armors, and weapons and armors began to be subdivided again.

Nowadays, it has been divided into thousands of professional categories. Although the number of people in each professional category is not large, they have gradually opened up their own paths. When the elf group has the Internet, the cooperation between people in different subdivided professions , also began to be gradually coordinated.

This completely impacted the original professional system, and mages gradually gave up making their own magic props.

Because the gap between the quality of the production and the quality of the purchased props is really huge.

From the time they started learning spells, others have been studying how to make magic props, what size, and what combination is most suitable for combat. This is written in their textbooks and they are practiced and tried every day.

In contrast, those who are good at fighting methods can only be regarded as extracurricular knowledge. When there were no other mages specifically responsible for these industries, they could only choose to make them themselves, even if they entrusted them to other mages. , which does not reassure them.

After all, if there is any backdoor in the magic props made by other mages, the impact will be too bad.

Even now professional mages are making it. There was also the problem of suspected backdoors in the process of making magic props, but this problem was eventually solved, and that was the decisive gap in quality.

There were old die-hards who resisted this emerging magic prop, believing that it would reveal their privacy, and would even be interfered with by the makers of these props during battle.

At first, many people were concerned about this issue, but as the performance of customized magic equipment gradually increased, the gap between the two parties has grown to the level between World War II radios and smartphones. Even if there may be privacy leaks and other issues, it is no longer a big problem. What most people care about.

Just like modern people are very aware that their smartphones and personal computers will leak their own information. It is very clear that in the modern network environment, everyone has no privacy. In fact, there is no real confidentiality in browsing records and purchase records. It's okay to say that, but it's still completely impossible to reject these devices.

In fact, the same goes for mages. When the benefits that can be obtained far exceed the price, people will subconsciously ignore the existence of the price. The magic props industry is the most consistent with change, and it is also changing now. The most radical thing is that in less than ten years, the elven magic props industry has developed almost faster than it did in the past thousand years. Now it can be said to be changing with each passing day, and Chengying has joined such an emerging industry. , an industry full of hope.

[To be continued]

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