Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 86 Simple Work

Cheng Ying is actually quite concerned about his current profession. He is currently responsible for developing the control system for the staff, which is also a very important industry among many magic prop manufacturing industries.

After today's magic props have begun to be mass-produced and standardized, the spells that come with the staff have become more and more common, within a staff. It is even necessary to integrate hundreds of spells, and this requires a control system. If it is only released by different gestures or different spells, it will become very troublesome.

Cheng Ying's main focus in the company is the operating logic of the staff operating system, which doesn't seem like a big deal. But it's actually very important.

To give a very simple example, we are used to the smartphones we use. Swipe your finger to the right to exit. The exit key of most applications is in the upper left corner. Swipe your finger upward to summon the menu.

But perhaps many people still remember that the operating logic of the original smartphone was not like this. There was no such sliding operating logic. Instead, there were three buttons below, which corresponded to the menu bar return and home button.

It's just that if we are familiar with the new operating logic and return to the original operating mode, we will inevitably feel the inconvenience during the operation.

This reflects the evolution of a kind of operating logic, which must be in line with the intuition of intelligent creatures in sufficient aspects, so that people who encounter it for the first time can quickly get started and operate it skillfully.

This requires not only the designer's precise control of spells, but also the need to establish corresponding rules in the entire magic education system. A mage who wants to learn all this will develop certain habits and follow the logic of these operations.

Cheng Ying is quite comfortable in this area of ​​work. He has had experience involving a large number of smart devices. He can be said to be familiar with the operation logic. Of course, there is actually another thing that tests the operation logic even more, and that is games. Design, especially for action games, a button design that conforms to operational logic makes the game process extremely smooth. In the same way, a counter-intuitive button design will make the gaming experience extremely bad.

Cheng Ying happens to be relatively experienced in this area. He is always able to complete his own work with quality and quantity, and he is also very attentive to the extra content of his work.

So much so that he often took the initiative to work overtime in the company, and was gradually regarded as the king of involution by his colleagues. Fortunately, there is no trend of involution among the elves today. We are approaching an era of great material abundance, and involution has little meaning. , doing so represents being motivated.

In fact, Cheng Ying believes that there is a problem with such an overly peaceful social environment. People should not have meaningless internal conflicts, but like the elves, who live in peace with the world, there is almost no strong competition between individuals. , it may also cause individuals to lose their ambition, causing the originally positive and progressive civilization to gradually turn into an increasingly conservative elderly civilization.

Of course, these are not the focus. It is not the turn to reform these aspects for the time being. Chengying is still working overtime in the company like every day. The body he uses is also doing his best to improve his knowledge in related fields. Manufacturing of magic props.

When the field gradually expands, it is no longer possible for one person to complete all the work. Chengying is now just a component of this huge system, and all he has to do is to achieve a certain level in his own field. breakthrough.

The result he handed over before was an operating system that controlled spells by waving the wand in his hand.

This requires a relatively large program to control the spell to achieve a more accurate effect. However, current wands usually use an operation method similar to analog circuits. This can indeed achieve the effect, but it will greatly affect the ability to control the spell. Accuracy.

The operating system Chengying designed before relied on inertial simulation and pressure-sensitive control to control the trajectory of spells flying in mid-air.

The accuracy of this control will be affected by the material and temperature, and the feel of the spells used in different weather will be slightly different.

The biggest reason why these differences are acceptable is that this is a brand-new technology, which brings a new experience that many mages have never experienced. It is convenient enough in itself, and any minor flaws in the technology are completely acceptable.

In the past, after a spell was released, it could only be guided by mental power. However, mental guidance requires concentration. Many mages who are not strong enough can only stand in place and guide the direction of their spell flight after using the spell. .

This is obviously very fatal in battle and must be protected by someone, otherwise it will be easy to be killed instantly.

Before, the elves were used to warriors protecting magicians and cooperating with each other on the battlefield. Even powerful enough magicians had to stay put and concentrate on controlling the spells when they used some spells beyond their capabilities.

But after the system for controlling the trajectory of spells was integrated on the staff, the situation completely changed. The intuitive control method that can control the trajectory of spells by relying on gray makes it possible for the mage to completely control the trajectory of spells during the battle. Run and jump, like a conductor, controlling your own spells. You can even hold a sword in the other hand, fighting the enemy while controlling your own spells.

Because the operating logic is in line with biological instincts, this kind of control can be easily learned, just like riding a bicycle. It looks extremely thrilling. With only two wheels, there is no way to maintain balance. In fact, it is only after riding that I find it is stable. One horse.

As for those who pursue the pinnacle of skills, they can naturally develop and derive their own fighting skills. Just like riding a bicycle, some people can do it while others can only use the rear wheel.

But as the mage gradually becomes more powerful, the analog control of the staff will become increasingly unreliable. If you rely on a method similar to analog circuits to control spells, you can only control a single spell. If Release spells such as hundreds of fireballs at once. During the control process, the flight trajectory of each fireball will be the same. This means that you want to concentrate and let all the fireballs come together to launch an attack on the enemy. There is no way to attack.

There are many similar spells, and controlling their movement does not solve all problems. This is the limitation of simulation control, Chengying has been doing it these days. Consciously working overtime, what I want to solve is the problem of digital manipulation.

If you perform digital control, you can program different operating logics for different spells. For example, a spell that releases a hundred fireballs at the same time. Analog control can only control their parallel movement, but if you perform digital control, you can completely program them. Add some shortcut keys to quickly switch the operating logic of spells, allowing them to quickly gather together to launch concentrated attacks.

When necessary, they can even form an S-shape and a B-shape while flying in mid-air to taunt the enemy sharply.

The same is true for the rest of the spells, and such a change is undoubtedly revolutionary, because the mage wants his staff to perform well enough during the battle to meet his expectations.

You need to show your spells and let developers develop corresponding operating logic for them. This means that there will be more jobs in Chengying industry, and it also means that many magicians use them as trump cards. Spells, at least in terms of spell effects, will be opened up to facilitate developers to develop corresponding operation scripts for them.

Although the ideal is beautiful, the actual operation actually encounters a lot of troubles. For example, when adding digital simulation to the operation process, the staff must be combined with technology. At present, magic in terms of digital logic operations is It is not as good as chips, at least it is difficult to make the logic operation module so small.

In fact, the technology of the elves is not particularly developed. If you want to import chips, you must import them from the Earth Spirits. There is not much problem in using imported chips. The real problem is that the Earth Spirits are not a unified country. As early as when they had developed three artifacts, namely Obelisk's Titan Weapon, Osiris' Sky Dragon, and La's Winged Dragon, three super artificial weapons that were comparable to the Holy Throne, their once powerful country had was destroyed.

Nowadays, they are living in different alliances. The technology has only retained part of it from ancient times. The most troublesome thing is that there are barriers between their respective technologies. Their respective chips and operating systems are all incompatible.

This is what Cheng Ying is most helpless about. After the system he developed is successful, Elf will have to develop his own chip manufacturing technology to ensure that there is sufficient supply of chips and that the chips are compatible with most of the existing domestic chips. For most operating systems, this will be an extremely large project that cannot be completed by one or two people.

So much so that during the production process, Cheng Ying even considered giving up and chose to directly borrow the computing power of the Elf Demon Network to connect the operating system of the hand-holding staff to the cloud. Relying on the operating system downloaded from the cloud, the method was realized. Motion capture controls.

However, the problem is that there is a delay when controlling from the cloud. When we encounter delays when playing games, we already feel very anxious. If delays occur during combat, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Especially when mages fight, they often appear in deep mountains and forests or ancient ruins. There is a high probability that there is no magic network signal in such places. If the wand does not have its own integrated operating system, it is a waste.

It can only be said that hard work pays off. Although the brain of the body used by Cheng Ying has not been fully developed and the thinking ability has not grown to the peak level, it is definitely far ahead of its peers among the elves of the same age.

"Is this your new work? So that's what you came to work overtime to do." The leader of the project team looked at Cheng Ying with a very strange expression: "In order to change the analog circuit in the staff into a digital circuit, you spent a lot of money What’s the point of spending so much energy? We can’t produce chips independently. If we use imported products, the cost will be greatly increased. I don’t see the point of you being so moved.”

Cheng Ying was not hit, but picked up the staff and cast a spell, and immediately saw a plate of biscuits flying on the table. There are a dozen pieces in total, arranged in a neat array in the sky.

As he waved his hand back and forth, the trajectory of these biscuits flying in mid-air also changed. So far, this staff has not shown any difference from other staffs.

However, just after he raised his staff and circled in mid-air, the biscuits originally moved parallel in the sky. Suddenly, as if falling into a vortex, they began to gather towards the center, then gathered together, turned into a ball, and flew back to the plate.

"Huh? You have achieved individual control over each individual in the spell? No, after you change it to a digital circuit, you can automatically edit the impact of different actions on the flight trajectory.

The logic of the operation you just performed is based on the flow of water in the Rubik's Cube. "The leader of the project team is obviously an expert and quickly thought of many applications.

"I have to say that your modification can indeed bring about revolutionary changes, but the Elf Empire hardly produces chips. This type of staff is difficult to mass-produce. However, your last operating logic gave me the idea. Quite an inspiration.

The structure we use to make analog circuits does not necessarily have to be a solid-state module. The operating logic that finally brings all the goals together is to imitate when we shake the water bottle, the water in the bottle spirals, and the water in the vortex Will objects converge to the center? "

Cheng Ying nodded. This is an operational logic that is very consistent with people's intuition. He didn't think too much when designing, but after listening to what the team leader just said, he also knew what the other party had thought?

Previously, analog circuits used pressure-sensitive detection to control objects in flight. However, if a liquid medium is added to the hardware, a larger, relatively viscous liquid is used, and multiple control modules are used, it can achieve the above effects.

If you shake the staff like just now, you can also control the flying spells to come together. Because the simulation device is also liquid, it can perfectly fit the user's intuition.

Cheng Ying sighed, but finally agreed with his plan. He had expected that he would fail. After all, many excellent ideas are often limited by reality, but he was also relieved that in the new In this era, everyone began to become more willing to think. Just like the demonstration he just gave, his team leader did not deny it blindly, but generated his own inspiration from it. Similar things almost every time Things are happening in the Elf Empire every moment, and this will undoubtedly be the prelude to the Magical Industrial Revolution.

[To be continued]

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