Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 87 Magic Props Design Competition

Although Chengying's proposal was rejected, it was finally retained and submitted to a higher authority department of the Elf Empire. His proposal may affect the overall basic development direction of the Elf Empire in the future.

Now the technical department of the Elf Empire has been almost completely occupied by the core group controlled by Chengying. They can occupy this field not only by relying on their own strong strength, but more importantly, they are more advanced in automation and it is easier to develop more advanced technology.

In other aspects, the reformists and conservatives may still be able to compete with each other, but in the high-tech industry, the conservatives have been completely crushed.

At the same time, the team leader also brought a piece of news that Chengying had guessed: "In half a year, the next magic prop design competition will be held. You are the most talented one in our company. Although our company is not a well-known large factory, the results of this competition will also have an important impact on the future development of the company. I hope you can participate in this competition as a representative of the company."

The magic prop design competition is also a new competition mode that has emerged recently after the reformists have gained an advantage. Once launched, it has been sought after to a considerable extent in the Elf Empire, and its popularity has almost caught up with the previously popular Ten College Magic League.

As for the fact that there is still some gap in popularity so far, it is largely due to Chengying himself. His competition at the beginning can be said to be the most popular one in the history. Although the competition was interrupted due to external forces, the strength shown by the contestants during the competition was already quite strong. Chengying even completely crushed all other contestants by himself.

At the end of the game, he was even more angry for his beloved. Although most people don't know what the relationship is between him and the girl who was summoned at the end, people are best at imagining it. There have been countless short essays and fan works created in this world. This scene is really too cool and too in line with young people's fantasy of the extraordinary world.

For a girl, you can fight the whole world with your own strength, one person alone against a hundred top strong men in the world, and then go away. Who doesn't want to do this?

Although many years have passed, the elves have a longer lifespan and the memory of the Internet is relatively longer. In the past few years, every time there is a competition, this topic will cause heated discussions, and recall the domineering scene of the year, so that this event has more legendary colors than before.

However, although there is a gap with the top events in the Elf Empire, the emerging magic props design competition has also gained considerable popularity after being held several times.

This is just like the robot battle competition broadcast on TV. Young people find it very difficult to refuse such cool and sci-fi things.

The magic prop design competition is not about personal strength, but the strength of these props that can be controlled by individuals. The two sides of the battle are not people, but two very powerful magic puppets. They have the thinking ability and magic control ability equivalent to legendary strongmen. They are extremely precious treasures in the Elf Empire. Only a few spiritual strongmen can refine them.

The use of magic puppets with exactly the same qualities is to reflect the gap between magic props. There are also many restrictions on making magic props during the competition. First, there is the overall quality restriction, which is divided into various weight classes. For example, the same single-soldier equipment has a weight class similar to a staff and a weight class similar to a warhammer armor.

It may be said that it is obviously unfair to let a staff and a set of mechas compete to see who is more powerful.

In the same weight class, there are more other restrictions for contestants, such as the materials used. There is no restriction on the types of materials here. Any precious material can be used, but there is one thing that is strictly restricted, that is, the total market price of the material.

There are also different levels of competitions. One million is one level, and ten million is another level. Contestants must carefully control the design of the materials and equipment they choose to ensure that they will not be overweight. At the same time, the total price of the raw materials used in the weapons they designed will not exceed the limit. Of course, some special high-end processing techniques also require additional charges, which will be included in the price.

To give a simple example, for example, you know that a drone is equipped with an extremely advanced chip, but you did not buy the chip, but only bought a pile of sand, and then produced a chip through your own complex processing. In this case, the competition will not calculate the raw materials according to the price of sand, but will calculate according to the price of the finished chip.

There are too many detailed rules here. After several competitions, most of the loopholes have been made up. Relatively speaking, it can be said to be very fair, and it is a real test of the contestants' design ideas and basic knowledge.

To win, you need not only to have a solid enough basic skills, but also to have enough unrestrained ideas.

In addition to this kind of competition that gives contestants enough time to design and manufacture, there are some more entertaining competitions. The first two restrictions will basically not be changed, but can only be selected. Materials must be prepared at the competition site, and the production of magic props must be completed within the specified time.

This is also the most popular of all competitions. On-site production itself can make the program look like a variety show, and at the same time it is exciting enough, just like the Broken Knife Competition, but regardless of the technical content or the excitement The degree is much higher than that.

This will also make the subsequent battles more suspenseful. This is the kind of competition that Chengying will participate in. As for the design competition that has enough time to prepare, it will never be left to individuals to participate. In this process, the contestants You will not be in a closed environment with no contact with the outside world, and discussions with other people will inevitably occur.

The design lasted for half a year. During such a long period of time, it was really difficult to prevent contestants from discussing with others and preventing others from providing suggestions. It is better to simply relax the restrictions, not restrict the participants, only limit the entries, and use it as a platform for major manufacturers to show their strength.

This kind of competition obviously cannot be decided by one individual, but requires the entire manufacturer. Only by working together and showing overall strength can we win.

The time-limited competition that Chengying is participating in is inherently full of randomness. The materials provided by the organizer are random. There may be some extremely precious materials, but there may also be some extremely basic materials. There is a lack of some very basic processing facilities, and the players need to adapt to the situation. The requirements for the player's ability can be said to be quite high.

In addition to solid basic skills, strong on-the-spot adaptability is also very important. Therefore, in such a competition, it is easy for some unknown dark horses to appear. Luck is also a part of strength. If you encounter one, it happens to be the one you are best at. The materials were matched with the works that I had prepared for a long time before the competition. Even a designer who usually doesn't look very powerful can still kill everyone in the competition and overwhelm all opponents.

It is this uncertainty that makes this competition become one of the most popular competitions in the Elf Empire in a short period of time.

However, compared to the Academy League, there are not as many contestants in this competition, and there are not that many elites. After all, in the Elf Empire, the academies that cultivate powerful magicians may have a history of ten thousand years or even longer. The academy of magic prop designers has just emerged, not many years ago, so there is still a certain gap in the quality of the contestants. However, this is already the highest level competition in the country, and there are no better contestants for comparison. The disadvantages are actually invisible.

What the audience wants to see is the collision between powerful magic props. The high-quality products produced by one party will shred into pieces the inferior products produced by the other party.

Cheng Ying was also preparing for the game very seriously during this period. In this game, new weapon types that could change the pattern of the magical world have been born more than once.

In the past, most of the magic props used by magicians were either staffs, rings, cloaks, magic books, and so on.

But as the competition showed the practicality of one kind of magic prop after another, the style of the magicians' props also began to become weird. The staffs at the beginning turned into magic heavy cannons, and the more outrageous ones were There is a magical warhammer.

Of course, there are also some smart people who add chains to the magic book and inlaid it with eight collision corners, preparing to let the enemy feel the power of knowledge.

Although the results of this design in the competition are relatively average, because it involves too much nonsense, the program effect is really good. When the magic puppet is used, it will automatically play a voice to taunt the opponent and let the opponent feel the knowledge. So powerful that this weirdly designed weapon was popular for a while. Although in the end it was not practical due to its own design flaws, and was gradually eliminated in history, it also gave magicians a stronger ability to accept all kinds of weird weapons.

In the future, even if someone really installs collision corners on the monitor, opens a health slot, and makes this thing into a war hammer, it is estimated that many people will accept it.

It was in this strange environment that Cheng Ying also ushered in his competition, and he was participating in the most popular ten kilogram category and the tens of millions of general currency level competition.

This level of competition is the most popular. The biggest reason is that magicians are more accustomed to using weapons of this quality. At the same time, the limit of the savings that most magicians can accumulate in a lifetime is basically at the level of tens of millions of general currency.

In other words, in this level of competition, the weapons that may appear on the field are basically the most powerful weapons that most people can have in their lives.

The stage of the competition was very cool. During the period when technology and magic gradually stopped developing, the elves entered a stage of artistic explosion. Various entertainment methods developed rapidly, and their competition The arena was placed on a stage, with suspended cameras broadcasting their matches live. Each player had their own camera to broadcast their matches live.

Whether watching online or in person, the audience can switch the perspectives of different players. In front of everyone, there are exactly the same materials, placed on a huge hexagonal table. The players need to check the specific materials themselves. If they encounter materials they do not recognize, they will not be given. If you leave a note, only the price will be given.

This is also a huge test for the players' own knowledge reserves. The ancient continent is extremely vast, and almost no one dares to say that they can know all the materials. Almost every player who participates in the competition can only recognize three points for each given material. There are about one or so items, and many of the rest are materials that I have never heard of.

This is also a test for the courage of the players. Among the materials that most people don’t know, there are often some extremely cost-effective materials hidden. In order to enhance the entertainment of the game, there are also hidden materials among the many materials. bonus materials.

These things are often extremely rare, and most people don’t know them, but the prices marked on them are only one-tenth of the actual prices. If they can be identified and used, they will undoubtedly occupy a huge share in the competition. Of course, the organizers of the competition will definitely try their best to use materials that are difficult for the contestants to identify.

Therefore, this process will depend on luck. Many people do not recognize what the reward material is at all, but subconsciously feel that the characteristics of this material meet their requirements, and directly choose to use it, thus occupying a huge advantage.

Of course, there will also be those who think that the performance of this material is very good and the price is very low, thinking that they have encountered bonus materials, and use them in large quantities. As a result, after the competition begins, they discover that there is a certain existence in this material. There are some unknown hidden dangers, but there is no problem with the price tag, and then something embarrassing happens during the game.

This kind of uncertainty makes the audience even more excited. After all, they have a God's perspective. They can directly check which materials have hidden rewards and which are hidden traps. All materials have notes from their perspective. , including the working methods used by some players, the host will also give detailed explanations to the audience. Sometimes there may be a very hypertensive situation, that is, the player who is favored by the audience has obviously got it. Hidden material, I looked at it for a long time and put it back, then took it out again halfway through, looked at it for a while and put it back again, it was really exciting.

When Cheng Ying watched the past game videos, he really wanted to travel back in time and beat up that player.

[To be continued]

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