Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 88 Variety Show Competition

In the first game, Chengying needs to compete with ten other players. They only have five hours. Within these five hours, they need to completely complete the production of their own magic props, and the materials used are also extremely limited. Yes, the tools that can be used are also limited.

After they complete their production, the magic props created by ten people will first go through a round of elimination rounds, and then a round of group battles, that is, the five people will fight each other once, a total of ten battles, and the final total will be The person with the highest score wins.

After all, there may be restraints between different magic props. It would obviously be unfair if all were eliminated.

Cheng Ying observed what materials were in front of him. One of his biggest advantages compared to other players was that he was more knowledgeable. Before that, he had read a large number of magic books accumulated by the Elf Empire. Entering again After the Elf Empire, they did not give up collecting knowledge.

Relying on his amazing thinking speed, the knowledge he has accumulated now has reached an incredible level. Others can only recognize 30% of the materials, but he can recognize almost all of them. In this way, he can select rewards from them. materials, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

There is no need to experiment with unfamiliar materials at the risk of not knowing the materials or their characteristics like others do.

The host had already started his explanation before the game started: "I believe everyone is already familiar with the rules of our game, but the difficulty of today's game is still very high. You can see the materials in our field Among them, an extremely important metal material is missing, and that is mithril.

The production of most magic equipment requires the addition of this metal. It can be said that it is the cornerstone in the production of various magic props, but this time every player cannot use this material. Finding other ways to replace mithril is one of the biggest problems in this competition.

In addition, the processing equipment of each player is also subject to considerable restrictions, we can see. The nanopolymer furnace did not appear in this competition.

In other words, players cannot directly print nanomaterials, which greatly tests the accuracy of their manual processing of materials with equipment. It also means that it is difficult to manufacture chips through automatic printing of equipment and use existing specifications to fix them. Using chips to assemble the circuits they need is also a major test for the players.

We saw that contestant No. 3 had already begun to choose the materials he needed to use. It was really unexpected that he chose the hair of the Zongwei Golden Crystal Beast.

This is a material with excellent magic transmission properties, and the price is quite cheap. Does Player No. 3 want to use this material to replace mithril? It is indeed a very creative choice, but hair is much more difficult to process than metal, and the stability during use is difficult to guarantee. The connection between the two hairs can easily break during violent vibrations. Yes, if you use gel directly and stick it together, it will affect the heat dissipation performance. I wonder what this player will choose? "

"We saw that contestant No. 5 also started to make his own choices. It was amazing! He actually chose flame magic crystal. Is he going to use this material as the main body of the magic props he will make next? Although many magic props are It’s made this way, but will this choice seem too conservative in our game?

The flame magic crystal is much weaker in terms of magic power transmission ability. Compared with the props chosen by other players, it will probably suffer a lot.

oh! We saw that player No. 5 chose a large number of flame magic crystals. Is he preparing to win with quantity? However, our final product has quality limits. If it is overweight, it will be eliminated directly. Using a large amount of basic materials is not a wise choice. "

Cheng Ying was the player No. 5. He didn't pay much attention to the host's evaluation and continued his operation. Soon, the host's attention shifted to the other players: "We saw that player No. 8 was very lucky. Not bad, maybe he has really good eyesight and picked out our half-price bonus material! The silk of the Dark Silkworm.

There is nothing strange about this kind of silk on the surface, but its magical conductivity is extremely strong, it has extremely high toughness, and even has a certain degree of ductility, and the connection between them is also extremely convenient.

If used well, it can replace chips and build extremely efficient magic circuits. This player seems to be quite familiar with this material. We can see that he has already begun to use this material. heat treatment.

After the silk is heated, it softens and becomes more ductile, which allows the originally rounded silk to fold into sharper angles.

The operation technique is very skillful! It seems that he really recognized this material and understood its details. We saw that this player was actually challenging the three-dimensional chip. This kind of existence can no longer be called a chip, but should be called a core. More complex circuits can be integrated in a smaller range. If a magic array is constructed, there is no doubt that a more complex and higher-performance magic array can be constructed.

However, this is also a huge test for the players' spatial imagination and logical abilities. You must know that the materials we give are random, and the properties of different materials also make the structures required for the logical magic paths they design different. It is almost impossible to design the circuit you need in advance before the game.

Whether this player has the right materials before the competition, or whether he really has an absolute talent in spatial imagination, let us wait and see! "

"Oh! There seems to be something wrong with the player No. 1. The equipment is emitting thick smoke. It is our heating furnace. This player is overloading the furnace. This is not an illegal operation, but this may cause the furnace to malfunction. The damaged operation method requires a certain amount of funds to be deducted from his capital pool.

This part of the funds is used to supplement the consumption of furnace damage. I would also like to remind other players who have not yet participated in the competition. There is no requirement for overclocking the equipment we provide, but the more serious the damage caused in the process, the more money you need to deduct. the more funds there are.

Most of the time, this choice is not worth the gain, but contestant No. 5 seems confident! The flame magic crystal was completely melted. This kind of crystal is extremely resistant to high temperatures. No wonder the furnace has to be overloaded. The losses caused by this will probably be very large. However, considering that the flame chosen by player No. 5 is extremely cheap. The magic crystal, this level of loss may also be within his expectation.

We saw that the flame magic crystal had completely melted and he was drawing it! This fragile material must be wrapped in colloid to perform well. Otherwise, it will be easily damaged in collisions during the battle, which will also take up a considerable part of the quality of the finished magic props. , what means will this player use to make up for this gap.

oh! So amazing! Did everyone see it? Player No. 5 actually wants to use flame magic crystal to build a core. This is much more difficult than the previous silk. The inferior the material, the more difficult it is to build such a three-dimensional complex structure. He is What to do? Oh my God!

He actually controlled the drawing of ten flame magic crystals at the same time! I understood, he actually wanted to control it at the same time and create ten cores with the same structure. What a confident operation!

Although he can use our instruments to synchronize his movements, it also means that once defeated, all ten cores will fail. It is really a gamble that makes people jump!

Contestant No. 5's furnace has been overloaded and has been turned over once. It is now on the verge of damage. Unless he has the ability to repair the furnace, opening the furnace again will inevitably lead to complete damage to the furnace. In this case, the fine will be deducted. There are too many, and if nothing else happens, he only has this one chance.

oh! Contestant No. 4 also seemed to have a little trouble. His printer seemed to be broken. A large dose of radioactive material damaged the chip of the printer during his printing process. It is currently being repaired, but he can apply during the competition. The deductions required for off-site repairs are a bit high, which will bring a considerable disadvantage to player No. 4. I wonder how he will choose? "

The host talked incessantly, and the audience's emotions were aroused by him. They stared at the game nervously. Everyone has a player they support, Chengying is no exception, and the audience who supports him can now be said to be watching. Terrified.

In the process of building the core body, he was like a candy blower drawing silk. The entire silk thread was unstable. Even if he was operating in a vacuum, almost all interference was eliminated. The trembling silk thread wanted to Forming a perfect loop structure also requires extremely sophisticated operating skills. A slight mistake may lead to failure.

The process of Chengying's operation was extremely dangerous, but in the end there were no accidents, and all ten cores were successfully built.

"It's incredible. Contestant No. 5 actually did it. He built ten cores at once, which saved him a lot of time. At the same time, the complex circuit structure also greatly involved the equipment he designed and other people's materials. gap.

After all, complex and exquisite designs can make up for hardware defects to a considerable extent. We can see that contestant No. 5 has already begun to choose chips. He seems to be an expert in this field. The selection process was very decisive. He selected two chips in a row. Our reward materials are all five times the price.

Judging from his previous construction of the core body and his current skillful selection, this player should be best at logic circuit knowledge. It seems that he has already made his own plan and started to build his own control system. Well ...The construction process is very stable! It can be seen that he is very solid in basic skills, and he inputs the software while building it.

Here I would like to remind everyone that artificial intelligence and smart software are not allowed during the competition. This was not allowed in the previous qualifiers.

Before the finals, we will give each player a period of closed training, which is about seventy-two hours. During this period, the players can write their own artificial intelligence assistance in a closed environment and isolated from the Internet. program. The auxiliary program written will be allowed to be used in the finals.

As for the competition system that can use artificial intelligence assistance at will, we are also improving it, trying to eliminate the influence of external resources on the results of the competition, and more testing the players' own abilities.

Now we can see that all the programs entered by player No. 1 were written from scratch. His fingers move very fast. Has this completed the framework of the most basic operating system? You are truly an expert in this field. Let us ask for the opinion of the expert jury. Master Carmen, you are an expert in the field of electronic computers. What do you think of this player's performance? "

The host handed the microphone to an elf with rare hair and not very lush hair in the guest seat. The old elf with a high hairline nodded slowly: "Very solid basics, for various operating systems. He has an in-depth understanding of the basic framework and can already develop his own artificial intelligence equipment with his own characteristics. If he can advance, he will have a considerable advantage in the finals.

At present, I am still very optimistic about this player. His thinking is quite clear and the materials he chooses are down to earth. I am quite optimistic that he can advance in this competition. "

"Elder Guoen, what do you think?" The host handed the microphone to another guest. This guest is better at spell structure design.

"This player is indeed a player with great potential to advance, but I am worried about the core of the flame magic crystal he designed. Brushing is indeed an excellent core design method, and the designed formation system is also It will be done in one go, but no matter how exquisitely he controls the process, it is impossible to ensure absolute uniformity in drawing.

Even if he later uses a substance such as gel for encapsulation, damage may occur during fierce battles and confrontations, resulting in a significant decline in device performance.

The contestants only have five hours to make and debug their products, which means that their software will be weak in adaptability. If the hardware is slightly damaged, it may crash and so on. This is very fatal. of.

I'm not very good at software design, so this is just my guess. If contestant No. 5 is indeed brilliant in software design, this problem I mentioned may be solved. "

[To be continued]

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