Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 91 Strategic Abandonment

Player No. 1. When facing his opponent, he showed great strength. After a short observation, the host had already determined the rhythm of his explanation.

"We saw that player No. 1 chose a sword as a weapon. Player No. 23 chose a shield. The battle between sword and shield in front of us was really a battle between dragons and tigers.

I wonder if the sword is sharper or the shield is stronger? The players from both our sides have chosen their own puppet types. Player No. 1 chose an agile type of puppet. Physical attack types are still relatively rare in our games.

After all, we are making magic props. Many require delicate magic control abilities to use. Although physical type puppets have stronger attack power and higher performance in all aspects, they do not have the ability to control magic. It is only equipped with a small amount of simple magic power. In this case, the design requirements for the magic props themselves are much higher than the ordinary loss rate.

We see that player No. 3 obviously chose a defensive type of magic puppet. It seems that he is going to use a turret-like tactic, a general tactic. Using his own shield's powerful defense and long-range spell attacks to consume the opponent is a very special Practical tactics.

Okay, now the battle has begun, and player No. 1 is playing very proactively. The puppet immediately chose to go up heavy, and even gave up the advantage of retracting its own weapons. Why did it choose this way?

Well, we saw that after player No. 1's puppet rushed in front of the opponent, he suddenly chose to extend his weapon and put the blade on the shield. What a beautiful pole vault, so that’s what the No. 1 player’s tactics turned out to be.

While attacking the opponent, grow your own weapon, which can add pressure to the opponent's shield and also allow you to jump behind the opponent. However, you can see from the collision just now that the shield's defense is also quite strong. .

Contestant No. 3 has added a layer of magic defense to the surface of the shield. As long as the magic power is sufficient, the shield can display a defense much more powerful than its own material. We see that a layer of hexagonal stance has enveloped Contestant No. 3. On the puppet.

This is supposed to be a special type of shield. Here we leave it to our guest, a professional shieldologist. "

An elf with golden hair took the microphone and explained: "This is a very common defensive counterattack shield, and it is also the latest emerging shield type. It was born after the reform of magic props. The best invention one.

He changed the structure of the shield from the original eggshell-shaped overall shield to a grid-shaped shield.

Then the vast majority of the defensive power is concentrated on every point and every edge of the shield. Compared with the defense power of the space inside each grid on the shield, the defense power will be greatly reduced.

This also greatly increases the defense of the sides of these grids, providing excellent defense against slashing attacks.

When facing a piercing attack, although it will be inferior to the former. But the same intelligent system can also determine which area to focus the shield's defense on. We can judge the strength of the shield by its color.

Under normal circumstances, the more blue it is, the higher the defense. At the lowest level, it is red. When blue appears, it means that the shield is operating at full power.

By the time the shield turns golden, it is already overloaded. We can see that so far, player No. 3 has been able to resist the attack of player No. 1 with ease. The color of the shield is constantly switching between yellow and blue. , this shows that the attack of player No. 1 has not reached the defense limit of the shield. Next, it depends on whether player No. 1 has other ways to break through the shield. If not, he is likely to be hit by the violent storm of spell attacks. To leave a race. "

"Thank you for the guest's explanation of the game. It can be seen that our guests have great respect for the shield..." What follows is an advertisement for the magic shield launched by a certain sponsor, which can be said to make the audience think a lot. To hit someone.

At this time, the competition in the arena also entered the most intense stage. After the tentative confrontation between the two sides, player No. 3 seemed to have found his own rhythm, began to continuously adjust the mana injected into the shield, and began to release it intermittently. Attack with spells.

Although these attacks are not very powerful, they cover a large area and are difficult to avoid.

Player No. 1's puppet has been injured to a certain extent. Although it is not serious and has little impact on combat effectiveness, it has also made him feel that the battle is developing in a not-so-good direction.

"Contestant No. 1 has already fallen into a disadvantage, which is very troublesome now. However, Contestant No. 3 also needs to further increase his vigilance at this time. After all, Contestant No. 1 has received ten times the reward materials. Looking at the current situation, Isn't it also a one-time prop? In that case, player No. 3 must be careful about his opponent's comeback even if he has the advantage.

Wait, what is player number one doing? I saw huge energy gathering in his construction. Will I use my trump card in the first game? This appears to be a charged attack.

Wait a minute, what's going on? We saw that his original physical tenacity turned into an invisible light blade, cutting through it. We simply ignored it and cut through the shield.

The change occurred so quickly that contestant No. 3's puppet had no time to react and was cut in half. What happened? We put the microphone in the hands of the experts. "

The experts at this time were also a little confused, but after all, they were high-end talents in the professional field. After teaching the video to slow down, they roughly figured out what was going on.

"This is a plasma blade, which requires ultra-high temperature to trigger. However, it is still very difficult to achieve this level. At present, this technology is almost not used in practical applications. The reason is that it is simple to control the plasma of the key blade. But controlling its recovery is difficult.

The crystal that player No. 1 got before has certain effects in this regard, but because it is relatively expensive, it does not have much market value. Under normal circumstances, these crystals have better uses and will not be used in In this regard, I have observed how player No. 1 used his materials before. You can be sure that what is shown in front of you is only one of the functions displayed by this material, and it will not be the main function.

Player No. 3 suffered the loss because he trusted his shield ability too much and did not provide specialized protection against energy attacks. After his opponent chose to use a physical magic puppet, he subconsciously despised energy attacks. Defense, this is a low-level mistake, but it is understandable. After all, the makers of magic props are not warriors, and it is very normal for mistakes to occur in the process of directing the battle. "

"Okay, thank you for the expert's explanation. Let's move on to the next game."

The next game is a battle between other players. Players No. 3 and 8 have been defeated. Players No. 1 and 5 have been promoted one after another, followed by player No. 2, player 6, and player No. 10. Completed his promotion.

Next is the group stage, with five people, each one has to play a game with each other, and the person with the most points in the end wins.

As for the easiest way to win, it is to win four games in a row. This is a sure win.

In Chengying's first game, player No. 2 was drawn. In the previous game, player No. 2 made a weapon that looked like a chainsaw and had extremely strong attack power.

It can be seen that in terms of manufacturing magic props, these players prefer melee weapons rather than long-range weapons. On the one hand, it is because the mages all have a close-combat heart. Who doesn't like to punch in close combat? The pleasure of meat.

On the other hand, it is true that melee-type weapons sell better, and more people prefer to buy such weapons.

The reason is also very simple, that is, traditional mages can know magic equipment by themselves, but some people still cannot accept this new way of shopping, so there are still some old antiques who insist on making it themselves instead of buying it in the market.

In contrast, even melee mages who use melee weapons usually focus more on how to fight rather than how to cast magic. They have long been accustomed to buying magic props in the market, and naturally they do not know how to do it themselves. Make.

These melee weapons will be more enjoyable to sell, and the market determines the direction of technological development. Since melee weapons sell well, more funds will be invested in the technical research and development of melee weapons, so that the maturity level of weapon research and development in this area is actually higher than that of traditional long-range mage weapons.

"We saw that the puppet of player No. 5 had just appeared on the stage, and it was already wearing a super giant mecha. This was really a lot of pressure for player No. 2. It can be said that all players who encountered player No. 5 in this round All the contestants were at a huge disadvantage at the beginning.

In the last game, the No. 2 player showed powerful attack capabilities. The chainsaw in his hand could even use metal storm, summoning a terrifying metal storm attack. It could be said that it complemented his own weapons, but in front of Against a huge mecha that is always 30 meters tall, the effect of this level of attack is not very promising.

We saw that the game had already begun, and player No. 2 obviously felt that his situation was not good, so he unleashed his special move.

This choice is indeed correct. Player No. 5 can continue to manufacture various weapons and equipment during the game. In other words, the longer time passes, the stronger the combat effectiveness of Player No. 5 will be. This is a snowballing process. And his first big snowball has already rolled into shape, and it will only get bigger and bigger next.

We see that the metal storm of player No. 2 is actually stronger than before. Obviously, he has reserved some skills in the previous games, but it still seems to have no effect. The power of metal storm is indeed not weak. In the metal giant There were fierce sparks on his body.

Even one arm was chopped off, but this didn't seem to make any sense. We can see that the metal giant quickly extracted enough parts from the ground and reattached his arm.

What is player No. 2 doing? He actually surrendered and chose to give up the game? It seems like they gave up tactically. Indeed, facing such a strong No. 5 player, giving up the game tactically is a feasible option.

If player No. 2 can win the next three games, it means that the other three people are forced to a dead end. If none of the three of them can defeat player No. 5, then player No. 5 will advance. Therefore, in order to have the possibility of advancing, there must be someone who will fight with player No. 5. By then, everyone will have three wins. If the person who fights with player No. 5 wins, both parties will inevitably suffer losses.

In this case, player No. 2 can occupy a considerable advantage in the game. Although he gave up the game tactically, he gained a certain advantage for himself strategically. However, this strategy also requires certain With the support of his strength, if he loses any of the next games, he will completely lose the opportunity to advance.

Let's look at the next game, the next game is player number one versus player six. It was another battle between dragons and tigers. Although player No. 1 had obviously hidden his strength in the previous game, player No. 6 also easily crushed his opponent. Who is stronger between the two sides? "

"We saw that player No. 1 followed his usual practice and chose an agile physical puppet, while player No. 6 chose a powerful physical puppet. Both parties are unconventional types, and they all chose physical attacks. type.

What follows may be a fist-to-fist battle. The attacks attached to the pair of gloves created by Player No. 6 are quite terrifying. If hit by the concussive blow, it is likely to fall into paralysis. If you are not under control, you will probably be controlled until death.

The opponent he played against before was like this. He almost didn't make any counterattack when he lost the game.

Faced with such an enemy, player No. 1 probably had to fight as far away as possible. As expected, player No. 1 showed a trump card that he had not used just now.

His weapon has the power of wind element, which can accelerate the puppet. It is not a particularly advanced technology, but it can show quite good performance on the battlefield. This is also the charm of magic prop design. It does not necessarily require higher-end materials and higher-level abilities, which are most suitable for the battlefield. is the best.

Contestant No. 1 flew up with the power of the wind, obviously trying to further increase the distance. Wait, what is Contestant No. 6 doing? Doesn't he know about boxing gloves? Why do the gloves have muzzles? No way, it turns out that all the previous ones were just to confuse the opponent, and what he created was actually a hand cannon. "

[To be continued]

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