Originally prepared to watch the cheater make a fool of himself, the audience couldn't sit still. They never thought that this guy who used loopholes in the rules to win could now show such profound knowledge.

Many viewers were questioning him, thinking that he was still cheating, and that he secretly obtained the internal information of the competition, so that he knew which materials were reward materials, so that he could obtain the reward materials so decisively.

However, at this time, some experts have come forward to clarify. After all, Cheng Ying's performance was too suspicious.

"We can guarantee that this competition is absolutely fair and impartial, and there is absolutely no possibility of missing any questions. You may have some doubts about the knowledge level of the contestant in front of you.

In this way, after the game is over, we will ask the player if he is willing to participate in an additional knowledge contest. If he can successfully answer more than 50% of the names and properties of rare materials during the knowledge contest, then we hope that those who question the game will Fair netizens can apologize to this player.

In order to ensure the fairness of the competition, the question bank of rare materials can be selected by netizens who raise questions, and we will fairly select random content from it as the test questions for the next competition.

If this player can pass the test, we will also give him appropriate compensation. "After the organizer gave such an answer, the voices of doubt on the Internet gradually subsided.

Organizers usually don't slap themselves in the face. If they have the confidence to say something like this, they probably really haven't leaked anything about their question bank.

But even so, netizens have begun to choose all kinds of weird materials and add them to the question bank as the next test questions. If the loophole cannot successfully answer the question correctly, or cannot show a performance that is relatively sufficient for their recognition. If so, he would question it again without hesitation.

But nothing they say will affect the ongoing game. Players from both sides have already selected their materials. Spell turret players and loophole players also started making their own props.

After the organizer responded to the question, many viewers also changed their previous name for cheaters to loopholes. Although the meaning is not much different, the latter is obviously more neutral than the former, at least not as strong. Aggressive.

When it came to the production of magic props, the audience also saw the superb skills of both parties. Needless to say, the magic turret itself has a solid foundation. Magic props designer.

He is also good at traditional staff design. The design ideas are not very unimaginable, but the operation is extremely smooth. He uses limited materials to burn magic on it as quickly as possible. Many of them are only one-time use magic. After all, this It is a battle between two people. After one battle, the magic props are useless. Therefore, it is theoretically feasible to create an existence like Big Ivan and kill the opponent directly.

However, the opponent can also see his production process. Although verbal interference between the two parties is not allowed, this kind of simple observation is allowed. This also enhances the fun of the competition. Both parties can target the weapons designed by the other party.

If someone really designs that kind of super powerful one-time weapon, the opponent can easily choose the corresponding method to deal with this level of attack. As long as he can survive this kind of attack, then the next battle will be It was one-sided without any suspense.

Therefore, almost no one would choose to make super explosives that can only be used once. In contrast, making a one-time spell sealed in a staff is a pretty good tactic.

Such a spell can seal many flexible choices during the casting process, and will not place too many restrictions on tactics, and the one-time spell consumes very little for the puppet. It only takes a small amount of magic power to activate the spell, which makes it easier to gain an advantage in battle.

“We have seen that spell turret players have chosen quite classic tactics, sealing a large number of one-time spells into their own spell props.

The one-time spell not only consumes less, but is also more powerful. The only difficulty is that sealing it in the staff requires extremely high skills, which is an extremely strict test for the basic skills of the magic prop maker.

For other magic prop makers, sealing three or five one-time spells within a limited time would be pretty good. However, the spell turret players have obviously worked hard in this regard and are very efficient. We Seeing that he was sealing one-time spells almost as fast as one spell every five minutes, it was expected that by the end of the game, he would be able to seal enough in this staff. Hundreds of spells.

If so many one-time spells are used in the competition, even if the loophole player chooses a large number of precious materials, it may not be easy to resist them.

However, the foundation of the loophole player is also quite solid. We saw that he once again started making his signature cores. This time he made more quantities. He actually wanted to make 500 at the same time. Although our equipment support can His movements are almost completely synchronized, but isn't he afraid of making mistakes? If he made a mistake, all five hundred cores would be scrapped, and the price of the lost materials would probably make him lose all the advantages he had finally gained.

To complete this carving, you need not only skilled skills, but also great psychological quality, and the ability to withstand pressure when faced with it. We saw that the hands of the loophole players did not shake at all. The production process was very stable, and there was no pressure at all from the skills of my opponents.

This state of concentration is not something ordinary people can achieve. We see that he has completed about 30% of the production, and the basic shape of the core can be seen, but the most difficult part is also the remaining part, which is the most difficult part. With the delicate circuit structure, a slight mistake may cause all previous efforts to be wasted. Can the loophole player really complete it?

Oh my god! He is so stable that I feel my heart skipping a beat just by looking at it. I originally thought that the loophole player who chose to carve 500 cores at once would choose a relatively simple configuration as much as possible at the expense of certain performance. , in exchange for higher efficiency.

However, the loophole player didn't have any worries at all, and directly chose the most efficient and complex configuration. To be honest, I was dazzled just looking at this configuration. It's really hard to imagine how he could smoothly move it. It's built out of it.

The crystal wire after hot-melt drawing is thinner than a human hair, and it cannot be folded as easily as a metal wire. Once it is formed, there is no possibility of regret. Although it is not operated by hand, but by machine. But being able to be so calm and composed without any food at all is truly commendable.

It doesn't work anymore. I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. Seeing him jumping left and right on the verge of being scrapped every time is really unbearable. "

Not only the host was like this, but even the audience were on tenterhooks. Although the number of viewers who supported the loophole was very small, seeing his extreme operation, everyone's emotions were subconsciously aroused. It was almost like It's like riding a roller coaster. Many of the audience's hands in front of the screen are already covered in cold sweat. If they were to operate in front of the stage at this time, they would definitely collapse in minutes. I'm afraid not only the core at hand will collapse, but also their own mentality. Followed by collapse.

That is to say, under this kind of fearful gaze, the loophole player completed the production of his core body extremely stably. There were millions of steps in the entire process without any mistakes. It is not an exaggeration to say it is a miracle.

And the large number of cores are made of extremely precious bonus materials. The advantage this can bring to him in the competition is simply unimaginable.

Even if the opponent uses a one-time spell, which has an advantage over spells that can be cast repeatedly during the battle, it may be difficult to make up the huge gap between the two sides.

After Cheng Ying completed the core production, he did not slack off at all and continued to work at high speed. In his hands, various materials were flying up and down, and he was rapidly undergoing various processing in the instrument. It can be seen that His movements were very skillful, and he had already made all the plans for making the tribe during the previous carving process.

The subsequent production process can be said to be very methodical. Time has been arranged to the limit, almost on average. At least ten things must be done at the same time. Sometimes, hundreds of processes may be executed simultaneously.

This is a very severe test for a person's mind. If you slack off even a little bit, you may make mistakes. Even though you have such a big advantage, you are still operating in such an extreme gameplay, which makes more and more people The audience watching him felt their emotions explode, and their blood pressure couldn't help but explode as well.

I am afraid that a mistake will be made by this company or during the competition, and all the advantages that have been gained with great difficulty will be ruined.

At this time, the audience can probably judge the strategy adopted by this loophole player in the game. He chose to squeeze his game time to the extreme and refine the magic props he created to the extreme, so he must Compress each process in your production process to the shortest possible extent, and arrange more processes together.

Even if they just watch the action without having to use their hands, many viewers feel that their brains are not used enough. What exactly this player did can only be understood after the game is over and when the video is reviewed. How many things were done at the same time?

In fact, this is also true. After the game, many people who specialize in making commentary videos commented on the video of his game. With these explanations, many viewers who could not see clearly the actions truly understood the vulnerability players in such a short period of time. Junding has done so many things.

As the game continued, those nervous spectators gradually relaxed. Anyway, the loopholes will not make mistakes. Even in their opinion, no matter how extreme the operation is, the opponent is probably confident, and there is really no need to follow it. That heart must be broken, otherwise the heart will explode.

And as thousands of parts were spliced ​​together, the one-click magic prop finally showed its true form. It was a magic prop that could be called a work of art. It was a piece of close-fitting clothing that looked a bit like It is like a tight-fitting suit, but its interior is composed of millions of scales spliced ​​together.

Five hundred of them are the core of all scales, that is, the few scales that contain the core. They are the control centers of all scales, and there is a small chip in each scale, which serves as its respective control center. .

After they are worn on a person, they wrap the body perfectly, just like a tights. It is also extremely thin and light. Because the competition limits the weight, this equipment must completely cover the human body without being overweight. In this case, the thickness is almost only 0.1 millimeter, and only part of the area encompasses the core, making it relatively thicker.

This extremely delicate piece of clothing can also automatically change its color to achieve an optical camouflage-like effect. When it is not activated, it covers the body and shows the same color as the skin. In the last few minutes of the competition, Chengying completed the production of his work, and then conducted a series of debugging on his work in this short period of time, debugging the work to its best condition.

At almost the same time, his opponent also completed the production of his own magic prop. It looked like an ordinary staff, but those who really watched the game carefully would know that this was completely different from the staff. More than one hundred and fifty one-time spells have been burned, each of which is extremely powerful and covers a wide range of spells.

Not only that, this staff itself can be regarded as an extremely powerful staff. If it is used by a legendary level puppet, it can exert considerable power on its own.

Although it will be somewhat overshadowed by the tights made by Chengying, it may not lose in the next competition. I have to admit that in terms of overall quality, this has completely lost to the staff. , but the explosive power of the one-time spell is still very strong. The real winner will be known on the field.

Maybe there will be a situation where a Ferrari hits a dump truck. The technology used is higher, the cost is higher, the materials are better, and it is more refined. This does not mean that Ferrari can hit a dump truck. Sometimes Maybe it would be better to fly to a junior college.

It was under such a contrast that the competition between the two sides began.

[To be continued]

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