Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 97 Unlimited Power

Cheng Ying faced the strong man in black robes with a rather serious expression on his face. The opponent may have reached the limit of a mortal, but because he was unable to absorb the luck of the elves, he was unable to become a saint. Such a existence, In terms of own strength, he is not much weaker than him.

Without the divine blood, this was probably going to be a fierce battle. Cheng Ying took a deep breath and began to prepare to fight with all his strength. You could see that blue light was released on the surface of his body, and there was a line on the surface of his skin. Lines like circuits emerged. If you use a microscope to observe his skin at this time, you will find that there are even smaller, undetectable lines on the lower layer of those bright lines, and these are all It's a spell burned into his body.

In a sense, Cheng Ying's current body is the best magic prop. If he dies, the corpse left behind can be used to cast almost any spell. As long as the magic power is input, the spell you want to use can be automatically cast. Use it out.

"It's an unprecedented path of cultivation. It's true that no one of my kind can reach this point. So let me let you experience my cultivation." As he spoke, the elf shrouded in black robes took off his clothes. own cloak.

Under his cloak is a young face. Of course, he only looks young. How old he is actually, I don’t know. The handsome appearance of the elves makes the men in front of him look like women. But the most eye-catching thing is his pair of eyes. There seems to be a whole starry sky in the sapphire-like eyes. He has practiced positional spells and released Pang Bo's spiritual power. Even Cheng Ying does not feel that his own The mental power will be stronger than the opponent's.

At the same time, he also picked up his staff. Following the pull of the power in his pupils, the staff distorted time and space and pointed directly towards Cheng Ying's eyebrows.

Everything in its path was turned into nothingness, including time and space, and everything was eliminated. This was a move that was enough to harm the holy throne. The ability to control power displayed was much better than the original one with the Abyss Lord. Cheng Ying was slightly stronger during the battle, but compared to him now, it was nothing.

At the moment when he was about to be hit, Cheng Ying raised his arm and blocked it lightly. An attack coming towards his face.

What he held in his hand was a metal box, a metal box like a brick. It suffered no damage from the attack that could destroy everything.

Although he couldn't use this innate spiritual treasure, he could still use it as an indestructible brick.

With the collision of the innate spiritual treasure and the magic staff, Cheng Ying's attacks also struck first. With this period of practice, he gradually integrated his various abilities into his body and turned into the purest strength.

This is a last resort cultivation method. Once you become strong enough, you will find that the way to become stronger is actually limited. Just like technology with a set upper limit, many roads will eventually come to an end, no matter what. Improvement cannot exceed a certain upper limit.

One thing that is clearly known is that there is no upper limit to the path, and that is power. To use a more accurate definition, it is kinetic energy.

Although this makes no sense, in this universe, it seems to be the law of the universe. Someone proves the way with power, and the whole world changes. Whether it is before or after his right way, power There is no upper limit.

In order to continue to improve his abilities, Cheng Ying attached most of his spells to himself in the form of increased power, and then used pure power to fight the enemy as much as possible during the battle.

To do this, you also need extremely strong control.

It's not much simpler than controlling tens of billions of floating cannons at the same time.

He not only controls every muscle in his body, he also controls millions of spells released, some of which strengthen his body's strength, some of which strengthen his body to adapt to the strength, and some of which create microscopic spells in his body. Nuclear explosions are used to promote the movement of one's body, and at the same time they are used to resist the attacks of these explosions in the body, ensuring that one's body will not collapse in the process.

Various spells are intertwined to maintain a fragile and temporarily stable system, allowing kinetic energy to condense and explode in this moment and its violent form.

The strong elf in black robe saw his opponent swung his fist and hit him with a different look on his face. He subconsciously wanted to show his disdain for this kind of attack. How could he be afraid of a fist attack if his strength reached his level? ? Even a punch with all his strength by a spiritually strong person with special physical skills would not be enough to damage a single hair on his head.

However, when he actually faced this punch, he discovered that he seemed to have misunderstood something like power before. Power can be infinitely improved. As the kinetic energy of this punch increased to the limit, the rules of physics began to be changed. This punch twisted, the space collapsed, and time began to change its flow speed with this punch.

If you were hit by a fist, there wouldn't even be ashes left! This is the only thought that the black-robed strongman has now, so much so that he no longer cares about the possibility that the staff in his hand may be damaged due to his own power. He goes all out to run the spells in the staff and try to distort the space. Get out of the scope of this punch.

It wasn't until he did this that he realized what terrible power the punch in front of him contained. It even blocked space, sucking it in like a black hole, forming the most basic ground of the world. The four elements of fire, wind, and water shattered under the fist and spewed out from the empty air.

Any one of them has the power to easily destroy a strong person at the spiritual level, but at this time, all these powers are restrained around the fist and turned into power itself.

This has exceeded the black-robed strong man's understanding of power. Without realizing that there is no upper limit to the power increase in this world, anyone who sees this scene in front of them will feel incredible.

Under the distortion of the power of the black-robed strongman, the space finally shattered to a certain extent. Then he no longer cared about his body being injured in the process of squeezing through the space crack, and forced his way through the space crack that was only the size of a human head. In the past, the bones of his body were almost crushed in the process. When he landed a hundred meters away, his whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and his body was slowly repaired under the spell.

The location that had just been hit by the punch was now completely dark, turning into a pitch-black spherical area. In this area, everything was swallowed up, and not even light could escape.

Cheng Ying was a little helpless about the phenomenon in front of him. What he originally tried was to use life energy and death energy to collide in the body, and then imitate the original protagonist Pangu in this world, and guide the energy after the collision into terror. However, in the end he tried to use powerful power to launch an attack, but the effect was not like the protagonist's creation of the world, but like the end of the original dark universe exerted by the protagonist's opposite personality.

The power of the punch formed a black hole-like structure on the spot, and everything hit by the punch would be swallowed up.

However, this is not a real black hole, it is just a horizon temporarily formed due to the huge power. After the attack is over, the black area will slowly disappear.

But even if this is not a real black hole and falls into this dark area, death is almost certain. The strong man in black robe who fled in embarrassment looked at the destruction in front of him with lingering fear, feeling a little unbelievable for a moment.

"What kind of ability do you have? Why can your fist produce such an effect?" The strong man in black robe felt that all the magic he had learned for so many years was in vain. There was nothing magical about the scene before me.

"Fistes can produce such effects. As long as the strength continues to improve, whatever effect this punch wants to produce can be achieved theoretically.

I don't mind letting you try again, but this time you may not have such good luck in escaping. "With that said, Cheng Ying has disappeared from the sight of the black-robed strongman.

It still exploded with powerful force, shattering the space in this world, and then appeared directly behind the opponent.

Things like breaking the void with one punch are often used to satirize the fantasy world, but when you really come to a world where physical rules allow unlimited increase in power and interfere with almost all physical laws, you can You will realize how outrageous this effect of breaking the void is.

The strong man in black robe barely had time to react before he felt that the fatal threat had come to his back. The cracked staff in his hand had no choice but to operate overload again, helping him tear open the cracks in space and prepare to escape.

But this time it was not just a simple escape, but also a counterattack. During the battle, he gradually realized that if he continued to evade like this, he would definitely die. The staff in his hand was no longer enough to withstand his repeated actions. A violent spatial shift occurred.

The opponent's power seems to be far from being exhausted. In this case, if you want to solve the current dilemma, you must fight back. If you can kill the enemy first, you will not be killed by the enemy's attack. The truth is true. It's simple, but it may not be easy to do it.

In order to achieve this counterattack, the staff in his hand was overloaded, and a top-notch magic item was destroyed. However, he also released an extremely powerful attack, a dark cutting ring, from his space. The location left by the shuttle is released.

This was a collection of the space power he had learned all his life. After traveling out, his sapphire-colored eye had turned gray, and lines of blood flowed from his eye sockets, which looked very permeable.

The newly broken space is like an infectious disease, infecting the spaces that are still being played in other areas.

The surrounding space was shattered as well. This was a very dangerous spell, and even a strong man in black robe would have to pay a huge price if he wanted to use it.

The space will be like a domino. As the first piece is toppled, it will continue to break into the surroundings, almost forever. If there is no holy throne to stop it, this will even become a terrifying disaster that spreads throughout the Elf Empire.

When Cheng Ying unleashed the punch that he had just unleashed, he was unable to dodge, and it was impossible for his body to remain in the shattered space. However, there was only one exception, and that was him The fist that was just waved.

Because the kinetic energy it carries is too huge, it directly overtakes space. Even if the space is broken, the fist is still incompatible with the broken space and does not fall into it.

This already involves the laws of the world, and power obviously has no upper limit, so it can break through the laws to a considerable extent.

When the fist came out, Cheng Ying had already transferred part of his brain into the fist, and even resided most of his spirit here. Therefore, even if his body was instantly destroyed by the broken space, uu read the book ; But in his fist, a brand new body quickly grew, and at the same time, even the spells burned in his body were restored. As he cast the spell instantly, the broken space around him was It stabilized and then, like going backwards in time, it returned to its original state.

Seeing this scene, the strong man in black robe couldn't help but flash a trace of despair in his eyes. He could also do this scene in front of him. The biggest advantage of this level of destruction is that he is fast enough and can instantly target his opponent. Destroyed to the point where nothing is left, but if the opponent survives the destruction, then as long as there is a being with a similar level of strength to him, he can turn around and restore order to the space in front of him.

The strongest staff in his hand had been broken in the battle just now, but the opponent did not suffer any fatal damage, and his body still showed terrifying power. This made him not know how to continue for a while. Maybe one punch can completely wipe him out.

But Cheng Ying did not take action for a long time. Instead, he walked in his direction and looked at him condescendingly: "I will give you a chance to choose. Sign a contract and surrender to me. In the future, whether you want to become a saint or Whatever you want to get, I can consider helping you get it done.

If you refuse, then I can only send you to death. I am not qualified yet. Let those who see my true ability live freely. "As soon as he spoke, huge power had already gathered on his body. Millions of spells were activated at the same time to strengthen his power. The next punch was absolutely unavoidable for the strong man in black robe.

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