Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 98 Cooperation

Facing the fatal attack, the strong man in black robe has already sensed his opponent's determination. If he refuses, this punch will definitely hit him, and will not leave him any chance of survival.

He really felt a little aggrieved. Even though he had mastered so many spells, why couldn't he defeat this guy who could only use brute force? Apparently he didn't realize it. Although Cheng Ying only exploded with physical power and used only kinetic energy to attack, how many exquisite spells did he use to obtain such huge kinetic energy?

After all, he is not Pangu. He does not have the innate talent to transform all power into his own physical power. He can only use various spells to assist him in achieving similar effects.

Faced with this threat, he finally chose to surrender after hesitating for a moment. After all, he still did not have the courage to provoke this power that could almost certainly kill him.

Cheng Ying couldn't help but shook his head and handed over the contract, asking the other party to sign it. After reaching his level, it was enough to sign a contract that could bind a strong person at the peak spiritual level.

After the contract was signed, he was a little disappointed: "If you had chosen to resist just now, it would have been possible to defeat me. If you could win, you would definitely be promoted to the legendary Linsheng level.

In that case, even if you are still not a saint, you will still have the same level of combat power or even stronger. It's a pity that you didn't make this determination after all, but it doesn't matter. If your goal is to become a saint, I may not be able to help you achieve it, and I can even make you reach a level stronger than an ordinary saint. "

The strong man in black robe finally changed his expression this time: "How can you help me improve if you haven't reached that level yourself?"

"Of course I have my own way. As for what you want, I can probably guess it now. Your biggest purpose in participating in this competition is probably to get the opportunity to be interviewed by the king alone after winning the competition.

It is indeed not easy to meet the emperor of the empire in a separate environment, and the emperor of the Elf Empire has the holy blood left by the high-level saint in his body.

You have been stuck at your current level for a long time, because you are not qualified to obtain the faith of the Elf Empire, and you are not qualified to remember this part of the faith to improve yourself. This is why you have been stuck at the current level, and there is no way to become a saint through faith. ,Right? "

The strong man in black robe nodded: "Indeed, as long as I can obtain the holy blood, I am 80% sure that I can become a saint successfully. Do you want to help me?"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "If you become a saint in such a sneaky way, you can only become an ordinary saint in the end. Do you think it is enough at this level?"

"Isn't it enough? Even the most ordinary saint is like a god to us. The difference between us is greater than the difference between humans and ants. Even if I have cultivated to this point now , it’s just a stronger ant, it can be easily crushed to death by the holy throne.”

His voice couldn't help but tremble when he spoke, and it was obvious that becoming a saint was his lifelong obsession. Maybe I still had various ambitions when I was young, but they have been suppressed for so long. Under the threat of life, I dare not show my strength. The energy in my heart has been smoothed away, and I will never regain my youth. The ambition of the time.

"Why don't you try to stand in front of the stage, use your outstanding performance to attract the attention of the people of the Elf Empire, truly become their idol, and truly gain the power of their faith? Why not give it a try? In that way, you can also become a saint, and you don't need to take the power of faith, but truly rely on your own faith. At that time, your achievements will be more than a saint! Tell me your name, and I will help you do it. to all this.”

"Jason, you can call me Jason... I... Is this really possible? Don't you know how dangerous those guys in the sky are to us? For any outstanding existence, they will secretly target them.

Do you know how many wonderful and powerful people died inexplicably like this? The existences that could really stand at the same level as them were all killed by various accidents they created, otherwise Why don't I dare to be exposed? Why do I still remain anonymous even though I have unrivaled strength in the Elf Empire? It’s not because I am as fragile as an ant in front of them. Only by standing at the same height as them can we communicate on an equal footing. "

"That's true. I know very well that once your strength is exposed, you will be targeted. But why must you expose your strength to gain faith? Can't you gain faith by relying on other abilities?

If you are just a demigod or a spiritually powerful person, and you show other special talents in addition to extraordinary abilities, can't you gather the faith of this country? "

"How is this possible? People always worship the strong. If I am not strong enough, why should they worship me? Do you want me to sing and dance like those singers? The worship that can be gained in that way is not at all It's not belief. Even if fans can be extremely fanatical about such a person, that level of belief is powerless.

It must be true reverence, true respect from the heart, and this kind of thing can only be done by the strong. "

The expression on Jason's face was very painful. It could be seen that he had thought about this problem a long time ago. It was too difficult to obtain faith. Apart from obtaining the holy blood and stealing faith, he really couldn't think of any other possibility. Possibility of success.

"Why do you think everyone will only worship the strong? The greatest person in history is not necessarily the one with the strongest force. What if you invent something that is enough to change this era? What if you become the one who promotes the era? What about the existence that changes and drives the Elf Empire to prosperity?

In that case, even if you don't have strong combat power, why can't you get huge faith?

Perhaps the current Elf Empire still worships the strong, but the people's ideas can also change little by little with the times.

You have entered the era of the Internet, and the speed of information dissemination has become so fast. It is very difficult to gradually make the people of the Elf Empire realize that in addition to beings with powerful combat capabilities, there are many beings worthy of admiration. Something? "

Jason wanted to say that this was indeed a very difficult thing, but listening to the solemn tone of the person in front of him, half of the words in his throat were forced back. Maybe it was indeed difficult, but it was really Can't do it?

He has been decadent for too long in half his life and wasted too much time. If this time and energy are really used to change the Elf Empire and are really used to persevere in executing such a plan, it is really possible to succeed, really. It is possible to take this opportunity to gather the faith of the entire Elf Empire and become a more noble existence than other saints.

After having this idea, he couldn't help but feel regret in his heart. He regretted why he hadn't done this before, even if he tried it, he never tried it.

"Stop looking like this again. You still have a chance, don't you? Let me help you this time. Believe me, it will definitely work this time. After all, you have signed a contract with me, and this contract means that you become The holy position cannot be changed, so I naturally hope that your strength will be as strong as possible, don’t you think so?”

Cheng Ying has already thought of a series of plans. He was originally considering cultivating an apprentice in the Elf Empire, allowing him to become a peak spiritual being, and then use similar means to gather faith and help him Sanctify.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally met a strong man who was stuck in this position, and he successfully hid himself from the pursuit of the holy throne. He lived incognito for many years, although a lot of his sharpness had been worn away. , but with his own foundation here, even if he is depressed, he is still far stronger than other strong people.

With a little training, it can be a nail for Cheng Ying to break into the highest level of the Elf Empire. When one of the many high-ranking officials in the Elf Empire is one of his own, many things will be settled.

"You continue to go back to the competition. In the finals soon, you will probably meet a strong young opponent. That is my people who are used to going all out and showing off all your magic prop making abilities. If you win Well, then the championship is yours. I can even tell you how to block the perception of the Holy Group and how to extract the holy blood through special means without causing the death of the target.

In this case, I have great confidence in making you a saint, but if you fail in the next competition, you must follow my arrangements and take an upright path to obtain faith and become holy. "

When Jason realized that the loophole might be the strong person in front of him. I finally understand why that contestant is so strong?

Regardless of whether that person is the clone of the guy in front of him or a trained disciple, it is not surprising to have such a level of ability.

However, as Cheng Ying said before, he will not hold back in the game and will go all out to win. Although he expects that he can gain the power of faith in an upright manner and achieve a truly powerful sainthood, and even It was to seize this opportunity and step into the ranks of high-level saints, but what he wanted to do even more was to seize the opportunity in front of him. To obtain the holy blood, through this relatively stable method, you can become a saint first.

Since the opponent has told him to go all out, he will not show mercy and will try his best to use his cultivation advantage in the game.

However, he does have other considerations, which is to try his best not to reveal his true strength during the competition. If he really shows his spiritual level strength, it will be far superior to other strong men of the same level, far superior to those in the competition. Combat power above this level.

Then I am afraid that no one can protect their holy position and the group will definitely find a way to kill themselves.

No one knows that a conflict that could have destroyed the entire capital was taking place in the capital of the Elf Empire not long ago. If no barrier had been arranged in the previous battle, if the attack had fallen directly on the capital of the Elf Empire in the previous battle, If converted into an explosion, the damage caused would be enough to level the entire capital.

But the next day, the capital of the Elf Empire was still sunny, and the much-anticipated competition was still going on. Chengying became one of the most watched contestants, participating in the quarterfinals, and then still showed his extreme performance. With his profound knowledge, he successfully picked out all the hidden materials and easily defeated his opponents in the semi-finals without any suspense.

From this moment on, the loophole became the favorite to win the championship, and the public opinion on him also reversed. When he was called a cheater before, all the posts that slandered him were posted, but those who posted Most people have now deleted their posts and pretended that nothing happened.

The Internet is such a place. Even the Elf Empire has not achieved control over speech on the Internet.

In the other half of the area, the player codenamed Demon King defeated his opponents with the same overwhelming power. He relied on his extremely solid ability to make magic props. The same magic props he produced were much more powerful than others. , there is nothing special or outstanding about it, just the plain and simple Li University College Fei, who won every game and also entered the finals.

And this match between the Demon King and the Loophole has become the most high-profile event in the Elf Empire in the past few months.

When the two contestants began to select materials, the host had already begun to explain it as fast as a cross talk.

"As we all know, the selection of materials is the link where loophole players have the greatest advantage. We have already seen the workers' profound knowledge reserves in previous competitions.

Almost all materials cannot be hidden from his eyes, and every reward material he needs can be found by his sharp eyes. In the semi-finals, he even used all the reward materials as his own magic props. Make materials, and rely on the advantages of materials to completely crush your opponents.

This time he did not disappoint everyone. He picked the most precious reward material right away. Wait a minute, let’s see what happened to the Demon King player. He also got the most precious reward material. What’s going on?

Is it luck? No, no, the Demon King player once again picked up a piece of reward material. This is the second most precious, followed by the third most precious one. Oh my god, was the Demon King player demonstrating? This tells the loophole player that he also has the same ability! Incredibly, it turns out that the Demon King player was hiding his strength until the last game. Now the game suddenly became suspenseful. "

[To be continued]

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