Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 99 Decisive Battle


Obviously, Jason also planned to win the game this time, so his true skills that he had not shown before were also shown in this game. As the top powerhouse in the world, at least the top powerhouse on the mortal level, he is naturally well-informed in terms of knowledge, although there is certainly no way to compare with Cheng Ying in terms of thinking speed. After all, this guy’s The mental structure is special, and the spirit itself is close to invincible, and can speed up one's thinking almost infinitely.

But he has lived in this world long enough. In order to continuously improve his strength, he will also continue to learn other newer knowledge. Therefore, he is embarrassed by the strange and weird materials in front of him, as well as some specially selected ones. He can basically tell what a person's material is.

In this way, he can also find all the hidden materials placed here by the organizers. As for how these materials should be combined and utilized, it is actually not difficult to do it with his profound knowledge.

A truly fair competition began. Both sides used their true abilities. Chengying also let his spiritual will descend into this clone. Before, he defeated his opponent physically, but this time he had to defeat his opponent physically. Defeat your opponent mentally as well.

And this time the difficulty is obviously greater than the last time. The method of power he has figured out before is difficult to use in this game. The small magic props produced are difficult to directly transform the puppet. If If you just focus on strength, the effect may not be very good.

Therefore, he still chose the direction he was best at, which was to enhance the control ability of the puppet, allowing him to use intensive and blind firepower to find the opponent's weaknesses, and then launch attacks specifically on the weaknesses.

That is to say, equipment similar to floating cannons was created before, and after the battle began, it was released overwhelmingly, forming a field like a field.

If you want to do this, the number of props required will be unimaginable, at least tens of millions. If you still make them manually, it will definitely be too late, and each one is equipped with a chip. It would definitely be too late to control it.

If you want to achieve this, you must use your true skills.

On the other side, Jason is also going all out to start his own production. He knew that in terms of knowledge, he was probably no match for the guy opposite him. After all, the other guy was stronger than him.

But if he has an advantage in any aspect, it is in some family secrets, not only those passed down by his own family, but also the secrets of other families in the Elf Empire.

These things are difficult to find out, and he took advantage of a long life in order to hide himself. He actually had many vests in the Elf Empire. He kept his name anonymously many times and pretended to be a young man. He also looks like a young man now. When he pretended to be a young man, he would often blend in with other people. In the circle of the wealthy elves, it is a bit hard to talk about one of the important means for him to become stronger.

That is to rely on the powerful means of picking up girls that he has accumulated over tens of thousands of years, to get the joy of the daughter of the other family, and then successfully marry into the other family by virtue of his genius and handsome appearance. In this way, such a person who has no It is easy for people with no identity and background to gain trust. After all, there is no one behind him to support him, so he can more smoothly obtain the secret secret method passed down by his family. After he gets what he wants, he can find it again. A chance to fake death and escape.

He is also very skilled in this aspect. For example, if he directs and acts, he is intercepted and killed in the wild, or he is too lazy to write a plot, and directly goes into a cultivation process, goes crazy, dies suddenly on the spot, and then leaves a body. Just pretend to be yourself.

Through this method, he obtained their secrets from a large number of families. At a fast time, it may be obtained in one or two years, but at a slow time, it may take more than ten years.

The secrets of some families are indeed very precious. It takes more than ten years of getting along day and night to gain enough trust. If you behave impatiently during this process, you may be considered a spy, and you will never get it in the end.

In this regard, Jason can be said to be experienced. Because of this, in some extreme cases, when he wants to obtain some particularly precious secrets, he can even stay undercover in a family for hundreds of years, almost all the time. Only when he infiltrated the most powerful person in the family did he successfully obtain the secret technique.

Although as his strength continues to improve, he gradually realizes that these secret techniques can actually only improve his combat effectiveness to a limited extent. After reaching a certain level of strength, he must realize his own power, but this has gradually become one of his This is a hobby, and now it has become a big part of his victory in this game.

If you can rely on the secret techniques you have mastered during the competition and burn them into magic props so that the puppets using the magic props can use the same abilities, you can have a considerable advantage in the battle.

And it is a very important intelligence advantage. Many secret methods are quite weird. If you don't know how to crack them, you are very likely to suffer big losses. There are some that even he himself needs to face with caution, and these cannot be passed on to others. The secret is almost impossible for anyone to obtain through violent means.

Even if your opponent has great magical powers, the possibility of the other party knowing about it is very slim. The biggest problem is to use a few more secret methods to increase the complexity of the password so that the other party cannot see through it. In the final analysis, you can still hide the past.

In this case, it is possible to win at the elementary level.

The strategies between the two sides are different, and the patterns displayed during the game are also completely different.

The first thing the host explained was the loophole's side, because he is currently the favorite to win the championship. The strength he had shown before seemed more like the one who could win the championship than the Demon King player.

"We saw that the Loophole player started to make parts for multiple magic props at the same time, which he is best at. We saw that he actually made 10,000 parts at the same time this time. Every time we were in the process of making magic props for him. We were worried, but in the end our worries were proven to be unnecessary. He could complete the process easily and ensured that there would be no mistakes.

So will it be the same this time? It seems that our players are very confident. As expected, the production process was very smooth. If the guess is correct, there will definitely be no accidents this time.

However, the structure of the props produced this time is surprisingly simple. Is this the end? Um? ! It actually started again. Was the original design of a relatively simple structure designed to produce more at once?

However, the time of the competition is limited. Even if you make these props very small and occupy very little quality, you still have to consider whether you can complete the production before the end of the competition.

At this speed, the production process should be completed at least a thousand times before the end of the game, but I don’t know how many magic props the loophole player plans to make. Are you really planning to make 10 million copies?

It seems that the creation process of the vulnerability player will continue for another time, so we turn our attention to the devil player. It has to be said that the Demon King player did choose the same precious materials, and its production techniques are relatively traditional. It seems that he wants to make a set of lightweight power armor by controlling the movements of the puppet itself. Deeper interference in the game? This is usually an action taken by players with relatively high levels of cultivation.

However, this is not considered a foul. If you can rely on your extraordinary cultivation to command the game from a high position, it can also be regarded as part of your strength.

However, although the power armor chosen to be manufactured is relatively traditional, the production process is still completely incomprehensible. The Demon King player is still as mysterious as ever! This is really a bit embarrassing for those of us who are hosts. We really can’t understand a single rune. "

Many families who carefully observed the competition couldn't help but frowned when they saw the magic props appearing on the field. They saw structures on the magic props that were similar to their own family's secret methods, but they were specious. It contains parts that I can't understand, so I can't tell whether my secret method has been leaked.

Because there are too many secrets in the magic props, and because Jason's own strength is too high, he can easily transform these magics. After improvement and combination, it is difficult for the original owner of these secrets to judge through some runes. Find out if this is a lost spell in your family.

Therefore, Jason didn't worry about being caught using someone else's secret method. It didn't matter even if he was caught. As long as he refuses to admit it, the other party will have nothing to do with him. If he takes the legal approach, even if he asks a lawyer to identify the spells he uses, they are independent and original.

If the other party wants to use some secret means and go beyond the formal legal process, then he is obviously not afraid.

In the entire Elf Empire, except for a certain pervert, he is basically the strongest in combat effectiveness. Therefore, he is basically the strongest, not the absolute strongest, because he takes into account that there may be hidden things in the Elf Empire. Looking at other strong men, under the pressure of superiors, many of the truly outstanding strong men dare not take the lead, and he does not dare to say that he is the only one hidden in the Elf Empire.

But based on what he knew about himself, those families didn't have the ability to invite beings like him to mess with him.

As the game continues, the magic props in the hands of both sides have gradually taken shape. The host's face became very exciting when he saw that Cheng Ying had actually produced tens of millions of magic prop parts.

"Oh my god, do the loophole players really want to win with quantity? They have actually made parts for tens of millions of magic props, but how do they combine so many parts? Even for spells Convenient magic like the hand has extremely strong control capabilities. It is probably impossible to combine so many magic props in such a short time, not to mention that he has to give himself time to implant the software for testing. I'm afraid the normal assembly method is completely insufficient.

Wait, what did he do? Oh my god, this looks like art. No, this must be art! I've never seen anything like this. "The host was already a little incoherent, because he saw Chengying push a pile of parts he made, and then saw these parts like dominoes, one by one linkage skills, and then they began to combine themselves together, and then combined into one unit after another. These small units have strong mobility, and they combine other scattered parts together to form new units. The number is increasing, just like an infection.

In this way, the exponential level spreads like a virus, and in just a short time, all the props are combined into basic units. After these units are done, they are combined with each other to form larger components. This process also spreads like a virus, constantly repeating, and soon another round of assembly is completed. After just a few rounds of such combinations, all the parts are actually pieced together and turned into a whole. The final image presented is the shape of a Rubik's Cube.

And all this happened in a very short time, and all the combinations were as smooth as flowing water, giving people a pleasing feeling. It is no exaggeration for the host to say that this is art.

Even Jason, who had just finished making his magic props, After seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel cold in his heart. There were too many calculations involved in what just happened. Even with his strong strength, he couldn't understand it at all.

This means that although he has a certain advantage in the newspaper, the other party also has an advantage in this aspect. Even if he is strong, he can't see through the magic cube in the other party's hand. What is the function?

After he finished making his magic props, he presented a bamboo slip-like device. Although the production methods and materials used by both parties are different, the styles of the products finally produced are surprisingly similar, which also gives this game a feeling of a life-and-death duel. Whether it is the audience on the scene or the netizens who are following this game on the Internet, their emotions have been mobilized and they are looking forward to the outcome of this game.

"Both players have completed the production of their own magic props. It's really a show of supernatural powers. I can't wait to see the result of the next game! Then please invite our players to enter their battlefield! The battlefield of this decisive battle is larger than that of previous games, and closer to the real battlefield. If you want to win in such a competition, your ability to adapt to magic props is definitely a big test! "

Please collect and recommend~

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