Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 102 Decisive Victory

[See you soon in Douluo’s life] []

The two people in the arena have already shown their true skills. They each use their own methods to control the puppets and remotely control them. They are both real masters in reality, so they can also have a high position during the battle to let the puppets perform their best. Exceeding their own fighting power.

This is also true. After these two people took the initiative to control them, the combat effectiveness of these two puppets was obviously improved to a higher level, although the various attributes were not improved. However, his ability to control strength and seize opportunities has been significantly enhanced.

The battlefield is dazzling, and almost every response is enough to be edited into a wonderful moment. If the content of this moment is explained, almost every shot can be disassembled to explain the profound meaning contained in it. .

The host could not keep up at this time, and could not understand why the two sides suddenly became so powerful when fighting. He could only reluctantly describe the fighting situation.

"The two players used so many techniques that I can't even explain them. But judging from the current situation, they each lost an arm. Now they are evenly matched.

It seems that whoever can get the key in the end will have the final advantage. Let's see who gets the key. Although the battle between the two sides seems to be unlikely to be victorious in a short period of time, the key has been It fell down and was already very close to the two people.

We saw that the loophole player reached out to grab the key first, and the devil player also gave up the fight with the opponent without hesitation and grabbed the key.

So who exactly can get it...huh? What's going on with this key..." At this moment in the game, there was actually a reversal, which was almost beyond everyone's expectation. At the last moment when he grabbed the gun key, the loophole stopped.

The key fell into the hands of the Demon King. The audience and the host, who had expected a fight, didn't react. Even the Demon King contestant himself was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand why the other party gave the key to him directly?

And the moment he got the key, it melted instantly and turned into millions of tiny particles, which got through the gaps in his magic props.

Each particle then turned into a nanorobot, wreaking havoc inside his body.

"What's going on? Is this all..." At this point in the battle, the Demon King player has obviously realized something. Jason looked at his opponent standing far away from him on another ring, and suddenly understood what was happening in front of him. What is going on.

There is no key at all. If you really don't want this kind of ancient ruins to be discovered, why would you just leave the key outside the ruins and destroy it directly. In other words, it would be better to have someone keep it and put it in another place far away from the ruins.

Normally, no one would hide the key in the door. If you think about it this way, it is unreasonable to find normal means to open the stone door in the ruins.

The key in front of me was probably not a real key, but was left here intentionally by the loophole player. After recalling the previous battle, Jason immediately discovered the problem.

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[See you soon in Douluo’s life] []

He had paid attention to the quality of his opponent's gloves before, but after the game started, the weight of the gloves was 10% lighter than before. Jason did not notice this problem at first, thinking that part of the structure was hidden. in space, so their mass cannot be detected.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all. I am afraid that some of the material on the gloves was left in the maze by him taking this opportunity, and then he continued to transform the terrain in the maze and created a seal altar. , and he is disguised as the key here.

Neither of them has explored the ruins here and doesn't know what the key should look like, so there will definitely be no loopholes in this disguise.

In this way, the problem of getting involved in gangs can be solved almost perfectly. All it takes is the development of the sacrifice, and it is enough to sacrifice the bodies of two people equally.

Similarly, in this process, Chengying quietly obtained precious materials from the bodies of two people. With the help of these materials, the key can make himself stronger through rapid synthesis. Similarly, the key can also analyze the body of the opponent. The composition of the material on the opponent's body is used to crack the opponent's body. In this way, with a large amount of data on the opponent's body, and a large amount of precious material sacrifices, the "key" that has grown more powerful has become The key to victory in this game.

From the very beginning of the game, Cheng Ying was already planning the scene in front of him. Although every step of the game was not part of his calculations, the final result went in the direction he had planned.

When Jason realized all this, it was actually too late. Although he still had some trump cards that he had not used, it was obviously not enough to turn things around at this time.

A large amount of material on his body has been used as a sacrificial object, and the arm belonging to Chengying's side that was just devoured has been returned, and there is even another glove on the arm, which is made of It is made of that part of the substance which is sacrificed.

Although the quality is far from the one on the other hand, it has obviously widened the gap between the two. Having read his body data, the key ran rampant inside his body.

His body was destroyed without restraint. In this case, even if he could directly control the body of the puppet in front of him, it would be difficult to win the game.

"Oh my god, is this key just a scam? The loophole players did it so perfectly that they even fooled us. Even our experts didn't find anything wrong with the key. There are only a few experts who have actually explored the ruins

Only then did he show doubts.

Because they didn't find the altar there during their exploration, the trap created by the loophole was so perfect. Perhaps there is nothing too subtle about the trap itself, but it accurately predicts the hearts of both parties.

It seems that the victory has been basically determined. We saw that the Demon King player was preparing for a final confrontation. This time, he actually used super giant. It is a special secret method that has never been seen before. Let our experts explain it. . "

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[See you soon Douluo] []

"This secret method should be one of the secret methods of the Pompeii family, but it can be seen that it has also undergone transformation and is no different from the original version. The secret method cannot become as big as it is now. And the Pompeii family The characteristic of the secret method is that as one grows larger, the energy in the body will increase proportionally, and the power of the released ability will also increase exponentially. Apart from becoming more bulky, it has almost no shortcomings. A pretty powerful strategic ability.

However, using it in a one-on-one battle is probably a last resort, and you want to use a one-time ultimate move to kill your opponent instantly. "

This is also true. At this time, the super-giant puppet has occupied almost the entire underground maze and smashed it into pieces. I don't know how many floors it is. You can still feel the position of your opponent through ultrasonic waves, and the puppet has also activated the last secret weapon it can activate. Technique, this move turned out to be a self-destruction move. The body completed self-destruction, leaving only a part of the brain that retained the mental will to escape.

This can be said to be a very extreme method. It expands one's body shape a hundred times, and the volume even expands a million times. The level of energy expansion in the body is also of this order of magnitude, which can be displayed by self-destruction. The terrifying power can be imagined.

Cheng Ying also realized that such an explosion was not good. Even if he now had an overwhelming advantage in the game, he might not be able to withstand it.

The gloves in his hands were replaced by drill bits. The whole person is wrapped in a layer of flowing metal. He quickly burrowed towards the ground.

Although the solidity of these underground mazes is almost as good as tofu against explosions, they can also offset the power of explosions to a certain extent. As long as they can hide in a deep enough area, they can still survive the explosion. The opponent should only have a chip left in the puppet's brain. In this case, the battle beam is declared.

The self-destruction after the energy in the body has expanded a million times, the exaggeration of power can be imagined, and the scene of self-destruction is also quite forbidden. The body of the bionic puppet is not mechanical, but a flesh and blood structure similar to EVA.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to cast various spells, and it would be almost a plasma explosion to explode after becoming huge. The red ball of blood spread rapidly, and everything in its path was crushed into pieces.

Almost nothing could withstand the crushing explosion. The horrific attack made everyone tremble involuntarily, and the audience at the scene was even more worried about whether the shield could protect themselves.

Fortunately, the organizer is still very reliable. There was an incident during the college league before. After that, the security requirements for the game were even higher. The strength of the shield was also increased to the highest military level. The bloody wave hit the shield. Above the shield, it was finally blocked, but almost the entire ancient ruins were baptized, leaving only a stone door leading to the underground, and everything else was turned into ashes.

The horrific explosion lasted for a full three minutes before it completely subsided. As the smoke and dust in the air gradually dispersed, there was only a chip suspended in the air, which was the control center of the puppet. But now he Apart from levitation, nothing else can be done at all.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

The audience also fell into silence. Many people had forgotten that they could breathe. They were watching the game and waiting to see if there would be any changes. If there were no other changes, maybe the Demon King player would rely on his super self-destruction to obtain the victory. Victory.

However, it is obviously impossible to rely on desperate recklessness to ignore the advantages that the opponent has worked hard to establish. At least when there is no absolute gap in the strength of the two sides, in terms of strategy, they have completely fallen into the hands of the one below. It is almost impossible for one party to win by dying together. Among the ruins, a vibrating sound sounded, and the ruins that were solidified together were shattered.

A metallic shiny sphere rolled out from inside, and as the sphere turned into metallic liquid, opened and condensed into a glove again, the almost intact puppet walked out of it, flew into the sky, and faced the last of the objects in the sky. The remaining chip didn't show any mercy. It just ran into him and destroyed it without even making contact with the opponent.

At this time, if you pretend to be cowardly and grab the chip to show that you have won and at the same time give your opponent a face, you will most likely be plotted by the opponent. Even if it is destroyed to the extent that there is only one chip left, if If you make contact rashly, you may be invaded by information. From the sigh that flashed across Jason's face, Chengying also estimated that his guess was not wrong. Although the other party was not sure that he could invade him, he obviously did it. preparation in this regard.

"Finally, the winner without any suspense, the loophole player won this game with an absolute advantage. Let us congratulate him on winning the game. He will win the highest honor in the magic prop production industry, and he will also be awarded the title of His Majesty the Emperor. personally met with 1 host and congratulated the winner this time.

Cheng Ying obviously achieved his goal and got the opportunity to meet His Majesty the Emperor, and it was a chance to meet alone.

This is not because the emperor of the empire would be so careless, but because he himself has great strength. To be the emperor of the Elf Empire, one's own strength must at least reach the spiritual level. Maybe one's own strength is not the strongest or the most talented, but because the body is endowed by one's own holy throne,

Given the holy blood, he is already the top spiritual powerhouse in terms of combat effectiveness. In theory, if Linsheng does not appear, almost no one can easily defeat him.

At least he should have had time to ask for help from his superiors, so the emperor of the empire would naturally do this kind of thing to meet the winner of the competition alone, show his magnanimity, and win over the opponent.

Being able to win in this kind of competition has proved their ability to a certain extent. This kind of talent will definitely shine in the future, and even the emperor needs to win over them.

After receiving the trophy and bonus, Cheng Ying was also led to the palace of the Elf Empire. The palace built in the forest was very elegant. Circles of forest guarded the central palace like a tower of Babel. As one of the largest empires on the continent, the grandeur of the palace is nothing compared to the palaces of ordinary kingdoms, and the emperor of the empire lives at the highest point of the palace. At this time, I was standing on the balcony, looking at the visitors walking up the 9999 steps from a distance.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

[To be continued]

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