Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 103 The Emperor of the Empire


The emperor of the Elf Empire is 203 years old this year, which is actually considered very young among the elves. As a long-lived race, this age is roughly equivalent to the prime of life. If he is given enough time, he may be able to stay on the throne for another few thousand years.

The attitude of the superpowers towards the empire is as long as it can be maintained. No matter how the rule is, the population does not decline, and there are no other requirements. In this case, everything is stable first, so the emperor in front of him finally won the throne. , even if you have certain ambitions, you will end up compromising at the top. Choose a relatively conservative policy. Maintain the internal stability of the Elf Empire without any problems.

And this person who is walking up the stairs may cause some changes. The Elf Empire has become more and more enthusiastic about the industry of making magic props, and has developed more and more excellent magic props, many of which already have Now that artificial intelligence can fight alone, its strength can reach the level of a demigod.

Although these magic props require extremely expensive materials, with the emergence of more and more prop makers, their prices have gradually dropped, which has sometimes put considerable pressure on traditional mages.

At least a considerable number of combat positions were occupied, and many mages had to choose other employment directions. This has caused some turmoil within the empire and even led to several protests. However, this was suppressed by the emperor.

He can see the potential represented by this change, and he can also realize that after such a change continues, the rights in his hands may be divided. Therefore, even though he knows that this disease has benefits, he still tries his best to Delay the progress of change, and in the process, grasp the direction of change and gain more power.

The young man in front of him is an opportunity. He checked this young man's resume and it can be said that it is very clean. He was born clearly into a relatively ordinary elf family.

Even from the perspective of the emperor, this kind of family environment cannot be said to be ordinary, but rather abject, but children who grow up in such an environment are, in some ways, easier to control. His mind is relatively simple, and there is no influence from other forces.

If he were to be made into a benchmark in the field of magic prop production, a character with the same trademark. Then in the future, it may be able to serve as a direction sign in the world of magic props and become a finger stick in the hands of his emperor.

This is also an important reason why he will meet the winner of the competition in person. Everything is actually just another exchange in secret. The current emperor is still at an advantage on the surface. After all, he does not know that the last time he went to humans to establish The elves who carried out the annihilation operation with the forces have actually been completely wiped out and led to the same side.

On the surface, these elves actually have no special performance. Secretly, these elves have actually been supporters of the reformist faction for a long time, but these emperors do not know it, nor do they know how many new factions are actually hidden.

As he walked up the stairs one after another, Cheng Ying finally arrived at the intersection of the palace. You tried to lead him to the palace where the emperor was. There was no domineering throne in the hall. It was something only found in the court hall. Normally, the emperor would definitely not sit on the throne.

He was received in a reception room, which looked like an ordinary afternoon tea. Chengying looked quite embarrassed. It was very easy for him to control his expression, and if he wanted to be natural, he only needed to recall Travel through your previous state, then perform it and that's it.

Seeing his coquettish look, the emperor naturally thought that he was a child from the countryside, so he suddenly came to the palace and seemed a little reluctant to let go.

So he waved his hand and asked those around him to step back: "You performed so well on the field, why are you here? I'm so cramped here. Come, just sit across from me." The emperor faced Cheng Ying's direction. He waved as if he were a normal friend.

However, Cheng Ying was able to clearly detect contempt in his eyes. Even people with his level of strength may not necessarily have this kind of observation ability, and the emperor did not think that his true thoughts would be exposed. .

What he didn't know was that after everyone was dismissed by him, the room began to be quietly arranged, just like Jason had been quietly besieged before, facing the emperor in front of him , he also adopted the same method.

Although the emperor of the empire has the blessing of the holy blood and various treasures, he is also a top powerhouse, and his combat power should be one of the best in the elf empire, but it can be seen from the fact that Jason dared to make a plan and launch a surprise attack when they met alone. It turns out that he is confident that he is stronger than the emperor of the empire.

As for the formation that was arranged in such a subtle and silent manner, not even Jason noticed it immediately, nor did the emperor of the empire notice it.

The shielding barrier deployed this time is stronger than the one deployed before. After all, this place is considered to belong to the elves no matter how you say it. Under the nose of the holy throne, you must at least arrange a sister who even the holy throne can't see through.

In order to achieve this, even the main body and the clone were temporarily fused. This fusion was completed before entering the palace. Just after the game ended, the main body found a time to integrate into the clone. In this way, This pair of bodies becomes a body that possesses both divine blood and the strength of a top powerhouse.

And this level is a proper Saint level, especially after he has become familiar with the use of divine blood. Compared with the first time he faced the abyss before, he is already much stronger. If at this time, If an ordinary saint really came down, he would be hung up and beaten.

As the conversation continued, the emperor also felt that the young man in front of him looked very controllable. In fact, he acted as if he had never seen the world. During the Q\u0026A, he had lived in the company all year round. This time he was accidentally selected. His daily entertainment activities were almost only reading books, constantly learning more knowledge, and even likes to use When reading a book using the clone technique, you can separate yourself and read the book together, and when you take it back, the memory will be recovered as well.

The impact of this kind of memory is very painful for ordinary people, and no one has ever thought of treating it as a kind of leisure and entertainment.

"No wonder your knowledge is so profound. When I watched your game, I was still curious about how you recognized those special materials? It seems that this championship is also inseparable from your efforts. I think the vulnerability of the loophole The title suits you well, how about it? Do you want a title? "

Chengying exceeded the emperor's expectations this time and shook his head.

"I thought you would say, just follow my orders, haha, it turns out you will refuse too!" Although the emperor was surprised, he didn't care. Just when I was about to continue explaining the significance of something like Juewei to an ordinary family.

Suddenly his expression changed, and he looked up in the direction of the sky. He had always been in contact with the holy place at high latitudes, and had always maintained this subtle connection, but at this moment the connection was broken. He was completely unable to communicate anymore.

"What did you do?" The emperor turned against him almost immediately and released a powerful attack without any hesitation. He pulled out the accessories from his waist and slashed towards Cheng Ying's neck.

However, his sword was pinched gently by two fingers and he could not move forward at all. The emperor followed the route of physical skills, and was extremely powerful in close combat, and the fighting spirit in his body was even more surging. However, at this moment, it turned out that it could not exert any power at all.

"Are you just reacting now? Your reaction is much slower than I thought. Is it because you have been communicating with those guys in the sky, so are you letting your guard down?

I have been working hard to build this shielding barrier. Unexpectedly, you didn't notice it at all, so there is no possibility of failure in this operation.

Surrender or die, you have no other choice. "Chengying was very cold and did not give any chance to bargain.

"Who are you exactly?"

"You will know in the future, make your choice now." Cheng Ying is like an artificial intelligence. He will only perform his own tasks and leave no room for his opponent to turn around.

"It's impossible. You can't kill me. If you kill me, you won't be able to leave. It's definitely a big deal for the Elf Empire to lose its emperor. And as long as you leave the barrier, the higher ups will know about my death. , you can’t leave the palace at all.”

"Do you think so?" Cheng Ying took out a puppet on the spot, and it was not him who spoke, but that person. His voice was exactly the same as the emperor's, and his habitual movements could be imitated, even Even the mental fluctuations are very similar to the emperor, not to mention simple details such as appearance.

"What did you do to me? Why is this happening?" The emperor of the Elf Empire fell into panic. "How could you, a fake, deceive the Holy Throne! It's impossible. How could you deceive a mortal being?" God is above me, stop trying to scare people here."

"I see, do you choose to die? Then it will be all right for you." Cheng Ying did not take the other party's words at all, but with a little force on his hand, he crushed the extremely precious sword into pieces, and in his body Then a terrifying and almost irresistible force broke out.

In this world where one is powerful enough to do almost anything, his punch seems to be able to wipe out any existence.

"Wait!" The emperor finally got scared and quickly retreated, triggering various defensive shields on his body. However, these shields were as fragile as paper in front of this punch. Layer by layer, they were all torn apart easily, and the whole set stopped 1mm in front of him. The strong wind that had just been released It even caused his hair to fly around.

Looking at the fist in front of me, I didn't know what to say for a moment.

"This is your last chance to make a new choice." The surging energy in Cheng Ying's body gathered, and at the same time, the drop of divine blood in his body began to boil, integrated into his body, and as he mobilized his power, His own power has been further strengthened again. Now his divine blood and powerful body are integrated with each other, and their abilities are nested together, all developing in the direction of increasing power. With this blessing, he can even Punch the holy throne to death.

The emperor in front of him was simply a fragile baby in front of this level of power.

There is no need to give a third chance to choose, because Cheng Ying is truly confident that the puppet will replace the real person, but the real person still has many possibilities beyond his expectation. Replacing the puppet with a puppet cannot be said to be the slightest risk. No, after all, he still lacks part of the information related to the superior. Even if he can read it from his brain, he may not be able to read all of it. It may be exposed in the next interaction with the Holy One.

However, this was not enough reason to give the Emperor of the Elf Empire a third chance. As the pressure in front of him became stronger and stronger, the Emperor of the Elf Empire also felt fear. If this punch landed on the ground without reservation, the entire The land of the Elf Empire will be swept away by horrific attacks, and the blows are simply devastating.

In the end, he nodded and said: "Let me live, I can agree to your request." Although he seemed to leave some room for it, in fact, he knew very well that in this situation, if If you don't obey the other party's instructions completely, you will never even think about this level. He said this just to save some face for himself.

Cheng Ying did not tear off this last fig leaf, but began to write the contract out of thin air. Now he no longer needed the Styx Contract to help him restrain his opponents. The contract he wrote with his own strength, planted The constraints under it are even more binding than the Styx Contract.

After Cheng Ying handed over the written contract, the emperor of the Elf Empire became more and more ugly as he read it. Just as he guessed, the content of the contract was very harsh, including restrictions on intelligence, as well as restrictions on his personal freedom and The restriction of absolute obedience, even if some information is not what he wants to disclose subjectively, but is read out by means of mental probing, etc., he will be obliterated, ensuring that the most confidential and important information is The information cannot be obtained by others.

This is a contract that can only be signed by dead soldiers under various major forces. He did not expect that one day his majestic emperor would be forced to this step, but looking at the fist that gathered a huge power that could destroy the entire empire, he finally knew how to make a choice.

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