
Jason left the Tree of Wisdom through the teleportation certificate, returned to the Elf Empire, and lived as an ordinary runner-up, but he could be regarded as leaving a lot of escape routes for himself. While winning the game, he also has a lot of assets as a player.

And you can inherit the legacy you left behind through some special means.

His long life has allowed him to live in various identities, and the legacy left by your life in those identities is also an extremely large number, enough to do a lot of things in the Elf Empire.

"Sir, do you really want to build data centers across the country? This requires huge capital investment, and we cannot see the possibility of cost recovery in the short term. Although you have received a large amount of funds, according to our investigation, your These funds are inherited from your predecessors. Although you have obtained legal certificates,... we still have to raise certain questions about your use of these funds. "

Receptionist at Elf Empire Financial Company. He spoke to Jason in a very cautious tone. He could be said to be wary of such a super-big sponsor, a sponsor who was enough to build national-level projects in the entire Elf Empire.

"For people like you who already have huge assets, there is no need to take such a big risk and invest your capital into an emerging industry, or even into a field that has never been tried before. , you can completely inject this capital into the financial market, and we will send the most professional team to help you operate it, ensuring that you can get benefits far beyond your expectations.”

Jason just shook his head in the face of this persuasion and continued to propose his own plan: "I need to establish as many data collection points as possible. As for how to make money, I will figure out my own way, and the money is all my own. Even if I make a loss on my investment and lose it all, it has nothing to do with you.

I need to collect the physical data of the residents of the entire Elf Empire. This is just for my next research needs. As for whether I can produce results, that is my problem and I don't need your interference. "

His attitude made the reception staff arrive, extremely annoyed. This attitude that even if I throw my own money into the river to get water stamps has nothing to do with you, it really made them anxious.

The opportunity to make money is clearly right in front of them, but they can't get it. Watching the other party use the money to waste money really makes them feel emotional. But in the end, they have no choice but to accept the investment advice and help him take care of the deal. Assets, at least this way you can earn a little less.

Jason's purpose itself is not to make money by making money. Before he reaches this level of existence, it is no longer that important. If you really want to make money, there are many ways.

He is now absolutely sure that he can produce results after he collects human body data. Even if he does not collect human body data, in fact, relying on the huge database shared by his wisdom, he can also formulate the best results for each person. A technique suitable for their practice.

In this way, promotion becomes a matter of course. Although Cheng Ying only gave him access to a small part of the number of wisdom, and most of it was to collect data to build the Tree of Wisdom in the Elf Empire, this was still enough to change the entire Elf The current state of the empire.

Body data collection points have been established one after another, and the collection of body data has begun to be linked to various preferential activities. This seems to be a public welfare facility, purely for collecting functional body data. After collection, it will Distributing supermarket coupons or other preferential props in various places, seeing that the investment could not get any money back at all, the investment company responsible for managing this money almost wanted to explode and overturn the table.

This allowed them to get only the agreed-upon salary. Apart from that, they couldn't get any share of the profits. They could only watch such a large sum of money being lost.

On the contrary, Jason Queshi was not anxious at all. He established a huge database in the center, right in the capital of the Elf Empire, collecting data from across the country. He seemed to be doing some analysis, but in fact he entered the data into In the Tree of Wisdom system, and by obtaining the extension permission of the Tree of Wisdom, you can access the Tree of Wisdom network and download different cultivation methods for each person.

And began to manufacture everyone's cultivation auxiliary equipment, which is a device that can construct an image in the human spirit. It is a relatively common auxiliary device, but no one has done it before. Spend a lot of effort researching this stuff.

The biggest function of this thing is to help people meditate. During the process of meditation, the extraordinary power must follow a fixed route in the human body. Familiar people can disappear, just like in a dream, and let these powers operate independently. But this is the first time I try it. People, it is still difficult to provide such guidance.

The headband-like device currently being developed is specially designed for the first operation of extraordinary power. After putting it on your head, you can close your eyes and present an image of your own body in your mind. , and can show the location of the extraordinary power in one's body, which is much more intuitive than relying solely on intuition.

In the image, there are lines marking the route of the extraordinary power, and there are prompts telling the user how to operate in order to comply with the lines in the image.

However, such equipment is usually useless after a day or two. After running the extraordinary power for a day or two, the extraordinary power in the body has become accustomed to this route and has developed inertia. After that, there is no need to deliberately guide it. Runs on its own.

The cost of this kind of thing is actually not low, and it may be used as a disposable device. Therefore, although those who studied these devices before this have launched some products, they went bankrupt not long after they were launched.

Now there is news that the Demon King, who once won the runner-up in the competition and has demonstrated the highest level of technology in the production of magic props, is actually developing such a hopeless magic prop. The public opinion is abuzz for a while, and Jason is in Working with Cheng Ying, it is possible to reduce the difficulty and cost of making this kind of equipment. Both of them are the top, even the strongest magic prop designers in the world. If they design and reduce the cost, they can almost reduce the cost. Costs are reduced to the limit.

Large-scale mass production can also achieve cabbage prices, and the biggest use of this thing is to practice and adjust customized exercises.

After collecting body data, everyone can get a set of customized exercises, but the customized exercises must also be adjusted during the practice process. The body data is continuously collected, and then the new body data is used step by step. Adjustments are made to build a meridian network that is most suitable for oneself, and this needs to be done frequently. The construction and regulation of new meridians.

Props that were usually only used as disposable equipment have become types that must be used on a regular basis, and the requirements for the precision of such props are much higher than before. If you want to break through the legendary level, at least It is only possible to achieve micron-level accuracy. If you want to break through to a higher level, you need to reach the nanometer level, with positioning accurate to the level of every atom, and with strong enough auxiliary control capabilities to allow users to complete positioning. The latter has the ability to perform manipulation.

Such equipment was produced in large quantities, once again consuming a lot of money. The huge funds that were originally enough to buy a large number of high-quality assets in the Elf Empire have now been squandered, which makes the investment company that handles these funds for him feel distressed. The financial owner didn't feel sorry for him at all. On the contrary, the wage earners were almost going crazy, but they could only watch and had no choice.

This time, Jason finally used his ultimate trick and began to publish the results of his body data collection on the entire population on the Internet.

"Based on the physical data we collected from residents across the country for nearly a year, we customized the most suitable cultivation methods for them based on each person's physical data. Even those who were once judged to have no talent for cultivation, It is impossible to become a magician, but you can also rely on some simple props to help generate meridians in the body, build energy circuits in the body, and cast some simple spells.

The most basic basic customized meridians can be obtained for free on the official website. After entering your citizen ID and body data, you can receive your own basic entry-level practice method.

In addition, we also sell props that assist in practice and build meridians. The price is only one percent of the previous similar products. It has been verified countless times and is the result of compressing the cost to the lowest. In order to be able to bring together the entire Elf Empire, let Ordinary citizens can also afford it. "

And the prices listed on the official website have indeed broken away from the expensive level of magic props. Even ordinary people can afford them with gritted teeth.

People are often willing to try free things, especially the person who proposes free distribution is very credible.

A large number of ordinary people and magicians went to redeem the free practice methods. Some of them were more wary and read the agreement carefully to confirm that there were no traps in it. After confirming that there were no traps, they redeemed the practice methods.

The primary cultivation techniques are not complicated, with only about 100 meridians. They are much more complicated than the ordinary third-rate techniques, but there is still a huge gap compared to the real first-rate secret techniques, but for a large number of people For ordinary people, it is already quite good.

After obtaining the practice method, everyone began to post the practice method they had obtained, and soon found that the practice method obtained by everyone was slightly different. Almost no one's practice method was exactly the same. This made everyone I would like to believe that this practice method is specially customized for individuals.

And those who originally had no talent, after purchasing some materials that were not that expensive, constructed the veins in their bodies as described in the cultivation method.

They actually used extraordinary power. Although the power used was very weak, it completely broke the curse that destined them to become mortals.

And if used together with the props sold on the official website, their cultivation speed will be further increased and their strength will be further improved.

In theory, it is really possible to become a first-level magician. Although it requires a lot of time and cost, this situation that you will definitely succeed if you put in enough effort really makes the mortals of the Elf Empire unable to calm down.

The whole world of magicians caused an uproar, and it has already had such good effects on ordinary people. So what kind of effect will it have on beings like them who can cultivate? Finally, someone couldn't help but try it on themselves.

It is not easy for extraordinary people to modify their own skills. As mentioned before, the skills that have been practiced for a long time will automatically operate. If other skills are changed, it will take a long time to adjust. The more complex the method of self-cultivation is, the longer the adjustment time is required. Therefore, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the price paid by those who want to practice again.

The first ones to try are those who are not particularly high in cultivation. They may only be at the first or second level. It is not difficult to re-reform the construction method. It only takes a day or two to adapt to it before they can change their cultivation. It only takes two or three days to change the method.

The cost of this level is completely affordable. How many people have chosen to give it a try. Anyway, it doesn’t cost any money and you have to believe it. And almost everyone’s feedback is that it is much better than their current cultivation method.

There are even some practitioners who practice the precious and secret techniques passed down by their families. After changing their own cultivation methods, they find that this new cultivation path is even better than the high-level techniques passed down from their families. These messages have become popular on the Internet one after another.

The path of privately customized magicians began to gradually come into the public eye, and at this time, a group of first-time adopters began to emerge.

The free exercises are only the simplest content. The upgraded version unlocked by paying and the adjusted version due to various physical changes that occur during the cultivation process are much more expensive, but some people still choose to try it.

Lu Ming is such an experimenter. He is a third-level magician in the Elf Empire. Although magicians of this level are not very high in the Elf Empire, they are already in the middle and upper reaches. If I have to say, Only one person like him can appear among ten thousand people. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is definitely an elite.

And he invested most of his family fortune to directly purchase the highest-level, customized cultivation method service. In the next 50 years, he could receive new changes to the cultivation route every day. This is probably what this three-year-old man did. This is the biggest gamble a magician can make.

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