Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 106: Lu Ming’s Adventures


For a third-level magician, most of his assets are quite huge. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to unlock the highest stage of customized extraordinary techniques at once.

The customized extraordinary method he unlocked could theoretically propel him to the level of demigod. Before he reaches the demigod level, his body data will be continuously tested and sent to him at regular intervals. The techniques that are most suitable for him to practice at this stage and the meridians built in his body at this stage will be sent to him.

And the data can be downloaded from the Internet. That is, a 3D model for modeling the meridians of the body in the body, and this model happens to match the hardware equipment he bought. He can directly import it into the hardware equipment, and then put the throwing ring on his head, and then he can put it on his head. He simulated his own physical condition in his mind. In that case, how to construct his own meridians in every next step was clearly pointed out in the image.

You need to follow the guidance step by step. He can complete the construction of veins, but the method of practice has given him how far he can achieve it, it depends on him. This aspect is not limited by talent, but by personal patience and meticulousness.

After having a fixed practice method, there is basically no bottleneck in breaking through the realm. As long as you practice step by step, you can theoretically become stronger.

But there are other problems, that is, in the early stages of cultivation, individuals' spiritual will and control ability need to be improved. They will make errors in the process of controlling the construction of their own meridians, and the early errors are like the foundation of a building. Even a very small error will be infinitely magnified in subsequent construction and eventually become an irreparable defect.

If you want to make up for this shortcoming, you must start practicing again from scratch, and this requires extremely huge perseverance and determination. And it also means that the service purchased before has lost its effect and needs to be purchased again. After the meridians in your body are wiped out again, your physique will also change and you need to rebuild it according to your current system, and that will have a negative impact on your body itself. There is also a certain amount of damage, the difficulty of construction will become greater, and more wealth will be required.

Therefore, most people actually only have the first opportunity to build veins in the body. Unless they are from a particularly good family and have very rich capital, they have multiple opportunities to try.

Lu Ming is a very careful person. He has read the description of this practice method in detail before choosing it, and understands the risks involved in this method.

The speed of cultivation does not lie in fastness, but in the accuracy of one's own cultivation process.

The more patient you are when starting out and the more solid your foundation is, the higher you can reach in the future, and this process does not require anything. Great talents don't require any special strategy, you just need to have enough patience and complete the process of laying the foundation without making any mistakes.

It sounds very simple, but in fact it is not that easy to complete. It is like copying an article. Every word can actually be written, and most people can be very proficient. For writing, if you copy five hundred words, maybe there won’t be a single typo in a thousand words, and if you’re lucky, there won’t be even a single typo. But if this number increases to tens of thousands or one hundred thousand, it will be difficult to ensure that no mistakes will be made in the process.

Any mistake will have an impact on the future foundation, and these mistakes can be avoided as much as possible with patience and meticulousness. As long as you write slowly enough and be meticulous enough in the process of building your own meridians, every node By doing multiple checks, you can avoid this kind of mistake.

But the result of doing so is that the progress of practice may be slower than that of others, and many people will act too hastily because of this. After all, everyone wants to improve their strength quickly, and it is not a good feeling to be left far behind by others. things.

But as the first person to try something, Lu Ming knew very well that he had enough time to try, and enough time to perfect the meridians in his body bit by bit, so that they could reach almost perfection.

There was almost no one before him who took advantage of others like him and invested most of his assets. Those who did not invest all their assets to buy the most top-notch methods did not realize that they had actually made a huge mistake. It will pay a huge price in terms of time cost.

Although low-level practice methods can also build a foundation, the accompanying guidance effect is far less effective than the highest-level services, and the design may not be the most suitable. The path of spiritual practice means that the foundation itself cannot be laid particularly solidly.

If you continue to practice on this unstable foundation, you will indeed be able to upgrade to a higher version in the future, but you will gradually find that your path becomes narrower and narrower after upgrading. The empty areas reserved in the body can be filled with meridians. It becomes less and less, and eventually my cultivation stops completely at a certain level, and I have to start all over again and practice again in order to continue to improve.

There is something called a sunk cost. After a lot of effort is put into doing something, if you throw it all away and start over again, not everyone has the determination and perseverance to do it.

It was after Lu Ming understood this that he realized that he had a huge advantage in time. There was no need to rush or compare with others, he just needed to take his time, even if he was beaten by others at the beginning. There is no need to worry about people being left behind, being left behind by those who have not purchased the most top-notch spiritual methods, and being laughed at crazily.

Because the end point between myself and them is already different. When they reach the end point, they can continue to move forward and reach heights that they cannot reach, or even reach the height of the limit of mortals.

The amount of assets Lu Ming spent was actually quite large. At least he purchased the top-notch cultivation method support, which was already considered a small news. Many people were waiting to see if there would be someone who was taken advantage of and would be the first to try it. And after the first person finally arrived, this wave of news naturally became a little popular and received hundreds of millions of clicks in the Elf Empire. This was not bad for the Elf Empire, an empire with a population of nearly 10 billion. It’s a lot, but it’s enough to serve as a lesson for other people who choose to buy high-level exercises.

They are looking at Tour's cultivation speed to see if this strong man who has purchased higher-level assistance can cultivate faster and have a better future.

Then they were disappointed. Lu Ming's strength was indeed improved, and it was very stable, and was considered by his mentor to be very talented and potential. However, the speed of improvement was quite slow, even compared to those who purchased some low-level techniques. , the speed of improvement is even slower.

Perhaps this kind of improvement is more stable, but in this world of the jungle, sometimes being quick is more important than moving forward steadily.

This also caused most people to underestimate the improvement effect of purchasing the technique. Jason originally did not want to see this scene, so he planned to arrange for some people to practice this technique and show the potential of the technique in advance to change the direction of public opinion. , but was stopped.

Cheng Ying feels that this way most people will suffer a loss, and the publicity effect will be better. At least he is not short of time and patience. There is no problem if the plan in front of him lasts longer. If he takes his time, , will the accumulated faith become larger and more stable?

If you act too hastily and use some means secretly, you will always leave some clues and give some conspiracy theorists an excuse to make excuses. In that case, launching an attack in terms of public opinion will not help those who need the power of faith. For Jason, it would still cause some trouble.

That is to say, in this laissez-faire situation, most people chose to spend less wealth to purchase relatively low-level auxiliary cultivation methods.

After discovering that it had indeed improved me a lot, I decided to renew my membership and conduct auxiliary training every month in the future to correct my training path.

Not recognizing themselves. They subconsciously thought that it was normal for them to correct their practice route every month due to possible mistakes during their practice.

But Lu Ming has discovered that as long as he executes the current cultivation route step by step without making any mistakes, there will be almost no changes in the formulation of the next phase of the cultivation route.

In other words, the originally formulated cultivation method is based on his current body. He will definitely be able to break through to the path of demigods in the future. However, he needs to correct his cultivation route every once in a while because in the process of cultivation There will be certain mistakes whether you get more or less, and there will be more or less errors in the process of constructing the meridians.

These errors will lead to the fact that the technique that originally allowed him to be promoted to the demigod level is no longer able to achieve the original effect, and certain improvements must be made.

The more mistakes you make in the process of cultivation, the greater the difficulty in improving. The upper limit that the attack method can ultimately reach will be lower.

It is precisely because Lu Ming realized this that he chose to practice steadily, and he was sure that as long as he did not make mistakes, there would be almost no change in his future practice route.

This also made him more confident about his future. Now he is still a certain distance away from the legendary level. However, those who were similar to him in cultivation were already far away from him after practicing lower-level techniques. The legendary level only has one final touch.

Even among the rumors around him, some people began to mock him mercilessly. He spent most of his savings to only buy this useless thing, which was not even as good as the ordinary version.

Faced with these taunts that were either whispered or deliberately amplified for him to hear, what Lu Ming did was to deal with them indifferently, showing that he didn't care, and then continued to live as he should. He believed in the future He can prove himself and prove that these people are just a group of guys without vision.

This is how time passes slowly. Although Lu Ming's cultivation is not fast, it is actually much faster than those who have not redeemed the skills at all. After all, his current state has almost no bottlenecks. He can improve as long as he works hard. I think It actually doesn't take long to be promoted to the legendary level.

During this period, he laid a solid foundation for himself. In the three years, he made less than three mistakes, and only once did the system correct his future cultivation route. That is to say, of the three mistakes he made, only one of them might cause some adverse effects, and the correction of his cultivation route by the system was just a tiny adjustment.

This means that he is still moving forward on the best route suitable for his body.

Many of those who were once at the same level as him have now broken through to the legendary level, although some of them are colleagues or classmates who have a good relationship with Lu Ming. But after breaking through to the legendary level, they looked down on him more or less.

After all, the legendary level powerhouses are no longer on the same level as the powerhouses of other levels, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are no longer in the same world. In this case, after adapting to the changes in their status, it is normal to have different views on the existence of former classmates.

However, as these people broke through to the legendary level one after another, they gradually discovered the problem. That is, their own cultivation methods began to change less and less during the error correction process.

Moreover, the effect of their own improvement began to become worse and worse. Some guys who had never encountered peace in the early stage also began to gradually find that their improvement seemed to have come to an end at this stage, and the services of the cultivation techniques they purchased also told them that before this, they had made too many mistakes in the process of cultivation. If they continued with the current system, they had basically reached the end of cultivation. Unless everything was torn down and rebuilt, it would be almost impossible to break through to the level of demigod.

For these strong men who had finally spent a lot of money to improve, they now had to face a difficult choice, that is, whether to give up the existing veins in their bodies and start from scratch. If they gave up, it was almost equivalent to self-funded martial arts, giving up all their strength, and needing to practice from scratch, or even needing to start practicing later than those ordinary people.

This means that the benefits they could get by buying the techniques first and using their financial advantages to seize the cusp of the storm were all in vain, but if they did not give up, their improvement had come to an end. The situation they face will soon be known to others. After learning from their lessons, everyone will be more careful in the process of cultivation, make fewer mistakes, and eventually reach a higher level than them. Only then will someone remember the first fool who tried it.

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