Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 110 Capturing the Queen Mother

The Zerg Mother Queen in front of her is not as ugly as the other Zergs, and her whole body is as white as jade. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a work of art. Just one look at such an existence can bring great attraction to people, especially since he is now in a state of no resistance. You can sign a contract with him, Jason He spoke in front of everyone: "Let me sign the contract for this first Queen Mother. You should know that the assets I have accumulated are quite rich. After signing the contract, I can give each of you quite a lot of money." compensation.”

After a short discussion, everyone did not object. This was their first battle after reorganizing the territory in depth. There will be many more empresses that can be captured in the future. There is no rush.

In addition, other people's funds are indeed not that abundant, so it is still difficult to pay for the wealth that is almost equivalent to a queen mother.

For Jason, the contract aspect is not a problem at all, he doesn't even need to use the Styx Contract. You can achieve quite effective control by using your own customized contract and some of the backhand left in the other party's body.

In this case, it is almost impossible for the Zerg Queen to rebel, and even his self-awareness will be suppressed to a certain extent and become a pure tool.

The contract appeared as a piece of green paper, and when facing the paper, the white insect was obviously aware of the danger and quickly retreated, trying to avoid it, but it made no sense. He has now lost all his energy and has almost no power to resist.

It is almost impossible to find help from distant tribesmen. There are indeed other Queen Mothers who have sensed his message, but it is too late to come here to save him. In such a desperate situation, the contract falls. On his body, as the light flickered, his consciousness began to be gradually suppressed, and his own thinking became chaotic, gradually transforming into a simple tool.

Although the strength of the Zerg will decrease after losing self-awareness, compared with the improved controllability, this price is completely worth paying.

It was also after the contract was completed that Jason could fully control the Zerg in his hand. He pressed one hand on the Zerg, pouring huge extraordinary power into it, and also injected a large amount of it. The organic matter, the originally extremely weak bugs, seemed to be rejuvenated at this moment, and they became full of vigor and vitality in just a blink of an eye.

Then we saw him devouring a large amount of organic matter and starting to produce bugs. In the process, this bug was still devouring the cells in Jason's body, but this was what Jason allowed. If he didn't allow it, even if it was just Even a cell mother queen cannot phagocytose.

"If our records are correct, these bugs can evolve after devouring the cells of strong people. Even if we are not individuals with particularly strong racial abilities, after we have cultivated to the state in front of us, our bodies will The genetic material has also undergone qualitative changes, which can be used by these Zerg species to evolve."

Just like what Jason said, the originally white bug was absorbed. The cells he released gradually turned red, and then the red slowly turned orange, and then stopped here.

The division of strength among the Zerg has a great relationship with its own color. The white one is the most common type, has no talent and is relatively weak.

The next order is the order of the spectrum, which is the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Orange is not too strong, but it is only improved by absorbing a little bit of cells. If you provide a large amount of your own Cells and collecting other forced cells, this Zerg mother queen can continue to evolve. At present, it seems that after he turns orange, he has certain potential to evolve to the demigod level.

If it can change to green, there is a certain probability of breaking through to the spiritual level.

As for higher-level colors, even during the reorganization, they still exist like myths and legends. According to legend, the only person with the talent of purple is their current ancestor of the high-level saint.

The war continues, and it is not just the Elf Empire that is attacking. The Zerg are obviously not vegetarians. Under normal circumstances, their combat effectiveness in the mortal world is actually very strong. At least other races with only one high-level holy rank are far inferior to their combat effectiveness in the mortal world.

Because of this, they were not weak at all in the face of the Elf Empire's attack. They even believed that if there was no intervention from a higher level powerhouse, the Elf Empire would not be their opponent at all.

For example, in the Elf Empire many years ago, this situation was indeed possible. The Zerg are really at an advantage in large-scale wars. Countless cannon fodders can be produced easily, and these cannon fodders have extraordinary strength. Almost no race can compete with them.

Under this situation, if the elves had not undergone this transformation, they might not have been a match for the Zerg.

After they captured the Mother Queen before, although they were not immediately targeted by other Zerg species, the Queen Mother's player information was actually sent out. It's just that the distance to the nearest Zerg Mother Queen is still too far. There was no time to come to the rescue.

Now that we are here, we can only seek revenge. As for the motivation for revenge, first of all, these strong elves are a great supplement to the bugs themselves. After being devoured, they can evolve themselves.

Secondly, these powerful elves also captured a mother queen, as long as they can capture the mother queen. You can turn this Queen Mother into your subordinate.

Different Zerg queens are also divided into different levels. Some queens have a higher status than others. The easiest way to do this is to completely defeat one of them and then capture the other. Forced to sign a contract. In fact, there is no difference from the elves' strategy towards them. The Zerg itself is not as united as imagined.

It's just that because the entire Zerg race is suppressed by their High Queen, they can't show division.

And Yan can not only avenge his companions, but also obtain a lot of supplements and obtain a subordinate Queen Mother. Why not do this kind of thing?

A total of five demigod-level queens began to move north, leaving their original territories and starting a large-scale migration.

During the migration, they would carry a large amount of supplies, which would be carried by special bugs. The bugs themselves were like herbivores, with long legs, good at traveling, and good at carrying heavy loads.

These slender legs consume very little energy in their movements, and carry a large amount of organic matter on their backs through a capsule-like existence.

There are thousands of transport bugs like this, all following the large army.

Each transport bug is extremely large. The height alone is more than fifty meters. You can imagine how huge the supplies they are carrying are. They do this because these bugs know very well that the north of the Zerg is very barren.

That was their original habitat, but due to their over-exploitation of resources, it had turned into a desert. Only the weakest and most marginalized Queen Mothers would be sent here.

If you want to fight here and build an army here, you'd better find a way to bring enough organic matter. In theory, it is indeed possible to synthesize organic matter through photosynthesis, but the synthesis speed is not very fast, and it also lacks some important special substances. If the organic matter synthesized through photosynthesis lacks some important minerals, It itself cannot satisfy the life cycle.

Therefore, those huge packages carry more important life-sustaining substances than ordinary organic matter, substances that cannot be recycled in the desert.

Five demigod-level Zerg queens. After arriving in the desert, we found the largest river here. Choose on the river. Build your own base, the reason is simple.

If you want to synthesize organic matter, the most essential things are carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is not lacking anywhere, but water is still quite precious in the desert. You must find a river with a large enough flow to supply them. consumption.

In fact, if they really open up the production of Zerg, even so, a wide river is not enough for them to consume. After all, they consume too fast, and there is almost no upper limit to the production of Zerg. Regardless of environmental pressure, they have no upper limit on the production of cannon fodder and can continue to increase production capacity.

However, these five queens are preparing to create elites to fight against the strong men of the elves. They can feel that the strong men of the elves are also the elites of the elves. There are no large-scale troops and no immigrants from the elves. .

This means that it is most suitable for a relatively small number of relatively strong individuals to deal with these invading powerful elves. If a large army is launched, it will not have a very good effect. The reason is simple. If the opponent If you find that you can't beat them, you can just run away. These strong men have very strong escape abilities. If they want to run away, it will be difficult to catch them. However, there are no immigrants or armies in the Elf Empire, which means These top experts have nothing to worry about and basically don't need to try to hold on to the defensive line. They can escape at any time if they want to.

The process of the Zerg producing elite strong men is actually a process similar to raising gu, where a large number of elite worms with evolutionary potential are put together. Then let them devour each other. The one who survives in the end is the strongest elite. For the Queen Mother, who can produce almost unlimited bugs, this level of devouring is nothing. What they want is to be able to raise the strongest elite bugs in the process.

Therefore, some bugs with combat prowess close to the legendary level were probably selected from dozens or millions of bugs, and only after fierce fighting could they achieve their current strength.

And beside the river, such killings were going on every moment. The corpses of bugs were lifted out of the canyon one by one, and more bugs were still in good condition. Being thrown into the canyon, in this way, the most powerful bug can be trained.

Jason had actually discovered these five Queen Queens a long time ago, but he asked his people to stand still and wait until these Queen Queens created their favorite bugs before launching a surprise attack.

Now these queens are still at a disadvantage. They are very vigilant. Once they find someone noticing, they will run away quickly, and their means of escaping are very diverse.

Sometimes it even involves killing one's own current body. Then the operation of reincarnation in another body far away. In this case, it can be said that it is quite difficult to catch him alive.

The most likely way to cooperate with the other party. Just let them successfully create their own favorite soldiers. At this time, the Zerg usually relax their vigilance. This is also their best chance to launch a sneak attack and capture these queens alive.

As for the elite bugs that were created, they are not afraid of their current Elf Expeditionary Force at all. The most powerful among these bugs are only legendary level. The only thing worth mentioning is that the number of legendary level can It becomes very large, and there may be dozens or hundreds of them at the same time.

But this is nothing to the Elf Expeditionary Army. The entire Elf Expeditionary Army is composed of half of the top powerhouses in the Elf Empire. Even if only half of the people are taking action now, they are still more than 200 spiritual level warriors. Fighting these bugs It's like crushing him. If he wasn't worried about the other party escaping, he would have already gone up by this time.

The five Queen Mothers felt a vague sense of uneasiness, as if some danger was approaching. However, as their elite Zerg race was completed, this sense of crisis was greatly weakened.

Everyone is protected by four or five legendary-level bugs, which makes them feel very safe. This does not include the part that patrols the outside and is responsible for reconnaissance. On average, each demigod-level bug can create hundreds of legendary-level subordinate bugs.

It is precisely because of this that their fighting power in the human world can be so strong, and they can not take the Elf Empire, which is ranked higher than themselves, in their eyes.

However, soon, the Fifth Queen discovered a problem. They began to lose contact with the bugs who were conducting reconnaissance work on the periphery one after another. It seemed that in an instant, they were completely unable to sense their presence.

Then the bugs patrolling the outskirts of their territory began to lose contact. This situation immediately made them restless. The disappearance of such bugs likely means the enemy has arrived at the door.

And as they really saw the enemy, and saw Fang cutting melons and vegetables, and getting rid of their guardians, they finally became completely desperate.

[To be continued]

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