Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 111: Queen Mother Transformation

The five demigod-level queens never dreamed that they would meet the main force of the Elf Empire, and that they would be the main force among the main forces, including all super powerful people at the spiritual level. In theory, For a super strong man of this level, just one of them would be enough to wipe out all five of them.

Faced with such a desperate situation, they finally gave up their struggle and were forced to sign a contract. However, when they reached the level of demigods, it was difficult to erase their self-consciousness. They could only add more constraints to them, so that They have no chance of resisting while doing their job.

After completing two successful captures, the Elf Expeditionary Force temporarily stopped and continued southward. Instead, he chose an area in the area he occupied, where the land was not completely deserted, and let the queens who had been captured by him settle there.

These queens themselves can be transformed to a certain extent. The Zerg are not very high in magical talent. What is more powerful lies in their biotechnology. These biotechnology are engraved in their instincts. It can be continuously produced through bloodline and mutation.

The same is the power of blood. There is a huge difference between the blood of the Zerg and the blood of the Dragon. The former mutates more powerfully and accumulates strong genetic material through constant mutation, thereby constantly making itself stronger. The dragon is just the opposite. . The more they return to their ancestors, the stronger they become. One of the most powerful ancestors of the dragon clan is the time and space dragon Aiolia, who is a strong man at the level of the innate saint. He is already at the top of the world. In theory, as long as he keeps getting close to his bloodline, he can continue to get stronger, almost without getting online.

This is also because he is too strong. Even if most living beings work hard for a lifetime, they will not be able to reach his height, just like the Zerg. Even if they have strong evolutionary capabilities, their individuals are likely to win in their lifetime and cannot evolve to the strength of the innate saint. At least so far, no innate saint has been born in the reorganization.

Judging from the current situation, if it is just this kind of evolution, even in the future, it will be difficult for them to give birth to an innate saint, because the genetic technology of this world also has its limits, and the life technology of this world can also be Touching the upper limit, all those with double helix genetic material essentially come from the power of the original snake, and the original snake is actually just an innate saint.

The elves can now transform the Zerg,

At present, it is only limited to the level of mortal things. It probably can only make these insects in the mortal world stronger. As for breaking through to a higher realm, it may not have any effect.

First of all, the major magicians of the elves have made some changes to the images of these bugs. Although the image of the white cicada looks good, it is obviously not in line with the aesthetics of the elves. The most suitable The aesthetics of a race are usually the individuals of their own race.

Of course, we do not rule out the special situation of humans encountering cats. After all, some animals may grow into the aesthetic range of intelligent creatures.

Many strong men from the Elf Tribe unanimously decided to change the appearance of these bugs into the appearance of Elf Tribe women. This did not do much damage to the functionality of these bugs. Even if they became humanoid, they could still maintain their previous appearance. Ability, after all, their most important abilities are accomplished through the bugs they produce, and they themselves do not have very strong combat effectiveness.

Jason is mainly responsible for the transformation project. After all, he is now recognized as the strongest magic prop maker. This template is also the most suitable for him to make. Of course, everyone present is actually very aware of this. Where did the title of the most powerful magic item maker come from?

In fact, they all came from the rewards from their current common master, so during the process of transformation, they were actually constantly soliciting Cheng Ying's opinions.

"It's great to transform it into an elf look. You don't want to transform it into a human look, right? Although the appearance of humans and elves are not much different, if it is transformed into that shape, it will not be affected by the elves. Welcome, the specific image can be decided by you. As for the internal structure, I can help you make certain adjustments.

This part of the design drawing you uploaded before still has many flaws. I will open up some of the computing permissions and let you re-compute the design drawing and formulate a brand new design plan. "

Although the main function of the Tree of Wisdom is to design the most suitable cultivation path for various intelligent creatures, occasionally using its huge amount of knowledge to calculate the designed magic props is not a big problem.

"First of all, the biggest problem in your design is that all the enhancements are aimed at the Zerg Queen itself but you have not considered that the most powerful part of the reorganization is their copying ability.

You strengthen the Zerg Queen herself. But the bugs he created did not become stronger. At most, the speed of creating bugs is slightly increased. This level of enhancement is really too limited.

In order for bugs to be equally strengthened, all we need to do is to make the magic runes we design have the property of self-replication.

It is somewhat difficult to achieve this. You are relatively inexperienced, so it is understandable that you do not perform well enough in this regard. In this way, I have several simplified self-replicating formations here. You can follow the logic I provided, add the spells you want to these formations, and add them to the Queen's reproductive organs. Other insects born in the future will also have similar spells added to them.

Of course, you can also decide independently. Which spell is needed to produce bugs, and which one is not? This aspect depends on your needs. The spell slots above are limited, you can add your own and combine them freely, so that different queens can have different skill combinations. "

After receiving the information from their master, these top elves also felt the gap between them. What Cheng Ying took out. It is directly modularized into a system. Compared with their patchwork, punk-style operation is really too professional.

It's as if a professional team has been working behind the scenes for a long time and conducted a series of simulations.

How much time did it take? They got the simulation data and found a way to carry out the transformation. The transformation process was also carried out through bionic structures. First, they needed to remove the original cells of the queen. Similar to ordinary mammalian stem cells, but more versatile than these stem cells. Any one can theoretically differentiate into a mother queen. Using these cells to construct structures in the body can allow these structures to appear directly in future divisions. Inside the created bug.

Extracting these cells for cloning is not a particularly easy task, because as an extraordinary creature, the Zerg have many abilities, and they consume a lot of nutrients. Especially in the process of self-replication, it requires not only ordinary organic matter as nutrients, but also huge amounts of energy, which requires huge external energy sources to support it. The best thing is the extraordinary power of magic.

Fortunately, most of these strong men in the elves are powerful magicians, and they have no shortage of magic power in their bodies. In this way, a large amount of magic power can be injected into the petri dish and enough raw materials can be obtained.

The next step is to modify the reproductive organs of the Queen Mother and use these cells to carve illegally on its inner wall. Although the accuracy is not at the nanometer level, the basic accuracy needs to be accurate to the level of a cell, so that it is possible to Build as complete a complex system as possible in the smallest possible space.

In this way, there will be enough space for the various spells constructed. While carrying out these transformations, the genetic material of these queens will also be modified to a certain extent, but this transformation will be much easier. It only takes a certain amount of radiation exposure to their bodies after their body transformation to allow them to adapt to their current physical condition. Then leave this template of the current physical state in your own genetic material.

This is much more convenient than normal genetic variation. After all, if a normal person has their appendix removed, their offspring will still have this appendix and will not inherit it.

However, it is possible for the Zerg descendants to inherit this non-genetic mutation. As long as this mutation is beneficial, under certain stimulation, the genetic material may be reversely modified, leading to changes at the genetic level.

In addition to the transformation at the biological level, they also obtained another transformation plan, which is the transformation at the mechanical level. If these bugs are produced purely by relying on biological processes, it would still be too slow. Today's technology Mechanical equipment can also be similar to the base vehicle in Red Alert. With enough resources, I can realize the ability to manufacture my own, and such mechanical equipment can be used to reorganize the Queen's outer armor or even his vehicle.

Normally, the Zerg Queen wants to create her own troops. What you need to rely on is spawning.

The eggs he lays will not be very sick. The first batch will only be about the size of a fingernail. They will hatch into a series of small bugs, collect resources, and then store these resources together. Some of them will be eaten by the queen to obtain more. Nutrition. The other part supports more eggs that are laid.

These eggs are soaked in their special nutrient solution and will grow slowly, becoming larger and larger, and will eventually hatch into larger bugs, and so on. The size of the eggs laid by the queen is usually only found in quails. Between egg and chicken egg size, and what really makes them look huge is the nests they built to hatch these eggs. These nests are also made of flesh and blood structures, and are also hatched from his eggs, but because the structure is extremely It's simple. A very small egg can hatch into a large area.

Although such incubation efficiency is already very high and an incubation pool can be established outside the body, if you want to improve it to a more efficient level, it is theoretically possible.

The reuse effect of biological incubators is worse than that of metal mechanical incubators. Their advantage is that they are easy to establish. They can be constructed with the same flesh and blood structure. The difficulty of establishment is much smaller, but now it is Most incubation pools can only be used once. Although it does not take much time to rebuild, the accumulated costs are actually not low when long-term operations or long-term construction are required.

Therefore, when necessary, the metal structure on the Queen's body will be reorganized and assembled into an existence similar to a base vehicle, to search for surrounding minerals, and then establish a permanent factory.

The bugs can also be hatched separately during the incubation process, and the final assembly efficiency will be greatly improved.

For example, the head and torso are separated, the limbs are also manufactured separately, and then modularized. Different types of bugs can be equipped with different types of limbs. Those that need to be dug can be equipped with devices such as drills, and those that need to fight can be installed. Install some powerful pliers or a flamethrower.

And these things can be disassembled, which means that the bugs responsible for fighting can also replace their limbs with types used for digging when they do not need to fight.

And when the enemy has reached the door, the bugs originally responsible for mining can also quickly arm themselves and become the last force of resistance.

In addition, it is more convenient to have a mechanical structure. The design of bugs in the air. Before this, bugs in the sky were generally similar to dragonflies or beetles. Their flight speed and flexibility were indeed quite high, but The disadvantage is that the quality that can be carried is low, and the energy consumption is also fast, and the battery life is very short.

There are indeed those who can avoid this flaw, and that is Zerg, which are similar to atmospheric creatures. They can be suspended in the air like jellyfish suspended in water. Before this, the air combat method chosen for reorganization was to use these air jellyfish as gas stations. Replenish energy for those flying bugs.

However, with the advent of mechanized design, the energy source of air units can be replaced by micro nuclear reactors. Battery life will no longer be a problem. They can even fly in the air all the time. The capacity can also become much larger, which can be regarded as a complete complement. It eliminates the shortcomings of the Zerg in one aspect of the air force. uuread a book

After a series of transformations, although these bugs are still at the demigod level, if they are allowed to face a strong person at the spiritual level, the endless variety of abilities and the perfect combination of military units will definitely defeat the opponent. It feels very tricky, and the strength of various abilities has completely increased to a higher level than before being transformed.

[To be continued]

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