Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 115: Human Heart

Jack no longer knew how many days it had been since he was captured by these insects. Every day he lived in the world of insects was like hell to him.

The bugs hardly treated it as an intelligent creature. He was placed in the same warehouse with a group of corpses, many of which were the corpses of his compatriots. The remaining limbs and broken arms of the elves could be seen around him. Likewise, There were also the carcasses of other animals and plants. This seemed to be a spare granary, and he was captured as a spare food.

This was very depressing news for him. There was nothing more terrifying than being eaten by bugs after death.

The desperate situation made him want to commit suicide, but he did not do it in the end because he knew that it was meaningless. As a backup food, there was no difference between living and dying. Even if he died, his body would still be eaten.

If you are alive, you may still have a chance, such as finding a chance to get a fire and burning yourself to death in the flames, or a more heavenly fantasy, such as finding an opportunity and successfully escaping. He knew that it was almost impossible, but he still couldn't help but fantasize among this pile of corpses.

Just as he was thinking this, a strange voice came from the corner, but at least that voice spoke the language of the elves.

The voice was very weak, but he could barely hear it clearly, as if he was trying his best: "Come here, kid!"

Looking for the source of the sound, digging through the ruins bit by bit, searching for the person who had just made the sound amidst the stench of rotting corpses.

At least they should be his tribesmen, which made him full of hope. In such a liberating environment, having one of his tribesmen by his side would make him more courageous even if he goes to death.

Among the broken limbs, it soon found the source of the sound. It was a strong man whose lower body had disappeared. He was said to be strong because Jack felt at least legendary level strength in this man. In this way People can be considered strong among the elves, at least much stronger than someone like him who is only at the third level.

The strong man who had lost his lower body seemed very excited after seeing him. He called him over and said in a hoarse voice: "I don't have much life left. It's almost impossible to escape from here. But you are different. Your body is not weak. If you can inherit my power, it is possible to escape. The insects are carrying out a terrible conspiracy, and we must bring the information back. However, no one can know this information, including yourself. You can only return to the Elf Empire and let the corresponding intelligence officer interpret the information.

I hope you can help me store this information and escape alive. This is my last wish. "

The elf, with only half his body left, was very weak. But he still repeated his words over and over again, as if he was talking to Jack but not.

"Senior, are you okay, senior? Can you see me? I found some water." Jack poured some water from his pot into the mouth of the strong elf. After drinking the water, the strong man seemed to be unconscious. He has recovered a bit and is no longer repeating himself like a machine.

And his current state is like a comeback, and it looks like Jack's eyes are full of hope.

"Your body is healthy, at least you are still healthy. I will give you the seeds of my power. You must find a way to escape and return to the elves. Tell all this to the strong men in the elves, and they will start from there. The information is read from your body.

Now follow my example and use my extraordinary power in your body. When you become familiar with the operation of this power, I will pass on the seeds of my power to you. You may be able to escape by relying on him. My information is sealed in your body. As long as you return to the elf group, they can read the information on you.

You carry the fate of thousands of people on your shoulders. All of this can only be left to you. Remember every instruction I give you. My power seeds are very powerful, at least for you now. , I must always maintain the operation of power in order to maintain the existence of the seeds of my power.

I can't stop this kind of maintenance until I reach the elves' territory. At that time, the seeds of my power will call out and call out my connector. "

Jack felt a strong sense of mission and tremendous pressure on his shoulders. He can't even protect himself. He was actually faced with the task of delivering important information, but he had no choice but to seriously memorize the route of the extraordinary power in his body, and then repeat this route again and again.

After repeating it enough times, this operation route has become an instinct for him. At this time, the strong elf family who was holding his breath finally showed a smile on his face.

"If you did it, I know you can do it. Accept my last strength. This process may be a little painful, but I believe you can endure it."

A huge energy. was injected into Jack's body. He felt that his body was being filled. If it weren't for the special skills he had been running, he would not be able to carry such a huge power. Only at this moment did he realize how big the gap was between himself and the real legendary level. It seemed that he There is only one level difference from the legendary level, but the huge difference in strength level between them is almost insurmountable.

The pain caused by the huge energy injection almost made him faint, but the sense of mission in his heart supported him to endure it tenaciously. And as he accepted this power, he felt that he had become obviously different. More powerful.

At this time, if you look at the strong man from the Elf clan, he has slowly closed his eyes, the color on his face has begun to turn gray, and your vitality has begun to dry up.

"Senior, how are you, senior? Are you okay?" Jack soon found that he did not need to continue asking, because the body of this elf senior was slowly turning into dust. He should have used all his strength to All were transferred to Jack, and now Jack seems to have become his last hope and his last hope in delivering information.

No matter how to escape, this is what Jack is thinking now. He has now gained powerful power, and all he needs is a chance to escape. However, he seemed extremely calm and did not take action immediately, but observed. The situation here, with the bugs opening the warehouse regularly, he was observing the patterns in the process.

After summarizing the rules, he determined that the next time a bug would open the warehouse would be 72 hours later, and that opening of the warehouse would be the longest one. Special bugs would come to take out food from the warehouse and put the food away. There was no inspection during the process of sending the food to the transport truck, and it did not check whether the food was alive, but he had seen the transport truck outside the insect territory.

Theoretically, these transport vehicles would pass through some less well-defended places. He once led troops to conduct sneak attacks on these transport vehicles. If you can pretend to be a corpse, you can theoretically get in there.

In this way, he threw himself at the door of the warehouse, which was the most likely place to be captured. Three days later, the door of the warehouse opened, and insects crawled over. They were like cranes, grabbing the ground. The things that might be used as food were transported to the transport truck. Jack, who pretended to be a corpse, was not found. He was picked up by the insect's claws and thrown into the transport truck like garbage, and then he was thrown into the transport truck. One corpse after another was thrown up. It was quickly buried underneath.

No one noticed that there was a panting person here, and the transport truck rumbled out. It was said that the car was actually a bug, but this bug had evolved wheels, and could make the wheels rotate by the wriggling of its muscles. In a relatively flat area, the ease of movement and energy saving are much better than those bugs that use their legs to crawl.

The transport truck quickly drove out of the warehouse. It seemed to be a long-distance transport. After leaving the warehouse, it came to a vast desert. There was a narrow road in the desert. This road passed through a certain distance. The degree of hardening allows such vehicles to drive at high speeds.

In other areas, it is a piece of yellow sand with no bugs or elves. It is a land that has no value after being developed.

He didn't know how long this desert was, but after feeling that he was far enough away from the previous territory, Jack knew it was time to leave. He began to mobilize the power given to him by his predecessors, and then a violent energy erupted from his body. The explosion broke out from his body, and the transport truck blew a big hole in the middle, while he was heading north at high speed.

Although he didn't know exactly where the elves were, one thing was certain. The elven army must be in the north.

The sudden escape made all the bugs unaware of what had happened. By the time they wanted to pursue them, it was already too late. Jack had already flown out. He didn't know how far away. He put all his energy on the inheritance. With the control of that power, he relied on this control ability to show super speed that other beings could not achieve at all. In this way, he left the convoy far behind and the pursuit of the Zerg behind him.

When he gradually stopped, he was exhausted, but he was also far away from the Zerg pursuit.

He began a difficult trek in the desert. Although his body was healthy, it was still a torment to move forward in this desert with no resources.

He began to become weaker and weaker, but the belief of returning to the Elf Pearl River to pass on important information still supported him to keep moving forward.

Finally he saw the smoke, and some elves discovered him. They surrounded him with great vigilance and came up with guns pointed at him. Jack didn't resist at all. He raised his hands and allowed them to surround him and conduct a simple inspection on him.

He was almost in a coma at this time, and his tribe was very serious about his examination. They soon became convinced that he was a real elf, and found his identity registration in the military system, which was in the previous war. A lost elf, after confirming this point, they immediately became enthusiastic, put him in the car, and transported him towards Fang.

After learning that he had important information on him, he was even transported to the important stronghold of the elves.

He said that he didn't know how to get out the information on his body, but as long as he reached the territory of the elves and released the power stored in him by his predecessors, he could pass the information to the contact.

The other elves advised him not to rush to release the energy in his body. Maybe the connector was not in this area, but he said that his body was almost unable to bear it and could not continue to maintain the existence of the previous power. He could use this The maintenance method is left to others. Even if the information transmission fails, this part of the power can be collected by others and stored safely.

It is precisely because of this that other elves allowed him to release the power of the strong.

They are also waiting for the contact person to appear. The internal power system of the elves is also complicated, and there are many secret agencies. Even the higher-ranking military commanders are not sure that they have mastered all military secrets. So I didn't choose to block it.

And finally returned to the territory of the elves, Jack could finally stop the martial arts that were constantly running in his body. According to what his senior told him, as long as he stopped the martial arts in his body, Yue Han's power in his body would Release it and send out a strong signal to summon the connector.

But as he gradually stopped the movement of energy in his body, the situation seemed a little different from what he imagined. The power in his body did not disappear, nor did it leave him. Instead, it became larger and larger after he stopped functioning, as if It has lost some kind of suppression and is constantly expanding.

He felt something was wrong and wanted to shout loudly, but it was too late. In the center of the military camp, he turned into a huge ball of light, and then began to expand rapidly. This scene was witnessed by many people. They had seen it from a distance, but appearing so close to them brought them nothing but despair. This was the kind of super weapon from before, a terrifying weapon that could kill countless elves instantly, and this time It turned out to be brought back by their own tribe.

If the human heart is exploited, it will often become an extremely terrifying weapon. Jack realized a problem before he died, that is, he had never doubted the weak elf senior he met. The Zerg could almost tell his own appearance. Pretend to be anything. Why did he believe that the one he saw was the real elf?

[To be continued]

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