Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 116 Zerg Wise Man

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When the violent explosion occurred, it was already too late. Even if the elf being used realized what had happened, there was nothing he could do at this time. The first person destroyed by the explosion was himself.

Jack regretted extremely how he had fallen for such a simple trick, but in that case, there was actually no possibility for him not to be fooled. In such an environment, a senior elf suddenly appeared and secretly trusted him. , how many people can doubt it, and there are no conditions that can be verified in that environment.

In this way, Jack brought the most dangerous bomb to one of the most densely populated areas of the elves.

This was one of the heaviest losses suffered by the Elf expeditionary force. There were more than one elf who sent the bomb. There were many deceived elves in the same group, and they almost all set off at the same time. The other party was obviously trying to There was some internal coordination to let the elves go. Even if this situation was discovered, there was no time to take any precautions.

The light of the explosion swallowed up the entire military camp, and similar situations occurred three times in total. The sizes of the Elven military camps destroyed varied. The most severe loss was the loss of nearly one million elves. Even after encountering the bombing of this super weapon for the first time, the elves adjusted their military deployment. Spread more people out.

However, in some logistics bases, the number of elves is still quite dense. The most devastating explosion occurred in such a base. It not only killed a large number of elves working in the later stage, but also killed a large number of The elves are doing logistical supplies.

This large-scale attack using humanoids caused huge losses to the elves, which can be regarded as reversing the successive failures of the Zerg in frontline tactics.

Their tactics on the front line were very unsatisfactory, because there was a huge gap between the equipment of their own bugs and those modified by the elves, and they would gradually fall into a disadvantage during the battle. This was almost impossible to do with ingenuity. changed.

The person who came up with this trick before was actually considered a wise man among the Zerg tribe. Of course, the wise men among insects are also divided into high and low levels, and the wise men of all major races are also like this.

The wise man who came up with this idea was not that powerful. He could only be said to have completed his task relatively well, but it was difficult to find a way to change the situation of the battle.

This is a demigod-level bug. As the Mother Queen, she has mastered a relatively advanced production base. She knows that she is not the smartest type, so she can only do her best to turn the tide of the war. Probably the best in military command.

In fact, he has now done very incredible things, causing the elves the greatest losses since the beginning of the war.

Next, he plans to learn how to transform the elf team's own nest. The kind of mechanized equipment and magical devices can theoretically give birth to him, and even carry out similar transformations on his own body.

The prerequisite for doing all this is to capture a queen mother who has been transformed by the elves.

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This is not an easy task for them who are at an almost absolute disadvantage on the battlefield, but when super weapons have just appeared on the battlefield and are not yet understood by everyone, they can still do it with a certain strategy. Arrived.

Just like he used people's hearts to send bombs to the core before, he did the same this time. He used the strong elves' desire to go home and their thoughts similar to fallen leaves returning to their roots to let the elves send the super The bomb brought him back to where his target was.

Then a huge explosion occurred in a modified mechanical nest. The reorganized queen at the spiritual level. The power of the refined and condensed explosion is extremely powerful.

He has already demonstrated his power in the elf group's military camp before. This time, the base of the Zerg Queen captured by the elves also showed terrifying destructive power.

The white ball of light expanded rapidly, melting the desert into magma, and all the insects in its path were wiped out. Only the queen's mother had built a strong defense and was able to defend herself against all kinds of attacks. ability, and then resisted it, but in a short period of time, the queen also became a polished commander. Under normal circumstances, it does not take long for him to re-produce enough bugs to protect himself, about an hour. Can have enough defensive power to protect itself.

However, this was without premeditation by the enemy, which was obviously not the case at the moment. Their opponents had long anticipated this situation and sent out a large number of bugs immediately after the explosion.

By mental arithmetic or unintentionally, although this brood nest with mechanized settings produced stronger troops and faster production speed, after just suffering such a heavy bombing, it was too late to make any resistance. A large number of The bugs tore apart the troops it temporarily produced. Even though the equipment of these bugs was quite different from the bugs it produced, under the absolute advantage of plastic, they still forced their way in and were transformed into He is in the form of an elf girl. He was pulled down from his throne and forcibly kidnapped and sent to an area that the elves could not touch in a short time.

This sudden attack surprised the elf, and then he had to snatch the captured bug back no matter what.

On the one hand, this bug carries important technology, and this part of the technology may be learned by other bugs. Once the Zerg learn this part of the knowledge, it will be quite troublesome.

They can copy this body structure and modify themselves to a certain extent. This will increase the overall combat effectiveness of the bugs on the battlefield, which is very detrimental to the battle situation.

However, it was too late to make amends at this time. The bugs had obviously come prepared. After catching the Queen, flying bugs immediately took the Queen away quickly.

Although the Queen is absolutely loyal to the elves, other bugs have their own ideas. Steal all the technology from this bug and the memories it carries.

And all this was the conspiracy of the wise insect, and now his plan has succeeded.

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The insect that had been completely mechanized was captured. He is learning the contents of this knowledge as quickly as possible.

In the process, he improved his wisdom system more and more, and at the same time realized the limitations of his biological production system.

In the process of observation and learning, he actually still doesn't understand many things, but that doesn't matter. The special structures in these bugs can be directly imitated to achieve the effect, and a certain degree of adjustment can be made during the imitation process. Gradually find out the principle of achieving this effect.

The wise men of the Zerg race have already begun to transform their bodies. The first thing he started to transform was his nervous system. At first they thought their brain capacity was too small, but later they gradually discovered that their brain capacity was actually enough. These mechanized bugs could better control the reorganized army, and they had a more systematic system. A modernized operating system, and other bugs also have chip-like things installed in their bodies.

Chips are actually limited in their ability to speed up thinking for queens like them, but they are very effective for these bugs. They often complain that the bugs they create are sometimes too lazy, even if they have I rarely use my brain to think.

And if they are replaced with a chip, they can write a set of programs to replace their relatively simple brains to deal with various things they encounter.

However, these procedures themselves also require a lot of mental energy, time and patience.

The wise man of Bugs has time and patience. He chose to write it himself after learning this writing method.

In fact, directly copying what the elves use is the simplest method. In theory, they can use it directly after copying, but he is worried that the elves will leave a backdoor in the process. If he learns to use it directly, then there will be many problems on the battlefield in the future. It may happen that he can control the huge insect army he created, and the elves can also control them, and then the war will become extremely cruel and chaotic.

In fact, his worries in this regard are largely unnecessary. In the future, the elf team will indeed involve similar anti-imitation functions when designing the bugs they catch.

But so far, the bugs they have caught do not involve these modules. The reason is also very simple. No one needs them. These bugs are just caught Zerg. How could anyone think of imitating them so quickly and making them? A more delicate operating system creates more mechanical modules.

But among the insects, there happened to be a wise man who was fighting against them and was quickly learning the knowledge they contained. Not only that, he is also summarizing what he needs and what kind of tactics and strategies he needs.

After observation, he found that those metal weapons were actually the easiest to prevent. Those metal machine guns, cannons, and even rockets and missiles were not difficult to make. It was just a matter of thinking. Even if they were not used Metal production can also produce existences that are relatively low-cost and equally powerful.

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We chose to make these things out of metal just so as not to waste the metal resources in these areas.

And now he can actually make similar metal equipment, but this part of the equipment is not made by himself, but directly borrowed from the elves' equipment, nanomachines and other things, he still has no way to produce them. What came out is not on the same path as his normal science and technology books, but it is already an internal program, and it has been thoroughly understood, and the individual structures of these rice machines are actually very simple. In a single structure, it is difficult to leave a back door alone.

It is not a man to borrow these materials for self-replication production and produce a large number of metal weapons. In order to ensure the safety of these metal weapons, they are always kept in the base during the production process.

It will be placed on the bug after installation. The disadvantage of this is that the bug itself does not have the ability to replicate itself, nor the ability to reproduce its own weapons. Needs his own strength.

Each bug needs to maintain and control them by itself. If it is damaged, it needs to return to the base to replace it.

In terms of convenience, there is definitely a big gap between it and the original version. In terms of performance on the battlefield, there is almost no gap.

Even because he is a bug that retains all his intelligence, his flexibility in maneuvering on the battlefield is much better than those bugs whose spirits have been castrated after being captured.

As he caught the sample he wanted and completed learning and copying it, his insect army also began to possess mechanized power. Among the weapons made of metal, the most useful ones were actually tracks and wheels.

These things are more useful than powerful weapons, because the effect of wheels made through the Blood Road Zone is much worse than those made of metal. Due to the limitations of the materials, the friction between metal and metal after lubrication is required. Much lower than flesh and blood.

Moreover, the way that flesh and blood can provide power to the wheel is much worse than that of metal. For example, in terms of forming gears, gears made of flesh and blood, not to mention the strength issues, will be much less standardized, and replacement It will be very troublesome. If the degree of standardization is not enough, there will be differences in the size of the gears. Different bugs, because of their different body shapes, may have different sizes of gears in their bodies, resulting in parts that cannot be replaced. If one If the gear is damaged, it will have to rely on its own growth, and it will have to be adjusted and run-in after it grows.

In contrast, with nanomachines, factories can be set up to mass-produce parts with the same specifications and then assemble them.

Vehicles with wheels save more energy when driving than bugs that use limbs to walk. When needed, these individuals that use wheels can move faster.

As long as they are given a high enough grip and a flat enough sprint area, they can even reach speeds faster than flying. With strong enough maneuverability, they originally suffered from firepower on the battlefield, but now It can also be recovered gradually. At present, the reorganized wise man has prepared a blitzkrieg to recover all the losses caused by the elves to them as fast as possible.

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[To be continued]

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