Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 117 The Elves’ Super Weapon

[See you soon Douluo] []

After the wise men among the insects took action, the advantages of the elves on the front line were greatly reduced. The weapons they could use were quickly learned by the insects, and because of the results achieved by the wise men among the insects in the war, they obtained The authority to call troops has also become higher. In other words, his achievements made him a general among insects, with the right to command other insects.

In this case, the battle situation on the front line becomes even more unfavorable, and from time to time there will be super bombs sent by the Zerg Queen. It is also a huge threat to ordinary soldiers of the elves.

There has even been a crisis of trust to a certain extent, and many elves can no longer trust each other. Worry that everyone might be a bomb carrier.

In order to deal with this situation, the Elf Expeditionary Army also began to manufacture its own super weapons. This kind of thing can be manufactured in the first place. The number of powerful elves in the spiritual position is much more than that of the insects. It’s just that they have tried their best before. Possible living opponents did not use it, but if you really want to know how to get this kind of weapon, it is not that difficult.

First of all, the power of nuclear bombs has almost no upper limit. Expanding the power of this weapon as much as possible can achieve large-scale and large-scale destruction.

However, there is still a huge gap between the level achieved by the Queen of Insects. To kill hundreds of kilometers in an instant, the required yield is probably tens of billions, which is very difficult to achieve even for nuclear weapons. Magnitude.

However, there are some special scientific principles in the ancient continent that can double the power of weapons. If combined with extraordinary power, even a hydrogen bomb of the Great Ivan level can explode with terrifying power far beyond imagination.

To do this, you need to compress the nuclear bomb twice after it explodes. This is relatively easy to do through magic. In the same way, you can add the energy of antimatter and antimatter to the nuclear bomb to create an annihilation bomb. The effect is It will be even scarier.

This kind of thing has a scientific name in the ancient continent, it is called a magic cannon. It uses the power of antimatter annihilation to directly create a continent on the earth.

This thing can be made by the strong elves in theory, but to make this thing, you need a lot of precious materials, and it is also quite dangerous to use, and it is very likely to blow up one of your own people.

The antimatter and antimatter used by the Magic Cannon are not extracted by technological means. In fact, if it can be achieved to this extent by pure technological means, it has almost reached its upper limit.

It is very difficult to achieve this level with limited technological means, but if you use extraordinary power to do the same thing, the difficulty will be much smaller. As long as you can extract the magic power and fairy spiritual power, then Fusion of the two forces in a special container can produce an effect similar to the annihilation of matter and antimatter.

In the original work, Pangu often used this kind of power, but the way he used this kind of power was more violent. He used this kind of power in his own body, and then triggered a violent explosion, inflicting damage to his body during the explosion. Movement provides huge kinetic energy, and then the power you can explode is almost unlimited.

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This kind of thing is used on weapons. Although it does not have the special effect of unlimited power attributes, it also has extremely powerful destructive power.

Especially now that the elven magic civilization has further developed and is almost reaching the point of the magic industrial revolution, the difficulty of designing and manufacturing this brand-new weapon will also be further reduced, and it can only be used on the battlefield. The effect will be further improved.

The two kinds of extraordinary power can be extracted by the top spiritual powerhouses themselves on the one hand, and they can also be extracted from this part of the power by the power of low-level powerhouses gathered together.

In fact, there are tools that can refine this power in other worlds. According to the setting of the prehistoric universe, one of the other worlds is the Lord of the Rings that often appears in the movie universe. The Supreme Lord of the Rings of Lord Sauron, It has a similar effect.

In a world of infinite horror, the Supreme Lord of the Rings was once used as a material for magic cannons.

This kind of terrifying weapon can now be produced relatively easily by the Elf Empire. A large amount of precious materials and a large amount of power extracted by extraordinary people are gathered together and turned into this super weapon.

The magic cannon created in front of us can be charged. After charging, it can be fired three times. The power of each time will not be inferior to the super weapon created by the Zerg Queen. After charging, the magic cannon will It can be moved freely. The volume of this thing is not particularly large. It is roughly equivalent to two water tanks spliced ​​together. It can be installed on a vehicle.

Because this thing emits energy, the recoil is not as high as expected, so the vehicle it is installed on can be something that is very fast but does not withstand the recoil that strongly, such as a high-speed fighter jet.

Precisely because this thing can have extremely high speed, when facing the enemy, there is no need to try to transport the bomb to the enemy's dense area through misdirection and other means like the Zerg Queen.

The elves only need to throw bombs on the fighter jets, and then fly to the enemy's position at high speed for bombing.

Of course, the effect of this kind of bombing is actually not as good as the killing effect caused by the super bomb used by the Zerg Queen to explode within the elves.

Because bugs don't gather together like the elves, at least the wise queens don't, although the queen is very precious to them. But at most one queen can be eliminated at a time. The efficiency of this super weapon is still a bit low.

The elves have always been able to make this kind of weapon. Even the Tree of Wisdom can do it when it is not open to them. It has not been used when attacking the Zerg. The biggest reason is that if this weapon is used, the Queen will be killed. If they were all blown into powder together, then they would have lost the greatest significance of this war.

There were almost no resources in the Zerg's territory, and everything was naturally devoured by them. The most precious thing for them was themselves. The purpose of the Elf's war itself was to obtain more Zerg to satisfy their desire to develop their own territory. need.

Therefore, even if the fighter jets in the sky discover the Queen's nest, they usually will not attack the nest directly, but will slightly deflect the attack's weak points, so that the Queen has a high probability of surviving the explosion, and In the mother nest, the large number of Zerg soldiers he accumulated would be killed instantly in the process.

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The bomb has fallen from the sky. To be precise, it is a white light emitted from the fighter jet in the sky. The magic cannon is not large in size. Because of this, it is difficult to be discovered during investigation and difficult to advance in advance. Get defensive.

The white light in the sky is not particularly obvious. If you judge it based on intuition, you will just regard it as an ordinary laser cannon.

But the Queen of Insects had a keen premonition of this devastating attack. After sensing something was wrong, she immediately ordered the defense facilities near her nest to attack the light beam in the sky.

However, it was too late to launch an attack at this time. In fact, when the light beam was launched in the sky, it was already too late. Only by destroying the fighter jet and the magic cannon before launching can the destruction be prevented. .

Once the cannonball is fired, it is almost impossible to stop it, unless there is enough power to completely suppress the explosion. But if there is this level of power, there is no need to be afraid of the magic cannon.

The white beam of light did not hit any target, but just bombarded the ground, as if nothing happened. However, the white light began to erupt from the location where he was hit, and a ball of light expanded from the location where he was hit, and antimatter began annihilation with positive matter.

In fact, this beam of light itself is the most terrifying weapon of destruction, because it can annihilate each other with positive matter, which means that everything it hits can be converted into energy. If this focuses on hitting a strong person at the spiritual level, theoretically it will burst out. The energy is enough to kill the opponent instantly.

This is what is so scary about this weapon. Unfortunately, the elves' purpose is to capture the Zerg alive. This weapon will not directly target the Zerg Queen, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of this weapon.

The target location of the attack is about four kilometers outside the Queen's mother's court. This distance is still very close, but with the Queen's strong defense ability, it is theoretically possible to survive in such a harsh environment.

For the elves, it is enough to survive. It is best to be as weak as possible, so that they can encounter less trouble during the capture process.

The white ball of light expanded rapidly, and wherever it passed, the earth shattered and melted. Everything was wiped out in front of him. Only the Zerg mother nest was supported by its strong defense, but thousands of people were also bombed in the explosion. Full of holes.

Compared with the Zerg, who need to use their super weapons carefully, the Elf, which sends stronger men with more quantity and higher quality, is much more arrogant.

The magic hole cannon in the sky was directly used by them as a weapon to open the way. After confirming that it hit the Zerg nest, the magic hole cannon in the sky started firing continuously, and one ball of light appeared on the ground one after another. These light balls connected the pioneers of the elves to the attacked reorganized territory, using violent explosions to open up a safe road. After the explosion, the hot magma-filled ground was indeed difficult to move forward, but also on this road, There is almost no other danger, and everything that may be alive will be reduced to ashes in the ferocious explosion.

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The army of elves only needs to march straight along the road opened by the explosion, and then they can rush to the bombed empress as quickly as possible and capture her.

The Zerg were also hit by super weapons and suffered heavy losses. The traces left by the explosions of some super weapons in the desert may not dissipate within a few months. At this time, if we can attack the Zerg in nine days, If you look down, you can see circular magma pits on the desert. Those are the remnants of the explosion.

After the huge energy was released, it was eventually converted into heat energy, turning a radius of a hundred miles into a magma lake.

The strong man of the elves. Following the traces of the explosion to capture the Zerg, they did not use traditional vehicles for marching, but high-temperature-resistant boats.

Their ships can travel on magma, and the high-temperature-resistant materials themselves are not afraid of melting. There is also a cockpit that is isolated from the outside world, so that the people in the ship do not need to endure the high temperatures outside and can fly quickly above the ocean of magma. Feel purposeful.

The desert is now filled with such magma lakes. A large number of lakes are connected together to form a wide and long river, but what flows in it is not water, but hot magma.

Of course, sometimes it is not just magma. After a few months have passed and they have cooled down a little, they can see that some of the hot rivers are actually liquid glass. There may be a kind of liquid glass in the desert in the future. A very strange scene is to see rivers made of pure glass one after another in the desert. From a distance, they look like ordinary river water, and they even sparkle and reflect light under the sun.

But when you get closer, you will find that these seemingly turbulent rivers have actually been frozen, like sculptures in time, something stronger than the ice.

The elves' attacks continued, and almost the entire desert was burned into a huge glass ball. The Zerg also realized that the elves' attack this time was definitely not simple.

At first, they thought it was just a private decision made by a few spiritual powerhouses, but after such strong attacks appeared so frequently, they realized that the number of powerhouses taking the initiative this time was far beyond their imagination, and there might be three. Several spiritual level experts, this is almost an overwhelming force.

The Zerg race also entered a state of war readiness at this time, and the entire race entered a state of emergency. One queen after another was dispatched to the front line, and followed the commander's deployment and began to establish a defense line, mobilizing the power of the entire Zerg race to invade the elves. Resist.

However, they still made a certain degree of miscalculation regarding the manpower dispatched by the elves this time. The number of spiritual level powerhouses dispatched by the elves this time is likely to reach the four-digit level. In addition to the veteran powerhouses, With the popularization of new cultivation techniques and the development of everyone's potential, a new batch of powerful people have gradually begun to exist at the spiritual level. On the current front line, the number of spiritual powerhouses may be less than a thousand. , but over time the number is likely to far exceed this number.

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[To be continued]

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