Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 120 Collision Upgrade

[See you soon Douluo] []

Continuous explosions swept through the entire Zerg army, and countless bugs were wiped out in the explosions. Even the Queen of the Zerg, who could continuously produce bugs, felt extremely pained by this loss.

Even several queens were affected by the explosion. Fortunately, they had the ability to control the substances in their bodies, and they were not affected by the explosion and died along with them.

But their fate on the front line was not good either. These queens are too close to the front line, and all the bugs around them have been killed by the previous explosions. Now they are equivalent to bare commanders.

This is the most convenient state for the elves to capture. The insect swarms are not attractive to them. Their territory is also not valued by the elves. The only thing of value is the queen herself.

For a moment, the powerful elves came out in full force, looking more like they were going to rob. They quickly found the locations of several queens, and quickly captured them before they could produce enough bugs. .

The luck of these elven expeditionary forces is also quite good. Among the queens they captured, there is even one with a spiritual status. In theory, a strong person of this level should not be reduced to this situation, but the previous group of great The impact of the explosion was so great that even if the bugs he created were more powerful, they were not spared. They all became fuel during the explosion.

After losing the bug, although a strong man of this level is still powerful, he is naturally no match against elves of the same level.

It's like after the summoner loses all the summoned objects, he is obviously no match for a magician of the same level.

This glorious victory did not last long, more bugs came up, and when the elves used similar weapons again, the effect was greatly reduced. Usually, a series of explosions can only last for two or three rounds before stopping. After two or three rounds, the bugs explode and the mucus produced no longer has the effect of continuing to detonate. And the cost of this weapon itself is actually relatively expensive. If it cannot achieve the effect of large-scale detonation, it will not have much advantage on the battlefield compared with conventional weapons.

However, at this time, the elves' magic cannon also fired. In order to temporarily design the ability to withstand such serial explosions, the bugs' attack and defense capabilities were greatly weakened, and they also suffered losses under the attack of the magic cannon. Tragic, but this level of loss is still acceptable to the endless bugs.

And as they become more familiar with the principles of that kind of explosion, it becomes easier and easier to adjust their body structure to resist that kind of serial explosion, and their offensive and defensive capabilities are recovering rapidly.

Jason also realized this and led his Elf Expeditionary Force to quickly complete a charge. He saw that the Zerg now needed to expend a lot of energy to be immune to explosions. It was natural to take action at this time, while the bugs were weak. Go engage in decapitation tactics and capture the Queen.

Other forces among the elves cannot do this. They cannot assemble so many top powerhouses. If they want to capture the Queen surrounded by insects, they must have enough strong men. The greater the number, the more people will be freed up to capture and suppress the Queen.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

Although the combat power of these queens is much weaker than that of strong men of the same level, to ensure that they can be suppressed, at least one strong man of the same level is needed.

While suppressing them, they must also guard against attacks from surrounding groups. Only a large number of top powerhouses need to unite to complete such a task.

Even if many top powerhouses gather together, there is still a lot of risk in completing such a task. Bugs are not all fools. After discovering that someone is arresting them unscrupulously, they will undoubtedly launch a counterattack and use Super weapons or other types of attacks, or even a death-type attack. Some attacks are too late to avoid even if they are discovered. Jason also faces this problem. But among his team are top players.

Moreover, those who participated in this operation have gone through a round of re-training. Not only have they reached their original state, they have basically improved, but they are also relatively strong in terms of resistance to attacks.

Although magicians are not good at defense, they can cast defensive spells by themselves. to enhance their physical defense. When there are spells for defense, the defense power is even higher than that of warriors of the same level.

After their decapitation tactics were discovered, the bugs began a frantic counterattack.

For bugs, no matter how much the loss is, low-level questions are acceptable. Only the loss of the Queen was unacceptable.

A large number of bugs swept past, including many bugs equipped with super weapons that could self-destruct. In the past, those weapons that had to be carried by relatively strong and highly intelligent individuals were, to some extent, because the makers were not strong enough.

When the real masters among the Zerg take action, the conditions for carrying these super weapons are no longer as harsh as before. Those low-level bugs with little intelligence can also carry such super weapons.

Under this situation, suicide attacks emerged one after another, and explosions occurred one after another among the masters of the elves. These bugs were the best at using suicide attacks.

They are tools in themselves, and they will not feel distressed no matter how many people die. In this case, many bugs are created specifically for the purpose of self-destruction.

They carry cheap explosives in their bodies, and their life span is also very short. It will only take a short time for them to die. In this short life, they will search for the target of their attack like a missile. Then dive bomb.

One or two won't have much impact on the elves' masters' acquisition, but these things usually appear overwhelmingly. Every time they appear, the number is in the tens of thousands.

Continuous explosions may not be able to break the shield, but they are also a huge drain on the shield's energy.

The carpet of bacteria placed on the ground by the Zerg will also absorb the power of extraordinary beings to a certain extent, keeping their power in a suppressed state. Under this environment, it is very difficult for extraordinary people to exert their strong strength. of.

That is to say, these extraordinary beings attacking the Zerg are powerful, and their ability to control extraordinary power and the total amount of extraordinary power are very high. Only then can we continue to move forward despite this pressure.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

However, the road ahead is also full of death. From time to time, there will be a huge explosion that destroys the world and the earth. The huge ball of light will engulf all the bugs around it. As for the Zerg themselves, they don't care about this level of loss.

It can also be seen from this that the party that takes the initiative to attack actually has a certain degree of advantage. After switching to insects to take the initiative this time, they can use various types of attacks to test the defense of the strong elves. .

Attack is always easier than defense. Attacks with various attributes such as light, darkness, earth fire, and feng shui are released, and these attacks are different in their respective attributes, and the directions they target are hugely different. Likewise It's a violent explosion, and the shapes of the rushing waves are also different. Which of the same types of shields can protect them all?

The shields of the strong men of the elves were often broken. However, the number of powerful elves with shields on at the same time is relatively large. Even if one or two layers of shields are torn to pieces, subsequent shields will be quickly replenished.

Special types of attacks are indeed possible. The non-targeted shield caused considerable damage, but to the real strong men like the elves, it did not pose much of a threat.

The masters of the insects quickly discovered the problem. Their attacks were effective and indeed broke through the layers of shields. But this group of elves seems to be too strong. If you want to withstand their attacks, you must at least use a shield released by a strong person of the same level. After the shield is broken, it will be difficult to release the same shield within an hour or two.

It is necessary to slowly restore one's energy and rebuild the spell. However, in the past hour or two, the bugs have invested a lot of troops and have broken dozens of layers of shields. Each layer of shields is powerful at the spiritual level. Only those who can release the super shield are possible, but today's elves are still under protection, and the defense of these strong men is still extremely sufficient. In other words, there are at least dozens of powerful elves in the defense. This is really an exaggeration. Even in the ancient wars of all races, there were not many opportunities to find so many powerful people at the same time.

This number of spiritual powerhouses can already wipe out many small countries in an instant. As the Zerg continued to attack, they gradually discovered that there were probably more than a few dozen powerhouses of this level hidden in the formation. , the number may be even higher.

The current intensity of this attack is already the highest level that the strongest Zerg can achieve. If he knew that this was going to happen in advance and gave him enough preparation time, he might be able to prepare more suicide attack bugs and put them on the battlefield in a short time. Launch a sufficiently powerful attack within a limited time interval.

But the current raid was obviously beyond his expectation, and it was also beyond the expectations of most bugs. They expected the raid, but they never thought that the intensity of the raid could be so high, and they did not prepare a sufficient number of them. Bugs defend themselves.

With the continuous explosions, there was a burst of misfire after the end. Their reserves were used up, but the enemy's shield energy was still sufficient. There were still many masters who did not participate in the construction of the shield, and these masters were very fast. The place they passed turned into a death zone. This area is filled with powers of various attributes.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

The only thing these powers have in common is that they are extremely violent. Even if the attack has ended, the remnants of the attack remain in place. It will not dissipate in a short period of time, but will linger in this area, turning it into a restricted area for life.

Jason has not taken action personally so far. In fact, with his strength, one person can withstand the same level of attacks before. This is the meaning of a super strong person of a race. In theory, there should be strong people of this level among insects. Based on the probability, After all, such a huge race should give birth to one or two top-level experts.

At least Jason knew that there had been strong men of the same level as him who lived in the same era as him. It's just that those strong men were not as stubborn as him, and they were discovered by the Holy Throne. In the end, even if they used all their strength to resist, they were destroyed under a huge gap. There were at least two such people in the elves at the same time. In terms of level of strong people, although the Zerg tribe ranks slightly lower than the elves, there should be a strong person of this level at the same time.

But just like Jason, strong men of this level usually won't take action. Even if the race reaches a critical moment, they will probably not take the initiative to attack, because that will attract the attention of the Holy One, and they are likely to If he becomes the target of Holy Throne's attack, he may even risk his own life for his own race. Maybe he can be used during the war, but Holy Throne will not take action when he gets him.

But after he worked hard to win the war. After the safety of the race is guaranteed, it's time to get rid of the donkey.

Therefore, although the elven army is about to capture a large number of queens, it will cause a lot of irreparable losses to the Zerg. Still haven't been attacked by a strong man of this level.

All kinds of violent attacks hit the shield, but in the end there was nothing they could do, not even this group of elves.

The powerful attack from the rear of the Zerg also helped the elves to complete the cleaning work to a certain extent and wiped out all the surrounding bugs. Under that kind of range attack, the bugs' own bugs were not immune.

Only those queens were able to survive the explosion, and at this time they became polished commanders.

"You don't need to hold back. The harvest time has arrived. This round we can catch at least a dozen Zerg queens at the spiritual level. Don't fight for it. At this time, we must unite. Wait until we catch it and go back to discuss the dividends. Now everyone must cooperate as much as possible to prevent these bugs from escaping." Jason began to organize these masters. In fact, even without his organization, the cooperation between these masters is still tacit.

After all, everyone is now a worker, working for a super powerful mysterious existence. There is no longer much meaning in fighting for power and profit among each other. It is better to gather together and seek some benefits for ourselves.

At this time, many strong people have cooperated, responsible for the release of the shield and the capture of bugs. Under normal circumstances, if these strong people cooperate and do not do a good job in allocating work, everyone may give up defense when they reach this position. , focused on catching the Zerg, after all, he was worried that others would share the captured queen with him, but these people in front of him obviously did not have this problem.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

[To be continued]

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