Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 121 Application of Zerg

【Douluo Lives Long to See】  【】

Although the elves experienced super bombing again and again, all of this actually happened in a very short time. The entire raid process has only lasted for four or five hours so far.

Therefore, even if there was a crazy bombing and constantly mobilizing troops to reinforce, it was too late. The group was like crazy, trying to protect their queens, but in the end they failed.

Many elves with shields forcibly killed in front of the queen mother dynasty of the insect race, broke their last layer of defense, and then carried away all the insects inside. These elves are top masters and master powerful sealing techniques.

I saw all kinds of seals fall on these queens. The queens themselves have a certain combat power, but after losing the help of the insects, they have no resistance to so many elf masters. In addition, the queens rarely cooperate with each other. Even if they really cooperate on the battlefield, it is the troops under their command who cooperate in combat. There will be absolutely no cooperation between individual battles. Under the joint efforts of the elves, they were soon defeated one by one.

After completing this operation, the elves captured 21 top queens, each of which was equivalent to a spiritual master. It was a considerable loss for the Zerg, but a huge gain for the masters of the elves.

Each of these queens can be taken back and forced to sign a contract, and each of them can become their super production base, building a huge and prosperous territory for them.

In fact, after he began to break out, they had already arranged pioneering tasks for them in the outer plane, allowing them to build their own super country in the other world.

The other world also has its own indigenous creatures, and there are also very intelligent beings among these indigenous creatures. To put it bluntly, they were the prehistoric races that drifted to the other world because of accidental falls into space cracks, including humans. They established their own kingdoms in these other worlds, some of which are already very prosperous, while others are still in the barbaric stage, the kind of feudal era.

If the insects join in, the powerful productivity of the queen can make a different world prosper rapidly.

After signing the contract, the captured Zerg queens will be sent to the largest alien worlds for development.

The largest alien world is not a single one or two life planets, but an entire galaxy. In this entire galaxy, there are countless life planets, and only the existence of the Zerg queen has a strong enough production capacity to develop such a huge alien world.

The elf warriors' breakout was not greatly hindered. They showed extremely high speed in the process of breaking through with the Zerg queens. In the process of attacking, they also need to break through the defense of the mother nest and find the location of the queen.

But in the process of escaping, these are not needed. You just need to hold your own shield and then speed up. Many elf warriors gathered together and used only one shield. The coverage range was only a hundred meters. They flew at a very high speed in the air, reaching dozens of times the speed of sound. Everyone involved in this action is a super strong, so they will not fall behind.

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[Douluo Lives Long]  [】

Break through the Zerg blockade at a very high speed in the bombardment and come to the outer area. This is already the territory of the Elf Empire. The attacks of the insects cannot reach here, and in this area, some strong men have already left the Elf Expeditionary Force and returned to the Elf Territory.

There are special passages to other worlds in the territory of the Empire, and they are carrying these newly captured queens to these other worlds for development.

These queens can indeed be used on the battlefield to subdue the Zerg, but to be honest, the effect of using them on the reorganized battlefield is not good. To be precise, the significance of using a large number of queens on the same battlefield is actually not great.

The abilities of a single queen are actually the same. The number of ordinary soldiers they can create is almost unlimited as long as there are enough resources. What limits the number of troops controlled by each of them is actually the number of highly intelligent insects under their command.

It is very easy to create a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, but it is not easy to create highly intelligent bugs, even for queens. However, if it is in the army of the elves, this problem does not exist at all.

Each elf is equivalent to a highly intelligent bug. If it can reach the wisdom of ordinary humans and ordinary elves, it can be regarded as a high-level wisdom, and it can be used as the commander of a large number of bugs.

In this way, the number of troops that a queen can command is almost unlimited. It is completely possible to leave only one queen, and then carry out technological transformation and magical upgrades, and then put it into the battlefield as a miscellaneous soldier.

As for the real confrontation of the main combat power, it still depends on the real masters of the elves. At this level of battle, the number of miscellaneous soldiers is not very meaningful, and the effect of having more queens is not much improved.

It is better to take advantage of this opportunity and put the captured queen into the other world behind for development. In this process, a large amount of resources can be exchanged. Relying on these resources, the elves can build more war weapons and continue the war. Continue to implement it and give the bugs an even harder blow.

Another world... The Queen of Insects who has signed a contract can be almost completely trusted, and the first other world to be developed as a pilot was a relatively wild other world, where a large number of orcs and elves lived. However, they no longer have much to do with the Elf Empire and the Orc Empire. They have lived in this other world for too long, and they have long forgotten about the outside world. They have established their own United Kingdom and established their own feudal society. Civilization has its own city.

In the elves' development of other worlds, the attitude towards the aborigines is actually quite good, as long as they are willing to participate in the existing elven social system, receive a certain level of basic education, and become a qualified industrial population .

However, as the Zerg Queen joined the other world, the style of this world began to change. Originally, the elves dominated the world. Even if the elves had great magic, it would take quite a lot of effort to transform the world. It took a short period of time, but now that the Queen of Insects has joined, their transformation of the world can be said to be immediate.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

A huge and prosperous city can be built in this world in a short time. Although the things made by bugs are all biochemical products, they do not necessarily look like biochemical paintings. If certain modifications are made, they will look like technological products. There is no difference.

The addition of the Zerg Queen was not made public, but began its own construction secretly.

The first is the construction of roads. This different world is still a planet, and most living things live on the largest continent on this planet. Before the elves discovered this place, this world was divided into several countries. , and the elves helped them unify and turned this place into their own colony.

It's just that because the elves control too many different worlds and there are too many such colonies, the elves do not have that large population willing to do so. Come to this remote alien world to build.

So it is a colony in name, but the total elven population here may only be a few thousand people. There are many other worlds like this. With just a few thousand, even if everyone has the power of magic, they want to control this world. There is still a long way to go to complete the construction. Even if there is a strong spiritual person, it will take a lot of time to be responsible for the construction of this world.

Under this situation, the meaning of the Queen of Insects is much greater. During the process of road construction on this continent, a large number of engineering insects were created. They are good at digging tunnels, and after carrying out magic and technology After the transformation, the tunnels they dug began to become standardized underground passages. Special bugs carrying earth magic were used to harden the roads in the tunnels.

In this way, the tunnel will become very strong, and the walls will become as hard as stone. Then the insects that carry out technological transformation will lay the smelted steel in the pipes to build a network of layers of pipes, and weld the steel plates. , completely seal the underground passage.

After the construction of each pipeline is completed, these pipelines will be completely sealed and the interior will be evacuated. The magnetic levitation facilities laid in the pipelines will allow the trains running in these pipelines to float in mid-air.

When flying suspended in a vacuum, the resistance it encounters is almost zero, and the power required for propulsion is minimal, allowing it to accelerate to extremely fast speeds.

It may only take ten minutes to reach two places hundreds of kilometers apart, and such pipelines are being rapidly built across the entire continent, all over the world. With the help of the Queen, a network transportation system is quickly being built. , in the future, as long as this transportation network is used, both people and goods can reach any place on this continent within an hour.

In this case, there will be a general illusion that the whole world is connected. The speed of express delivery will increase from a week or four or five days in normal rail transit and car transportation to only a few days. If you are willing to pay a little more for takeout, you can even order takeout from the next city. The specialties of any city can be easily transported between different cities.

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[See you soon Douluo] []

This is just the change brought about by the road. The Queen is also very good at the transformation and construction of the planet's surface. It is easy for her to just transform a planet.

The first thing to solve is the energy problem. Although this kind of rail transit is very fast, it requires extremely huge energy. It is necessary to keep the superconducting materials in the car energized at all times, and at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the vacuum is always maintained in the channel and constantly pumped out. of gas, and it is also necessary to ensure that the vehicle can levitate even with a huge load.

These various requirements require huge amounts of electrical energy, and bugs use energy very efficiently. They can build light energy collection facilities one after another, and their use efficiency of light energy can exceed anything else. Plants, like the most high-tech solar panels, can absorb solar energy with extremely high efficiency and convert it into the electrical energy needed on this planet.

In this process, the solar energy collection facilities all over the planet can be constructed in a very short time. In addition to this energy converted into electrical energy, this planet also requires a large amount of extraordinary power. Power can float in the atmosphere, but it needs to be collected by an extraordinary person before it can be used.

In theory, this collection work can also be left to the disciples. The extraordinary person only needs to reach out to the fixed extraordinary energy supply point in the city and absorb the extraordinary power. This absorption speed is faster than theirs. It is obviously much faster to do the extraction yourself slowly.

After depleting the extraordinary power in your body, it only takes a few minutes to replenish the extraordinary power in your body.

Even if you are practicing, you can go to a special high-pressure spiritual energy room to practice. When practicing in such a room, the speed of practice can be very fast, and the density of the extraordinary power existing inside is also very high, which is difficult for any practitioner. The coveted practice place. Of course, this kind of practice place also requires a certain amount of extraordinary power to be used.

This is also a kind of mobilization of the subjective initiative of the local aboriginal people. Although the Queen has ultra-high-speed thinking like a computer, she still needs many subordinate nodes, and the number of intelligent bugs she created is limited. The queen's consumption is also very high.

Because of this, it is best for these lower-level nodes to be served by intelligent creatures that exist in this world. Therefore, although the Queen provides almost everything needed to survive in this world, and can maintain it at very low cost, Intelligent creatures still have to pay a considerable price for their living environment, and work hard to build this planet for these costs.

After ensuring transportation and energy, even if this world was only in the Middle Ages, it could develop those detailed things at a very high speed. The Queen would not personally carry out the construction, which would be a huge consumption of his brain power. , he will only send his own bugs as the engineering team, and let the local intelligent creatures take command and complete the final construction.

[To be continued]

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