Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 136 Point Accumulation

The half-beaten archer was forced into the shop. At least fighting is prohibited here. He is just delivering food when he is seriously injured.

After arriving here, he finally began to carefully observe the appearance of the store. There were a dazzling array of magic props in the store, and many of these things could be found in the system.

The sales prices marked above are much cheaper than those in the system. Most of them are equivalent to a 20% discount, and a few are even equivalent to a 50% discount.

This is already a very generous price for this group of killers who lick blood from their swords. Before that, he just wanted to hide here, but now after seeing these products, he is really moved. If he can buy the products here, his strength will definitely be greatly improved.

With my current points, I originally had my eye on a bow in the system. But he couldn't afford the system at all. Although it was not particularly expensive, every point had to be obtained by killing people. At his level, if he wanted to get a lot of points, he had to kill the same person. The level is even higher, that is the battle of life and death.

Moreover, they are not at the top of the food chain, and will be hunted by higher powerhouses, so his current points are far from enough, but if he buys from this store, it seems to be enough, which makes him I'm a little excited, but I'm also worried that the owner of this store is cheating.

"What are you worried about? If I really want to do something to you, wouldn't it be better to just beat you to death? If I kill you, I can also get a lot of points, although it is more than the points you have stored. It’s less, but it’s not much different. To me, those points don’t matter at all.” A big sister in a sweatshirt came out from behind the counter, sending out a powerful message, even though there were numbers on her head. It's only nine, but it gives the archer an uncontestable feeling.

"Look at this bow. You have been looking at it here for a long time. This is an upgraded version of the one in the system. Not only does it have all the abilities in the system, it also has a storage tank that can use your extraordinary power to Inject it into it, and it will store energy in the process, and it can be released directly when used.

It has greatly improved the battery life. In addition, there are also aiming spells and tracking spells that allow your keys to automatically track the target and control the flight trajectory. If you can do this purely through archery, it is actually It's quite difficult. "

The archer was really moved by what he said. If he could buy this bow and arrow, and if the shop owner didn't lie to others, then he could go out and kill everyone. The ones he couldn't kill before were killed again. Now you can kill all the people you hate.

Thinking of this, he was ready to give it a try. Although it would consume a lot of his points and would almost deplete his savings, from what he had seen so far, it didn't look like the shop owner was lying to him. .

Especially this one that the company allowed him to play with or experiment with. After trying it out, he found that it had almost no difference from the real effect. It's even really easier to use than the one in the system.

Finally, he strengthened his confidence and spent almost all his points to buy this weapon.

It's a pity that this store doesn't charge for used weapons. The one he replaced couldn't be sold, but he also came up with an idea and set up a stall next to the shop. Since fighting is not allowed here, it is obviously a very suitable place to conduct transactions.

He put the weapon up for sale here. Then move a small bench here and sit on it. While waiting for his injury to recover, he also waited for the buyer to arrive.

He knew that many people also coveted his previous weapon. If you really want to sell it, it's not difficult. The main thing is that the buyer and seller cannot trust it. If they could grab it, who would buy it? After handing the weapon to someone, they won't give you any money. Or if you just pay a deposit, take the weapon and run away, what should you do?

Or if there is any news from the other party after paying the deposit, it is also troublesome. Only in such a relatively peaceful environment, it is more reliable to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand.

Just like this, a large amount of money was put into the account, and Cheng Ying's weapons store was officially opened that day. He put up such an arrogant advertisement in the sky, and almost everyone in the city knew where his store was. People came one after another, and they were photographed on the ground by the court arranged here. They realized that they could not be arrogant here, even the strongest person in this area, a great man with legendary strength who exceeded level 80. After arriving in this area, everyone behaved honestly.

This also made the strong men in this area realize that there are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the world, so they started trading here honestly.

During the process, they discovered that the price of magic props here was much lower than outside, and the same was true for technological props. The price given by the system was actually quite low, but it was still far behind compared to the price here.

So much so that the vast majority of killers choose to purchase their weapons and equipment here. Not only that, they also found that the consumables here are actually cheaper than those sold in the space system, such as bullets, arrows, darts, and bombs. These items are very commonly used in battles, and their consumption is usually Quite big.

Some disposable props with special effects are quite expensive, and many of them are not willing to be exchanged in the space system.

But here, most of them are sold at half price or even below half price, especially some technological props, which are priced even lower.

This system is really very unscrupulous in pricing some things. For example, a hydrogen bomb costs millions of points, which is even enough to customize a legendary weapon.

But if you have mastered the relevant industrial technology and can buy and use the raw materials yourself, the cost of making a hydrogen bomb may be only a few thousand points. Of course, this requires highly skilled engineers and considerable initial investment, but the order of magnitude of the price difference is too large. You only need to sell a few to make back the cost. The rest is all pure profit.

Chengying is already. A factory has been built under this weapon store, which has magic props and technological production lines. Many of these disposable props can be manufactured in large quantities, cheap nuclear bombs, cheap missiles. Cheap magic bows and arrows, cheap special bullets, are all produced in an assembly line here.

Almost baskets were moved out. Those who had not seen the production efficiency here could not understand why the things they bought were so cheap.

But since there was this opportunity, everyone was frantically buying, fearing that the merchant would go bankrupt due to losses during their rush to buy.

As these people passed by like yellow worms and left like yellow worms, their equipment had been updated and completely exceeded the existing level. They were all strong men with top-level equipment.

Although their own strength had not improved much, relying on the bonus of equipment, their combat effectiveness had almost doubled, and the battle in the block became more fierce. However, after discovering that each other's weapons had been upgraded, the people who could not beat them before still could not beat them. The original helpless existence was still helpless, so their battle in the block gradually subsided and began to attack others.

The space at the moment is quite huge. This area constructed by the old city is just the tip of the iceberg. Because it is more suitable for the survival of various intelligent creatures, it is occupied by the strong here. Other areas also have such overlords. If there is no such existence, it will definitely be swept away and harvested.

After upgrading a round of equipment, they have a great advantage when facing the strong people of the same level, and the next scene is obviously inhumane. Many mages directly drive mechas and hold magic wands. The painting style is broken. The mechas give them the ability to move at high speed and a very strong combat power in close combat. The magic wands are also made of top-grade materials and have powerful power.

If they cooperate well with each other, they can even show several times the power.

After the surrounding areas were beaten, some people also found out why these people suddenly became stronger. There is a newly opened weapon store, and the weapons sold in it are much cheaper than those in the system.

Naturally, some people began to be reluctant to enter this area. As more and more such people came, the original aboriginals in this urban area gradually couldn't defend their own territory.

After all, everyone has to eat meat, and it is impossible for you to monopolize it. At this time, the smart ones no longer stick to their own territory, but start smuggling and make a profit as middlemen. In this process, a considerable number of people have become rich and achieved point freedom.

Of course, there is still a huge gap between their so-called point freedom and the real unlimited points. It can only be said that they are extremely powerful in the current level. If they want to exchange for innate spiritual treasures, they are still far away. If it weren't for the fact that tens of billions of points were too much for him, Chengying would not have thought of this method.

Now it seems that the effect is quite good. As this group of smugglers began to use their brains, the daily sales volume is also increasing. If those smugglers can take advantage of this opportunity to achieve wealth freedom, then as the manufacturer of all magic props, Chengying is now rich enough to rival a country.

His points have expanded to the point where they need to be calculated using scientific and technological methods. After reaching this point, he can already access some natural treasures. However, he does not intend to exchange these things.

What he wants to exchange is an innate spiritual treasure, and it is a very powerful one among the innate spiritual treasures.

Although everything in this space is fake, even the innate spiritual treasure cannot play a real role.

But there are fakes, and the usage is fake. At least the functions shown in this space are real. Although they cannot be used outside this space, if they are used for something other than fighting, the effect obtained may not be taken out.

The innate spiritual treasure that Chengying wants most now is the Haotian Mirror. This thing is the innate spiritual treasure owned by Tiantiansheng of the Shiri Tribe.

It is also one of the most tragic figures on the road to human rise. In the end, it did not become the ultimate, which can be said to be quite miserable. As his half-life innate spiritual treasure, theoretically, it is impossible for others to obtain it.

But in this space, as long as there are enough points, it can be exchanged, and it has no connection with the innate spiritual treasure body in the outside world.

Therefore, it may not be impossible to exchange it, at least the Haotian Mirror can be found in the exchange list.

It's just that the number of points required is still an astronomical figure for Cheng Ying now. He has indeed been able to access the innate spiritual treasure, but it is only the lowest level of existence, such as fragments of the innate spiritual treasure, or It is an integral part of a complete set of innate spiritual treasures.

Since these things cannot be taken out, it would be of little significance to him to redeem them. He does not lack combat power now, and he will redeem these things when he needs enough combat power to deal with troublesome enemies.

What he exchanged for points now was more materials, and he used these materials to make powerful magic props. If you sell it, the profit will be hundreds or thousands of times.

And as his fame gradually grows, the weapons he sells gradually do not match those in the space system. Instead, he customizes their own magic props according to the strong men of various types, or creates It is a more powerful prop than most of the magic props in the space system. Although there is no price in the space system as a reference, its price is definitely cheaper than the space system.

If these top-notch magic props he created appeared in the space system, their prices would definitely be more expensive.

After gradually coming into contact with the high-end market, Cheng Ying's daily income will gradually increase. However, if he continues to accumulate at this rate, it will probably take him decades to obtain the Haotian Mirror. This time is already considered a long time for him. It's quite a long time, but in Boluo Ge's opinion, it is simply perfect to be able to experience the experimental experience of the top ten innate spiritual treasures in such a short period of time.

You know, there are countless powerful people who have never even touched the innate spiritual treasure. One can imagine how valuable this kind of thing is, being able to hold the top ten innate spiritual treasures in one's hands and play with it. And there is almost no need to pay any price. You only need to pay a batch of points to buy it out in one go.

This experience alone is extremely valuable. Even if any enhancement of the innate spiritual treasure cannot fall on oneself, it is still worth it. What does a mere few decades mean?

[To be continued]

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